223987 o��a�i��vb ctrr�er}K -. ' 22�9�'� � . � r• "� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO ,��'"� � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ DATE 2. , sub�ect to a temporary easement across the rear of the 60 feet of N2 of L. 15, Hyde Park, Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the use of automobile egress and ingress to the balance of L. 15, such easement to be extinguished when and if the City builds on s�.id property, and otherwise the title shall be free and clear of all encumbrance, to the lands hereinbefore described sub�ect to a party wall if in existence; and RESOLVED, further, �hat the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay to Eighth Avenue Realt Company and Unilex Co . , vendors of said property, the sum of �122,000.00, said sum to be paid to the aforesaid companiea from �3p�?� Fund 7�-00 upon their furnishing an abstract nf title continued to date; evidencing good marketable title in Eighth Avenue Realty Company and Uni�lex Co, and upon tender by said parties of an appropriate warranty deed conveying title to said property to the City of Saint Paul. -'Y JUN 15 �� COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays � . JUfV 151965 Dalglish � Holland pproved 19— Loss � Favor � Meredith ` Pete rs on � MRyOr � Rosen ASainst Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED JU1�1 � '� ��� � iont a�s . -�,l � , � \ � y ���� 2����'� ,� c�RIGI' TG CITY r�aP�1C � _ � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ DATF WHEREAS, the Committee onlLands, composed of the �Iayor, the �urchasing i�gent `and the Commissioner of Libraries , Auditorium, and Civic Buildings of the City of Saint Paul has secured an option for the purchase -of that certain property described as follows : , � "Easterly 60 feet of the N2 of L�15, Hyde Park, Saint Paul, Minnesota, acc except that part taken by the City of Saint Paul for Lexington A�enue and Aur��a Avenue;� and Lots 7, 8, B 1 of Lindemann's Subdivision of Lots 9 and 10 of Hyde Park Addition �o the �� City of Saint Paul f "�and � . . - WHEREAS, the land and building located thereon will be of great value to the City of Saint Paul for the location of a , public library, and the price at which the property may be pur- chased is at the to�al amount of $122,000.00, a fair and reasonable price according to the appraisal obtained by the . �. .- .,K. � Committee on La.nds; and . a�=�"`'-"° ' - • � WHEREAS, said committee has recommended the purchase of � , � said property at the price stated above, as evidenced by the � letter of said commi�tee submitted herewith; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant '�o the Section 303 of the Charter .� , of the City of Saint Paul the Council of the City of Saint Paul � does hereby authorize the purchase of the land described as : � o � "Easterly 60 feet of the Nz of L.15, Hyde Park, �� Q Saint Paul, Minnesota, acc except that part i �' taken by the City of Saint Paul for Lexington Avenue and Aurora Avenue; and - Lots 7, 8, B 1 of Lindemannis Subdivision of Lots 9 and 10 of Hyde �Park Addition to the �O. City of Saint Paul, COiJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays ,_� Dalglish � Holland Approved 19— . Loss Tn FaV01' Meredith Peterson MBYOr A gainst � / Rosen JMr. President, Vavoulis r � �o� � i / Y � . �� _ vy��� � i 4 y l� . ���� �� � June g, 1965 City Council City of Saint Paul Court House � s Gentlemen: • The undersigned Comrnittee on La.nds has obtained an option allowing the Ci�y of Saint Paul to purchase certain proper�y described as follows : "Easterly 60 feet of the N� of !L 15, Hyde Park, Saint Paul, Minnesota, acc excep� that part taken by the City.��of Saint Paul for Lexington _ Avenue and Aurora Avenue; and Lots 7, 8, B 1 of Lindemann's Subdivision of Lots 9 and 10 of Hyde Park Addition to the City of Saint Paul. " ' � An appra3sal of the value of the property has been obtained from �ohn J . Kenna, realtor, Commerce Building, St . Paul, Minnesota, in the amount of $125,000.00 for the property's fair and rea�on- able market value . On its part, the o tion allows the City of St . Paul to purchase the property for �122,000.00. This property, including a building and land, will be of significant u.alue to the City of Saint Paul in providin� library facilities at its location. In view of the utility of the , , , 1 ' � . �1 , � R �� � � M L To City Council 2. June g, 1g65 facili�y, and the reasonable price at which it can be purchased, we, the Commi�tee on La.nds do recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it authorize the purchase of said land at the price of �122,000.00 recited in the option. Very truly yc�urs, . Ma o ;�� �d.c�i�� � � Purchasing A�e�% �� Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium, and Civic Buildings ' ;Y ; - � 239 � . ;. . , � � _ .� . . �IBRAItY S�RVICES � • SPECIAL PROBLF3�iS OF THE DAI�E-SELBy AREA �'3fte�n qears �igo the citizens voted a bond issue �o build a branch librar� ian the D�le-Selby area. It was so pl�naed because this was tlze �rea �aer� �here �iaa tbe gre��eat aeed. Fifteen years la�e�, it fe a�ill the aro� with t�e grea�e�t need. Eveai the "exper�e" agr�e. The Depar4�n� bf Lib�mri��; with it�s ��Supea'v�rlcet p�iloaophp��, h�s n�er c�ios� a aite which will not adeguately aerve the Dale-Selby area, iaabtead of the centx�l loc�tioa� dee►ired. Pos�iblg otia� i�e�s diff�r ori aThat servicee �re required mnd to cliirify , t�ia point we set forth below our basic belieg for •� service to the D�ale-Selby area. 1: 3TOIdEFRONTS - �iith special selections to meet the sp�cial need� of culturally disadnantaged p�oples, staffed with specially train- ed librar3Bn� of professioaal stature. These extensions (pl�ase aote the plurel) should be located eo ea to serve those who do not drive arid aiust walk to the facility. 2� LYBRARY EICTIIdSION AGIIdTS - As proposed by Vice President H�nnphrey, � at�ached �o the public library and specializirig in co�ity services. 3: SPECIALLY •DESIGNED BOOIQriOBILES - With fold-out tables, chairs and�ox facilities for study: These units must be s�ocked with apecial aelec��oa►s to meet the specific needs of tHe area. 4. CREAT'IPE PROGRflIrLS - Making available the latest in �echnical reading helps and eguip�ient to assist reading programs for the culturally disadvantaged. , 5. ADVERTISING � RECRUITMENT � To assure use it wil.l be necessary to advertiae in the area. The boolanobile program now in use has failed because most people do not lmow the day or time the - unit is at a specific locatfon. � 6.� CHILDREN'S SERVICES - Childr�n must be served. This ia contrary to the present library philosophy but never�heless children must be served. TMere should be prog�an�s to at�ract children to the library, and to make them feel tha� it is theira. The etateme�t has been me►de that the school should provide the library ser'vice for children. This is fine to a point but we ask; HOW CAN GOOD LIBRARY HABITS BE FORMED IN YOUNGER CHILDRFN ' IF THE LI�ftAR% DOESN�T REACH OUT AND CATER TO TEiEM? � . ►' • . ' . C�tII,DYtENS SERVICES = Cont�d � With the present ��superniarket policy", the attitude that the library ehould onlp $erve adults aad the place�erit of tlie new faaiYit3* at the • extr�e northweet corner of the area� it appears the school wi11 h�ve to aasim►e the 1ib�ary function. �en if, tha library did have auch programs, �hat ch�].dr�n could attend� Most wou].d have to walk miles ' �hrougl� a dark winter afternoon, �through heavy traffic areas, acrnas a freeway aazd �ccess roads, to the dangerous interaection where the ' new l�brary is now to be located. My childr�n won�t I asaure you. , ` 7: LOCATI�1 - A lib�ary shou7.d be �entrally locah4d to �,e az�ea i� servee. Thia should be basic in anyon��s thinkinge �ow, by�aa�►� stretah of the imagination, the location at University and �'��,ezing�od is central I would like �o lmo�r - ceai�ral to what? The area is basically industrial, has only east w�est public transportation and the people on the north side of University are now being served by 'the Hamline Branch library. So I ask again - ceaitral to what? �Tost certai.nly not the Dale-Selby area. The preserit selection is again an sxample of the ��supermarket philosophy�� - To serve only those able to drive to the location and , �ot neoessarily from the neighborhood. Are those that are less for�uriate to be forgotten again? It appears so - The propoeed library is to be placed - OUT OF TI� REACH OF Tf� CHILDRIId -- OUT OF 1tEACH TO THE DISADVANTAGED - - OUT OF REACH TO THE MAJORITY - To be used by the people tHat would �se the library anyway - no matter where it was ' located. This is progress? As set forth above, library services are not contingent upon a buildirig: We ask that ariy and all of the above services be initiated iaimediately. We will assist in any way possible and ask for a meeting again within 30 days to study the riew services initiated a.nd the results of these services. DALE-SELBY ACTION COUNCIL J: H. Nicklas 501 Portland Avenue St. Paul, Minn. 55102 226-8679