223904 �r+,��. .. . . �"^. ` . } ,Y . � ���� i� ` \ 7
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� ' �. ' - caUrrcn. FR,E rro. � _ __�- --�
FINAL �ORDER � - - �
' $Y
File No. �77U�
� In the Matter of recans�ructing the aidew�lk on �h� north aide of �ortland Avemue
fxva� Yrior Avenuos �o $owell Street and bg doing ail other work which �s n�c��earq
and incidental to cosagZete s�id icaprQVwnent �. `
under Preliminary Order 223��2 � approve� ' A�ril 22. 1965
Intermediary Order approved
A public heaxing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,. and the Council ,.
having heard all persons, objectians and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it - - - •
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent a,nd kind of im-
provement to be made by the said City is
to ieconntruct� t�e sidepa].kJon �he narth sids, t�i Portlaad Avenue fr� Priar Avenue
Co Howel:l Str�at and by doing all dth�r work �ohic�h i� n�cest�ry �nd incidenCal ta
- complet� said improve�nt, except where goad. and� suf�icient� aid�walke naw �aiat
.. . . .
and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. � � •
RESOLVED FUR,TIi�R, �.`hat the Commissioner of Public�Works be and is hereby instructed and ,
- directed to prepare plans and specifica,tiona for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for
� approval; that upon said approval, the pro�er city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
� ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. . �
COUNCII.MEN ' • , " . JuN � 196� .
Adopted by the Counci
� Yeas Nays � ` � � � •
- � � Approve �
Loss • " . � � ;� . --_ -
Meredith � 7n Favor � -
' Peterson . , - , A'Cf1� Mayor
ee,i'7eE�: �San . :••s:ts�E:Y'� ' V -
: �.�::.�:,::.::��o��� . Against � 12 19�
Mr:��ce i'r,es,iaent (Ros�� _ � � ,pUBLISHED .�U�
G-68 2M 8� R-1
`-'��"�, Diat. No. 2 --- _
� •
v � N.S. Portland Ave. - Prior Ave. to Howell St. �J yD�
/ � ���4��
Apri1 28th. 19 65
To the Cou�issioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order
of the Council known as Council File No. 223072 approved Apri1 22nd. 19 65
relative to reconstructin� the sidewalk on the north side of Portland Ave. from Prior
Ave. to Howell St, and bv doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to
comnlete said improvement.
and having invest�gated the mattera and things referred to therein, hereby reports:
1. The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft.
wide and $3.80 pes lin. ft•. for standard aidewalk 6eft. wide.
2: A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a
, part thereof. ����
3. Initiated by the Co�issioner of Public Works
4. Improvement is asked fo � tition X �
. �,�,�Q2 ��I�g�9�0 ivti
�.`L`�' q p `� � '�-�
� RFC R�96S N B .
� D� ����0 �W Deputy Comm�ccioriec
c.rr Commisaioner of Public Works M'�
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