06-253Council File # ���e-2S3 Green Sheet # 3029914 Presented Referred To Committee Date WHEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has re ferred a repurchase application for property located between 160 and 168 Acker Street East to the City of Saint Paul for a recommendation; WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has reviewed police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations within the past five years; and WEIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has not determined if the property between 160 and 168 Acker Street East is a mturicipal problem; therefore, be it RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul makes no recommendation that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners request the repurchase applicarion for the property between 160 and 168 Acker Street East; and further RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forward a certified copy of this Council resolution to the Ramsey County Tas Forfeited Land Office, Room 620, Ramsey County Government Center - West for fmal processing. Yeas Nays Absem Benanav ,/ Bostrom � Harris � Helgen J Lantry r Montgomery �/ Thune � O -� Requested by Deparnnent o£ � Forxn Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date /%!l�--i /� 0?/l0/ Adoption Certified by Coun� Secretary BY � BY� �����/�Js�/iil � Approved by Mayor: Date �'—� �/ -' � B ��� RESO�UTION ' OF SAINT�AUL, MINNESOTA �� � Green Sbeet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �`���5� � DepartrneM/oifice/councii: Date Initiated: � co -�o���, oz-�� Green Sheet NO: 3029914 CoMad Pe'son 8 Phone: ����t SerK To Person Initial/Date Councilmember Lee Hetgen � 0 oancil 2 � 8 �� Assign I ovnt0 De a entDirector Must Be on Couneil Agenda by (Date): Number Z ' Clerk For Rovting 3 Order 4 , 5 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Loptions for Signature) Action Requested: Maldng no recommendation that ffie Boazd of Ramsey County Commissioners request the repurchase application for the property between 160 and 168 Acker Street East. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Cont2cts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission t. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contrad for this department? CIB Committee . Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does tfiis personlfirtn possess a skiR not normaf{y possessed by any � current city employee? Yes No " � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet • InNiating Probfem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � AdvantapeslfApproved: Council F�e�°�'��+ �erster �1 uv DisadvanWges If Approved: � Disadvantages If NotApproved: �✓�(dS1(,�� �����,�h �v^nter s� �� t�2 2005 Totai Amount of - Transaction: CostlRevenue Budgeted: , Funding Source: Activity Number: �`� � � -- _ �� ' Financial Information: ` - (Explain) _ �� � �.:'� - _ ��-253 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL IL�YY�f' 1' a' _ ul ►. u_ u 1: a_►11 lu TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Councilmember Lee Helgen Racquei Naylor C c �` Repurchase Application for "Between 160 and 168 Acker Street EasY' Wednesday, January 25, 2006 Please see the attached documents regarding the repurchase application for the azea between 160 and 168 Acker Street East. After reviewing the documents, please return them to me as I need to make a resolution with a recommendation to the Ramsey County Boazd. Your choices for recommendation are as follows: 1) Approve the repurchase application; 2) Not approve the repurchase application; `�3 Make no recommendation. Which of the three recommendations listed above do you want on the resolution? Thank you in advance. CITY IIALL THIRD FLOOR 15 WEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL., MIlVNESOTA 55102-1615 � AA-ADA-EEO Employer bb-�5 Property Records and Revenne Susan R. Roth, Division Manager 812 Government Center West 50 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102-1657 January 23, 2006 2" request Shari Moore City Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Kellogg Blvd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Repurchase application relating to tax-forteited land Dear Ms. Moore, Fax: 651-266-2210 Enclosed please find a repurchase application received from the prior owner for land forteited to the State of Minnesota, "Trust Exempt". The County Board policy adopted on December 21, 1999, No. 99-507, allows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the property is located. The municipality will document whether the property is considered a municipal problem based on documented police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations within the past five years. The municipality, by resolution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase application and return the repurchase application to Ramsey County along with the resolution and documentation of any violations." The following documents are enclosed to assist you in your recommendation: code violation report and a police call history report. It should be noted that the reports are reflective of the property adjoining the tax forfeited parcel, 168 Acker St E., not the actual forfeited parcel. The forfeited parcel is the driveway for 168 Acker St. E. While the repurchase policy does not have a specific timeline for action by the City Council, we ask that, if possible, we receive the Council's recommendation within 60 days. Please forward a certified copy of the Council's resolution to the Tax Forteited Land office for final processing. if you have any questions regarding the enciosed documents, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (651) 266-2081. Sincerely, ���`�`� L✓�–c_— K' tine A. Kujala, Supervisor Tax Forfeited Lands Minnesota's First Home Sule County pnnted o� recyeled paperwiN amm�mum of 10%posReonsumer content � I• .� Property Records and $evenne Susan R. Roth Division Manager 812 Government Center West 50 Westi Rellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MY �5102-16'a7 October 13, 2005 Donald Luna City Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Kellogg B{vd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Repurchase application relating to tax-forfeited land Dear Mr, Luna, Fax:651-266-2210 Enclosed piease find a repurchase application received from the prior owner for land forfeited to the State of Minnesota, "Trust Exempt". The County Board policy adopted on December 21, 1999, No. 99-507, allows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipaiity in which the property is located. The municipality will document whether the property is considered a municipal problem based on documented police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations wifhin the past five years. The municipality, by resolution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase application and return the repurchase application to Ramsey Counfij along with the resolution and documentation of any violations." The �oliowing documents are enclosed to assist you in your recommendation: code violation report and a police call history report. It should be noted that the reports are reflective of the property adjoining the tax forfeited parcel, 168 Acker St E., not the actual forfeited parcel. The forfeited parcel is the driveway for 168 Acker St. E. While the repurchase poficy does not have a specific timeline for action by the City Councii, we ask that, if possible, we receive the Councii's recommendation within 60 days. Please forward a certified copy of the Council's resolution to the Tax Forfeited Land o�ce for final processing. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (651) 266-2081. . Sincerely, , "°,_� ...._---� � `�� r-�`'-. :� Kristine A. Kujala, Supervisor Tax Forfeited Lands Minnesota's First Home &ule County ormted on reeycled Oapermth a m'vumum eI30%postaonsumer conte�t � 06-�53 Proper�y Records aud Revenne Susan R. Roth, Division Manager 812 Government Center West 50.West Bellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102-1657 Donald Luna City Clerk City Hall, Room 370 15 Kellogg Blvd W St. Paui MN 55102 Re: Documents relating to tax-forfeited land P I N : 30-29-22-43-0122 PA: Between 160 and 168 Acker St E Police Ca11 History Report See attached sheet Code Violation Report See attached sheet Additionai Information None , Fa�: 651-26f'r2210 A4innesota's First Home Rule CounLy pnnted o� recyGed pxprz mth s mmunum of IO%pos4eonsumer content � D�-� 53 Appiication to Repurchase after Forfeiture �, ���7 /�/ �% �. ����lY � the ��"..iJ G. . , hereby P,pplicanYs name . Appl+canYS 2lationsh�p to the property make application to repurchase the following described parcei of tand, lying and being in the County of Ramsey, from the State of Minnesota, `"rrust E�cempY': �ega[ Description: The East half af Lot 19, Block 8, Edmund Rice's Second Addition P i N: 30-29-221l3-0122 Address: Between 160 and 968 Acker St E Forfeifure Date: August 2, 2005. 1 understand that, pursuant to Minnesofa Statutes, section 282.241, the owner at the time of forfeiture, or the owne�'s heirs, devisees, or representaf'sves, or any person to whom the right t4 pay taxes was given by statute, morEgage, or other agreement, may repurchase any parcel ofi tand claimed by the state to be forfeited to fhe state for taxes, uniess sold. i further understand thaf the parce! of land may be repurchased for the sum of ail delinquent taxes and assessments computed under section 282.251, toge#her with penalties, interest, and costs that acerued or wouid have accrued if the parce! of land had not forfeited to the state. I agree to pay all maintenance costs accrued on the property white under the management of Ramsey County as weli as any outstanding rent payments for occupying the prop"eriy untii the adoption of a resalution by the Ramsey County 8oard ofi Commissioners aceepting this application. The reasons and circumstances for the forfeiture of the property are as foliows: 3° � Appiicant information To be filled out by Prior Owner or Applicant acting on behaFf of the prior owner with statutory authority. ^ - - - _ _ . - _ r , � Name Pdnt Name Date -`<t�r�„—P!"<ie•nf�.ite -C..:.aa� fei:i.4;hsvu si�r t rai�re ;=.�mus: Z?_E's Paymenf wiil be made in certified funds, payable to "Ramsey County" and submiited to the Department of Property Records and Revenue, Attn: Tax Forfeited Lands Secfion, 50 Kellogg Blvd West Suite 62Q St. Paui, MN 55102-7557. St Paul's Permit Online � � � . �.x � �r # - - --- - �.�8 �::3��� s� � --- �i33 �'1i9733�Ef 302922430121 RT1 �'1P� 2�75'�7"iLY �s���sr�a�is�n t��sc��sraer,.. Data Disclaimer:- The Ciiy of Saint Paul and its officials, officers, empfoyees or agents does not warrant the accu2cy, reliabiiity or limeliness of any information published by this system, and shalf not be held liabie for any losses caused by reliance on the aauracy, reliability or tlmeliness of such information. Portions of such informatian may be incorrect or not current. My person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system does so at his or her own risk. �95$ �3$ ��$9 �lu�tberRcid�e5s OS 109954 168 ACICEfi OQO 00 RF ST E 04 127183 168 ACKER REM 00 B ST E �6��� - ��� .. -s�: .. �i � _ _ �, ��fr�rrraa�i�c� --- � z�ninc��L Building Permit Type: 2-Family/Duplex Remodel Issued Date: i2/08/2004 Contrador. Angelo Mancini RI State Valuation: $2,500.00 Activity (most recent first): � ' Architectural (R) Review: 08/OZ(200A: Preliminary Pian Check OS/02/2004; Approved 02 139410 168 ACKER Buiiding Permit RPR 00 B ST E Type: 2-Family(Duptex Repair � Issued Date: 07/17/2002 Final Date: 11/OSJ2002 Contractor: Timothy B Meissner 7r State Valuation: $1,000.00 �aoue Top � €3es�ra��irsa� ���ails 162 or 168 E Acker - Referrai Complainant was notType: Citizen Complaint sure of exact address Entered on: 06/01/2005 - Buming pallets in Closed on: 06/15/2005 backyard fireplace. Producing a lot of smoke. Activity (mosT recent first): Fnai Inspedion: 11/04/2002: Permit Closed General/Repeat Inspection: 08/13/2002: No Adion Prelimirtary Inspection: 07(SS/2002: No Action ArchiTecturai (R) Review: 07/17(2002: Preliminary Plan Check 07/17/2002: Approved S�a�us Closed Active/Issued Closed httr�s_71www.nnestongnu.cnminSC�/iao kamPl Ym1 ;c„ 1 nrv�nna OCT 11�33 i ,r' -, ���t �.�� �. Address Search- Address equals 168 ACKER ST E, {Sactflr 2 Grid: 92) Complaint #t Occur D3Ze S Time fnc3deM iype �3P°6 �� D516E4C8 OSN9/2SS05 13:71 POLICE VlSi7-PROACTNE ADV - pQLlCE VISIT 051347".3 07Ia22405 09_00 FAMILYlCH3i.pREN-VIOLATION RCV UP " O� RES7R4(AlING 4RDER - 05925364 0522/204513-s3 FA��LYICEii1.DREN-CHltf� UIJF LOVJR ABUSE 0512i783 46/'17/20�517:5� OOMESTICS_ �V � Q5120586 06/16/2005 �a:00 WEAPONS-RECKLPSS RCV �P ^ --„ - oISCHaR� OF FiREaftM . . Oa0583S7 03l2fi/2aa4 �5;36 ABANRONED CAR TOW IN, �TC.60A pq046192 03/10/2094 10:43 TRAFF4C ACGDENT-PROPER7YRCV . _, �AMAGE ACqDENT �---�-' "-' 04D38595 02I26�20�413:3� ABMIDONED CAA 70W IN, E7'C.GOA �3223522 10114t290321:3� 7RAFEiCACC1QENT-PROPER'�YRCV � -----CA�GE,HtT & RUN - 0302248a 0?J05/2Q03 09:58 ABANDONE� GAR TOW 7N, EiC,GOA � a2258668 11126l2002 73:09 ASS-ASSiS7 CITIZEN CALLS, A�V ___ 021872�a Oa�27i20o2 �i:aa LOST M�SS PROR �CV LOST/M)SS�NG PROPERTY 02449535 �7f76/2042 10,41 BURGLARY•NO FOftCEp RCV Et�TRY.NIGtiT,RESIDENC� �1Z13618 � 101a4l200�'15:97 INVESi'IC�,qTE-ANOALL07HEft �4G'V 01121593 O6l17I2�01 19:i4 AN�ti1AL CALLS- AOV - • C6MPLAINT3,NOT ANIMAI -^-- 64TES �' . ST PAUL POLICE DEPT SPFD SiTS AddressMtersection Report 9 612 292 3711 P.03iO3 O6-d 53 lnformation requssted by: (614A50) 1 printsd at:10/05f2405 10:5�:23 _ TOTAL P.03 � COMIVIISSIONER DISTT2ICT 3 BETWEEN 160 and 168 ACKER ST. E. ST. PAUL, MN 30-29-22-43-0122 w i so� 16 � 17 i �8 � 19 c�� i ��� � �,�� ; � tss> �? �� 21 ♦_ . ' ���� ,, �+ � o "'� -"',, 723 �; � 6 �'�_gp.68 , � ,, (56) `, -' '` N ' i �� _.� a3.5' �58� ,°",-d I i - c��� / � 2�..�• ; �os.o �/�4p. (t45) '' I sa � so� i vz; vz ±�� : , 50( P4' i %h SY��I�jFpR-E -��'-E ,.,�� , i ! �ss.s i a.e� , J i ' j > 135.9 4 i I�.-. 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