06-240Council File # �'L�' � - V�
Green Sheet # 3029795
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation has tendered to the City of Saint Paul a Cooperative
Construction Agreement to provide for payment by the State to the City of Saint Paul the State's share of the costs of the
Great Western Drainage Channel construction and other associated construction to be performed adjacent to Trunk Highway
No. 52 on Barge Channel Road at Concord Street within the corporate City Iimits under State Project No. 8825-213; AND
WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Saint Paul has said proposed Agreement before it and has given it careful review
and consideration; AND
WHEREAS, it is considered that the best interests of said City of Saint Paul, will be subservers by the acceptance of said
Agreement; AND
THEREFORE, Be it resolved, that the proper City officials be authorized to execute and approve on behalf of the City of
Saint Paul Mn/DOT Agreement No. 89273, between the City of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota, Department of
Transportation, a copy of the Agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
B �'' �/ ��/GCi liiirS�2.�
Approved By�a�: Date ��—
/ /
By • ��
Requested by Department of:
By :
Recommended by OFS Director:
BY � c`� J 4Lt—� - �11-��1
Form Approved by City Attorney:
Approved�or for S ission to Council:
Adopted by Council: Date �7� ��v�/G,
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
PW - rubHcworlcs
Conqct Person & Phone:
.Jce Mueller --
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date);
�E�� f Green Sheet NO:
�' .
Tofal � of SignaWre Pages _(qip All Locations for Signaiure)
Action Requested:
Approve Resolution apThorizing the City to enter into a Cooperative Conshvction Agreement (Mn/DOT Ageement No. 89273) with
Mn/DOT to consWct a drainage channel near Bazge Chaffiel Road.
Recommendatiore: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
CB Committee
Ciul Senice Commission
3 i �_� ° �.�„y s<-�. ? ���/ ,.,,-�e. ,.kr ;.
CostiRevenue Budgeted: Y
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): '
The Ciky and Mn/DOT Lave strnm sewers that discharge to an miimproved ditch. The ditch is presently not unlformly graded and is
subject to erosion. The diteh is ]ocated northwesterly of Bazge Channel Road and Concord.
Ditch will be graded and lined to provide uniform flow and no erosion.
Disadvantages IiApproved:
0� - Z��
3029795 .
0 Wo I on er �Z
1 Tabli W r&s UenartmentAaauntin �
2 �nblicWoeks IDe ar� tDirecio
3 tv AKOrnev I �
4 oi s ce
5 un ' I
Personal Service Gontracts MustMswerthe Following Questions:
1. Has this persorJfirm eeer worked under a contract Tor this departmerrt?
Yes No
2. Has this persontfirm eeer been a city employee? �
Yes No
3. Does this persoNfirrn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curreM ciry employee? �
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separaM sheet and artach W green sheet
r�`'• i , ��:�J
+ i ✓
DisadvantageslfNOtApproved: C � i �:�.-�� �a ��'
Severe erosion will continue to occur. � ��� !�^'`a �. � m,,.3 � �� � '
Total Amount of
Funding Source: NJA
Financiai Infortnation:
ActivRy Number. 1y/A
MAYORyS ����`
Febrz�ary23, 2006 90:56AM Page 1
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The State of Minnesota
Department of Transportation, and
The Citv of St. Paul
Re: State cost drainage channel
improvement construction by the
City adjacent to T.H. 52 on
Barge Channel Road at Concord
S.P. 8825-213
C.P. 06-5-1953
_State Funds
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State of
Minnesota, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as
the "State" and the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, acting by and
through i�s City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City".
WHEREAS, the City is about to perform drainage improvements including
channel excavation, articulated concrete block channel paving, and
reconstruction of outlet pzpe and headwall (Great Western Drainage
Channel) construction and otner associated construction adjacent to
Trunk Highway No. 52 on Barge Channel Road at Concord Street within
the corporate City limits in accordance with City-prepared plans,
specifications and special provisions designated by the City as City
Project No. 06-5-1953 and by the State as State Project No. 8825-213;
WHEREAS, the City has requested participation by the State in the
costs of the Great Westem Drainage Chanriel construction; and
WHEREAS, the State is willing to participate in the costs of the
Great Western Drainage Channel construction and associated
construction engineering at a contributing flow rate of 50%, in an
amount not to exceed $116,000.00 based on bids, as hereinafter set
forth; and
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 162.20, subdivision 2 authorizes
the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and
cooperate with any governmental authority for the purposes of
constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system.
Section A. Coatract Award and Construction
The Czty shall receive bids and award a construc�ion concract to the
lowest responsible bidder, subject to concurrence by the State in
that award, in accordance with State-approved City plans,
specifications and special provisions designated by the City as Ci�y
��'� ��
Project No. 06-S-1953 and by the State as State Project No. 8825-213.
The contract construction shall be perfosmed in accordance with
State-approved City plans, specifications and special provisions that
are on file in the office of the City's Engineer, and are
incorporated into this Agreement by reference.
Section B. Documents to be Furnished to the State
The City shall, within 7 days of opening bids for the construction
contract, submit to the State's District Engineer at-Roseville a copy
o£ the low bid and an abstract of all bids together with the City's
request for concurrence by the State in the award of the construction
contract. The City shall not award the construction contract until
the State advises the City in writing of its concurrence therein.
Section C. Reiectioa of Bids
The City may reject and the State may require the City to reject any
or all bids for the construction contract. The party rejecting or
requiring the rejection of bids must provide the other party written
notice of that rejection or requirement for rejection no later than
30 days after opening bids. Upon the rejection of all bids pursuant
to this section, a party may request, in writing, that the bidding
process be repeated. Upon the other party's written approval of such
request, the City will repeat the bidding process in a reasonable
period of time, without cost or e�ense to the State.
Sectioa D. Direction, Supervision and Insnection of Construction
The contract construction shall be under the direction of the City
and under the supervision of a registered professional engineer;
however, the State cost participation construction covered under this
Agreement shall be open to inspection by the State District
Engineer's authorized represencatives. The City shall give the
District Engineer at Roseville five days notice of its intention to
start the contract construction.
Respansibility for the control of materials for the State cost
participation construction covered under this Agreement shall be on
the City and its contractor and sha11 be carried out in accordance
with Specifications No. Z602 through and including No. 1609 as set
forth in the State's current "Standard Specifications for
Section E. Comnletioa of Coastruction
The City shall cause the contract construction to be started and
' completed in accordance with the time schedule in the construction
contract special provisions. The completion date for the contract
construction may be extended, by an exchange of letters between the
appropriate City official and the State District Engineer's
authorized representative, for unavoidable delays encountered in the
performance thereof.
Section F. Additional Coastruction PZan Chanaes Etc
The State shall not participate in the cost of any contract
construction that is in addition to the State cost participation
construction covered under this Agreement and the terms and
conditions in the following paragraph have been met.
A11 changes in the plans, specifications and special provisions for
the State cost participation construction covered under this
Agreement and a11 addenda, change orders and supplemental agreements
entered into by the City and its contractor for State cost
participation construction covered under this Agreement must be
approved in writing by the State District Engineer's authorized
Ol� - a�D
representative before payment is made by the State therefor. The
maximum obligation of State participation is $116,000.00.
Section G. Complianae with Laws, Ordinances and Regu7.ations
The City sYxall, in connection with the award and administration of
- the construction contract and the performance of the contract
construction, comply and cause its contractor to comply with all
Federal, State and Local laws, and all applicable ordinances and
Section H. Ricrht-of-Way, Easements and Permits
The City sha11, without cost or expense to the State, obtain a11
rights-of-way, easements, construction permits and any other permits
and sanctions that may be required in connection with the contract
construction. Prior to advance payment by the State, the City shall
furnish the State with certified copies of the documents for those
rights-of-way and easements, and certified copies of those
construction permits and other permits and sanctions required for
State cost participation construction covered under this Agreement.
Section A. SCHEDUI,E ^I^ and EXHIBIT "A�
A Preliminary SCHEDULE "I" and color-coded SXHIBIT "A" are attached
and incorporated into this Agreement. The Preliminary SCHEDULE "I"
includes all anticipated State cost participation construction items
and the construction engineering cost share covered under this
Agreement. EXHIBIT "A" shows all anticipated State cost
participation storm sewer £acilities construction covered under this
Sectioa B. State Cost Particivatioa Construction
The State sha11, at the percentage indicated, particigate in the
following construction to be perfonned adjacent to Trunk Highway
No. 52 on Barge Channel Road at Concord Street within the corporate
City limits under State Project No. 8825-213. The construction
includes the State's proportionate share of item costs for
l. 100 Percent sha11 be the State's rate of cost participation in
alZ of the State outlet pipe extension construction as shown in
"Blue" on EXHIBIT "A". The constrtiction inCludes, but is not
limited to, those construction items as tabulated on Sheet No. 2
of the attachecY Preliminary SCHEDULE "I",
2. 67 Percent shall be the State's rate of cost participation in
the storm sewer split No. 1 consisting of compacted common
borrow construction from Station 11+35 to Station 11+97 as shown
in °Orange" on EXHIBIT "A". The construction includes, but is
not limited to, those construction items as tabulated on Sheet
No. 3 of the attached Preliminary SCAEDULE '�I".
3. 33 Percent shall be the State's rate of cost participation in
the storm sewer split No. 2 construction consisting of 5.5 inclz
thickness of hand placed concrete as shown in "Red" on EXxIBIT
"A^, The construction includes, but is not limited to, those
construction items as tabulated on Sheet No, 3 of the attached
Preliminary SCHEDULE "I".
4. 50 Percent shall be the State's rate of cost participatian in
a11 of the drainage channel construction as shown in ^Pink" on
EXHIBIT "A". The construction, includes, but is not limited to,
those construction items as tabulated on Sheet No. 3 of the
attached Preliminary SCHEDULE "I".
Sectioa C: Coastruction Encrineerina Costs
The State shall pay a construction engineering charge in an amount
equal to 8 percent of the total cost of the State participation
construction covered under this Agreement.
Section D. Addenda, Chanae Orders and Supplemental Aareements
Subject to limitation of State cost participation provided for in
Article III, Section C. of this Agreement, the State shall share in
the costs of construction contract addenda, change orders and
supplemental agreements that are necessary to complete the State cost
participation construction covered under this Agreement and that have
been approved in writing by the State District Engineer's authorized
Section E. Liauidated Damaaes
All liquidated flamages assessed the City's contractor in connection
with the construction contract shall result in a credit shared by
each party in the same proportion as their total construction cost
share covered under this Agreement is to the total contract
construction cost before any deduction for liquidated damages.
Section A. Estima.te and Advancement of the State's Cost Share
It is estimated that the State's share of the costs of the contract
construction plus the 8 percent construction engineering cost share
and a contingency is the sum of $116,0�0.00 as shown in the attached
Preliminary SCHEDULE "I". The attached Preliminary SCHEDULE "I" was
prepared using estimated unit prices. Upon receipt and r2view of the
construction contract bid documents described in Article I,
Section B. of this Agreement, the State shall then decide whether to
concur in the City's award of the construction contract and, if so,
prepare a Revised SCHEDULE "I" based on construction contract unit
prices. The contingency amount is provided to cover overruns of the
plans estimated quantities of State cost participation construction
and State-approved additional construction including construction
engineering costs up to the $116,000.00 maximum State obligation_
After the following conditions have been met, the State sha1Z advance
to the City the State's total estimated construction cost share,
which does not include the 8 percent construction engineering cost
share or the contingency amount, as shown in the Revised
SCF3EDULE "I^, subject to limitation of State cost participation
provided for in Section C of this Article:
1. Encumbrance by the State of the State's total estimated
construction cost share and the 8 percent construction
engineering cost share, and the contingency amount, as shown in
the Revised SCHEDULE "I".
2. Receipt by the State from the City of certified documentation for
all of the right-of-way and easement acquisition required for
State cost participation construction covered under this
Agreement, and the approval of that documentation by the State's
Land Management Director at St. Paul.
3. Execution and approva2, of this Agreement and the State's
transinittal of it to the City along with a copy of the Revised
SCHEDULE "I" and a letter advising the Cicy of the State's
concurrence in the award of the Construction contract.
OC� ��D
4. Receipt by the State o£ a written request from the City for the
advancement of funds. The request shall include certification by
the City that all necessary parties have executed the
canstruction contract.
Section B. Records Keepina and Invoicina bv the Citv
The State shall provide the City with a Payment Processing Package
containing a Modified SCHEDULE "I" form, instructions, and samples of
documents for processing final payment of the State participation
construction cost covered under this Agreement.
The City shall keep records and accounts that enable it to provide
the State with the following prior to final payment by the State:
1. A copy of the Modified SCHEDULE "I" which includes final
quantities of State cost participation construction.
2. ,Copies of the City contractor's invoice(s) covering all contract
3. Copies of the endorsed and canceled City warrant(s) or check(s)
paying for final contract construction, or computer documentation
of the warrant(s) issued certified by an appropriate City
official that final construction contract payment has been made.
4. Copies of all construction contract change orders and
supplemental agreements.
5. A certification form attached to a copy af the Final
SCHEDULE "I", both of which shall be provided by the State.
The City's Engineer in charge of the contract constzuction shall
sign the certzfication form attesting to the following:
a. Satisfactory performance and completion of al1 contract
construction in accordance with State-approved City plans,
specifications and special provisions.
b. Acceptance and approval of all materials fumished for the
State cost participation construction covered under this
Agreement relative to compliance of those materials to the
State's current "Standard Specifications for Construction"
c. Full payment by the City to its contractor for all contract
6. When requested by the State, copies, certified by the Czty's
Engineer, of material sampZing reports and of material testing
results for the materials furnished for the State cost
participation construction covered under this Agreement.
7. A copy of the "as built" plan sent to the State's District
8. A formal invoice (original and signed) in the amovnt due the City
as shown in the Final SCHEDULE "I��.
Sectioa C. Final Pavment bv the State
Upon completion of all contract canstruction, the State sha11 prepare
a Final SCHEDULE "I" and submit a copy to the City. The Final
SCAEDULE "I" sha11 be based on final quantities, and include all
State cost participation construction items and the construction
engineering cost share covered under this Agreement; however, the
maximum obligation of the State under this Agreement shall not exceed
$116,000.00. Sf the final cost of the State participation covered
„ nder this Agreement is less than the amount of funds advanced by the
State, the City shall promptly return the balance to,the State
without interest. Procedures relevant to preparation of the Final
SCHEDULE "I" and final payment of the State participation cost
covered under this Agreement are detailed in the Payment Processing
Package, which the State shall furnish the City.
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 15.415, the City waives claim
for any amounts less than $5.00 over the amount of State funds
previously advanced to the City, and the 5tate waives claim for the
return of any amounts less than $5.00 of those funds advanced by the
Section A. Replacement of Castin s
The City shall furnish its contractor with new castings and parts for
all inplace City-owned facilities constructed hereunder when
replacements are required, without cost or expense to the State.
Section B. Maintenance bv the Citv
Upon satisfactory completion of the Great Western Drainage Channel
construction to be performed within the corporate City limits under
the construction contract, the City sha11 provide for the proper
maintenance of those facilities, without cost or expense to the
State. Maintenance includes, but is not limited to, removal of
sediment, debris, vegetation and ice from structures, grates and
pipes, repair of erosion problems, and structure, pipe, fence and
guardrail repair, and any other maintenance activities necessary to
preserve the facilities and to prevent conditions such as flooding,
erosion, sedimentation or accelerated deterioratian of the
Sectioa C. Additiona.l Drainaae
Neither party to this Agreement shall drain any additional drainage
into the stonn sewer facilities to be constructed under the
construction contract that was not included in the drainage for which
the storm sewer facilities were designed, without first obtaining
permission to do so from the other party_ The drainage areas served
by the storm sewer facilities constructed under the construction
contract are shown in a drainage area map, EXHIBIT "Drainage Area",
which is on file in the office of the State's District Hydraulics
Engineer at Roseville and is incorporated into this Agreement by
Secfiion D. Future Resnonsibilities
Upon satisfactory completion of the Great Western Drainage Channel
construction to be performed within the corporate City limits under
the construction contract, the City shall thereafter accept full and
total responsibility and aIl obligations and Iiabilities arising out
of or by reason of the use, operation, maintenance, repair and
reconstruction of the Great Western Drainage Channel and all of the
facilities a part thereof construction hereunder, without cost or
e�ense to the State.
Section E. Termination of Aareement
Each party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, by
providing the other party with written or fax notice of effective
date of termination. The State is not obligated to pay for services
performed after notice and effective date of termination. Upon such
ternination, the City is entitled to payment for services
OC� -a-�i
satisfactorily performed under this Agreement prior to the effective
date of texmination.
The State may immediately terminate this Agreement if it does not
obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature, or other funding
source; or if funding cannot be continued at a 1eve1 suffieient to
allow for the payment of the services covered under this Agreement.
Termination must be by written or fax notice to the City. The State
is not obligated to pay for services performed after notice and
effective date of termination. Upon such termination, the City is
entitled to payment for services satisfactorily performed under this
Agreement prior to the effective date of termination, to the extent
the funds are available.
Section F. Examination of Books, Records. Etc.
As providecl by Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, subdivision 5, the
books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of
eaah party relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by
each party, and either the legislative auditor or_the state auditor
as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from final payment.
Section G. Claims
Each party is responsible for its own employees for any claims
arising under the Workers' Compensation Act. Each party is
responsible for its own acts, omissions and the results thereo£ to
the extent authorized by law and will not be responsible for the acts
and omissions of others and the results thereof. Minnesota Statutes
Section 3."736 and other applicable law govern liability of the Sta�e.
Minrzesota Statutes Chapter 466 and other applicable 1aw govern
liability of the City.
Section H. Nondiscrimi.nation
The provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 181.59 and of any
applicable law relating to civil rights and discrimination shall be
considered part of this Agreement as if fully set forth herein.
Sectioa I. Ac3reement AAproval
Before this Agreement becomes binding and effective, it shall be
approved by a City Council resolution and executed by such State and
City officers as the 1aw may provide in addition to the Commissioner
of Transportation or their authorized representative.
The State's Authorized Agent for the purpose oE the administration of
this Agreement is Maryanne Kelly-Sonnek, Municipal Agreements
Engineer, or her successor. Her current address and phone n�er is
395 John Ireland Boulevard, Mailstop 682, St_ Paul, MN 55155,
(651) 296-0969.
The City's Authorized Agent �or the purpose of the administration
of this Agreement is Joseph MueZler, Project Engineer or his
successor. His current address and phone number is City of St. Paul,
700 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, St. Paul, MN 55102,
(651) 266-6149.
D� ��-�6
IN TESTIMONY WF3EREOF the parties have executed this Agreement by their
authorized officers.
Zndividual certifies tliat funds have been encumbered
as required by Minn. Stat. �g 16A.15 and 16C.05-
MAPS Encumbrance No.
Recommended for approval:
Director of Public Works
Approved as to form and execution:
Assistant City Attorney
By —
B y —
Finance and Management Services
Recax�ended for approval:
District Engineer
State Design Engineer
Approved as to £orm and execution:
Contract Management
As delegated to Materials Management Division
�� �
Agreement No. 89273
Ivlinnesota Department of Transportation
Municipal Agreements Unit
100°/a State Blue
100% Municipality
90% State - 10% Municipality, or
60°/o 5tate - 40% Municipality
First Storm Sewer Split:
67% State - 33% Municipality
Second Storm Sewer Split:
33% State - 67% Municipality
50% State - 50% Municipality
% State - • % Municipaliry
Yellow �
Green �
Heliotrope �
IT IS RESOLVEU that the City af St. Paui enter into MnlDOT bQreement No. 89273 with the State
of Minnesota, i}eparf�nent of Transportafion for the foIlowing purposes:
To provide for gayment by the State to the City of the State's share of the costs of the Crreat
Western Drainage Channel consmact'ton and other associated construction to be performed
adjacenY to Trunk Highway No. 52 on Bazge Channel Road at Concard Street within the
corporate City limits under State Project No. 8&25-213.
IT IS FURTI3ER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the
authorized to execute the Agreement and any amendments to the Agreement.
I certify that the above Resolution is an accurate copy of the Resolution adopted by the
Councii of the City of St. Paul at an authorized rneeting heid on the day of
, 2006, as shown by the minutes of the meeting in my possession.
Sabscribed and sworn to before me this
day of , 2006
I3otary Public _
�fy Comanssion Expires
4'YPe oc Princ Name)
�� �