223804 i � ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLEHK ' ('�(��A[�� � , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� �s � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY � COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, the members of the St . Paul Human and Civil Rights Commiasion, at their regular monthly mee�ing, on June 2, 1g65, unanimou�ly voted to send Gerald A. Alfveby, the Assistant Corporation Counsel assigned to said Commission as its Legal _ Counsel, to the Executive Meeting of the National Conference of Commissions• for Human Rights, in Washington, D. C. , to be held June �F-8, ig65; and , " WHEREAS, such personts attendance at said Conference is for the purpose ,of improvement and betterment of the operations of the St . Paul Human and Civil Rights Commission; and WHEREAS, suck� a�tendance will afford and establish necessary and impo�rtant liaison between the local and national levels of government and of the Conference of Commissions for Human Rights ; therefore, "be it RESOLVED; that such necessary expenses as are incurred by Gerald A.• Alfveby by his atte�dance at said meeting shall be paid from the appropriate Fund of said Human and Civil Rights Commission, h'u.nd No . 0027-20�. _ ROVE , G��� 4.�. t�' Corporatibn Counse! ��N 31965 . COiJNCILIv�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � �UN `� �� Holland ppr ved 19— , Loss Favor . Meredith D Peterson , M8'yOr A gainst Rosen � ��� ��N 51965 Mr. President, Vavoulis iont e-as � f OUrLICAT[TO rRINTlR ^(�A���� � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�uHCa N� ��'�� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORI�! I�ESEHTED tY COMMISSIONER DATF WHFREAS, the members of the St. Pau1 Human and �ivil R3 hte Comm3asion, at their regular monthly meeting, on June 2, 19�5, unanimau�.ly voted to aend C�erald A. Alfveby, the Assistant Corporation Counael a�eigned to said Gomtr�tssion as ite Legal Cour�ael, to the Executive Meeting of the National Conferenae of �ommiasions for Hum�n Rights, in Washington, D. C. , to be held Jun� �F-8, 19653 &nd WHEREAS, suah person'e attendanae a� aa�d Conference ia for the purpoee p� improvement and betterment oF the operations of the St. Paul Huma.n and Civil Rights Co�iesion; and WHEREAS, sueh a�tendance will afford and establ3ah neceeeary and important liaison between the local and national ievels of governmen� and of the Conferex�oe of Commi�eiona for Human Righte; therefore, be 3� RESOT,VED, that such necessary eapensea as are �.ncurred by C�erald A. Alfveby by his attendance at said meeting aha7.1 be paid from �he appropriate Fund oP eaid Human and Civi1 Right� Comm3ssion, Fund No. 0027-204. ��N 31966 COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish 3 �� Holland Approv� ',U� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � MAyOr A g'81I18t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis io� �s