223923 \ ` ORSGINAL TO CITY CLEHK �/����� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �`����'� ^ FIlE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - , CO NCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY �� COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That pursuant to the Award of the Industrial Commission of Minnesota, dated May 4, 1965 , the City of St . Paul, through its proper City 0£ficers is hereby authorized to accept the� sum of $3,078. 79 in fu11 settlement of the subrogation rights of the City under the Workmen's Compensation Act, said settlement providing for a reimbursement to the City of $2 ,709. 85 for depenc�ency compensation paid at the rate ot $45 . 00 per week and $368.94 reimbursement for attorney's• fees for services rendered in the matter of a lawsuit groc�ing out of a third party accident in which Gerald D. Kegley, an employee of the City of St . Paul, Department of Parks and Recrea�ion and Public Buildings , was fatally injured on June 5 , 1963 , by reason �of which accident the following payments were made: to Theresa M. Kegley, dependent widow and trustee for the heirs of Gerald Kegley, dependency compensation at the rate of $45.00 per week in the amount of $3, 780. 00 ; to Bethesda Lutheran Hospital , $97. 25 ; and to Adams Brothers Funer�l Home , $550.00 statutory burial expense , said sum of $3,078 . 79 received in setf'lement to be credited to the i9orkmen's Compensatio� Account of the General Fund ; ` FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to the further Award of the Industrial Commission of Minnesota, dated June 1 , 1965 , Theresa M. Kegley, dependent �vidow and trustee for the heirs of Ger�.ld Kegley, be paid the sum of $4,337.49 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund at tiahich time the liability of the employer shall be terminated. --� �- P � . - , � ' 1 ^ - - � D '�'� Asst, orporation Counsel � � � JuH 9 � COiJNCILi�N Adopted by the CounciT '' 19_. Yeas Nays � � �9b�j � Holland Approve 19— , �Loss �Tn FaVOr ' ^ Meredith Peterson .� �i��� �YOr - A gainst �_°�,��.�:• PUBLISHED �I 12 19� ... :¢'•� '.Yice President (Rosenj • 1on� e-es DUrL�ICAT[TO rRINT[R �C��' p• )� X CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa N�, � ~"'' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSIONE� ^A�, RESOLVED, That pursuant to the Award of the Industrial Commission of �tinnesota, dated �iay 4, 1965 , the City of St. Paul, through its proper City Of�icors is hereby authorized to accept the sum of �3,078. 79 in full settlement of the subrogation rights of the City under the lVorkmen' s Compensation Act � said settlement providing for a xeimbursement to the City of $2,709.85 for dependency compensation paid at the rate of $45.00 per week and $368.94 reimbursement for attorney's fees for services rendered in the matter of a la�vsuit growing out of a third party accident in which Gerald D. Kegley, an employee of the City of St. Paul, Depaxtment of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings , was fatally injured on June 5 , 1963, by reason ' of which accident the following payments wexe made: to Theresa M. Kegley, dependent widow and trustee for the heirs of Gerald Kegley, dependency compensation at the xate of $45.00 per week in the amount � of $3, 780.00 ; to Bethesda Lutheran Hospital , $97. 7.5 ; and to Ad3ms Brothers Funeral Home, $550.00 statutory burial expense , said sun of $3,078. 79 received in settlement to be credited to the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fu�d; FURTf1ER RESOLIIED, that pursuant to the further Award oz the Industrial Commission of I�4innesota, dated June 1 , 1965 , Theresa M. Kegley, dependent ►aidow and trustee for the heirs of Gerald Kegley, be ;�aid the sum of $4,337.49 out of the iNorkmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund at which time the liability of the employer shall be terminated. 919� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays ���--- �U�1 9 �� Holland Approv� 19_ _ Loss � Tn Favor Meredith � Peterson �YOr �vsea-- A 8'�St . e�:;.�:.:�34c:��°.°,.[�.'.�'°.e��:�.�:Z i�i� e.. ..�. ��V�Presideat (Rosena