224005 ORIGINAL�CITY CL6RK ���`�V� -� CITY OF ST. PAUL caoNCi� ''� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY � COMMISSIONER ( �-f+—� ' DAT� S , � • WHEREAS� the Second United ;Imp�ovemeflt Advisory Committee� by its resolution dated May 17, 1965, approved and recommends to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that tra.n.sfer of bond monies wi�hin Bond F�i,nd No.. 300 from the IInallocated Fund within Bond �lzr�.d No: 300 to the Fro�ect funds designated and in amounts herein�'ter ,shown; and ' WHEREA�� the Technical Committee has concurred in the recommendation of the Advisory Committee and recommen ds transfers as hereinaf ter set forth, now� therefore, be it � RE�OLVED� That the Council ?of the City of S aint Paul hereby authorizes transfer of bond fund monies within Bond Ftznd No. 300 from the Unallocated �.ind within Bond �tZnd No. 300 to the Pro�ect funds designated and in amounts listed as follows:� ` � . � �rom Unallocated Fund� a total of $192,257.17 To: � EA -1 Maxfield Elementary $�+,814.96 EA -4 Homecro�t Elementary 21�671.35 ' EA -6 �Como Junior High _ 7,286.32 - EA -7 � Horace Mgnn Elementary 7� 895.02 EA -9 �heridan Elementary 28�312.16 EA-10 Eng. , Unspent, Prelim.Planning 33,630.06 EA-11 Highland Park Jr. High 16,720.99 EA-13 Lincoln Park Elementary 12�013.71 EA-14 Victoria, Frimar y (Como) 8,269.78 , EA-15 Dea.ne Elementary 7, 552•�5 EA-16 Sites, Site Imp. (Frost � Lake Site) 4,Og0.77 FQRM APPR VE . ; Ass#. Corporatio Counsel i � 1� � �uN 1 COUNCILI�N • Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays " ' � � Dalglish i e��N 1' Holland � � provec� 19— Loss Favor : f � • Meredith Peterson � Mayor A g81IL9t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis � ��� `°`�°�Q �� � � lons e-as ' � OU►LICATC TO M11NTSR ��/��, 65 Lir V - � CtTY OF ST. PAUL FIOENqL N� �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►R��o�r COMMISSIONE� DATF WHEREAS, the Seooncl Uhited I�grovem�nt Ad�riaory Committ�e� by ita resolution dated May 17� 1965 �pproved and rsaomm�nds to �hs CcrUncil ot' th� City of Sa�nt P�,ul that tr�n,$f�r of bond monie� within Bond Ft�nd No. 300 from the IInalloa�tsd Fund within Bond Ft�nd No. 300 to the Pro��ct ftiinds designat�d and in �mounts herein�er ahown; and WHEREAS� the T�ahnic�l Committ�• has eoneurr�d in the r�commend�tion of the Advi�ory �ommitt�� and reQO�me�.d� �ran�f ers ag hereinaf t�r set forth, now� theret'or�, be it RESOLVED Th�t th� �ota,n,ail of the Cit� �f' s air:t Paul hereby authorizes �r�na�'sr of bond f�nd monies within Bortd _ �in.d No. �00 from the IInalloaated F�nd with�n Bond Ifiand No. 300 to the Pro�eQt t'unds designa�ed a�a.d in amounts l�.sted as follow�s From Unalloc�ted Fund! a total. ot' �192,257,17 To� EA ��l Maxfield El�mentary �?+4 814.96 EA -a+ Homsaro�t Elsmentary 21;b71.3� EA �6 Como Junior High 7�2g6�32 � -7 Hora�as Mann Elem�ntary 7�895•02 EA -9 Sherid�n Elsmentary 28�312.16 EA-10 Eag. Unapent� Prelim.P'lanning 33�630.06 EA-11 High�and Park Jr. �iigh 16�720.99 EA�13 Zineoln Park El�mentary 12,013.'71 EA-14 Yictori�� Primary (Como) 8�269.78 EA-15 .Deane Elementary 7,552.05 EA-16 Sit��, S3te Tmp. (Fro�t Lake �i��) 4�090.77 ��N �5196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays �� � Dalglish �'�� Holland Appro�e� 19— Loss ` Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � MByOr Rosen A 8'��t Mr. President, Vavoulis io�c s.e: t , e , � � � . � ' ' � ' COUNCIL ADVISORY CO.MMITTEE � BOND FUND EXPENDITURES CApital 4-4612 379 Court House� (�j�� Ext. 277 � ���" SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA � . Ma,y 17, 1965 - PAUL A. SCHILLING �. �Or a�ld City Cou�cil � GHAIHMAN ALBERT H• DAGGETT , SCL�I�.� ra,W.� Miunesota ' ARCHIE GINGOLD ' 1 MRS. ALFRED W. PARTRIDGE Gentlemer�; � , RICHARD C. RADMAN, JR. � LAWRENCE RYLANDER gesolved that the Secor�d t�nited Improvement Advisory FRANK WIDERSKI � 4 �f y. q FRANK L. MADDEN Commit�ee does herieby recommend 1�� the V��/� C��C+1� that trausfer of bond monies within Bond Fund #300 eXE��T��6 BECRETARY FEOM the UNALLOCATED Furid withi�t Bo�d �.ind #304 �8 TO the Pro3ect fw�,ds designated and amounts liste as follows; - � F$OM Unallocated Fund totaling �192,257.17 - TO. . . . . . - EA -1 Maxfield Elementary ��'��81�'•96 EA- � Homeeroft Elemeutary 21,671.35 EA- 6 " Como Junior High 7,z86•32 EA# &7 Horace Mann Elementaxy 7,895•02 EA�' 9 Sheridan Elementary 28,312.16 EA- 10 Eng,Unspt. ,Prelim Planning•' 33�630.06 EA- �11 H'land Park 'Jr. High 16,720,99 E�4_13 Lincoln Pk Elementary 1'2,013•71 EA 1�i� VicGoria, Prim. (Como) $,269•?$ EA- 1$ Deane Elemeritary- , 7,552.�5 EA- 16 Sites, Site �Imp. � (F'rost Lake Site) , �,�9�.77 Total ' 192,2��.1? . Transfer of the above funds will exhaust all Unallocated funds withiu Bond Fund #3��• ti . .. � A1l funds derived from the 1953 Bond Issue , alloted to the Depaxtmer�t of Edueation have � now been� e�pended, and tYie ner� constructio�a - and rehabili�,�,tion school program anthorised . i� that bond issue has b�en completed. Approval of the above listed fund transfers given by this committee Nlay l 65• i C0.- ISOEY COMP'lITTEE , , ; . Copies- Comptroller � Eg e ive Secretary Educat�on Dept. ; Technical Committee \ , a