06-265Council File #
Presented By:
Referred To:
Green Sheet #
� -a�s
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs authority to implement the attached agreement
with the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (PHA) to continue the A Community Outreach
Program (ACOP) from April 1, 2006, through March 31, 2007; and
WHEREAS, since 1991 the PHA and the City of Saint Paul have collaborated to provide the community
policing program known as ACOP to create a drug- and crime-free environment for the safety and
protection of residents, employees, and visitors in public housing developments; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the CiTy Council authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter into,
and Chief John Harrington to implement the attached agreement with PHA which includes an
indemnificafion clause. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on File and on record in the Of£ce of
Financial Services.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date: �j�/�/����1
Adoption Certified by Co�tcil Secretary:
By: . o�
Approved by�A�'�yo •: Date: � — « —b �
Q:\FiscalWO&CR�2006W COP.cr.2006.x1s
Appro d b Ma or for Sub ssion to Council:
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
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DepartmenUoffice/council: Datelnitiated: ��
PD — P�����v��t 23-FEB-06 Green Sheet NO: 3029813
ConWCt Person & Phone: Deoartrnent Sent To Person InitiallDate
Chief John Hartington � 0 li D rhnent -
2665588 pu� 1 oGce De arhnent De artme t Direc[or
Must Be on Council0.geoda by (Date): Number Z • Attome ✓
Routing 3 or's O%ce Ma od sistant
Order 4 ounc"1
5 i C erk Ci lerk
ToWI # of Signature Pages 1 (Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of the attached council resolution authorizing the Ciry of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attached agreement
with the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (PHA).
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY7
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curtent city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Authorization is needed to enter into an agreement with the PHA to provide services for the A Community Ouueach Program (ACOP)
from April 1, 2006, through Mazch 31, 2007. For more information regarding this agreement please give Amy Brown a call at 651-266-
Ability to continue the ACOP program, a collaboration behveen the City of Saint Paul and PHA to provide a commumty policing
program Imown as ACOP to create a drug-crime-free environment far the safety and protection of residents, employees, and visitors in
public housing developments. 4
DisadvantaAes If Approved: I
- , , — - - �
- -
DisadvantageslfNOtApproved: '
Lost opportunity to work with PHA to provide the ACOP program. �•:`r �; _, ,_�, „. „
���$�� � F �E
TotalAmountof See Attached CosURevenueBudgeted:
Transaction: � ,..w
Fundinq Source: See attaChed. Activitv Number. 04100 L �vtU
Financial Infwmation: MAR � 1 20a6
� (Explain) ��y°�� ��f�t��w<'.�% t�,.°'�z��>
�� - ��s
Contract No. 06064
Service Provider
Tl�is Contract is made and entered into this 1s` day of Apri12006 by and between the
CITY OF SAINT PAUL ("Cit}�'), acting by and through its DEPARTMENT OF
POLICE ("Police DepartmenY') for the provision of specific police services to improve
the safety, security and livability of the PHA's public housing properties.
WHEREAS, since 1991 the PHA and the City have collaborated to provide the
community policing program lrnown as A Community Outreach Program ("ACOP") to
create a drug- and crime-free environment and to provide for the safety and protection of
residents, employees and visitors in public housing developments; and
WHEREAS, the PHA desires to continue the ACOP program; and
WHEREAS, the City, by and through its Police Department, desires to assist in tl�e effort
by providing effecrive police services at PHA locations;
NOW, THEREFORE, the PHA and the City agree as follows:
Section 1. Scope of Services Provided by the City
The City agrees that the services rendered by the personnel assigned to the ACOP unit
under this Contract (licensed, sworn police officers and non-sworn civilian employees)
aze in addition to baseline police services, and that routine police patrol and response to
911 calls in public housing developments will continue to be the responsibility of other
Police Department personnel normally assigned to such duties in their areas. The level of
these and other baseline police services will not be reduced.
The duties and extent of services of the Police Department shall inciude, but shall not be
lunited to:
A. The City, by and through its Police Department, will assign one police officer of
at least the rank of sergeant and additional police officers and civilian staff to
perform specialized patrols to enforce all state and local laws and the PHA rules
specified in this Contract. Sworn officers shall at all times remain part of, subject
to and in direct relationship with the Police DepartmenYs chain of command and
under Police Deparhnent rules, regula6ons and standard operating procedures.
B. The City agrees to assign police officers to tazgeted azeas during specified periods
of fime identified by the PHA and agreed upon by the Police Department.
C. The City agrees that the Police Department will empioy a community policing
concept and that ACOP personnel will be based at PHA locations as mutually
agreed between the PHA and the Police Department. The City further agrees that
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the Police Department will develop and maintain communications with residents
and will assist in developing or enhancing crime prevention pro�ams in public
housing communities.
D. The City agrees to collect and provide police workload data in public housing
development and crime statistics, subject to federal and Minnesota state laws.
This Contract provides sufficient basis for the exchange between the City and the
PHA of data and information described in the Contract. A request for information
or data outside of the scope of this Contract shall be in writin�.
E. It is further agreed that, upon proper notice but without necessity of a subpoena,
police personnel will appear as witnesses in the PHA's admiuistrative grievance
procedure, civil dispossessory hearings, or other civil or court proceedings where
the issue includes criminal or quasi-criminal conduct on or neaz public housirig
property involving any resident, member of a residenY s household, or any guest
or guests of a resident or household member, or where the issue includes any
criminal or quasi-crirninal conduct offpublic housing property involving any
resident or member of a residenYs household.
F. Without limiting any of the foregoing, the City agrees that with respect to the
services to be performed by any police personnel in accordance with this
Contract, the appropriate Police Department Officer or Supervisor will meet with
resident leadership and management representatives of the PHA on a routine basis
for the purposes of reviewing the enforcement and prevention efforts and
planning for future changes or modificarions anticipated by this Contract. These
meerings shall occur at least quarterly.
G. The City agrees that Police Deparhnentpersonnel assigned to the ACOP unit
work exclusively on public housing related matters, unless they aze needed by the
Police Department as additional support in an emergency siluation.
H. The City agrees that it will provide the assigned personnel with such basic
equipment and vehicles as may be necessary and reasonable in order to allow the
police officers to carry out the duties an6cipated under this Contract. Any
additional motor vehicles, bicycles or other equipment which aze requested by and
aze furnished at the expense of the PHA shall remain the property of the PHA.
The PHA and City may mutually agree to lease equipment or vehicles.
I. The Police Deparirnent will provide at a uiiniuium sixteen (16) hours of traiuiug
on community relations and interpersonal communications skills to new staff
assigned to ACOP.
J. The Police Deparhnent shall designate a command officer as the Administrarive
Liaison Officer, who will work in concert with the Executive Director of the PHA
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or fhat official's designee. The Administrative Liaison Officer may be the same
person as the officer of the rank of sergeant or lugher, as required by Section l.A.
The Administrarive Liaison Officer will perform the following dufies:
Coordinate the dissemination and processing of police and security reports
in accordance with federal and Minnesota state laws, provide supervisory
assistance, and coordinate in resolving problems or carrying out the
provisions of this Contract;
2. Establish and maintain an ongoing line of communication with Police
Department commanders and other police personnel;
3. Prepare quarterly prog�ress reports and evaluations of services requested
and provided under this Contract for review by the Executive Director, the
Police Chief, appropriate Deputy Chiefs and Police Department
commanders and others as may be requested by the Executive Director or
that officiai's designee;
4. Initiate and monitor ongoing lines of communication with PHA staff and
resident leaders to effectively employ the community policing concept and
to address in a timely manner concerns raised by community leaders;
Assure that he or she or a designee will attend Resident Council meetings
as requested by the PHA;
6. Assist ar advise in the planniug and implementation of other security
programs within the PHA; and
Establish a clearly defined process for reporting to the PHA staff non-
emergency cruuinal activities, which shall include prompt reports,
including "calls for service" reports by Police Department staff, in
accordance with federal and Minnesota state laws, of criminal activities on
PHA property, to facilitate appropriate response and tracking of such
Section 2. Scope of Services Provided by the PHA
A. The PHA will provide training, where appropriate, to ACOP personnel on public
housing management issues and will assist the Police Deparhnent in providing
traiiung to residents and PHA staff on community policing and crime prevention
issues associated with public housing. This training shall include, but not be
lunited to, the following:
1. Crime prevention and security responsibilities;
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2. Community organization/mobilization against the causes of and precursors
to crune;
3. Drug awareness and control;
4. Orientation and familiarization with the public housing communities for
the assigned officers; and
5. Orientation to the lease contract, and lease compliance enforcement
procedures and policies.
B. The PHA will provide the following in-kind accommodations, services and
Accommodations — The PHA will provide suitable space to be used as
office space at locations as mutually agreed upon between the PHA and
the Police Department.
2. Services — Office space provided by the PHA will be supplied with all
utilities except telephone. The PHA also shall provide all labor,
equipment and materials necessary to provide routine maintenance and
repair service to maintain the space in good working order, including
maintenance and repair of electrical, plumbing, sanitary, hearing,
ventilating and other facilities and appliances supplied by the PHA.
3. Equipment — Office space provided by the PHA will be supplied with
other additionai equipment mutuaily agreed upon in connection with the
performance of this Contract.
4. Modification/Damage — The PHA will make reasonable modifications,
including minor structural, electrical and mechanical changes to the
accommodations provided in order to meet the City's operational needs.
Any damage to the unit or equipment provided by the PHA for City
employees, wluch the PHA determines to be above normal wear for the
item or accommodation, shall be repaired or replaced by the City at the
discretion of the PHA.
C. The PHA shall adopt policies and procedures requiring its staff to promptly report
to the Police Department any criminal activities occurring on PHA property, to
facilitate appropriate response to and traclang of such acrivities.
D. The PHA reserves the ri„vht to reasonably request the Police Depariment to
replace any ACOP personnel for the following reasons:
l. Neglect or non-performance of duties;
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2. Disorderly conduct, use of abusive or offensive language, or fighting;
Criminal action;
4. Selling, consnmiug, possessing or being under the influence of intoxicants,
including alcohol or illegal substances, while on assi,arunent to the PHA;
5. Substantiated complaints from public housing residents or management.
The PHA shall provide written enumeration of the reasons for the request
for the replacement of the ACOP personnel, including documentation and
witnesses to the alleged behaviors.
E. The PHA will provide the City with the applicable PHA rules and regulations for
compliance with this contract.
Section 3. Enforcement of Rules and Regulations
A: The Police Department is hereby empowered to enforce the following PHA rules
and regulations:
Authorized to remove unauthorized visitors in unoccupied structures of
the PHA.
2. Authorized to remove tmauthorized visitors on PHA property who are
creating a disturbance or othersvise interfering with the peaceful
enjoyment of other PHA residents.
3. Authorized to remove and/or bring criminal enforcement actions against
unauthorized visitors who are desiroying, defacing or removing PHA
With regard to the foregoing rules and regulations, the Police Department
is hereby authorized, on behalf of the PHA, to give criminal trespass
wanungs to any persons deemed to be in violation of the rules or
regulations, that is, to give notice to any violators that their enhy on the
property or premises is forbidden, and to arrest or cause the arrest and
prosecution of any violators, when appropriate.
B. The Police Department is also authorized to enforce the pazldng provisions of
Saint Paul Legislative Code, Section 157.20, Publie Housing Agency of the City
of Saint Paul — Pazking Restrictions.
C. The Police Department is hereby empowered to have removed any and ali
vehicles found pazked in violation of said rule or regulation, pursuant to
established City procedure for nnpounding vehicles.
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D. The Police Department is hereby empowered to enforce such additional PHA
rules and regulations and perform such other duties as shali be specified in any
addenda attached hereto or incorporated herein now or in the future.
E. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as permitting or authorizing police
officers to use any method or to act in any manner in violation of law or their
sworn obligation as police officers.
Section 4. Communications, Reportiug and Evaluation
A. Communications — Access to Information. The City agrees that the PHA will
have unrestricted access to all public inforxnation, in accordance with federal and
Minnesota state laws, which in any way deals with criminal activity in any of the
PHA's communities. Such information includes information made public
pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act or any other law
making information public or accessible to the PHA. It is further agreed that the
Police Department will provide to the PHA copies of such public incident reports,
arrest reports or other public documents which document or substantiate actual or
potential criminal activity in or connected with the public housing developments
in accordance with federal and Minnesota state laws. This information will be
provided at no cost by the Police Department on a regulaz basis in accordance
with specific procedures that have been or wili be established.
B. Reporting. The Police Deparhnent will provide reports, in accordance with
federal and Minnesota state laws, to the PHA describing the activities supported
by PHA funds. These reports may be provided monthly, quarterly or as otherwise
requested by the PHA and may include the following data:
1. Hours worked: foot, bicycle, motorized, other
2. Calls/requests for service
3. Referrals to City/PHA/agencies
4. Suspicious persons — name and description
5. Vehicles abandoned/towed/stolen
Drug paraphernalia confiscated/found
Arrests/citations of both residents and outsiders to include age, sex,
Property recovered/stolen
Advise residents and visitors
Hazardous or quality of life issues in the area such as broken lights
Conflict resolution; e.g., resolved apparent or actual conflict between two
or more people
13. Vehicle license number of suspicious persons
14. Weapons violations/seized
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C. Media Coordination. 'I'he Police Deparhnent will relay to the Executive Director
or his designee information related to any major crime or incident that occurs on
PHA property, preferably before the media is informed or as soon as possible, in
accordance with federal and Minnesota state laws.
D. Evaluation. The City and the PHA shall cooperate on future evaluations of the
community policing program in public housin�.
Section 5. Plan of Operation
The Police Departsnent and the PHA shall continue to administer the ACOP community
policing program. At the request of either party, the parties shall jointly prepaze a more
specific plan of operations for use in preventirig or eliminating drug-related crime.
Section 6. Term of Contract
This contract is effective as of April 1, 2006 and shall continue in effect until the
PHA funds allowed to be spent under this contract are e�austed (estimated to be
March 31, 2007), or longer if additional funds are awarded by the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or secured from other sources,
unless eazlier terminated in accordance with the terms of this Contract.
Section 7. Compensation to the City
A. All compensation to the City will be made on a wst reimbursement basis. The
PHA will reimburse the City for services specified in this Contract in a total
amount not to exceed Four Hundred Fortv Five Thousand Two Hundred and
I3inetv Nine ($445,299.00} in the following expense category:
Assigned Personnel Salaries $445,299.00
Other — For police officers assigned to the ACOP unit, the PHA agrees to
reunburse the City for up to 30 consecutive days of sick leave or for 30
consecutive days of a duty assignment other than patrol duries, but only for
services performed in accordance with this Contract. Any additional sick leaue
benefits or salary due to such ACOP officer is the responsibility of the City.
Attachment A to this Contract illustrates the approximate use of these funds.
B. The PHA shail reimburse the Police Department on a monthly basis, upon
performance of the proposed activities and receipt of invoices evidencing
authorized expenditures.
C. The City shall provide the following documentation in requesting reimbursement:
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Copies of Certified Payroll Tune Reports documenting names, employee
identification, hours-worked in public housing developments, supervisory
approval of the report, and supervisory verification of the �ecessity for any
overtime worked.
D. All requests for reimbursement are subject to the approval of the PHA's
Executive Director, or that official's desi�ee, and the PHA shall thereafter make
payment of the approved amount within thirry days of receipt of the request for
E. 1. The PHA may make specific requests that police personnel perform special
details on behalF of the PHA. If these special details require personnel to work
on an overtime basis, reimbursement to the City will be made pursuant to
subsection E.2.
2. Overtime special details will be jointly agreed upon by the PHA and the Police
Deparhnent for police personnei to perform activities on behalf of the PHA.
Upon submission of proper docuxnentation as required under this Section 7, the
PHA shall reunburse the City for the full amount of the cost of such overtime
compensation, including fringe benefits.
Section 8. Audit Requirement
The City and the Police Department shail have their fmancial records audited annually
(as part of the City's annual audit) by an independent auditor and provide to the PHA a
copy of the audit report, which is required for the City as a subgrantee of federal funds.
The audit shall include the PHA funds expended under this agreement and shall
conform to the requirements of OMB Circular A-128 or later OMB circulars as
applicable. Any audit finding relaring to use of the PHA funds under this agreement
must be addressed and cleared in a timely manner.
Section 9. Non-Discrimination
The PHA, the City and the Police Department agree that in the administration of the
program(s) no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, creed, national origin
or ancestry, familial status, sex, status with regard to public assistance, marital status,
disability, age, sexual or affecUonal orientation, political or other affiliation, be excluded
from participation in the program(s) or be denied benefits of the program(s) and agree to
comply with a11 federal, state, and local laws regarding discrimination.
Section 10. Data Privacy
All data collected, created, received, maintained, or dissemivated by the City, the Police
Department or the PHA for any purposes in the course of the performance of this
Contract is govemed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. 13.01
Contract No. 05079
et seq., or any other applicable state statutes, any state rules adopted to implement the
Act, as well as federal regulations on data privacy. The parties agree to abide strictly by
these stahxtes, rules, and regulations.
The PHA has designated, and the City and the Police Department agree to designate, a
Responsible Authority pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act,
Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, who is the individual responsible for the collection,
maintenance, use and dissemination of any set of data on individuals, government data,
or summary data pursuant to this Contract.
Section 11. Indemnification
The City does hereby release, dischazge and agree to indemnify, protect, defend and save
harmless the PHA from liability for any cost, damage, expense, injury or other casualty,
to any person whomsoever or property whatsoever caused by or arising out of the Police
Departrnent's use and occupancy of PHA property or services provided under this
Contract, provided that such indemnification shall not be applicable where a decision or
judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction indicates that said casualty to person or
property was the direct result of acts of commission, omission, negligence or fault of the
PHA, its agents or employees.
Each party agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts and/or omissions in carrying
out the terms of this Agreement and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law
and shall not be responsible for the acts and/or omissions of the other party and the
results thereof. The liability of the City of Saint Paul and the Public Housing Agency of
the City of Saint Paul, and their respecrive employees, officiais and agents shall be
govemed by the provisions of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes,
Chapter 466, et seq. and any other applicable law.
Section 12. Right of Entry, Inspection and Repair
The PHA, through its authorized employees or agents, shall have the right to enter the
office spaces assigned by the PHA at any time, without advance notification, when there
is reasonable cause to believe an emergency exists or during regular business hours upon
one (1) day's norice for the purpose of inspection or repair of the office spaces or
equipment therein or for such other purpose as may be deemed necessary by the PHA.
Section 13. Disposal of Personal Property
The PHA shall have the right to sell, destroy or otherwise dispose of any personal
property left on the premises by the Police Department after the Police Deparhnent has
vacated or abandoned the premises
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Section 14. Amendments; Termination
A. Changes in the terms of this Contract may be made only by written amendment
mutually agreed upon and signed by both parties.
B. Either party may terminate this Contract upon providing thirty (30) days written
notice to the other party. Such notice shall be delivered by Certified Mail, Return
Receipt Requested.
Section 15. Attachments
The following attachments are hereby incorporated into this contract by reference:
Attachment A:
Attachxnent B:
Attachment C:
Budget Nanative
PHA Family Dwelling Lease
PHA Hi-Rise Dwelling Lease
Section 16. Benefit and Duty
This Contract will be binding upon and inure to the benefit only of the parties hereto. Nc
third pariy or parties will derive any benefits from or have any rights pursuant to this
Contract. Nothing in this Contract is intended to, nor does it, create a special duty on the
part of either party to each other or to a third party. -
This Contract supersedes the most recent contract and all other previous contracts entered
into by the parties for the same purpose as this Contract is made.
By signing below, the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul, and the City
of Saint Paul, Department of Police enter into this Contract which shall take effect on
the date stated above.
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Si no pucde usted leer inglez favar
de avisar a su represenW�e de PHA
(AgenciadeAlojarttimtoPUblico)parz �
que le proporciana� un interprere.
Yag tias koJ nyeem �sis Nu Askiv,
nug ms neeg uz 1a j 1"'m �'°'� koj
rom 6ev Iaom (PHA) kom pab nfiiav
neeg Lchais lus.
.�....�.e � u....�.rQ..P.<c�ne mavi ceside in the dwelling unit with the named Tenant:
�}�foc�e..� g
� ��s
Ityou cannot read English,
please uk your PNA co�cact
person ro pro'nde sn mterpre�� -
If you caimotread Fm�lish,
please uk yow PHA contac[
person ro provide an intaprefer.
Uuit Iden[ificarion #:
Name of Tenant(s):
Dwelling Unit:
Numbe� of Bedrooms:
The Public Housing Agency of [he City of Saint Paul (PHA), in thrs Lease called "MaalgemenP', Leases to the Tenznt Family, m tltis
Lease called ��T refe s to the liviu�unit and adjacea e azea a signed fo tbe Tenant s��l�s�ive use and t�ihe ea(� gned in Sech
"dwelling uniY , B
8. of this Lease. �
Tlils Lease begins on . TLis Lease will automatically renew annually,
ended by either?�tanagement or Tenant as provided in [htis Lease or as othern'�se required by law.
p. Rental Pavmen[s , and ending
1. The fssst rent payment foc the period beginning , '
,]s $ , This payment is due ac the time this Lease is Signed.
2. The monthly xent of $ is due on or befoce the £ust day of each month be�nning ,
This monthly [ent may change for ieasons stated in Secfion 5 of �s Lease. If rent is not paid on hme, a late fee will be
chazged in an amomt as provided in the Admission and Occupancy Policies. A fee will atso be chazged in an amount as
pcovided in the Admission and Occupancy Policies for checks ietumed for non-sufficient funds or account closed.
3. If Tenant wanis to end tltis Lease (See Sec6on 9.B.), the Tenant is responsible for rent prorated on a daily basis for a
minimum of thirty (30) days after the Tenant has given written notice to Mauagement of an Intent [o Vacate. IF the
Tenant wants to end this Lease but fails to give Management a�tten notice, rent will be chazg� foc Wirty (30} days
from [he day Management leams the Tenan[ t�as moved. , �
B. Securitv Deoosit
The Tenant Las agreed to pay $ as a security deposit witli Management. The se<udty deposit will be held y
Management in accordance with the Admtssion and Occupancy Pblicies, Minnesota law and Fedecal ieguladons.
G Charees Due ent fee, fee for retumed checks, and legally atlowable
Charges foy but not 1'vnited to, main[enance and iepair, late rent paym
covrt wsts are due and cotlecHbte two weeks aRec Management gives written nouce ro ihe Tenant of the charges
HD-a24C - Fartnly Developmmt Dwelhng Lease
a�� �nn000
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The TenanPs household has the right ro the excl aziveU o as howin of s e circumstan�es neued,SManagement may extend tlus
up to fifteen (15) days pec guest per calendaz y p 30 da s This limitation does not apply to live-in aides and fostec
peciod for a reasonable addiHonal time, not to exceed tr�irty O ➢�
children who maY zeside in the unit with ihe consent of Management.
jxo ca�lcS
4. U'1'IIdTIES
A. Ma¢agement will pay the fi�ll cost of watec, gaibage collection and sewer service and will fiunish a cange (stove) an
B. Tenant is [esponsible for the payment of gas, elecfricity and heat.
As part of [he detennination of the monthly cent, Managem.ent agees to adjust the rent by the applicable uriliTy allowance as
stated in Managemenfs Admission and Ocacpancy Folicies.
5. REDE"1L�HMiivaaiv.. vr �..�.,.••-� -_
A. Redetermin�fRe°t
At Ieut once he�Y�ea�Ce dwelling vn�i s� � s� PP ° a�em1Ze � siti n of the T household, and
be changed, .
whethei the Tenant is eligible for continued occupancy in accoxdance with tfie Admission and Occup�cy Policies whic aze
available for review at the Mauagement Office.
As requested by Managemen[ at the time of the cedetecmination, Tevant shall provide accurnte cuirent information
1. The number of people in TenavYs household, theu ages, gender and any other informavon requued by Management.
2, The source aud amount of income zeceived by everyone in the TenanYs household.
3. Any allowable deductions. -
The cedete[mina[ion for wntinued occupancy will include a[eview of TenanPs rent paying history, housekeeping inspeclion
results, cecord of coopenHon with ManagemenPs pest cont[ol pcog[am and all ofhec Lease complianY behavior.
B. InterimRe� deter._!ru_—°af
The rental rate showu �n Secrion 3. will remain ut effec[ foi �e period between regulaz cent redeternilnations unless unng
1. There is an addition o[ loss of any adult member to the TeuanPs household or the addition of any minor not bom
into the household during [his teuancy.
2, Theie is any inaease in monthly goss household income of $400 or more, whether occurring due to one mcome
increase or due [o mo[e thac� one increase or the cumulafive increases of moce t}ian one fattuly membet.
3. 1'here is any reported decrease in income ox an increase in allowances or deductions [hat would cesult in a rent
4. The cunent ren[al rate was calculated for a temporary time pedod due to the inability to accurate]y predict mcome
for an annual period. This includes, bsst is not ]imited to, all households whose total income is zeco.
A change in income or family composition as specified above must be reported to Management within 10 days oC its
The effective date for changes in rent based on interim redetem�inarions will be in accocdance with the Admission and Ocwpancy
If the rental rate is adjuste$ Management will mail oc delivez a notice of rent adjushnent to the Tenant in acwrdaace witk� Section
Failure by a Tenant fo report any increases in household inwme during a scheduled rent and� income review or as
specif ed under Section S.B. InteKim Redeterminations, or Cailure to appear for a scheduled rent and income review wil� be
considered a serious and material vioiation of the Lease and will result in any rent increase being effective retroactive [o
the [ime tlte i�crease would have been made.
C. Chanae of Unit Size
Management will give notice [o Tenan[ that Tenant wdl be required to move ro another unit that is decent, safe and samtary
and is of an appropriate size unde[ ManagemenYs Occupaney Standacds in accordance w�th the Admission and Occupaney
Policies under the fotlowing circumstances:
I. If Management decides that the Tenant is living �n a unit wlrich is lazger or smaller [han the PHA's Occupancy
Standazds allow for the hoasehold size and composilion; or
2. If Management decides that the unit is othernise inappropriate for ihe household size or composifion including, but
not lunited to, when a unit modified for handicapped persoqs is being occupied by a house6old without handicapped
3. If Management decides that the unit requues substanlial cepairs or is scheduled fox modecnizarion or is not in ecent,
safe and sanitary condirion.
After being notified of the new uniPs availability, the Tenant must move to the offered unit within thirty (30) days of the date
of nofiftcatlon. If the Tenant fails fo move as reQused by Maw2gement, then Managemeht has the right to take legal action to
tecminate flils Lease. -
� a T��j�y� th n to xequest a hearing undah M g Piocedure does not agee with
Mau ¢emen[ aerees to do the Co�lowme:
A. Repau and maintain fhe dwellmg umt, equipmeni and appliances, aud the common ateas and facilities which aze neede
to keep the housing in decent, safe and sanitazy condrtion.
B. Comply with all requirements of applicable state and local building and housmg codes and fiUD regulavons concerning
matters materially affeetfng ihe health or safety of the occupants.
HD-024C—Fam�ty Developmmt Dwelling Leere
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C. Keep developmen[ buildings, facilities and common azeaz, uot othecwise assigaed to tenants for maintenance and
upkeep, in a clean and safe condition.
D. Maintain elecfrical, plumbinS, sawtarS'> heating, veutila[ing and other facilities and appliances, supplied or required to e
supQlied by Management in good and safe vrorldng order and condition.
E. Piovide ffash and g�bage coatainen for the premises.
F. Supply rnnning Nater, and reasonable amounfs of hot water and reasonable amounis of heat at appropriate times of the
�ear yll in compliance with applicable state law and city ocdinance.
G. Thorouglily clean the dwelling unit as necessary before the transfer of the Tevant from one dwelling unit to anothe[ and
befose a aew Tenant moves in.
A. O�a �To � t s�°y of the og panis and ik�e is notcorzected in a reazonable timeW n� M be
a6ated in proportion to �e seriousness of the damage and loss in value of a dwelling if cepairs are not made_witUin a
reasonabie time or altemative accommodarions aze not provided Sn accordance with Uvs paragraph, except Wat no
abatement of rent will occur if tUe Tenant iejecfs the aliemarive accoammodation or if �he damage was caused by the
Tenant, Tenant's household or giests.
Z. Give the Tenant [easonable norice of what ceR�ficalioq release, informahon or documentarion must be grven o
Mauagement, including the date by wluch any such item must be given. -
J. Notify the Tenant of the specific grounds for any pioposed adverse action by Management.
The Tenant agees to obey the following m1es. The Tenant is also tesponsible for causing membecs of the household and guests
m obey the following xules.
A. The Tenant shalL•
1. Pay rent on the fust day of the month
2 ep of damagesbe ond no and teaz the nniS developme�bu ldmgs, facilit es,�co aze or grounds
caused by eifher intentional or negligent conduct of Tenant, members of the household or guests.
3 Section 2.Nand not to use the nnit pevnite[s for n�otherpuryosef S '11us�Provision does not exclude seasonable
accommodation of TenanYs guests ot visirors, who ace visiting w�th Tenant for pucposes other tt�an to establish
residency in Saint Paul, fo� a petiod of time not to exceed fifteen (15) days per calendar year. (See Section Z).
4. Ask foc consent of Management befoce members of the household engage in any profit making a � h �� h use of the Laa ed
unit Management must also decide whether such activities aze legal and aze incidental to the prunazy
unit for zesidence by membecs of ihe household.
5. Obey [he written �egulahons posied in the Management O��e. These iegulations are cnade a part of this Lease by
reference. ,
6. Keep the unit in a clean and safe condiNon.
7. Dispose of all gazbage, mbbish and ofher waste from the unit in a sani �a�nd�saf�manner facilities m[he development
8. Use only in a reasonable manner all elechical, plumbing, heating, 8�
buildings and common aress.
9 elticles�to in the P�ai1�B e other pazt�of the�housing development wh n is no long in
operatin3 condition. ,
10. Immediately cepo[t to ihe Management Office any vandalism to the premises.
11. Immediately ieport to the Main[enance OfPice any need for repau to [he interior or extexior of the dwelling uni[ and any
other azea used by the Tenant in connection wi[h �be a d an home care skill e if Management dectdes dtat the condition
12. Participate in a T[aining program on housekeeping y
of the unit does not meet the housekeeping standards set forW by the PHA. Such t�aining wi➢ be provided by
13 Managemen's�Aflmisms on Occupan y Each adult of theTenant household must mply wiUi
these requixemenis.
B. The Tenant shall not:
I. Assign or transfer the Lease oc sub-Lease the unit.
2. Pmvide housing for boazdecs or lodgers.
3. Disturb other tenants or neighbors aud shall pcevent disturbance of other tenants or neighbors by guesu, visitors or o er
persons under conh'o[ of household members.
4. Scatter mbbish, damage, destro destructioa defacement o pr moval by guestsg�isitocs oc o er sons�underecontrol of
scattexing of rubbish, dzmage, .
honsehold members.
5. Engage in, or allow membeis of the household, guests or another pecson under TenanYs control to engage m a¢y
criminal activiTy, including dmg-related criminel activiTy, that threatens the healti�, safeTy, or right to peaceful enjoyment
of the public housing premises by other tenants or employees of t6e Manzgeinent.
6. Commit any fraud in connecrion with any Federal housing assistance progam. but not limited to,
7. Make any repaits or alteialions oc insfall any pemianendy affixed cazpe[ or any equipment, including,
dooc locks, without the written approval of Managemeat. Install of satellite dishes, antennas or other recepfion devices,
skiall be in accordance with mles adopied by Management. �
8. Have any dogs, cats, fowl, snakes or other animals on the pcemises, except small caged bi[ds, fish in aquariums or small
caged animals tha[ will be kept indoors, in accocdance with the PHA's Pet Policy.
9. Create (by act or omission) or permit to exist any condition on ihe premises wluch results in a risk to the pexsonal health
or safeTy of any person or damage to property-
HD-424C - Family Developmrnt Dwelhng Leue
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� 10. Engage in, or allow memben oF the household, guests, or anothec pecson under the TenanYs controi to engage i¢, any
acfivity, including criminal acfivity, which impaus the physical or socia] envuonment of the pcemises, neighborhood, or
the development.
g. TENANT MAIINTENM`CE h s ounds, patios and landscaping adjacent ro the uuit If the
The Tenant shall ma�nEain walkways, stairs, landinBs, Y� S�
Tenant +s unable to maintain the grounds due to TenanYs age or disability, the Teuant must notify [he Mana3ement Office. If,
after notificario¢ from Management for coirech�e zction. tfie Te°a°onegl a¢ these uezs. �e azeas assip�ted, tlie Tenant sha11 pay
m Management all ezpenses necessary foz M�gement to maintain r rep
A. Mana ea�t�ewilld violan�of material te t tms of the I-ease or otLe� g°°a c���Seno�ust �iolation of the Lease inc ud t but
is not lvnited N:
1. Failure of the Tenant [o limely supply to the PHA anY cettification, release, infocmaUOn or documenEation on Family
income assets oc eomposirion _
2. Non-payment of Tenant ceni oi other charges. .
3. ShuUOffofTenant-p�chasedutilities,
q. Faflu=e to accept a traasfer for reasons speci&ed in Section S.C.
5. Any acriviry, notjust criminal ac[iviry, iktat threatens the health, safeTy, ox right to peacefuI enjoymen[ of the premises by
other [enants and public housing employees, oi drug-celated and�or ccinunal activiTy on or of£the pceo ns. f So�u eaceful
near the pceatises, or alcohol abuse that Management decides in[erferes witS the health, safety, Sh P
enjoyment of the premises by othec tenants or neighbocs, when such acrivity Uzs been engaged in by a Tenant, a member
of the TenanPs household, a guest or another petson under Tenant's conhol wtule the Tenani is a Tenant in pub6c
6. Failure of the Tenan[ to accept ManagemenYs offer of a new lease revised in accordance with Federal law and
cegulations. service re uirements of Federal housi¢g law
Z Failuce of a member of the family household to comply with the communiTy 4
and cegulations. . ,
Minnesota law pcovides that a Tenant automatically pcomises not to Imowingly allow �llegal dmgs on the premises and that die
premises wdl noY be used by the Tenant or others acting under the Teuant's control to violate eciminal drug laws. ,The law
ptovides that a breach of that proxnise revokes the TenanPs right to possession of the premises. MinnesOta Statutes, Section
504B301, furthei provides that if illegal dmgs oc othei illegal items aze seized on the p[emises pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,
Section 609.5317, Subdivision t, Tenant is unlawfully detaining the pcemises, unless the Tenant has a defense under Minsesota
Statutes, Section 609.5317, Subdivision 3. Eviction proeeedings under these cucumstances aze excluded from Managemen4s
GcievanCe Procedure.
B. This Lease may be ierminated by the Tenant a[ any �ime by giving at leasi tlilrty (30) �ys written norice [o Management on
o[ before the last day of the month before the month the tenant intends on vacating fhe wut (see SectiOn ll C.) The Tenant
must leave the unit in a clean and good condition and retum the keys to Management when the Tenant moves ouk Failure to
provide ptoper written notice or failure to leave the unit in a good and clean condition or failuie to xetum the keys [o
Management may result in additional chazges to the Tenant.
C. If the signer(sj of [he Lease is no ]ongec a membec of Ihe TenanYs household, this Lease wIll tettni»ate. A new Lease will be
exewted and signed by all adult remaining members of the houseLold if those pecsons have noi violated the terms znd
piovisions of the Leue and the family continues to be e]igible for low-income housing.
D. If the Tenant t�ansfers to another unit operated by Mauagemenc, thts Lease will temunate and a new Lease will be executed
for Ihe urut into which [he Tenant moves.
E. Management wil! give the Tenant written notice of [eiminztion of the Lease as follows:
1. Fourteen (14) days in the case of £ailwe to pay rent;
2. A teasonable time depanding on the seriousness of fhe srtuation in t4e case of a tlueat or act against t6e healffi or safety
of otUer tenanfs, ManagemenPs employees, or other pecsons; or
3. Thuty (30) days in al] other cases.
F. Accep[ance of :ern wit6 luiowledge of good cause for teanination of the Lease shall not be considered a waiver of
ManagemenPs right to terminate this Lease on [he basis of such good cause nor of ManagemenPs nght to assect such good
cause in any legal acrion. ,
If the Tenanf continues to occupy the dwelling unit aRer the Texminallon of the Lease, the Tenan[ agrees to pay Management the
ceasonable value of the use of the premises for the pe[iod that the Tenant contiaues to occupy the unit The reasonable value for
the use of the psemises is equivalent to the amount of rent for such period. Howevec, such payments shall not consritute ient and
by accepting such paymenis Management does not waive its right to assert any I-ease violarions in zny legal action.
If Managemen[ decides to te�nate ttus Lease, it will give Tenant a wdtten norice wtuch s[ates the reasons for the termination,
infom�s the Tenant of lus oc her right to xeply and infocros the Tenant of TenanPs nghts under the Grievance Piocedure described
in Section 13 of this Lease.
A. Before move-in ManagemeM and Tenant wi11 uvspect the unit_ Managemen[ cviit give Tenant a written statement o
conditions of the unit and the equipment pcovided with the unit, The statement will be verified and signed by Management
and Tenant. A copy of the statemen[ will be kept by Management in the TenanYs file.
B. When Tenant moves out, Management will inspect the unit and fiunish Tenant with a written statement of damages foz wluch
Tenant is responsible. If Tenant moves out after business hours oc on a weekend or holiday, Management will inspect the
unit on the next business day after Tenant lias vacated. Management wili give Tenani the opportumty ro be present at tlus
HD-024C—Family Deve7opment Dweiting Leare
Rev 0/V2000
Page 4 of 5
O6 a�s
� inspection by g9viug Tenznt wtitten norice, within a reasonable time, of fhe time and date of this inspection. No notice will
be piovided if Tenant vacates wiihou[ norice to Management.
C. Managemeni may enter TeaanYs unrt as follows:
Mapagemeat wil] pco�i� T�t �� �� � �n �tten aotice stating �he putpose of its encry mto the uwt, excep
that M�gement will piovide Tenant vrith ieasonable notice (�itten or oral) Nhea it is necessazy to entu the unit foc
makine m�provemenrs or repzirs. M� h� tand�maintenance, inctuding P st f conh'ol opera4onso fo� f o malonS
pucposes of peffoiming routine insp
impcovemen[s ar repairs, oz to show the pcemises for re-leasing;
Management may entec the unit ac any time without advance nolificaflon when fhere is a reasonable cause to believe an
emergency exists; ement will leave a writteu statement in the
If all aduit membecs of the household aze absent at the time of entry, ManaS
unit specifyiag ihe date, ame and P�P°Se of enhy� .
p,, Any nofice to Tenant from Mauagement shall be in wciting either:
1. Delivered peisonally and handed to the Tenant or another member of the TenanYs household who is an adult; or
2. Be sent by prepaid first class mail properly addxessed.
B. If the noCice is delivered to a person other [han the Tenant, Management will also mail a copy of the notice to [he Tenant.
C Manageme t Offic �or PHA Central Adminielraave0 ce, be pmpecly an sent by fust ca`ssyma�L �e assigned
If Tenant is absent from the unit foc fourtee¢ (14) consecutiv da� a°d� e�t l �ll be cons' abaudoned and be dasposed
Tenant has abandoned the unic AnY of Tenant's remainiuS P P p m
of by Management aaording to Minnesota law.
resolved c ordance �'ith the Grievance ocedure of Managemettt wlii h su n ef ec�t � me��h d The
Grievance Proceduce is posted in the Management Office and is made a part of dils Lease by xefeience.
The Admission and Occupancy Policies refecred to in this Lease a[e the Adm�ssion and Occupancy Policies as approved an as
amended by the PHA's Boazd of Commissioaers and aze made a p� of this Lease by reference. A copy of the Adenission and
Occupancy Policies and amendments is posted in tLe Management Office and may be e�mined af any hme during business
Changes to this Lease, other than changes in Tenant rent, sUall be made oniy by a written addendum signed by bott� Management
and Tenant.
The Tenant has received executed cop�es of tlus Lease and the Gnevance Procedure, has beeu informed that the Admission and
Occupancy Policies are posted in ihe Management Office and are available £or inspection and understands ho}� they all apply to
tfie TenanYs fenancy.
By stgning below, Tenaut and Management entec into flils Lease which will take effect on the date shown in Section 1, TER➢'I OF
LEASE; RENEWAL OF LEASE on page 1 of tlus Lease.
Housing Manager
HD>24C— Family Developmrnt Dwelling Le'ese
Rev DlR00D
Page 5 of 5
S� no puede usied �eR �ngles.6vor
tle avissr a su reprue��sn�e de PHA
(qgmcia deAlojamamla Publico)➢an
que le Proyacionrn un m(zrPrete.
Yog nas koj nyttm ts�s uu Askiv,
nug Ns nttg ua M1auj Iwm ttu koj
Wm tsev loom (P17A) kompab nrhiav
neeg Cchais lus.
., .... _:_„_._......o...,..,� ..,av �eside in the dwelling unit with the named Tenant:
A�ac�.nn.¢�.f G
If you cannot read English,
please azk your PHA comzct
person N provide sn in[eryrerer.
[f you nnnot reed English,
p�ease azk your PHA conuct
p¢rson ro provide an interyretrr
Unit Idenfification #:
Name oCTenant(s):
Drelling Unit:
Number of Bedrooms:
The Public Housing Agency of tlie City of Saint Paul (PHA), in tktis Lease called "ManagemenC ; leases to the Tenant Family, in this
Lease called "TenanP', ffie dwelting umt as described above according to tUe Yecros and condrtions stated in this Lease. The term.
"dwelling uniY', refers to the ]iving u¢i[ for the Tenan4s exclusive use. .
T}us Lease begins on , .'rhis Lease wi11 automlttcally renew annuall , unless
ended by eitUer Management or Tenant as provided ia tiils Lease oc as otherwise iequired by law.
A. Rental Pavments
t. The fust rent payment for the period beginnmg
This paymenf is due at the time titis Lease is signed.
and ending
The montlily rent of $ is due on or befoie the ficst day of each month begimilng
_ This montlily xent may ck�ange for reasons stated in Seclion 5 0£ th�s Lease.
If rent is not paid on time, a late fee will be chazged in an amount as pxovided in the Admission and Occupancy Policies.
A fee wil( also be chazged in an amount as provfded in ihe Admission and Qccupancy Policies for checks reNmed for
non-sufficientfunds oraccountclosed.
If Tenant wanu to end this Lease (See Section 9B), the Tenant is cesponsible for rent prorated on a daIly basis for a
ipinimum oFYhiriy (30) days aftez the Tenant has given written notiw to Management of an intent to vacate. If the Tenant
wants to end tlsss Lease bu[ fails to give Management a written norice, rent will be chazged for thir[y (30) days from the
day Management leams tLe Tenant has moved.
B. Securitv Deposit
Tl�e Tenant hu agreed ro pay $ as a secutity deposit witli Management. The �security deposit will be he d y
Management in accordance with the Ad¢ussion and Occupancy Policies, Mwnesota law and Fedei'at cegularions.
C. Charees Due
Chazges foc, but not lunited tq xnaintenance and [epaic, late tent payment fee, fee for rehuned checks, and Iegaily aflowa e
court costs are due and wllectible two weeks after Management gives written norice to the TenanY oF the chazges.
A. Bv ManaEemeni
HD>246 - HI-WSe Dwel�ing Lease
Rev /2000
T'he TenanYs household has the rigM to the exclusive use and occupancy oF the unit This ciglrt mcluaes navmg g���� �w� , n
the unit up to fiReett (15) days per guest per calendac yeaz. Upon a showing of special circumstances or need, Management
may extend tivs period for a reasonable addidoaal time, not to exceed thi�ty (30) days.
lliis Ivrutation does not apply to live-in aides and fostec childcen who may reside in the utut with 11�e consent of Management.
Ob �xS
Mauagement will pay the fiill cost of wate�, gazbage collectioq sewer service, gaz, electricity and heat and will fucnish a range
(stove) and refrigentoz. �
B. Bv Tenant
Tenant must notSy Management prioz to the ins1a11ation of a room air conditionec or food freezer. If Tenant has a room au
conditioner or food freezer, Tenant will be chacged a utility use fee by the PHA. The chazge must be paid each month. 'I'he
montlily amount cLarged for the room air conditionei or food freezer may be adjusted from time to time by the PFIA without
prior notice to Tenant.
A. Redetermination of Rent
At least once each yeaz, and othe[ times as descdbed below, Management will decide whether the TeuanYs renEal mte shoul
be changed, whether the dwelling uni� size is still appro � ri accordance with the Admi��ss�i Occupanc�Po Ic es hare
whether the Tenant is eligible for contmued occupan�y .
available for ceciew at the Management office.
As requested by Management at the time of the redeteiminatioq Tenant shall provide accurate current info�tion
1. The number of people in Te¢anNs household, their age, gender, and any otlter infomiahon required by Managemen .
2. The source and amount of income received by everyone in the TenanYs household.
3. Any allowable deductions.
The iedetemilnalion for continued occupancy will include a review oF Tenan45 cent paymg history, housekeeping inspecfion
iesults, iecocd of cooperation with Managemen4s pest conhol progam and all odier lease compliant behavior.
B. Interim Redeterminatian
The rental cate shown ia Section 3. will remain tin effect for the period beriveen regular cent rede[ei'minations uuless duxvig
such period: "
1. There is an addition or ]oss of any adult member ro ihe TenanYs household or the addrtion of any minor not bom into
the household during tFus tena�cy.
2. Thece is any increase in mont6ly goss household income of $400 or moce, whether ocwaing due to one income
inccease oc due to moze t6an one increase or the cumulafive increases of more than one family membec.
3. There is any reported decrease m income or an increase in allowances or deductions that would result in a rent
4. The cuaent rental ca[e was calculated for a temporary time period due to the inabiliry to accurately predict mcome
for an aanuat period. This includes, but is not 1'umced to, all households whose tota] income is zero.
A change in income or fantily composition as specified above must be reported to Manageacent withm 10 days of its
occuirence. '
The effecrive date foc changes in cent based on interim redeterminations wil] be in accocdance with die Admission and
Occupancy Policies. ,
If ihe rental rete is adjusted, Management will mail or deliver a not�ce of tent adjustrnent to the Tenant in aceordance with
Secdon I1. .
Failure by a Tenant to report any increases iu household income during a scheduled rent and income review or as
specified under Section S.B. Interim Redeterminations, or failure to appear for a scheduled rent and income review
will be consideretl a serious and material violation of the lease and will result in any rent increase being etfective
retroactive to the time the increase would have been made. .
C. Change of Unit Size
Management will give notice to Tenant that Tenant will be requued to move [o another unit that is decent, 5afe and samtary
and is of an appropciate size under ManagemenPs Occupancy Standards in accordance with the Admission and Occupancy
Policies unde[ the following circumstances:
1. if Management decides t6at ihe Tenant is living in a unit which is lazger or scnaller tk�an flie PHA's Occupancy
Standards allow for the household size and composition; or �
2. If Management decides that the unit is othervvise inappropriate for the household size or composIIion, including,
but not lunited to, when a unit modiFed for Landicapped persons is being occupied by a household witUout
handicapped persons; or
3. If Management decides ihat the unit requires substantial repairs or is scheduled for modemization or is not in
decent, safe and sanitary condition. _
Afiei being notified of the new uniPs availabIlity, the Tenant must move to the offered unit within thirty (30) days of the date
of notification. If the Tenant fails to move as requiced by Management, then Management }tas the right to take legat action to
texminate this lease.
Tenant may ask for an erzplanation sbting the specific grouads of the PHA detemilnarion. If the Tenant does not a3ree with
the deteintinarioq the Tenant has the right to request a hearing under ManagemenYs Grievance Policy Procedure
Manaeement aerees to do the foRowin¢:
A. Repau and maintain tlie dwelUng umt, equipment and appliances, and the common azeas and facilities which aze needed to
keep the housing in decent, safe and sanitary condirion. -
B. Comply wifh all requiuemenTS of applicable state and local buildin8 �d housing codes and Ei[JD re8�ations conceming
HD�424B - Hi-Rise Dwelling Lease
Re�. ���0
�. ...
mattecs materially affecting the 6ealth or safeTy of the occupants.
C. Keep development buildings, facilities and common azeas, not othecwi.se assigned to tenants for maintenance and upkeep, iu a
clean and safe conditioa
D. Maintain elechiwl, plumbing, sanituX heating, venffiating and othet facilities and appliances, including elevators, supplie
or cequired to be supplied by Management in good and safe worl�ng order and condition.
E. Pcovide and maintain trash and Subage containers foz the development.
F. Supply tunn�nS wate[, and ieasonable amoimts of hot wazer and reasonable amouuts of heat at appropriate times of the yeaz,
all in compliance with applicable state law and ciTy ordinauce.
G �lyyp the dweiljng unit as necessary before the transfer of the Tenant from one dwelling unii to another and
6efoxe a new Tenant moves in.
H. Offte�ce he 1 n o t safety a of ffie occupanis and fhe condirion is notcorrected �nea easonables�ne.`VRen���l�tbe a bated in
proportion to the seriousness of the daarage and ]oss in �alue of a dwelling if repaus are not mzde witltin a reasonable time or
altemative accommodations aze not provided in accosdance with this paraS�aph, excepi that no abateme¢t of rent rvilt occur if
the tenant rejects the altemafive accommodation or if the damage was caused by the Tenant, TenanYs household or guesis.
I. Give the Tenant ieasonable notice of wttat certificatiov, release, infoxmation oc documentation must be gven to Management
including ihe date by wluch any such item must be given
J. Notify the Tenant of the specific Sroa°ds for any pioposed advecse action by Management.
The Tenant agcees to obey the following mles. T6e Tenant is also responsible for caus�n3 membexs of the Lousehold and e ests to
obey the following mles:
A. The [enant shali:
1. Pay rent on the fust day uF the month.
2. Pay reasonable charges, �n accordance with tl�e cunent schedule of charges posted in Ihe Management office, for e
repaiu uf damaSes beyond noxatal wear and tear to the unit, development buildings, facilities or common areas, caused by
either intentional oc negligent conduct of Tenant, members of the honsehold or guests.
3 Section 2.,�and t use the V unit or pe[mit its use any Pm'Posee s p ov s'on nohexc lude re sonable
accommodation of TenanPs guesTS or visitors, who are visititUv with Tenant for pu[poses other [han to establish residency
in Saint Paul, for a pei'iod of lime not fo exceed fifteen (IS) days per calendac yeaz (See Section Ci� Vittes in the dwelling
4. Ask fo[ the consent of Management before membeis of the household engage in profitmak�n$
umt. Management must also decide whether such activiries are legal and aze incidental to the primary use of the leased
unit for residence by members of the household.
5. Obey the vrzitten regulations posted in the Management office. These regularions az�e made a pazt of this Lease by
refecence. "
6. Keep the unit in a clean and safe condition
7. Dispose of all gazbage, rubbish and other waste from the wut in a sanitazy and safe maaner. elevarors and oflier
8. Use only �n a reasonable manuer all electrical, plumbing heating, ventilating, ai[-condirioning,
facilities in the development buildings and common areas.
9. Pack no moce than one vehicle per licensed leaseholder in ihe designated pazking areas. Tenant shall pack a velticle in a
manner tUat will not obstmet t[af&c a¢d shall not pemvt any velucles to remain in the paiking area or other part of the
housing development when such vetucle is no longer in operating condiHon.
10. Immediately [epor[ to the Management Office any vandalism to the premises.
11. Immediately cepoR to the Maintenance Office any need for iepair to tl�e wterior or exterior of the dwelluig unit and any
other azea used by tiie Tenant in connecrion with the TenanYs occupancy of the unit,
12. Pazticipate in a txaining program on housekeeping and home eaze skills if Management decides that the condition of the
unit does not meet the housekeeping standaids set £orth by the PHA. Such haining wi11 be provided by Management.
13. Comply with community service or self-sufficiency cequuements in accordance with Fedecal law, regulations and
MaoagemenYs Admission and Occupancy Policies. Each adul[ member of the TenanPs household must comply with
these cequicements.
B. The Tenant shall not: �
1. Assign or hansfec ihe lease or sublease the unit.
2. Provide housing for hoacders or lodgecs.
3. Disturb othec tenants oc neighbocs and sha71 pcevent disturbance of other tenants or neighboxs by g�ests, visito[s or other
persons under contcol of household members.
4. Scatter mbbish, dan�age, des[roy, deface or remove any part of the dwelling umt br pcemises and shall psevent such
scattering of mbbish, damage, des(tuction, defacemeni or removal by guests, visitors or other persons under control of
household membexs.
5. Engage in, or allow members of the household, guests or anoffier person under TenanYs conhol to engage in any Crinvnal
activiTy, �cluding drug-ielated criminal acliviTy, tUat t]ueatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful en�oyment of the
public housing pcemises by other tenan[s or employees of the Management.
G, Commit any fraud in connecrion with anY Federal hous�ng assistance progeam.
7. Make any xepaus or alteiations oc install any pecmanendy afEixed cazpet or any equipment, including, but not limited to,
door locks, without the written appioval of Management. Snstallation of satellite dishes, antennas ox other recepUOn
devices shall be in accordance w@h cules adopted by Mac�agement. small ca ed anlmats
$. Have any fowl, snakes or other anitnals on ihe pzexnises, except small caged b'uds, £sh in aquariums, S
that wffi be kept indooxs oe a dog or cat as appcoved by Management and in accotdance with the PEIA's Pet Po6cy.
9. Cceate (by act or omission) or permit to exist any condition on the pxemises wlueh cesults m a dsk to the pezsonal health
or safety of any pecson or damage to property.
10. Engage in, or allow members of the household, guests, or another pecson mmder the Tenanfs control to engage in, anY
activity, including cnminal ac[ivity, wluch impairs the physical oc social env'sonment of the premises, the neighbo[hood,
or the development.
11. Smoke, or allow Tenant's guests, visitocs or anofher person under the T 5� t � 's � cOIItr ,eva�tors. p b1i� x� stoo°"'sn �"a�`'�'
the hi-rise. Com�non azeas include the Comz+�unity Room, hallways, Y.
HD-4248 - Hi-Rise Dweiling Leue
o.., -rnnm
♦. . -,
rooms and anY other indoor space that is not within and a part of the Tenant's dwelling uwt.
A. Tenant agrees to abide by all terms a¢d condilions of the PF3A's Pet Policy, which vrill be fwnished to Tenant y
B. Except as provided in subsecdon D below, Management and Teuznt mutually agree to allow Tenant [o keep as a pet one cat
or one dog or such otl�ei pet as is allowed by the PHA's Pet Policy. Tenant agcees to register the pet with ManaBement before
bringing the pet into the dwelling imit.
C. Teaant shall pay a pet deposit to ManageIDent in accordance with the PHA's Pet Policy. Management vrill hold pa
deposit �roV �ed tba[ o pet o damage hzs b�en do e�o ihe dwelling un�t Amo� necessary to �yue� ll�y re�ag e �ll be
inteiest, p
deducted from the pegdeposit. P D � e � W abasha, and Exc}�nge hi-rises.
D. EXCEPTIONS: Do s aze uot ecmitted at Mt. Airy,
A. Management will uot tesminate or refuse to zenew the Lezse and witl not evict Tenant from the dwelling unit except for
serious or cepea[ed violation of material teims of the Lease oi other good cause. Serious niolafion of the Lease includes but is
not lvnited io: �
1. Failuie of the Tenant to timely supply to the PFLA any certification, release, infoxxnarion or documentarion on faxnily
income, assets or composirion. -
2. Non-payment of Tenant rent or other chazges.
3. Failure to accept a hansfer foc reasons speci6ed in Section S.C.
q, pny activiTy, not just criminal acrivity, that tFueatl�ns �hea�g Cela ed andfor acfiviTy,on or the
premises by other tenants and public housing �p Y
premises, not just on or neaz the premises, or alcohol abuse that Mauagement decides mterferes wicU the health,
safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by othec tenants oc neighbots, when such activity has been
engaged in by a Tenant, a member of tl�e TenanPs household, a guest oc anoiher pe�on under Tena¢Ps control wlvle
the Tenant is a Tenant in public housiug.
5. Failure of the Tenant to accept ManagemenYs offer of a new lease revised in accordance with Federal law and
6. Failure of a member of the family household to comply with the commuitity service requuements of Federal housmg
law and xegu�ations. '
Mianesota law pmvides that a Tenan[ automafically promises not to ]aiovringly allow illegal diugs on the pcemises and that
the premises will not be used by the Tenan[ or others acting undec the TenanYs couhol to violate criminal dn+g laws. The (aw
provides that a breach of ttiat promise tevokes the Tenan45 right to possession of the premises. Minnesota StaNtes, Section
504B301, further provides tk�at if illegal drugs or other illegal items aze seized on [he pcemises pursuan[ to Mumeso[a
StaN[es, Section 609.5317, Subdivision 1, Tenant is unlawfully de[aiuing [he p[emises, unless 8te Tenant has a defense under
Miweso[a StaNtes, Secfion 609.5317, Subdiv�sion 3. Eviclion proceedmgs under these circumstances aze excluded from
Management's Grievance Procedure.
E. T6is Lease may be tecminated by the Tenant a[ any time by giving at least thu'ty (30) days written notice to Management on oc
before the last day of the mon[h befoce the month the tenant intends on �acating the unit (see Seckon / 1 C.) The Tenant shall
leave the unit in a clean and good condition and rewm the keys to Management when the Tenant moves,wt Failuce to
provide proper �'v+itten notice or failm�e to leave the unit in a good and clean condition or failuce to retum the keys to
ffianagement may xesult in additional charges to the Tenant.
C. If the signex(s) of the Lease is no longee a me memb cs�of the householdotfthose personslhave�nottvi the t rms
executed and signed by all adult recnaiuing
provisions of [he Lease and the family continues [o be eligibie fox low-income housing.
D. If the Tenant transfexs to another unit operated by Management, tlils Lease will terminate and a new Lease will be executed
foc the unit into which ihe Tenan[ moves. .
E. Management will give the Tenant written nodce of termination of the Lease as follows:
1. Fourteen (14) days in the case of failuce to pay rent;
2. A reasonable time depending on the seriousness of the situarion m the case of a.Hueat oi act against the bealth or
safeTy of other tenants, ManagemenYs employees, or othei peisons, oc
3 77�y �gp) days in a11 odtez cases.
F. Acceptance of rent with Irnowledge of good cause for temilna[ion of the Leue shall not be considered a waiver of
ManagemenYs cight to temilnate ttus Lease on the buis of such good cause nox of Management's right to assert such good
cause in any legal action.
If tUe Tenant continues fo occupy the dwelling un3t after the Temvnation of the Leue, the Tenant agrees to pay Management
[he reasonable value of the use of the premises for the period that the Tenant continues to occupy 1he unit. The reasonable
value for the ssse of the premises is equivalent to the amount of cent for such period. Aowever, such payments shall not
constitute ce¢t and by accep[ing such payments Management does not waive its right to assert any lease violations in any legal
If Management decides to texminate flds lease, it will give Tenant a written notice which states the [easons for the temilnation,
infom�.s the Tenant of Ms or her right [o ceply and infocros fhe Tenant of TenanPs rights under the Grievance Procedure
described in Section 13 of tlus Lease.
A. Before move-in, Managemert and Tenant will inspect the unit. Management will give Trnant a written statement o
conditions of the unit and the equipment provided wifh the unit The statement will be verified and signed by Management
aud Tensat .A copy of the statemenf will be kept by ManaB�e°t �° the TenanNs file.
HD-4248 - Hi-Rise Dwelling Lease ' �
oa, innno
g, When Tenaat maves out, Management will inspect the unit and fundsh Tenant with a v+citten statement of dan�aBes for which
Tenant is responsible. If Tenant moves out aftec business Louts or on a weekend oc holi.day, Mavagement �vill inspect the �nit
on tLe next business day after Te°a°t �°acatea' Manage°`ent wi11 give Tenant the oppornwit3' to be pcesent at this
i�spectioa by gvin�'j'enant written norice, witivn e ieasonable rime, of the time and daYe of ffie inspection. No notice wi11 be
provided if Tenant vacates without nodce to Maztagement.
C. Management may entec Tenanrs uv�t as follows: �tt� notiw stabng the puiPose of entry imo rhe wut, except
7. ManaSement �vill provide Tenant wiffi rno (2) daYs
tNat Management rvill provide Teaant �vith [easonable no�i �( ��een the houts of 8:00 a.ms d 4:30 p.m for the
for maP�ng improvemenis w rep�� M�ge�t entry est control openhons, foc makiaS
Purposes of perfom?i�S soutine msPecdons and maivtenance, includin8 P
imgrovemenls w reP�• O1 to show the premises for te-leasing.
2, Management may enter the unit at any time °nthout advance notificatioa when these is a Teasonable cause to believe
an emeigency e�sis;
3. If all aduit members of the househoid aze absedt at the time of eniry, Mana�ement �ri211eave a writTea statement in
the unit specifping �he date, tise and p�upose of enay.
A. pny �uce to Tenant &om ManaSe¢re�t will be in writin8 eithec:
1. De]iveied petsonally and hauded ro the Tenant oc another member of the Tenants houseLold who is an adult; or
z_ $e sent 6y pxepaid &rst class mail propedy addxessed.
S. If the Norice is delivered to a person other than the Tena¢t, Management wiA aiso mail a copy of the Notice to the Tena¢[. �
C Mynygement o�ce or PHA Cen�� A nd�'°is�ative O�ce�oc be pc peciy addre sed and ses by fust cia somailat t6e assig�d
If Tenant is absent frvm the unit for fourteen (14) consecuU ecsonal a ro t eriy will be conaid �re abando nd and be�disposed
Tenant Has abandoned the unit. Any of TenznYs cemainin8 P p p
o£by Management accotding to Minnesota law.
13. GRtEVANCE YROCEDtJRE � ement, will be pracessed and
All disputes about the Lease or about the res nsibi]iHes of Tenant, TenanPs household or Mana$
resolved in accordance wiffi die Grievance Psoceduce of Management wbich is in effect at the tima the dispute arises. Tha
Grievance Pcocedure is posted "ut the Management office and is made a part of this Lease by refecence.
The Admission and Occupancy Policies refemd to in this Leaze is the Admission and Occupancy Policies as approu'ed an as
pccupancy Pol'c e and am ndmenis is posted in the Managemenp�ffce a d may be e.� at y c time du ng busin ss hoursa
15. CIiANGE,___ S T� L —�' AS�' .,
Changes m this Lease, other [han r1�anSes in Tenanc rent, wvill be made on7y by a written addendum s3gned by both Nlanagemen
and Tenant.
O c pancy Policies aze past d in the ManaB ment Office and are ava lable foreinspectionband unders�tands how the�y all apply
the TenanYs tenancy. �
By signing below, Tenant and Management enter into Uue Izase which will �� eff�t on the date shown in SeMion 1, TERM
LEASE; RENEWP.L OF LEASE on page 1 of tlils Lease.
H0.9246 -Hi-R�se Dwelling Lease