223829 . .�: .�.. 2 g29 ORIGlN�TO CITY CLlRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO_ � ,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ) IL SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SSDONE DA� �A]l1� �� 1965 RFBOLDSD� That the Council concurs in the a�rard of the �urchasing Conmittee ther�for and • hereby awarda cantract tor fnrnishing and delfvering to the Trlater Dept., Purilication Plant, 1800 Rice Street� fioo Line Siding� St,Paul� Minn� daring period oE one year beginn3ng fror� and after da�e aY City �oa�ptrollerss Conntersignature of contract,approxl�atel.y one huadred tons Po�avdered �ct3vated Carbon (Norit C)� to L• A. SALO�ON � BRO.� INC. in accordance �rith City specificat�ons therefor hereto attached and the Fprme�l Bid #1262 of aaid L.A,�alomon � Bro�y Inc, �or the price of a173i80 per net ton, making amount of . ,--- contract appraximately �17�380�00� such bid being th� lowest meeting City ot �t�FaaZ specifications and said L. A, Saloffion & Bro•s Ina� being a reasonabZe and reliable bidder and the �orporation Couasel be a�d hereby is direc�ed to draw np the proper Porm of contract theretor: and the praper City officials herehy are authorfzed to e�ecute said contract on behalf oP the City of Saint panl.� Formal Bid #1262, JUN � �6 COUNCILI�N • Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas ' Nays • ,, Dalglish JU� ,41� Holland Approved 19— Loss " Tn FaVOr - .A4er�itl�� Peterson J Mayor . A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis `,� �N •� 1�� lOM Q-64 . , - DUrLIWT[TO rRINT6R �' ) {/l/.� j CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa ��'�`��+ � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRESENTED�1f COMMISSIONE� DA� ��++� ���9�5 R�80L1�3Dt T3��t the C�.mc31 �o�nats�n 3ri ths ��ard a� tl� Fe�cIsa�sing Ct���'�e t�r�tor and h�reb� a�rds oon�raa� ��r �mmiehi�g attd asi�.vering �o the �ter d�pt� Puritioa�ion �lant� 3900 1ti� Bta°�et� 800 �in� Siding.� �t�paial� Yinn� dttring peziod D�' fl21r y�! b4g�aning � � troo� �nd after dr��e O� �i�y ��'F,�OIlOras Cotmt�xel�tttro o i co�traat�a�rproxinat�ly • orH► huadred taris Pv�dered Ac'tivat�d �rbbn t�Ps�ti# C)� to �• �►• �AL01�lI � �RO•� ItiC• !n �t��nas ri1',h Ci*9 sp�ii'ic�ti�nB #l�wt�ie�r 3�er�to att�ch�d and tl� �'or�1 �id i�18�2 ot said L,�Salo�a 3� Sro.� Inc, Zv� �he �riae ot �17�,80 per na� toa, s�king a�otxnt oi' aontr�ct a�prodci�t�l� ;17�980,00� auch bid b�ir�g t1� lo�st i�ting City o! �3t�P�1 spectitioatioas ubd ssid L, A,, �1o+�n i► Sr�,� �r�c� ta�i� # rs�sonabU and r�,ti�bl� bidd�r �.d ths Corporatida Co�mnvi be and h�reby ir directed to draw up th� ptop�r forx ot oontraat t�r�tsr� and the pro�p�r City oi�iaials h�rob�r are �uthori�d to ��o�cut� ssid ooatraot on be��.i oi ths Cit� o� B�int pq�.l� , �'ornul Did �126Z, - JUN 4196� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��� � � Holland Appx'ov� 19— Loss Tn Favor . .�h--' Peterson � �yOY Rosen Aga1L9t Mr. President, Vavoulis io�s a-e�