224060 , � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . �"// ���� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� '�'� ���� .P OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F'LE N� .-. � �COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED DY COMMISSIONER DAM � WHEREA�', Dr. Irwin A. Epstein is the �Chairman of the St. Paul Human and Civil Rights Commission� and i WHEREAS� his attendance at �the National �Conference of �ommissions for Human Rights is for the purp ose of improvement and betterment of the operations of the said St. Paul Human and " Civil Rights Commission� and � WHERE9i�� such attendance will afford and establish necessary and important communications between the local and National levels of government and the Conference of Commissions for Human Rights, now, therefore, be �it RE�OLVED, That aa. ch necessary expenses as are incurred by Dr . Irwin A. Epstein by his attendance at said meeting shall be paid from the appropriate fund of said �t. Paul Human and Civil Rights Commission� �.ind No: 0027-204. � ,J , � � f �� PPROVED � • '� � � _ ation ou sel � � , JUN �� � COLTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � ��e� 2 2 ��� Dalglish " , . V ��d--= � � Approved 19— Loss � , Tn Favor Meredith 1, Peterson V I�CtIB� MRYOr A gainst ���������;,Y�� ; PUBLISHED JUN 2 6 1965 N�i. Vice President (Rosenl 1oM ba4 �.. - t DUrLIGT[TO►RINTSR S ��0 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�NCIL NO `� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , .� �. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO�I ISS ONE� ��r~ DATF WHEREAS� Dr. Irwin A. Epstein is the Chairman of the St. Paul Human and Civil Rights Comm.ission� and WAEREA�� his attendance at the National Conference of Commissions for Human Rights is for the puxp ose of improvement an,d betterment of the operations of the said St. Paul Human and Civil Rights Commission; and WHEREAS� such attendance will afford and establish necessary and important communications between the local and National levels of government and the Conference of Commiss3ons for Human Rights� now� therefore� be it RESOLVED� That ateh necessasy expenses as are incurred by Dr. Irwin. A. Epstein by his attendance at said meeting shall be paid from the appropriate fund of said St. Paul Human. and Civil Rights Commission� F�a.n.d No. 0027-204. 'J���,- � � �� � � � . ,� � �� ��6�. COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��glisb .9t1N 2 21965 ,�d-- ^ Appro��1 19— Loss � Tn FavOr Meredith Peterson J �yor se�8�_ A$81118t �:.c.�i�s�d'en�::.���?!�1;�:�ti� Mr. Vice President (IZosen) io� s-0s