223947 � ORIOINAL TO CITY CLEWK �2��4� - � �~ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONE Milton Rosen DATE June 15, 1965 ♦ �. wH�RF.AS, The final coets for the construction of the Adrian St. Sewer Lining, Comptroller's Contract L-6665, have been determined and, WHER.EAS, Upon final allocation of Minnesota State Sighway Department funds under Agreement No. 54145 to finance the above project, there are insufficient funds to meet the final costs in the amount of $44.41, now therefore be it - RESOLVED, That an amount of $44.41 be applied from the City's share of Local Improvement Fund, Code�0920-7U1 (1964) to finance the cost of the above stated improvement. JUN 15196� � COUNCILMEN :.Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays 51965 � Dalglish JUN 1 Holland , / prove , 19— �O°°'� `�� Tn Favor Meredi� � Peterson (/ �yOr ,n _Q AgalIl3t `-°" N 19 1965 r���$;��;;������� PUBLISHED JU '.�:. Mr. Vice Preside�t (�gi.n) 1oM 6fi� DUrIICAT[TO MtINT[R ",J���]�� �' • "' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCU '�� `' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COM�MISS ONEe 1di1C� Zos�s pA,F Jtu� 1S� I96'S ��. Ths fl.�a� c�rts f�r th� a�stsactioa pi� t� idicia� �t. f�s�rar L3nin�, C�ptrnllsr'� t�iatraat t.�b6bs, 4r��s bMSt dal�r�l.�t wd, �tA�, t�p�a fiaal ail�sa�i� o! lfiivasao�a ata�M xi��►� Dap�►xt�t !�• �t�r �rs�a� lb. S414S t� �i�¢� t�� s1�a �r�,�sae, t�ara u� issaffiaia�e �ds t� aetC t�� ii�l tosta i�a tl�s �t o� �4�►.41, r� ��s�afe�a b� it ult��, �t� a� a�aC o# �►.41 be appli�l lroa`the Qity's dur� o! �al I�p�+r�t la�d, �oi� 09�0•701 (14b4) t� fins�ta�► t.�s eoat �i� th� �r� st�te� i�pro��m�. JUN 15196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays J� �,� �965 Dalglish / , Hollaad ( / ApprovP� 19— �,—� �—� Tn Favor � Peterson � Mayor �� A g81II8t �11�'c���d�t�(�(�s2:�T's�i�� �ice �resident (Rose� io�[ s.e�