224095 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �: CITY OF ST. PAUL �,����� FOENCIL NO. ISCENSE CO��TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCiI RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED EY C COMMISSIONE nL DAT� .h�na. ��i l z�� RESOLVID: That application for the transfer of Food.stuff-Original �ontainer� Off Sa1e Malt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses No. 30�.0� all expiring January 31, 1966, issued to Gerald G� aichele at 798-800 Maxgaret �venue, be and the same are hereby transferred to G� G� A., Inc, at the same ad.dress. C]FF SALE LIcaUOR ESTABLISHI�NT � TRANSFER (Individu.al to ,�orp oration) , Informally approved by �'ouncil ; June 6� 1965 � � e �uN `�� `� COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish JUN 2 219� ��� � Approve Loss 19_ Meredich � F$vor '' . Peters on /� ��._ v A gainst . ACf�lf� Mayor e,�e°�Be�Rp�,r;;�fkRRN� x..............�;....,.;...;.:�::.....:.•::. PUBLISHED JUN 26 1�� ........... .........•.. .......••:• 1o1�'e.�Ce Pr�ident (Rosenj