225613 J _ —. � �— � _ � OrlrInal to City Clerk ^� � �- R D I N A N C E . 225�13 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY r ORDINANCE NO. ���� AN ORDINANCE �E3`�LIAtG THE CyAIM OF MO�ORS INSURAIJEE CORPORATION ON B�IALF OF ITS INSZTAED, �0�� RINISH� ACAINS� 3'HE CITY OF SAINT PA�3L. 3'I� COHIQCIL OI' � �ITY OF SAINT PAIII� DOES ORDAIN: �ection 1. That �he proper City officers are hereby au�horized �o pay out of t�e J�dgment and Comp�omise Fund, to Motors Insuran�e Goraporation a.�d its insured, bois Rinish, the sum of $106.27, in full settlement of their elaim for damages sustained on or abont July 1, 1965, as more partieularly aet out in_ a communication to the City Counail on July 15, 1965. Seation 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimants upon their exeQUtion a.r�d delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sus�ained i� the ma.r�er aforeeaid. Section 3. Tha� this ordinance sha,11 take effect and be in force thirty days after_�its paasage, approval and publieation. , . �IpV 3 19�5 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed bq the Counc>> • Dalglish �J Hollanci � Tri Favor Loss Peterson � A�3 t ,� Rosen NO + Mr. Presid nt Vav s) Approved: Attest: � � � , City Clerk � r ' lhz s-s2 �ZZ ' Form approved Corporation Counsel By �I$ ED NOV 6 1965 Daplleab to Prtnter � � ��� ORDINANCE �����3 � COUNCIL FILE NO. � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. �� � AN ORDINANCE SE'�LIIJC} THF CLAIM OF MOTORS INSURANC£ CORPORATION ON B�HAT�F OF ITS INSURED, LOIS RINISH A(�AINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINs Seetion 1. �t the praper City officers are hereby authorized �o pay out af the Judgment and Compromiae Fund, to Motora Inauranee Corporation and its insured, Lois Rinieh, �he sum of $106.27, in full settlement of their cla,�.m for damagee sustained on or about July l, 1g65, as more particularly set out in a communioation to the Citg Council on July ].5, 1g65. Seetion 2. That eaid aum ahali be paid to the said e].aimanta upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counael, for all dam.ages austained in the manner aforeeaid. Seation 3. That thi9 ordina.nce shall take effeat and be in force �hirty daya after..°its passage, approval and publication. N OV 3 1965 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Dalglish � Holland �o`�� Tr Favor Loss. �� Peterson c"� Aroainst Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) NOV � �p� Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 'ns 8�2 �2z Form approved Corporation Counsel By si�nonn^}uap�sa�d •ry� si�nonn^ �uapisa�d •� � (� l �SOa � .,.uss�. v � uos�a;ad� uos�a�ad , "��'�'���YV� . "�!�'�W �o,�����z� �no, punpo� puv��oH 1�S1���D� 4SI�6�DQ s�to�,J sva,� sdnN sna,� �' // Pa�dopy ��'' o •ddo puo p�g o��a�o p►Q� -'�- ;, �� � P�'Z Q / !SL