223976 y s � ,�•*��'r'�,�'A�� 4�„��r:_ e....� � ������ ��` �� �;�'���, CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� 3,.��� FILE N�• - � .. '�;�� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY q�- ! ' i COMMISSIONE / - l / � U DATF BE � �SOL�D, T t in accordance with Ordinance 'No. 10725, Council File No. 176�'Z�', approved January 20, 1956, the annual sewer maintenance char es to be � made in 1965 against the following commercial, indus-trial, and residential properties other than single and two-family dwellings, which are located in the Village of Roseville and which are ,connected to the Sain� Paul Sewer System, be and hereb�r ase determin�d to be the amounts set opposite the location of the connections as follows: �-� Address Use Amount 2467 Albert Ave. � Office & Residence $1$.32 ."� �1g66 N. Chatsworth " Greenhouse & Residence $.00 ' 2764 N. Churchill Office & Residence 8.80 • 21+17 PT. Cleveland Ave. Truck Terminal 261.�+8 � ��, 2�+20 N. Cleveland Office & Shop 156.80 � =;a;ar;; � 2455 N. Cleveland Truck Terminal ` 113.$$ , 2481r-N. Cleveland Truck �erminal 207.68 2700 N. Cleveland Ave. ; Office & Warehouse � 22.�+0 2750 N. Cleveland ,Truck Tex�ninal , 63.80 . . . � N• ' � � 2778�leveland Truck Terminal 13�F.72 281�+ N. Cleveland Office & Shop 139•$1+ 13�+7 to 1411 Colonial�Drive Apartmen-Es . 385•52 . ' 763 Cope Office & Residence 10.04 � 1795 N. Da1e St. Shop & Duplex 8.00 2100 N. Da1e , Club House , 17.60 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the `Council •- 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � Holland Approved 19_ Loss �• � Tn Favor . Mortinso2r red3th �''� " � �eeterson ��� � Mayor ' A gainst M' Ftosen � .; Mr. President, Vavoulis � . a ' ionz a.ez " , s+ � ` � � 2239�75 ORIGIAAL TO CITY GLERK � . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Pa,�e 2. Address Use �no�-� 2118 N. Da1e Shop & Residence � 8.00 - _ 2164 N. Da1e St. Service Station 26.56 , 2174 PT. Da1e St. Tavern & Stores 31.�+0 - 'N. 21g4�Dale Apartments 75.$$ 2202 N. Da1e Apartments 77.72 2210 N. Dale Apartments 76.80 2355 N. Dale St. Apartments �+8.00 1911 Dellwood Studio & Residence 12.00 2193 Dellwood Office & Residence 8.1�1+ 2253 Dellwood Ave. Nursery & Residence 8.00 112�+ Dionne Ave. Dancing School 16.52 11�+4 Dionne Apartments L18.40 1759"�lap ' Apastments 106.02 161�+ w. Eldridge Ave. Apartments �+g.76 1615 W. Eldridge Apartment �+9.76 162�+ W. Eldridge Ave. Apartments. 62.40 1625 W. Eldridge Ave. Apartments �+9.7� 1634 W. Eldridge Ave. Apaxtments 62.40 1635 Eldxidge Ave. Apartments �+9.12 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish ' Holland , ' Approved 19— Loss �� In Favor ii-ere� Peterson � Mayor � A � Rosen gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis ' iort e.ez . • ' ���9'�6 � . � ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLERK ' . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . -' PRESENTED BY " COMMISSIONER DATE Page 3. Address � Use Am.ount 2030 W. Eldrid�e Ave. Office & Residence $ 9.28 160 Elmer Apartments 67.20 170 Elmer, W. Apartments 67.20 2�+85 N. Fairview Office & Fa,ctory 64.00 2621 N. Fairview Factory �+7.�+4 2645 N. Fa3xview Shop & Office 67.36 2711 N. Fairview Ave. Truck Terminal 99•81+ 2737 N. Fairview Office & Shop 39.20 2785 N. Fairview Ave. Truck Terminal 415.52 2919 N. Fairview Ave. Shop & Residence 11.04 N. 311��Fairview Service Station 17.52 1695 Fernwood ~ � � Shop - -- . ~ ._ � A � •- - 8.00, -� 1760 Fernwood. Apartments 106.02 18g6 Fernwood . Office & Residence 1�+.76 2128 Fry St. Apartments ' �+9.80 � y Apartments �+9•� 2136 � 2001 Fulham St. Club House �+96.�+0 705 Grandview Office & Residence 11•?+�+ 2180 Haddington Roa.d Multiple Dwelling 1�+.56 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland j Approved 19_ Loas � Tn Favor ���� Mayor Peterson Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis � iont e-ez r ♦ �• � � � ^ . � � � �_. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , . CITY OF ST.*PAUL couNCi� ��'-� ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 4. . Address Use � Amount 1690 N. Hamline Gaxage $19.20 2150 N. Hamline Ave. Service Station 16:08 2171 N. Hanil3.ne Serv3ce Station 17.16 2234 N. Haml.ine Shop & Residence 8.00 2280 N. Hamline Factory _ 119.68 2325 N. Hamline 0�`fice 53.1a.1�. 2�+51 N. Hamline Studio & Residence 10.92 2593 N. Hamli.ne Greenhouse & Residence 12.96 2611 N. Hamline Ave. Feed Store & Residence 8.00 P1. _, 2`732/xamline � , , Office & Residence 10.72 2799 to 2833 N. Ham.li,ne Ave. Shopping Center 300.�8 . _ -� � :,,;� • ; - � . 2845 N. Haml.ine '- - Service Station ~ 20.80 2959 N. Ham.ti.ne Office - Waxehouse '102.36 3098 N. Hamline Ave. Office & Residence 8.00 2016 Herschel Office & Residence 13.08 2266-76 Highcrest St. Office & Warehou.se 2,598.40 2g00 FLi.ghcrest Apartments �+8.00 3020 Highway 8 Apaxtments 51.52 �+19 W. TH #36 Shop & Residence 10.00 COUNCILMEN � : Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays ° Dalglish � • Holland _ ,_ _ .. � . . _ ._ ,_ 1 , Approved 19._ Loss In Favor 114e�i�� � dith Ma or eterson y Rosen Against � Mr. President, Vavoulis . iort a-sz � OlZIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • ' (�hV�� tl � . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ .,,��,, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . , . � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _ Page 5. � Ad.dress Use ' ��t 590 W. Highway 36 I�fu].tiple Dwellin� $13•�+$ 612 W. Aighway 36 Office & Residence g,�.0 1500 W. Highway 36 Office ' 6�,pp 12�+5 Josephine Road Refectory & Residence 9.2$ 2778 Lakeview Ave. Office & Resid.ence 13.01+ 175 W. Larpenteur Apaxtmen�s $$,p$ 195 W. La,r�penteur Ave. Apartments 1�+.00 221 W. Larpenteur Ave. Apartments � 11+4.00 � • 621-31 W. Larpenteur Stores & Apartment � 36.36 655 W. Larpenteur Apartments 88,08 .�' ..�. 6g� w. �Larpenteur Greenhouse & Residence 10.64 1021 W. <Larpenteur_ _ ____ _.__ _Greenhouse ' �+2.24 1045 W. Zaxpenteur ' ' Greenhouse & Residence 32.g6 1101 W. Laxpenteur Ave. � Service Station 36.04 L117 to �.69 w. Larpenteur Ave. Shopping Center 524.�+4 1201 W. Larpenteur Store �+00.28 1211 W. Larpenteur Drive-In 15.80 1227 W. La,rpenteur Service Station lg.�+ �33 W. Larpenteur Laundroanat ' 33•52 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish , Holland � Approved 19_ Loss � �� Tn Favor . Mere��h Peterson . Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iors e-ea .r � . . - ���9�76 �� � ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK . CITY OF ST. PAUL fOENCII NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR'ESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 6. � Address Use . Amount �55 w. La.rpenteur Office & Shop $39•� 1329 W• La�'Penteu�' Service Station �5.60 r 1721 N. I,exington Service Station ' 2l�.7( . r . 1678 to 1736 N. T,exi.ngton Ave. Shoppiug Center �.($.28 172�+ N. Lexi.ngton Service Station 15.60 1740-5� N. Lexington Ave. Shopping Center 27�+.00 1789 N. Lexington Ave. Store } � 51.6� 1890 N. Lexington Ave. Apartments � 52•$p 1900 N. Lex3.ngton Ave. Apartments 52,$p 1901 Id. I�exington Offices 7-9•56 1909 N.. I,exington Ave. � Service Station 1$•92 - _ _. . _ i _ _ 1912 N. I,exington Service Station 13•17- 1925 �. Lexington Ave. Service Station 21.72 1930 N. Lexington Ave. Store 33•�4 1943 N. Lexington Ave. Apartments � $$.76 1g�+4 N. Lexington Office 35.6�. 215�+ N. Lexington Ave. Service Station 1�+.�+0 2167 N. Lexington Ave. Fi]ling Station & Tavern 17.88 2172 N. I,exington Ave. Super Nlarket � 76.2�+ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays + �. Dalglish Holland � Loss �n Favor �e��" � Peterson Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis \ iort s-sz � � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • �F����s . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER p,,TE Page 7. Address Use Amount 21g2-2i94 rr. Lexington Apartments $1.27.64 2204-06 N. Lexington Apaxtments 127.6�+ 2256 N. Lexington Music School 8.00 2�+16 Lexington Ave. Office & Shop 17.04 2599 N. I,exington Office & Residence 16.00 2700 N. I�exington Store & Service Station 26.�+0 311�+ N.- Lexington Ave.. Service Station 23.04 2582 I,ong Lake Road Office & Factory 313..60 `�. ,,. � 1 s` . 888 Love11 Store & Apartment '8.2�+ 1000 Lovell� - ' Nursing Hame ��� 208.00 2978 Manson Office 13.00 t • _ . - 166 N.. McCarrons Blvd. Apaxtments , 88.2�+ 18�+ N.. McCarrons Blvd. Apartments 88.24 � 194 N. McCarrons Blvd. Apartments � 61.2�+ 20�+ N. McCarrons Blvd. Apaxtments 50.68. � 161 McCarrons St. Apartments ; 60.00 953 N�.�-1.wooa. Shop & Residence � 27.49 3��+ W.. Minnesota St. Office & Residence 10.60 2720 N. Ox�ord Office & Residence 8.�+8 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays , Dalglish � Holland � Approved 19_ �gg ' Tn Favor ' 4Vfortinsvn N�e�edith Ma or e erson y Rosen ' Against ` Mr. President, Vavoulis ions a-ea � . � ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK � �239�6 . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 8. , Address Use Amount � 2824 N. Ox�ord Shop & Residence � 8.00 2125 N. Pascal Ave. Apaxtments� 59.2�+ �-33 N. Pascal Ave. Apartments 59•2�+ 2199 N. Pascal Office & Shop 387.d+ 2200 N. Pasca.l Apartments 3�+.00 26g0 N. Prior Truck Terminal 1�+5.60 1727 Rice St. Drive-In � 14.�+0 ,1881 Rice Factory 34.24 1887 Rice � Drive-In 12.80 1911 N. Rice St. Office & I,aboratory � 36.72 1935 Rice St. 5ervice Station 18.60 1943 Rice St. Store 10.72 _ _ - . __ _ _.� , .. r � _ ..r - ,.. _ - _ _...__ . ___ ---- � - - - -- - - - �- 19b1 N. Rice St. Tavern & Residence 8.00 21�+7 Rice St. Shop-& Residence 9.20 2261 N. Rice St. Shop & Residence 8.00 2275 Rice St. Apartments 38.56 h 2393 �r. Rice St. Tavern ' • 8.56 . . . 2411 Rice St. Service Station 19.72 2�+25 Rice Office & Waxehouse 1�F.�+0 COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalgliah ! Holland ' : Approved 1g_ Loss ' Tn Favor � M�t� Mayor Peterson A gainst , Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions s-sz � ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK • �P^rJ^-�� tl � , , . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page g. . Ad.dre s s Use Amount , 2611 Rice Store $!}0.6l� 2633 Rice St. Service Station 13.08 2635 Rice St. Store 21.60 2814 Rice St. Tavern & Nite Club 80.00 2977 Rice St. Multiple Dwelling 12.96 2989 Rice St. Service Station 29.08 3001 Rice Service Station 21.56 1080 Roselawn Offices , 8.00 ._` 1125 W. Roselavm�''�ve. Apartments 88.76 �35 w• Roselawn Ave. Residence & Greenhou.se _ 8.88 1865 w. Roselawn Office & Residence 11.88 _ _ _, .-.-.�,, .�- � _ �. - 2025 Vl. Roselawn i' '"� ' ` Residence & Greenhouse 31+.8$ • � 2339 W. Roselawn Ave. Shop and Residence 13.60 1�+38 Rose Place Multiple Dwe]ling 8.92 1222 to 1253 Rose Vista Court Apartmen.ts ,� 686.�+0 2190 St. Croix St. Shop & Residence 8.00 • 2253 St. Croix Office & Residence 9.32 � 2341 St. Croix St. Factory & Office 175•52 u55 Sandhurst Dr. Office & Residence 11.60 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ " Yeas Nays , Dalglish ; Holland , Approved lg_ Loss � Tn Favor Merbinaon . �2ereclith . Ma or eterson 3' ftosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iort s-aa _ _ ` - _�__ _ � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ���� e� . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE — Page 10. � Address Use � Amount 1398 Sandhurst Drive Shop & Residence � $.QO 182-84 W. Skillman Office & Duplex 11.52 162g W. Skillman Aye. Apartmen-ts 27.32 1635 w. Ski.��mAn Ave. Apartments 27.00 2037 N. Snelling Office & Residence ' 12.48 2049 Snellin� Office 8.2� 2050 N. Snelling Ave. Restaura.nt 80.32 2057 N. Snelling Bowl;n� Alley 135•92 2075 N. Snelling Ave. Dr3ve-In : 29.56 20$7 Sne]ling Ave., N. Store _ 20.,08 r� 2100 5ne11,� � Shopping Center 2,38�+.00 2105 N. Snelling Ave. Drive-In 16.80 ., . _ r. _. �- : _ ,-- ..._... - _ � r_.._- __.... .� _ - -- -� � . _ __� - f - _ _ . _ _ - �__ -- - 2131 N. Snelling Restaurant 23.32 2151 N. Snelling Store & Apartment 18.�+0 2167 Pt. Snelling Ave. Filling Station 21+.�+8 2168 N. Snelling Service Station 27.�+4 217�+ N. Snelling Medical Clinic �+2.92 21g1 N. Snelling Drive-In 37•92 2194 N. Snelling Restaurant 37.20 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � Iiolland Approved 1g_ �gg Tn Favor ����� ^ � Mayor Peterson � A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ' lOM 8-82 • � . - � ' 22�9"76 n ` o ORIG�NAL TO CITY CLERK . CITY OF ST. PAUL fOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE age 7.1. \ \ Address ' Use Amour�.t 2215 N. Snelling Ave. Clinic $�+3.28 s �oo-�,�,--r,��ac^r�s�}'�-�Ye. �� � nn)�c o.,.,.��; �� e ��r. 1 l. •r . _e]nGc cr.....��.. _ n�..�,� �, _ . � �ij wa waa�.0��r '+�n 1 n 25� N. Snelling Greenhouse & Residence $.pp � 2561 N. Sne7ling Ave. Food. Locker Plant 78.00 2645 rr. Snelling Service Station 20.96 2851 N. Snelling Restaurant 26,�+p 2875 N. Snelling Store - 100.�+8 2880 N. Snelling Ave. '�. Service Station 16.�+0 2888 N. Snel.ling Service Station 19•72 2940 N. Snelling Medical Clinic 27,2p 2g60 N. Snelling Ave. Office 19•1ElF 2965 N. Snellin� Motel 252.�+0 2965 N. Snelli.ng Apartmentst 128.00 2980 Sne113.ng Ave. Apartments � 101.60 2993 N. Snelling Service Station 17.$2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ].9— Yeas Nays - Dalglish Holland ; Approved 19_ Loss � Tn Favor =�lere�d..z�. + reterson Mayor Rosen • A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis lOB4 8-82 � � 0121GINAL TO CITY CLERK � �2���6 . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. �'' _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER DATF Page 12. . Ad.dress Use Amount 2533 Snelling Curve Greenhouse ,& Residence $ 8.�+8 2599 Snelling Curve ' Greenhouse & Residence 10.80 ,.„_ 2610 N. Snelling #urve Aparf,ments 86.16 2630 Snelling Curve Animal Hospital 17.8�+ 2347 Top Hill Circle Office & Duplex 8•00 2233 N. Victoria Ave. Shop & Residence 8.00 2315 N. Victoria Traa.ler Court $•� 2364 N. Victoria Office & Residence 8•72 277�+ 1V. Victoria Ave. Office $•00 , 3933 N• Victoria Office & Duplex 10.56 3083 N. Victoria Shop & Residence 13.76 2475 Walnut St. Waxehous e j _ � V � �,���!,.�1,�;80_ - –� 2500 Walnut St. Warehouse , 72�+•� 2507 S4alnut St. Office & Shop 109.36 1722 Woodbrid.ge Apaxtments 61.20 1725 Woodbridge Apartments $7•� 1735 Woodbridge Apartments $9•� 1736 Wood.bridge Apartments �•� 2065 Woodbridge Office & Residence 10.�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , Dalglish . _ Holland - � ' Approved ig_ Loss . _ In Favor. ' - � - - --,._ � -- - � � �fart�son 4 -� ;' _�_ �. ..._ , _. � i .._ _ �e����h Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iort a.ez ' . , - . ���9�� � � .. .. ORIGtNAL TO CITY GLERK . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 13. Address Use ; Amount 563 w. County Road B Nursing Home $107.�+8 591 W. County Road B Apaxtments � � 76.72 601 W. County Road B Apartments � 68.88 700 W. County Road B Shop & Office �+7.52 : 851 W. County Road. B Shop & Residence 8.00 1088 W, County Road B Gaxage 1�+.2�+ 1125 W. County Road B Shop and Office �F2.2�+ . 1415 W, County Ftoad. B Nursin$ Home 2�3•52 150g-15 W. County Road B Store 457.84 1526 W. County Road B Service Station 25.56 � °'. 1555 W, County Road B_� �, _ __. Cax Wash � , _ . 32.16 – _. � � , � ' _ _ _ ..- ._ ._.._.�..--_ ------ � 1610 W. County,Road B Apartments� l 54.72 1634 W. County Road B Apartments ' S2.�+ 16�I-7 W. County Road B Apartments 59•72 2215 W. County Roa.d. B OffYce & Residence 8.�+0 2�+47 W. County Road B Apaxtments `,86.88 2500 W. County Road B Office & Warehouse 1,863.20 162 W. Courity Road B-2 Shop & Residence 11.60 2325 W. Courity Road B-2 Truck Terminal 640.00 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays � ' Dalglish . Holland � Approved 19— ��g Tn Favor { Mer�instnr- ��'t�e��' ' Mayor 4 A gainst � Rosen � . Mr. President, Vavoulis , ionz a-sz �--�-- � , , � Y , „ ORIGtNAL TO CITY CLERK ������ , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� a� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 14. Address Use Amount 6�+ W. County Roa,d. C Mink Faxm & Residence $ 8.00 700 W. County Road. C Club 16.72 1380 W. County Roa,d. C Office & Shop � 24.80 1408 W. County Road C Office & Warehouse 12.�+0 1�+30 W. County Roa.d. C Of�ices, Factory & Waxehouses 23.60 1579 W. County Road C Theater 97•52 1665 w. County Road C Truck Terminal 688.80 17�+3 W. County Roa.d C Truck Terminal 360.96 ' 1831 W. County Road C Hotel 165.20 r�� 1853 W. County Road C � �Office 67•92 1871 W. County Road C ��� Shop & Office 47.68 --�--�-•--� 1875 W:�.County Road C'��""'t__r r ' y `Office & Factory- . �„,,, �._;�,-.. -.,.,:,^ -- -.,,,,:,�:..,7Z•32--�,.,:.r,��_ - � - - . � igo5 w. County Road C Office & Garage , 99•52 1910 W. County Road. C Office & Shop 108.56 19�+7 W. County Roa.d C Truck Terminal 222.08 2070 W. County Road C Service Station 14.60 21�+0 W. County Road C Truck Terminal 67.84 2210 W. County R�ad C Office 18.04 2288 W. County Road C Tank Farm�& Office 1,315.20 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � t Holland � � ' Approved 19— �gg Tn Favor , 11�e�so� � �Ie�redith Mayor e erson A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-ez f, �. � ORIG�NAL TO CITY GLERK r � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. ������ y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 15. Ad.dress Use Amount 233o W. County Road C � Garage $40.80 236o w. County Road. C Truck Terminal 31�+.08 2�+20 W. County Road C Tank Farm �+81.76 2451 W. County Road C Office & Tank Farm 2,�+78.81 1550 W. Coun.ty Road C 2 Office 11.�+8 1 1080 W. County Road D Apartments , , 1�+0.80 2072 W. County Road D Service Station 19.20 � ,. � - ., _� ,,,. '".. - . ___,.�. _- �---� ..._ ._-- -� - _ ._ _ �--- :-._.; -----�-�;-; = ,. :.�-„a..=..----- -. � JUN 15 �9�5 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council - 19— Yeas Nays , Dalglish � _1u�115 �965 Holland �- �� rove � __—��_ �gs � In Favor , � ' M�4�e�'rY3------- ,� , e erson ayor �e� A gainst �;::�:�.�,�. ��� �'' JUN 1� �� ��•a•�►�;::�?.�.�� ����s�r�r� Vice President (Rosen) lODS 8-82 '� . . • ' I