225618 • -• � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEHK ' 1�►'l.d-.9 � , r CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO '� "''`�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -`� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r�ES�re� eY � October 6. 1965 COMMISSIONE DATF , RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the awaxd. of the Contract Cvmmittee therefor and hereby awards contract for f�arnishing all l.a.bor, materials, equi.pment and services necessary for or reasonably incidental to the �?'�lacement of the built-up roofin�, incl.uding �la.shing and cant strips and the insta,lla,tion of rigid insul.ation and overPlvw scupper at Fire 5ta,tion No. 11, 676 Bec�ora,, Saint � Paul, Minnesota -to TFiE QU.INIBY COMPANY in accorda,nce with City pl.ans and specifications � therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid �1�+63 of said The Quimby Co�cpaY�y for the contra,ct price of $2,546.00, such bid being the lower and said The Quimby Compa�y being a reasonable and `reliable bidder, ,and the Corporation Coun.sel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City o�ficials hereby axe authvrized to execute said contract on behalf of the City ; of Saint Paul. � Formai sia #i�+63. , . r" � COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council ���-`�19fi519- � Yeas Nays Dalglish � 0�' �.9 1965 Holland � Approved 19— Loss � Tn Favor a.Me�edit� Peterson v Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis IpUB�$�{,� o6iT �� � 1oM b64 DUrLIWT[TO MINT[R ♦ � r CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �2s.�'��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�« NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM rRESENTED�Y Oc�tob�r 6, 1965 COMMISSIONE� DA� I�SO�, �hs,t �e council hereby �rove� the �rard, oP t,� cc�ltr�,ct oaa�l.ttee therePox �nd hereby �� vontra,ct Por �urn.ishing �,Ll. I�,t�or, �at�ri�,ls, �qui�nt and s�r�ces nec�ssaxy �'or or r�asos�ab�y inc3c'ien�.7. to �the �p].a�e�nt o�' the bu�lt-up rooPing, includ3.ng �7.�$hi.ng �nd e�ut str3pe� an�. �he ins�l7.�tion of rigid. tneulat.iw�. �,nd ov�rPlc�r �cu�per �,� F3re sta,t�on Fo. ]3., 67� B�ord, s�,in� P�,ul, K3nneso-ta -to � qUII�B7[ �lFANY 9.n �,ccor8.�,ace taith Ci�ty p7a�s �,nc� �ecS�ica,t3on� the�fQr herato �.tt�.ck�e�. and -rh� �or�.i. �'!.d �1�63 0� �,id Tla� 4u�by Ca�pa�r �'or the contract prtce crP �2,�46.00, �u,ch bid being t�e la��rer an�. �a'!d 'i�e Qtii.�bY ��P� beirig �, x�o�,b7.� �t1�. r�IjabLe bidder, ead the Cor,por�t3cm Caunsel ba e�ud he�by �.s directed to dra�r t� '�e prape� �ora of co�ntract therefor, �nd the �ra�3r City o�'ficials hereby a,re a�ut$or���c7. 't�o execu�e s�.td coa�.tract v�n beh�,.tt' oP �the flity oP �,iat P�ul. , �'onn�.l. Ri.d �1�F63. OCT 19 19fib COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���T 1919� Dalglish Holland Approvpcl 19— Loss Tn F'SV02' t'IvI�lT�— Peterson � MAyor Rosen Ag�$t Mr. President, Vavoulis ioDS e�as