06-252Council File # ��p a s � Green Sheet # 3029975 RESOLUTION '2 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments and 2 reappoinhnents, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Saint Paul Riverfront 3 Corporation. 4 5 Apaointments 6 7 Name Representina Term Exnires 8 Anne Hunt Mayor's office January 2010 9 Javier Morillo At-Large January 2010 10 Rep. Alice Hausman State Legislator January 2010 I 1 Han Melander Labor 7anuary 2010 12 13 Reaqpointments 14 15 Name Renresenting Term Exuires 16 Rep. Tim Mahoney State Legislator January 2010 17 Denise Harris At-Large January 2010 18 Milissa Silva-Diaz At-Large January 2010 Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ✓ Bostrom �/ Harris ✓ Helgen � Lantry � Montgomery r/ Thune ✓ /� 3 Adopted by Council: Date �j� /S��/� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� l i�{S/J2 Approved b r: Date ( By: � Requested by Deparhnento£ � a Form App � ,➢ zd by City omey BYY ls�/9.� //^ � -��%� �.%Y° °�T Form A p ed y M or ; mis d n to 'ouncil By: r � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Q�, -Z�Z Depar6nenUoffice/eounCil: Date Initiated: Mo -�o�s�� �R-� Green Sheet NO: 3029975 Contaet Person & Phone: Kris Fredsan 266.8534 on Councii Agenda by (Date): ContraM Type: RE-RESOLUiION -' Departrnent SentTo Person InitiallDate 0 r• ce Assign 1 r' D rhn nt "r r Number Z - p me �S For Routing 3 oY t5 Ma dASSisfant Order 4 oancil 5 " Cler (S Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Appoinhnent of Anne Hunt, Javier Morillo, Rep. Alice Hausman, and Harry Melander to the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation. Their terms will expire on January, 2010. Reappointment of Rep. Tim Mahoney, Denise Harris, and Milissa Silva-Diaz to the Saint Paul River&ont Corpontion. Their terms will expire on 7anuary, 2010. Recommendations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Citil Serrice Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirtn eeer worked undera coMract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn eeer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfittn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to green sheet Mitiating Problem, l@sues, Opportunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvantagesfFApproved: Disativanpqes IfApproved: Disativantages If Not Approved: TransacYion: Funding Source: Financial Information: SExplain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. �''eB a3,"`}� �$,Rro��?rri't n;•_,.ir ,: ,f : r � March 8, 2006 7:09 AM Page 1 WjVUL ��-2S > Appiication for Committee, Soard, or Commission Please return to The Mayor's Office Ma,yor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 West Keilogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 ZI�e Minnesota Governmertt Data Praetites .4et (Minnesota Statu[es Cbapter 13) govorns the Ci[y's ase vf tho �nform¢tion eoetaiaed in �his spplice[ion. Some of c6e informatipn sougbt in [hi> upplica�ion is privaic dsta undcr [bc Ae[. The r<qucsted inPOrmation will be u;ed by thc sppoiacing au[Gority to carry out th< C�ry"s official appoin[ment responsibilitits. You sre not required [o provide any info*mption. Homevez, failu�e co snswc� chc applicst�o ques[ions may causc che appoiatiag aut6ority m rcj_ct youz opplicstiop, YSc majority of ittms co¢tsined in this applica[ion are publlc, includinq ngme. odOreas, employmcnt, skills, training and experieuce, and are thcrefore svailablc �o anyonc requestiag it. The remainiag iscme oo the applies[ion form arc clse9ified as priva[c. The privnte ds[a ii avnilabic oply to you snd ro other persons ia t6e Ciry aho, becaase ofwork essignments, rexsonably require access io she inFormntion. Name }{pRRY MF ANTIFR Fiome address �16 PARK AVE MAHTOMEDT MN 55115 �'elephones 651-426-54Q8 Pleaee inetue. ares Codoe 1 E-mail address hn�'.�+� Planning pistrict Council 651-224-9445 Prcferredmailingaddress 4],1 MAIN StiCCI Occupation EXE SECRETARY Place of empl —224-9783 City Council ward ST, PFlUL BUILDING & CONSTRUGTION TRADES COUNCIL Employment address �4�.�. MAIN ST� #206, ST. PAUL MN 55102 Committee(s) applied for ST PAUL RIVERFRONT CORP. / ST, PAUL PORT AUTHORITY What Skillslttaining or experience do you possess for the committee(s) fot which you seek appointment? �F 2O YEARS OF LAND USE EXPERIENCE � VALUE ST PAUL ASSETS '�` KNOWLED6E OF BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT & PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP � EASTSIDER page I of2 . . . �. __ . ,,., �, ����5� Personal References Name SHAR KNt1TSON Please inclaAc Ares Address 4Il P1AIN ST� ST. PAUL MN Telephones 651 -222-3787 work ocher Name__ GEOR6EILATIMER Address ST PAUL ?elephoaes Fr��_���_R�Rfi Picase Snctnde area Codes homo WOTK ocher Name RAY WALDRON Address 175 AISRORA AVE ST PAUL MN Telephones 651-227-76� Pltaae�includc Arta Codes home worK Reasons for yovr interest in thi, particuiar committee UTILIZING ST� PAUL'S ASSETS IN A WAY THAT DEVELOPS AND PROTECTS ITS VALUE. Have you had previous contact roith the committee for which you axe making appiicacion? If so, when, and under what circumstances? _ YES. I UNgERSTAND THtIR ROLL AND EFFORTS TH Y HAV MnnE REGARDING IMPROVIN6 S"( PAUL Ia an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicabte �o you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islaader � American [ndian or Alaskan Bskimo �Male Female � Date of birth J—/ 9_,5„S Disabled: � y�s No Q If special accommodations are needed, please spccify How did you 6ear aboue this opening? VIA THE INTEf2NET page 2 of2 ..... .. ...�rr�....�v-r. � �u. rt� �vvv VV ..'�� ii 1 G Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Pleasereturn to The Mayor's Ot�ce Mayor.'s Officc, Room 390 City Hall 15 Wcst Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 �q��2S� The MSnneFO[s Govornment Da[s Praeticcs Ac[ (Minnesoro Sta[utcs Chapcer 1;) govcrna [he City'n ¢ve uI thc informetion conteined in thia applicalion_ Some of tHe informatiun sought in Ihis xpplitxtion ii private Aata undcr thc Ael.'Phe reyuexted informel�on mill be uned by t6e uypuinUng uuthuzily Lo catry oul the Ci[y's ofPieial appoinTmenc respuunibilitien. Yuu ur<not rcquireS lu proviSe nny 3nfurmntiun. Ilowever, Snilure 1u answur t6e applicatinn questions mey eause the nppoiniing aulhoiily lo rejeot your upplicution. The ma�uri4y of itcros conwined in chiF applicacien arc yublic, including name, uddrexs, cmployment, skilis, trnining nnd experiertCe, and a7e thereFore flYailabls to anynne requesting it. Thc rcmeining itcmn on the applieation form art elaasified as privute. The private J+tx is available only rn ybu und �a ulher D«s�na in tbe City who, becxuse utwurk oseignmenta, rcpyunnbty tequlre aoces6 to [he infornu�inn. Namc . V.�Y� eT !'\ or��O." Xi51C�U _ . - - --- — Hnmc addres� � K�n�} � �e,� � MN �S norcco uty mtola v,p Telephones ( 12.r,81• I}9� �;Z.�,31. �3.3(, PicxeolncludoAro�Codna hrme �vork Cx L-mail aldress 1w�,nr:l�o�2 5[?l� 2(�. ��r'A v � Planning llistrict Counei) �SCQ' �' 7 u City Council Ward � Prefcrrcdmailingaddress hfl�'�Q. fl1KCi ���'� 6IaIP Ztp occupation �-OCC�j � - Qres?dPn�' Place of employment _ �� 1 1 j I,pl'q., `�.le �Smp4oymcnt address �� ss �hy Committee(s) applied f��r��y�,r,���{. (r�o�-r�0� ___._.._ What tikitls/training or experi�nce do ynu possesz for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? l�s �t ras�e@.e� o.�-kb.e W< 3- �;r/r �n.l WSCD laoa r ��� page 1 of 2 Personal References Name VO�1 yO�tW�1°�� �4ddress `17.33 �/n:v2rsi'� Tetephones PieaAelnclude Area Codes home Namc �,vP - Thuno . . Gi PICHSC �OCIYAO AIOB CPdti homc Namc _.......!�L�'��_____!�?u'i'���_._... Addresc �M. �J{ p- Pj� Ci.'h� 'P�al� .S'E . �au.t� �`�l �l �i { b 2 Telephones �(�51� .�,1. $6.�� /C6'SI� .Z..'�' .�c4�� Ad@ress Telephones PleYqe leelude 51. 222.50�} m�n nn �.v�. •�ic.�.�i�.�-r� rcu. ic cr�e�o ao•.�orii r� Q�_ 2� 2 � ,�,�, �}�-2, S4 �a���, �t t� �' ll • I i .� wurk }'�e,M r work othcr wnrA f- � "•�� ��u� � �Ct � �_�l-(1v2Y' \naS �1o4��d �,.,� o�r Cs�l-a-k-�S � . -i- Havc you had prcvioi�s contact with the committee for which you are making appiication7 Tfso, whc+n, end ander what circumstsnces," �o =�"'�'- �d.� `�r�.._�1��.,�C �.�al�1 t.J� k�C 4�;Vea�sa'_ C 8� � �Of�. 'i!� /o�e. (12i�`n�bQ�OGd � MG�2. J1�1Q u.�yl cB�.iQZ+¢. o�- i� icr� �1cv�ztvlc2 . In an a4tempt to ensure thae committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, pleaye check Yhe box upplicnble to you. 'fhis inf�rmation is strictly voluntary. � Whitt (Caucasian) �Hispanic �Black {Africun-American) � Asian ur Pacific Islander � American Indiap or Alaskan �skimo � Malc Fcmaic � Disabled: � Yes No � « lfspeciai accommodations erc nceded, pleas� specify How did you hear about chis opening7 page 2 of 2 Dateofbirth O�-/l8� othcr � Reasons f'or your interest in this particular committee /�S � ���i SiQ�e,1r' - y � -