224049 , . ���,y (��Q ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � �,��j ,�,J �,� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. :�, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY �� � COMMISSIONE � DATF S WHEREA.S, by Council Fi1e No. 2�8210, approved May 20, 1964, the Commissioner of Parks, Recreatiori and Public Buildi.ngs submitted an application to the Housing and Home �ina.n.ce Agency for a grant of funds authorized by Title VII of the Housing Act of 1961 to aid in the acquisition of Hillcrest Golf Course; and WHEREAS, approval of the applic�tion and program was given by the Housing and Home Finance Agency on May 25, 1965, and a contract providing for a grant in the amount of $168, 000. 00 or 20 per cent of the actual cost of acquisition, whichever is�les s, has been offered to the City, conti.n.gent upon successful acquisition of the land of Hillcrest Golf Club, now, therefore be it � , � RESOLVED, that further �iegotiation for the acquisition by the City of the property of the Hillcrest Golf Club is i.n the public i.nterest, and that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute said contract with the Housing and Home Finance Agency providin.g for a grant in the amount of $168, 000. 00, or 20 per cent of the actual cost of acquisition, whichever is less, upon successful acquisition of the land of Hillcrest Golf Club, i.n duplicate, upon the terms and conditions specified therein. � t � � ROVED t . C'�rppration Counset • JUN 2 21965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish � JUN 2 21965 �� � , Approve 19— Loss � � , � /%��✓� � • Tn Favor ������� � � Peterson � ��ti,t� MaYor � • Against j •i:so'3:::::•:::::.....::....:. .�,. �� �i���7 �;:��e��������d o JUN Mr. Vice President (Ros`� pUBLISHE lOM 8-82 \ � DUPLICATE TO`rRINTER ' • J��` F�„y�'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� " ,.� � r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 O N Ea DATE '�YH�R,�AS,, l�y �aixn.cil File No. 2�8�]��1� �.ppro�rad Zvi�.y �0, l.964� Ehe �ommf�si��� of T���k�, R�creatic�n t�nd T'ubl.ic �.iuildings submitted �.n appZ�:�atio�x to th� �t?usin� �.nd Honae Fina►n.c� �g�n�y £a� a graat of f�ds a�tho�ized �y T`�t1�s YII of the F#ousiug Act of 19fa1 ta aid �n. the acq�i��tida of ��re�at �'•o�.f ��urse; and. �HE�.EA.u, approval of the �pplf,c�.l�bn a�ct pxogram was g�ven by tb;e ��ueing a�n.d I3ome �'�anG� AgQn�y Qn M2�y Za, 196�, and a con��cact pr�v�.c�.ng fQr �. ���.� �n. �hd �n�unt of �16�, 440. (f0 or 20 pe�� �en� �£ th� a�tual �o�t ctf acqv,$��t�on, whfch�v�� i� 3.e,�s� Isam b�en, of£ared tc� �r, �i,ty� contingent upon a�x�eeaa� �cquie���Qn of �he l�.nd o� F�illcre�� Gol£ �1�.'b, now. ther��o�e be �,t RESQL'�J''ED� tl�.t fuarthEr �iegc�#atipx� �or the acqu�ia�itio�. b�r the C��r of t�e p�op�rty of�e H�ic�ee� Co1f Club ia �o thc pu.bl�.c intiez���t,. �u�1 that tb.e �ro�e�� C3�r c�f��iat� �.re heaxaby �u�.or�ed to axec�te e�.�.d eantract w�ith the Ho'u�i.n.g a�d Home Fiu�.�e Agency p�Qv�tcliag �o� �► grta.nt 3.n �h� �md�at 4f $].65, OOa. 40, or 2d �ex ��n�k o�' �he ac�tu.a3. c�a�t r�� a�qui.��t��n, whi��eve� �� les�, u�on succeasfu2 �.cquf�ition of the� laund of i3illcremt �alf Clt�la, � du�lir�te� upan the ��rm�r �nd condition� spbc�ed tl��i�ein. ,lUN 2 2 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish .J�N 2 2196� �nt1-- � Approved 1g_ Loss � ������7� Tn Favor Peterson L,/� � Mayor �� A gainst ��.��E��,�'i,���;��i;[i�� x:: Mr.•Vice President /R�hr,n) 1oM 8-82