224086 ORIG�N'A'L TO GITY CLBRK ^ ��L� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� � ,ar OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED QY c��' 22 1 COMMISSIONE� MTT�TnN RQy' +� DATF , 965 /�/�^ . WHEREAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement � - described as the DUNEDIN TERRACE STORM WA,TER RELIEF SEWER, Comptroller19 Contract L-671�., Hurle� Construction Company,,.EOntractor, have been provided for in the specifications, and WFIERE.AS, it has been found necessary to rrake the follov�ing Additions : ADDITIONS 1 - Catchbasin Connection in the northwest corner of � E. Robie and Ada Streets, lump sum . . . . . . . � 65.3).}. 1 - 15" Vit. Clay Pipe Stub, 6 feet long at �an.hole No. 8, in the intersection of Congress and Anita Streets, lump sum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � "�-2.73 1 - �ianhole Casting and Lid furnished and placedC� . � 8.88 • Total Additions 156.95 and, - . -- - --- - - _- �- - -- -- ' � - � _ < -=�:� - � _ _._ �- .- - -- - _ _ - - _ _. � WHEREAS, the Corrnnissioner of Public Works has agreed with .the above named Contractor that the sum. of � 156.95 is the correct amount to be added to the above contrac t, now there fore be it RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul �rough it�s City Council approves the foregoing �lddition made in accordance with the specificationa in the sum of � 156.95, said amount tobe added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller� s Contract L-6711�, and which amount is to be financed from the City1 s Share of Local Improve- men.ts, CODE 0920-701. - � �+' ' � .G� 1� �U COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 2 �� - Dalglish _ �. .._ _ -. . _ ..__ _ _._ _ __ �_ .�-..- ,_ - —--- - ��N 2'- ` -_ ��H__��_ , � Approved 19— Loss v Tn FavOx' "�' Meredith � � � 1 Mayor Peterson ' A gBinSt �•�•�::::::��:::•�`T:�::�:::�;;P JUN 2 6 1965 e'e':�°:P�re�ieei�tis:b�?'.a�uou� PUBLISHED ��'ice�resident j$oaea�, , ions e-as DUrLICAT[TO rRINT[R ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couKCa ���� . � OFFICE OF THE CiTY CLERK F�� NO.�__ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�,�o nr i�.�T-�I��£� � TiTUFs 2�� 1�5 COMMISSIONE� v-rr flnc� T n � . WHEAEAS� AddZt3onc� �rh�eh might prove �to be n�aee��ry in the Tmprov�m�n� d��Crib�d a� the DUNID�N T�RRAC£ STOR�t �TATFR RE�TE�' �EWER, Comptroller r� �or�traat L-671l�., Hurl�y Con�truation Company} contr�.ator, have b�en provid�d t'or in the �pec3�iQation�e, and Wl�p3s 3t �ia� beeu found nece�sar� to nake the fo11ow3ng Add�.tion�t ADDITIONS . 1 - Ca�t ohba�i� Connsction in the northw�et ao�+ner o� £. Robie �.nd Ad� Stre�t�� lump $um , . . � . . . � 65�.3�1- 1 - 15" Yit. Glay Pipe S�ub, 6 �eet long �t I�nhole No. 8, 3n the Sntereeation ot Congre�s �nd Anita streete, lump sum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �.2•?3 1 W �nhole Cast3ng and �id furni�hed and plaaeds�4 . 8.88 Total Additiona �� and, WHERPAB, the Commi+�a3oner of Publia �1�orks ha�� agz�ed. with ths above named Con��€aator that the eum of � 156.9� i� the oorreat amount to be adde�. to �he �bove aontrae t� now ther� fore be it RFSOLVED, that �he C�.ty of' St. Paul �'hrough it�� City Counail appr4t�e� the forego3.ng Addition ma.de in acaord�nae with the specif3cationa in the sum of � 356.95� ss�id amount tobe added to the lump �um aon�n3d�ration named in the Qontraeti Known ae Comptroller� s Con-�a+aat L�-671�{., and. which emount �s to be financed from the Cit��� Share o� Loc�l Improwe- ment�, CODE 0920�701. �IUN 2 21�&5 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish JUN 2� �� ,�t�--� � Approved 19— Loss Tn F'8VOr Meredith Pecersan � MAyor .Ro�sCst� A�et � K;��I►�i;'°P�e:sideri�;'s�avoulYS� Ir.Yr. 7'ice :resilen*_ (Ras:.r.� iox �as