223865 1� � ORI�iNAL TO CITY CLEWK �- 22386�� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�EHC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED RY � ^ t��� . COMMISSIONER DA� RE'�OLVED� That no Coun.cil meeting be scheduled for � June 16, 17� and 18, 1965 so as to permit members of the Council to attend the League of Minnesota�Mtznicipalities meetings to be held at Moorhead� Min�esota� on those dates. � . � FOR APPROVED� e� - � . Corpo�atwn Ccaunsel � ' �N 81g65 COLJNCILMEN , Adopted by the Counc��_19— Yeas Nays �Ut� es � is , Holland � Approve 19— Loss � � � / Tn FavOI' Meredith Peterson `> ���� MsYor �� against �3i�.�"..���n��:�?:�::;��?r�� PUBLISHED JUN 12 1965 Mr. Vice President (Ro�eri� iont e-as �~ 223��5 DUrI�CATC TO r111NT[R CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rItESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOLi�D� That no Counail mm�ting b• aeh�duled tor Jun� 16� 17� ana 18, 1965 �o aa �o p�rm3t aaemb�r� of th� Counail to att�nd t�a� L�s��u� of Minn�ffiot� MuniQip�liti�a ��ting� to be h�Yd s�t Moorh*�d� Minnfsota, on tho�e da��a. .!!!N $ � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 1UN 8 6� � �� U Holland Appro�ed 19— Los s Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � �SyOr .-�s�n '48'81I18t i iC...� L'A��7.;����•��•';� ':i•'�i' :C,..:1::77�: 5:7�6:C••C'S��:7fN loM�ice President (Rosen) . } ,