225601 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK � ����0� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE ,�, NO LIC�rsE CoN�[2'TEE COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � rR�sE"r�° °Y October 39 1 6 COMMISSIONE pA� ! 9 � RESOI�VID: That C. F. No,225575� passed by the �a.ty �ouncil on October ]�, 1965, denying the application of the All State Truck Sales Comp an� for a Second Hand Motor Vehicle Dealert� �,i..cense at 2215 IIniversity Avernze� be and the same is hereby rescinded. cc: c, F. rro. 225575 � Applicati on J�2286 �Denied for failure to post the bond} �; (B ond. posted.f(f(postmarked envelope 10-13-65,��'& recid 10-15-�65) OCT 191965 COITNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Onr �9 �A6� Dalglish �� '� Holland , Appro ed ' 19— � Loss � Tn FaVOr –� --Mered�itlr- Peterson :;� ' �yOr A►gSlI18t - �^�� �:;..........:�..,. .,n['.'�a..i�n'� OCT 23 19� ..��ix�':�d�_...,.��...�,,,....�� PUBLISHED Mr. Vice Pr�si3cnt (i:os�n) ions e-as