06-26coun�a Fue # C(, _ 21D Green Sheet # 3029162 RESOLUTION CITY�OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 2R rr�r�a RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Agreements between the City of Saint Paul and the Classified Confidential Employees Associarion (CCEA) for the purpose of raising the grade and rate of pay for the classifications of Human Resources Consultant I, Human Resources Consultant III and the Workers Compensation Claims Processor. These adjustments are due to the wmptetion of a ctassification and compensation study by the City and will help maintain the Ciry's compliance with the Miimesota Pay Equity Act. Benanav Bostrom ✓ Thune � ,/ Adopted by Council: Date Adoption� �� Approved [•��1 Requested by Department o£ 1 Ht au $esources �� ,� By: � � �y � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Hu -H� x�,�� Confad Person & Phone: An@e Na�eary 2fi6-6515 Must Be on Couneil Agem CoMractType: RE-RESOIUTiON z,-oECas �' Auign Number Fof Routing Order V� ' •�t Green Sheet NO: 3029162 ueoamment sem ro vefson m�awam 0 oman 1 an urc artm t" r 2 rn � .� 3 a r' ce a' / ' isnt 4' 5 erk Total � of SignaW re Pages _(Clip NI �owtions tor Signature) Action Requested: Resolution approving the attached Memorandum of Agreements hetween the City of Saint Paul and the Classified Confidenfial Employees Association (CCEA). itlations: Appmte (A) or R Plantpm� Commission CIB Committee Civl Senice Commission 1. Has this persorJfirtn e�er wmked under a coMract for this departmerrt? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skili not nartnaly possessed by arry curtent city employee? Yes No ExpWin all yes answers on separate shcetand attach to green sheet I�+tiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, Wha; When, Where, Why): Increasing the pay and grade for the ciassifications of Human Resources Consultant I, Human Resources Consultant III and Workers Compensation Claims Processor due to the completion of a classification and compensation study. Adva�lages NApproved: Maintain the City's campliance with the Minnesota Pay Equity Act. Disadvantages ifApproved: None. Disadvantages li Not Approved: Will not be in compliance with the Minnesota Pay Equity Act and face fines and additional cuts to LGA. i ov� nmoun[ ot Transaetion: Punding Souree: Financialinformatlon: (ExPWin) Activity Number. y � � �...Pr_�g... ;F �€ �Z�'" y h'.x'° ��: ,,,y�,. �*°9 P,-?, �P e �a- ?P,'�t = ��Tl�e� u. . DEC 2 � 20�. December 21, 2005 4:10 PM CosURevenue Budgeted: Page 1 Me Following F ! C(�•24 � MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLASSIFIED CONFIDENIAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION T'his Memorandum of A�reement (MOA) is entered into by the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Classified Confidentiai Employees Association (Union), for the purpose of raising the grade and increasing the rate of pay for the Workers Compensatzon Claims Processor classification represented by the Union. This adjushnent is due to a recent classification and compensarion study by the City and will help maintain the City's compliance with the Minnesota Pay Equity Act. The City and Union agree that the grade for the Workers Compensation Claims Processor class�cation will be increased from 18 to 21 effective with the signing of this MOA. This MOA sha11 affect only the classification listed above and will not set any precedent. FOR THE CITY: � //�� / i: .� � �. ..• '- . - Date: �� � O$� FOR THE UNION: � G'��-e �---- ero e Sakpeider Association President Date: �- • �j � G:\Shared�LRCOMMONUASOMPay EquityN40A Pay EquiTy Work Comp Claims.doc bt Zto • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL CLASSIF"IED CONFIDEIVIAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION TYus Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is entered into by the CiTy of Saint Paul (City) and the Classified Confidential Employees Association (Union), for the putpose of raising the grade and increasing the rate of pay for the Human Resources Consultant I classification represented by the Union. This adjustment is due to a recent classificafion and compensation study by the City and will help maintain the City's compliance with the Minnesota Pay Equity Act. The City and Union agree that the grade for the Human Resources Consultant I classification will be increased from 7 to 8 effective with the signing of this MOA. This MOA shall affect only the classification listed above and will not set any precedent. FOR THE CITY: FOR THE UNION: • on Sc Labor Relations Manager Date: �a � �.s ��— ro e Sakpeider Association President Date: ?�J S G:VShazedV.RCONIMONVASON�Pay Equiry�NIOA Pay Equiry AR Cons I_doc • • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CI`I`I' OF SAINT PAUL CLASSIFIED CONFIDENIAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is entered into by the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Classified Confidential Employees Association (Union), for the purpose of raising the grade and increasing the rate of pay for the Human Resources Consultant III classification represented by the Union. This adjushnent is due to a recent classification and compensation study by the City and will help maintain the City's compliance with the Minnesota Pay Equity Act. The City and Union agree that the grade for the Human Resources Consultant III classification will be increased from 14 to 15 effective with the si° ;ng of this MOA. This MOA shall affect only the classification listed above and will not set any precedent. FOR THE CITY: • L S��?� Ori SCIllTll abor Relations Manager Date: ao O.� FOR T'f-IE UNION: ero e Sakpeider Association President Date: �7�I 20 G:VShazed\LRCOMMONUASON�Pay Equiry�MOA Pay Equity HR Cons III.doc •