223979 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlNK ��3 g�g , CITY OF ST. PAUL� FOENCIL NO a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ., COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY n�,.� � COMMISSIONE �/"""� DATE _ RESOLVED� �That a public hearing be held by and before the Couneil of the City of Saint Paul� in the Coun.cil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall� in said City� as provided in Section 1.07� paragraph 2� of the Sair�t Paul Legislative Code� at ten otclock a.m. on July 20� 1965� upon the advisability and necessity of the repair� replacement� remodeling� or wrecking and removal of the frame two and one-half stq�ry' two-fa.mily dwelling a.nd garage on Lot 24� Block 2� Holcombets Addition to Saint Paul� according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County� Minnesota� also known as 719 Dayton Avenue� because said structure is � -. reported to be dangerous and uns�tfe to life� limb a.nd adjoining property. � - � - - - - - � - -- - �- - . � VED , � Pbratton o�� � JUN 1519� COUNCILI�N � '� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ; JUN 151965 Dalglish , � Holland � Approve� 19— Loss � Tn FavOr ,�J _ �� Ji Peterson M�yOr A gainst � •..s.••:e:� ar.•: e�Sfie3�iL�;•�����c��::e� Mr. Vice Presi�lent (F�osen) �pUBLISHED JUN 1 g 1965 ions e-ds M DUrLICAT[TO MINT[R ���1.y�� �'�- �i�,�» ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCU �� ��' �' '� OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESHiTED tY COMMISSIONE� DATF RESOLYED� That a publ3.a h��rin� be held by gnd before the CouriQi7. of �he City ot' 8aint Paul� in the Council Cha�mber of �he �ourt Hou�e and Cit�r Hall, in �aid City� affi provided 3.n �eQtion 1.0�� paragr�ph 2� of the Saint Paul Legisla�ive Code� at ten o� Qlook d.m. on July 20� I.�65� upon the advisability and neQeasi�y of the repair, replaaement� remodeling� or �ecking and removal of the fr�me two and one-half stary two-fami.ly dWelling and garggm c�n Lot 24� Bloak 2� Holaombe�s Add�.tian to Saint Paul� �accor�iing to the plat thereof recsorded 3.n the offic� of the R�gister of De�d� of R�msey Countp� Minneaota�� also l�own, s� ?l9 Da�yton Avenue! because as�id �truc�ure is �eported �o be dangerous �tnd una�fe to l�.fe� 13mb and �d�oining proper�y. JUN 1519�5 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � Jl�11151965 Holland �ppro ed 19— Loss ,.1 Tn Favor . +-Mer�'dI�^ /l ' U r Peterson , �yOr ���� A gAlI18t ��e�!'��s�eat�;�,�vt1��f�i! I�'[r..Vice President (Rosen) ^ � loll[ 0�0! � � �� ' / i b y" :� � ��. _ ;;;, ° C T Y O F S A I N T P A -L�'"��-.--�`-�-��- .��'':� �-. � ----• ,..�'. �- z.�. �f=�,.Sy � �-� - Capital of Minnesota ''� r'r"�= ��'.._.✓ �+ i y � .: ��....--- .�' ' _ 'T � \ - Y � .ii � �_ "``S''�"` �-'r��-..,.�_. _ ,tl�� ,r�. ��' ���� �\ PARTMENT O a' � CR�A_T_IQN A�` —� �BLIG �1,�D,1 GS-��—� �� --- —'; � � _ • , - � �_� ,.� �.-}'�;� i �';�'; ~ t` r, �} �� T; _ �.v e 'a, 'J�A�'� �}",R%` '�, � '��''s•` q '_i� - ��,-..- �� �e�ie � '�:-� �` �� - �G�_ _�COMMIS51�,,��� �. '�� r �.LL Y�� ,.�� �,�•_��� ` ;����� � Pa I� P L. L E I E R— -_,_..�!'' �"` `�' �:,�T,,�._�,� ,"`v� -�� ;;; ��, �;-� ; - .:. , - � _ � �,.,-.,� [.- 1� .7. _ �' � 'd' ' f ' � 'yi rc ;•'' f•- ��.� f� r' 3 3rr.Y' ��� � '� ��� :�4 +�' '. � �• �?•! �� , . � .,'S.� �� '+�., <,,f',�_'° /?�` .- ��"a7F` ���a�. � ��,�, 1' R}`�1 BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 ` 2�39�9 June 10, 1965 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul - Gentlemen: . A frame two and one half story two-family dwelling and a gar- � age at 719 Dayton Avenue, described also as Lot 24, Block 2, Holcombe�'s Addition to Saint Paul have been referred to this office for inspection and condemnation.� t � The dwellings is approximately 58 by 26 by 30. The windows and doors are broken or missing, cornice is rotted, siding is missing and broken, stairs to the basement and to the sec- ond floor are broken, light and plumbing fixtures have been removed or are in faulty condition. The basement floor has been broken up. The buildings are open to vagrants and others and badly van- dalized, dilapic�ted and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property. Danger Notices� have been posted and the last known record owners are Royal Realty Co. , Endicott on 4th Building, and Contract Purchaser is Rev. Arthur I. Harper, last known address 719 Dayton Aszenue, Saint Paul. � Kindly institute condemnation action by setting a public hearing date in accor•danc� with Section 1.07-2 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. . Yours tr ly > Ro � t . � es G Y RCHITECT A • CC: ' Fire Prevention Bureau \/ �' �"� 1 b �