D001476• _ - City Clerk _ - Finance Dept. _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - £ngineer (HGA) _ - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPMI) CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. C4.16-A-8 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Buildin¢ Construction Mechanical - Parkina Ramn known as Contract L-_City ProjectNo.015118 Metropolitan Mechanical, is composed of the following: 1. Remove existing louver and raise duct at Minnesota Club. $321.00 Reason: To accommodate concrete slab. 2. Revise waste at Ramp O�ce 062 per MMC letter dated 5 June 1997. Reason: Site water overflows due to pipe size. 3. Install air conditioner at Pazking Ramp Office 062 per Field Order �£F4.120. Reason: Humid'+ty in ramp caused equipment to tequire air quality control. 4. Provide testing and balancing ramp per Mechanical Data quote 28 August 1997. Reason: To test systems. 5. Provide temporary air conditioning at Elevators 7 and 8 Machine Room per MMC proposal 73 October 1997. Reason: Mechanical Room not available, so alternate system needed. No. 1J�AJ � `'� � � Date Total 257.00 467.00 3,500.00 2,095.00 $6,670.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum oF $ 6,670.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract L- 147-76009-0899-68050 APPAOVED AS TO FORM r Assistant Ciry A omey Head Ciry ot�Saint Paul D) l �� Archite t and which amount is to be financed from: �19� �--� z-- �9� 8 7 _a� 19 t � .�J,o✓t�S • Meu000litan Mechanical Contractor 38356 ✓ AFFlCE/COUNCIL DATEINRIATEO GREEN SH T ������ CONTA PEA � PHONE / � INRIA T INITIALIDATE � DEPAFTMENT DIRECTOR �"CRY CAUNCIL �� �� e� Z ` �J ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY I�li. CfTYCLERK V J NUYBEPFOR L_p T BE ON CAUNCIL AGE A BY (DATE) ROUTING O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGi. SERVICES DIR. ONDER � MpyOR (OR ASSISTANT) � y � _� /'. TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIS'aNATURE) �B G H/� ACTION PEQUESTED: G?�. _ _ _ � � " _ �` �-� � y. ��- R - � � .t� ,e�� �-� � RECOMMENDATION . Apprave (A) or Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personffirm ever worketl under a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE VES NO — 2. Has this personMirm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF _ YES NO _ DiS7RICiCOUR7 _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a sKill not normally possessed by any current ciry employeeT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separote sheet antl attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPP9RTUNITV (Who. What, When, Where, Why)� ��! �, L��^ v'C/v"�,C/r � l.�!�� � � � -/ (n�Q '� w / Cic� �+ �V C {; V � ✓ // � C�i✓—`-f' `—�O o.�c C�CI�' (/ ANTAGESIFAPPROVED: r1'l�l,���'.�i"� i�'Cec�?�,��P � ���'-� � a�-� �-�' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. {� Ow.,� E�c � 4 1�98 '�#����°� ��F��� � _ _ _ _ ��"�?^ , �c a B OISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPFOVED� � � �a ��I � �� ��`QPj � �( 4 P.Y � /y�(��a— G✓r/`i /�( � ��1,����� MAR 1 1 199� �1TX CLERK UU 70TAL AMOUNT OFTHANSAC710N $ ���� COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCEI � �Io 60�7 — �7 � `'I ^ �� � ACTIVI7YNUMBEB FINANCIAL INFORFfATION: (EXPLAIN) � � �oQ �u� i� CON7Rk"CT STATUS • • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Metropolitan Mechanical 7340 Washington Avenue South Eden Praine, MN 55344 Originai Contract Amount: $430,000.00 CO No. C4.16-A-1 C4.16-A-2 C4.16-A-3 C4.16-A-4 C4.1&A-5 C4.16-A-6 C4.16-A-7 C4.16-A-$ Subtotal Deduct .00 Add 45,432.00 5,670.00 4,498.00 1,970.50 93,33�.�� 8,191.00 30,000.00 6,670.00 $195 761.50 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TI7LE: CONTRACT DATE: 19 January 1998 CP-4.16 Building Construction Mechanical 18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract includin this Change Order: $625,761.50 • �o l�-c� �. 3 CO iVTRACTO R' S PR0 F0 SA� . u • Convac; iVo.: 4. 16 — A ch��e �.nQh���ope f the worfc is rzGuesced as indicaced belo�x: /�� � 7. ��i��uested t e completion dace he f 1 extended, �) dec;�ased,XX uncnanged by _ ar ays. The adjus2ed compfecion date wilt 6e 2. Description or the change: (Re�zr to drawings, speciricz�ions, addenda, ii appliczoie}. ftzference RFP Na.: : �O NO.: F�_�ti Titfe: Remove/Replace existin� louver and ductwork 3. Basis of payment: (Check onel () Frm price for performing this change is S 321 Adequate supporting decaiis and inPormation (Inc:easedl (�eduefl- must 6e attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and materia4 pe� coniract, hut not to exceed S () Actuaf cost at completio� of work $ Submitted 6y:�etr�noi i tan Mc�rhani ra I r�„+,-a�tors �ate: �TUlv 3. 1997 Contractor � ���-- � � Contrac2or Signature E.A. Couser FOR CPMt US6 Action Recommended: (Check onel (} Change wi{t not be made. Exolain: CPMI Jo6 No.: 3225 � Proceed on the folfowing basis: �As indicated ahove, change and basis of payneni is acceptatte. �()�Change is acceptable, hasis of payment is not accepta6le. (} Hasis of payment shali be S ( 1 The fo(lowing modificaaon is recommended: (} Change in compfetion dace is accepteG. (} Change is accsptable wiih no change in price. () Change is accepcable with no change in completion date. ( } O[her Z, Reason for Change: () Design Change ( 1 Client Rzquest �rield Condir;on i 1 Suggested by Conuaccor i 1 Design Omission or �ther iexplainl 3. Is this a�att of the originaf convact scope? ( 1 YES �-}-NO 4. ls Contractar's Estimate attached? �'E� �� HQ 5. A!E cortsulted. YES ( 1 NO ?rzpared 6y: CPMI) Appraved 6y /°I � Std� �1/iG� 1`1��'�'Lfl� (HGA) T !� I. . Appraved qpp 6y: C?MI Inc., c/o Sairti ?aul cc: Ghris Hansen er1 IA. 0'ShauShnesry P1aza, 143 Wes2 r` Saeet. Mike ?ederson Oick Zzfiricig �2L2: /�� D2L8:� �diB:�—�—' 3225- to2-1 !�Q i�� b , • Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Sheet Metal F4.1 �2 SHOP HRS FIELD HRS MAT'L 8� EQUIP QUAN. ITEM Ea. Tot Ea. Tot Ea. Tot Subs 50 Duct Ftg M: S/D 0.45 23 DIM 0.60 0 Ftg. Labor: 26 19 0 50 24 25 2 Str. M: S/D 0.60 0 D/M 0.70 0 50 Install Labor: 26 2� 2 35 Insul 44 50 Drafting 150 1 1 Permit 5 TOTALS = 3 2 2& 44 hrs � Total • Shop Hours 3 38.22 1 � 5 Field Hours 2 38.22 91 Material 28 Tax 2 Subs `� Bond 4 Tota! Gosts 279 Markup % 42 Total: 321 • . CPM1 PRQJEC7: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-A Building Construction 3225 CONTRACT NO.: CP-4.16 TO: Mettopolitan Mechanical CONTRACT: Mechanica! 7340 Washington Avenue South Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Attn.: Gene Couser You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without change in Contract Sum and Corttract Time. lf you consider a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time is required, please submit your itemized proposal to CPMI immediately and before proceeding with the work. DESCRIPTION: �- d �` -�- D )RDER FIELD ORDER NO.: L F4.'102 DATE ISSUED: 20 May 1997 OWNER: Saint Paul Civic Center Authority I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza GPMI PROJECT NO.: 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 Remove existing louver and remove and replace existing ductwork located on west side of Minnesota Club. • NOTES: Modify opening to accommodate concrete slab. Reason: Existing conditions vary from documents. ATTACHMENTS: COST, PLANNING & MATIAGEMEIVT IIVTERNATIOIVAL, IIVC. � ��� a� Ken Anderson Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen Gephart AIFORMS\FIEIDOD.DOC Dick Zehring Mike Pederson Mortenson Bloomington 3225-416.5 r � � l25 - 4-lCv < `� �S� � C� • June 5, 1997 Ms. Susan Jones CPMI, Inc c/o St. Paul Civic Center I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55 1 02-1 299 Re: St. Paul Civic Center Expansion F4.I06 Parking Of,�ce 062/Toilet 063 Dear Susan: ������ � �=;FC�;s/�r JU�; G b �9g' , J��il ('�,(� O ' The following breakdown is for addiuonal materials and labor su�plied to remodel and rec;onsuuct one (i ) site wa,ste in the parking ramp - office 062ltoilet J63 area. Materials: $5�}•�� Iabor: � �(�•��� Overhead & Profit: 37.()() Total: $28� 00 In the interest of the project, we will not be sending through any request for payment on this previous referenced item. Sincerely, :.�` �- E.A. Couser Project Manager EAC/mmh d"I` " �, ��� ��� I � ��� ����� � ��1�,� tl o� J ,�N� 1.9]W�S. METROPQLITAN MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 7340 \Nashmgton Avenue Sawh • F.den Praine, Nlinneso[. »344-3iR2 • Phone: (612) 941-7010 • Fax: (612) 941-911R �U� 1 ��� COYYRACTOR' �PR�FOSAL • • Proobsal No.: .� Cont;ac: No.: AU�, �r� 1997 G � �/Ul .� nge in the cope of the work is re uesced as indicated befo �P�f ' sted ihe completion dacz he f) ex:ended, ( 1 deaeased, �kL.enchanged 6y calendar days. The adjusted compfetion dat� wilf be 2. �escriptian of the change: (Re�er ta drawings, speci�icat:ons, addenCa, ii applicable). Rzference RFP No.: • FO NO.: F4. 120/4. 120R Title: ParkinQ Ramp Office Air Conditioner 3. Basis oP payment: {Check one) () Firm price for performing chis change is S 467 Ad°quate supporting deiails and inrormation (increasedl {p�yE�} �-iust be arached co allow Cwner m evzfuate. () Tme and material per contract, but not to exceed S () Actual cos2 at completion of work $ Submittedby:Metropolitan Mechanical Contractors oace:July 31, 1997 Contractor � � "t ' . � Contractar Signature E.A. Couser ' FOR CPMf USE 1 2. cc: Ac2ion Recommended: (Check anel ( � Change wili not be made. Expfain: �� �225 — 4l co• � CPMf Job No.: 3225 �Proceed on the following 6asis: � As indicated ahove, change and 6asis of paymen: is acceptabie. () Change is acceptable, 6asis of payment is no: accepta6le. (} 8asis of payment shail be $ ( 1 The fo{{owing modification is recommended: (� Change in comp(e2ion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable.with no change in price. (} Change is accepta6ie with no change in comptetion date. ( � Other ' Reason far Change: ( � Design Change i 1 Client Rzquest �ie(d Condi:ion () Suggested by Contractor ( 1 Design Omission or Other (expfain) Chris Hansen �btike ?edenon Oick Zanring sl�=�- 3. Is this a�art of the ariginaf conuact scope? () YES �4 4. Is Cflntrac2oc's Escimate attached? �YES O NO 5. A/E consulted. �.(` ES () NO . �a=cY�en=_s -._ !� �� .� ; • � �i " L-- ;"� 'I � ''� � i .. : ; „ ��r---,^ ;� -1 • . .i �� ; �- z � � i i � 21 �� � F� ?? 'j m � _ �'� __'� i �� � � A ;i : �-- �� , : r �. �z ;i, _i - .� �� • `F — _� � :=.� �i — �— _. .: ._.�.,. � � u< ir .�'' ►. .�. _ . � •,•• � •'� • � , ---��-'��6-- - - -- .,�.,. ; . ��� ���Q���=1,- •J il — --- - — __^�*�.—. � "—__'__'._ _ __'_—___._— i i i •� — —_, __—� __. .—.' __— - E � ' !AJ_ � ------ -_. _ _.� if ��� i -- --- ; - - — ' - --� ' � � � - � i � -. T �i ', `,- j= �-- - —'. . . _ I � • � I � , i i r � !_ - ' ' ' ', ' , . - i � i � � '_._�:� _'_ ` _�; '�._ __ -', _�__ _��� �I : I ', "" � ___"' ' �___' . `I � i j ' .��� �, , �I�'_I � i — ! I�,_�, _ ____ . ! � I I� � I4riS_.1__:___L__ . .. I _'_—_""__ '— • I "' � . , � i � � � I � I ;i � j �l _ ,, � _:_ _' � , � _��� i � S 1 � � L---�= -�-- --- � -� � � ; ; ��i�,l�'�I� f;i ,ii ��j ,� � i A II � ! I f � �'� � ,':- I ! ', i '' ; �' , ; i�"'� � �; , - � {_____l-��-- --� . .�=, �� ,— �i i ��i�::i ,, � . , � �, i':i �i i"I � ; l__. � ' � � 'i I I -;-�-- , --,- -.- , � , -� � � i i i i i �--- -' ;'.' , i j � ,'; ; ` ; ; ,, ; ; " ;--;--� ,; ; . , . . --, � � ', _� _, �_ ; i ,�� � � �I , �, , i i i � _ I 1 l- ` , `- — , � -I II � � I ' � :� �� � � � � ' , —�--r, � ��--- � I � �i I i 1 '� I� � �, � i i I i . �' � I �I i i � � ','', , , i �! � i ;i ; ! �! �� � � 1 � i � � ` 'i . 1 ; � �._. ` :.; , '�—___ '� I i 1 � I � 1 I . � � �. 'I ' �I .T �-'�.�_�_:�-�� i 1� � �I 1 i I il : ; � � . I � I i :� i " ' : . � ! _ �' �r �,J__�_.1�y___. � I -y- ; i �' i i� 1 f � j� i I I I i��� '' � � ' �• y �_ • � __.C7ii _ `_ .-_. _ - _ �" ��;_ �j� � j�TT : i j � ' I . . , ! i ' �,�t ' � 'i ' i "' , t{ ' � , � i i -1.-:_ i � -� : ! ; _ ' _f_ . �--; � ; � 4 � :; , ; � . 4 +, � - +--' - � �--'` � ' ���_�-¢� � : -- � -- '. ; =--j-:-'�-;-= - - - - -_ __' - � ; ; � �= ' ---- , - - , � � - ---- � --- -' _ �- - �---- � � - - --- t , --. � - ' ---- -- - -- -- --- , r ---�-�� ---- �- - - — -- - �--� - -- -- - � - . � __-_ —� -- --. . .�_' -- - — CPMI • L PROJEC7: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Suilding Construction OWNER: Saint Paul Civic Center Authority I.A. O'Shaughnessy Piaza 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55'102-1299 0 � � a � �- �0-97 NO.: .� _ _ � �� � F4.7 20R tYV\ '�l�t J DATEISSUED: 7 July 1997 NO.: 3225 CONTRACT NO.: CP-4.16 TO: Metropolitan Mechanical CONTRACT: Mechanical 7340 Washington Avenue South Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Attn.: Gene Couser You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which interprets the Contraci Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without change in Contract Sum and Contract Time. If you consider a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time is required, please submit your itemized proposal to CPMI immediately and before proceeding with the work. DESCRIPTION: 1. � NOTES: • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. conditioner. Mortenson to maintain A/C unit until 1 October 1997 at 5574(month plus applica6le tax and mark-up. Provide air conditioner for Parking Ramp Office 062 in Toilet Room 063. MA Mortenson to provide free standing rental air conditioning unit on 25 June 1997. Metropolitan Mechanical to install and vent. Work was completed by MAM and MMC on 25 June 1997. Reason: Required to keep fire alarm system in tempered air. ATTACHMENTS: COST, PLANNING & MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL, INC. �{,�1S-� C'' VB'1D—d d� Susan Campbell Jones Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen • Gephart Lee Lambert Mike Pederson Paui LaPointe Bloomington 3225-416.5 A\fOFMS\PiELDOD.DOC - �3 t�l�b CO°NTE�"ACTQ ft • A St. s pRO�asa� �\ � " 1 \S� � /i'J �3<< � - �i�, ` ivic Center Exa. Ccncraa No.: d_ t 6 -- of the work is reGuer.ed zs indicat?d 'aelcw: %'��j� 1 U k' d K�Y d ti aC� 2 � ��.,, cnange in the scop Cs M� �--- re4��s°d �he complevon �ztz be ( l exendzd, t 1 decsase , ur,crtang_ y�� calendar days. The adjusted cnmp[erion dat=_ witt 6e Z. DescripriaR oi ihe change: (Re�=_r to drawinas, spetinca«ons, odder,dz, ii appiicaoie�, Referer,cs AFP Na.: : FO NO•: i rtie: �Ra 3. Basis oT paynerst: (Check ane� S 3, S�(] (?�� price `o� perEormi�g this change is Adequats supporting detads and infarmation (Inc:easad}�Be�',,r�ef! must be arached co allow Owner to evatuace. {] Zime and materfal per convact, but nat to ezceed S (} Ac:ual cost at cempieBon of work _____��Submitted 6y: �X�'o /• ��So� �ate- � Corttractor Metropoli'tan Mechanical r • • �'.��/ ��� � , Corttrac2or Siqnature °.-�r:�'vc�- FOR C?MI USE 1. 2. Acrion Recommended: tCheck ene} (} Change wiil not 6e made. Expfairt: CFMf .l06 No.: 3Z25 � Proceed on �,he fo([owing basis: �t'As indicated a6ove, change and basis of paynent is accepra6ie. r j Change is accaptabte, basis of paymen2 is no� aeceptabie. (} Basis of payment sha(1'he S (} The fottawing madifccarion is recammended: ( J Change in compfetiort date is accapted. () Change is accaptable with no change in price. (} Cfiange is acceptable with no change in comp{etion date. i ) Other Reasonfor Change: (} Design Change ( l CGent aequest () F+eld Condi�an (}�uggesed hy Contractor �Oesign Omissian o� �ther (expfain) cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pedersan U1CX Lennry .NG� d/� �'�`,C!'."` �i�� lJ 3. fs this a parc or the originat contract sccpe? ( l YES �� 4, fs Contrac2or's Escimate ar.ached? �L� � � uo • � i JC ' / MECtiANICAL DATA CORP. 78305 MINNETONKA BLVD. WAYZATA, MN 55391 (612) a73-1176 �--� �����b invoice °- DATE ;::, ' : INV.OICE#> 8/28/97 2594 Metropolitan Mechanical 7340 Washington Ave. So. Eden Praisie, MN 55344 _P.O: NUMBER ;��ERM&' ; :. , „ PROJECT Chad Nelson Net 30 St. Paul Civic Ct... • Test & Balance service performed 3,000.00 C� � � �� .. ��� �� ��s � �O REC`D SEP 2 ,997 AP�ROVEC G� � w T�l'AL. $3,000.00 (� /�� - �' `oZ fr���' - n � ���b CO N"TRACTO R' S PRO PO SA L • a fL�ctc�s(�����the 1; .�J � � No.: Mt.s�_cM_1 ��._. .,�.. __ -- -- � (`i � i r (`f r F�rn Contrac: �o.: 4. 16 pe of the work is reGues;ed as indicated betaw: ���/t 1� � v �. ,-. �reys v ,,_, 2. Submitted by: ��� % ��so� Date: � n nr,....,. Contractor -�'•�=�— -- - ��� e�� �o olitan Mechanical «` ' �L�'�.- � . Con2ractor Signature FOR CPMI USE , :sted the completion datz be ( 1 extended, I 1 dec:easzd, unchangeC Sy days. The adjus:ed compietion date wiil be Oescription of ihe chznge: (�e�'-� to d{z`��ngs, speciticz�ions, addend2, if appficahle). Reference RrP No.: � Fa �Q-� Title: Elevator 7� 8 tem o Basis of payment: (Checkone} � 2,dg5 Q[J Frm price for perfortning zhis change is �(ncreasedl 4E1e�c�1- Adequate supporJng detai[s and in4ormation must he a2tached to ailow Owner to evafuate. $ {) Time and material per coniract, 6ut not to exceed $ (} Actual cost at com¢(etion of work K� CPMI Joh Na.: 3225 • Action Recommended: �Check one) () Change will not 6e made. Expiain: �}�roceed on the following basis: � As indicated above, change and basis of paynen: is acceptab(e. ( � Change is acceptable, hasis of payment is no: accaptahle. (� Basis of payrteM shall be 5 � (� The following modifieavon is recommended: (� Change in completion date is accapced• (� Change is acceptable with no change in price. (} Change is acceQtahle with no change in completion date. ( � Other 2. Reason for Change: .�� (}- Desi es� by Conuactor en I RDes gn Omiss� ion o ( 1 Sugg 3, is this a part of the original can�racc scope? ( 1 YES �9 4, ls Contractor's Estimate attached? ���ES � a NO 5. A/E cartsulted. �-�- Prepared by: � / n ' "�'�J tCPMiI Approved by �� + �'u' �` / U° � HCAI T 't' Owner) Approved by a Approved hy: Owne C'MI Inc., c!o Saini Paul Civic Cenier, 1.?.. 0"Snaugr.nessy naza, �»� ��_�� �-�-• cc• Chris Hansen Mike ?edersan �ick Zzhring Dace: �d'�� � �ate: � r �� � � ?aul, MN' 3225- � ���� ❑ October 13, 1997 5usan Campbell Jones CPMI c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I.A. O'Shaugnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: S� Paul Civic Center - EZevator 7&8 Temporary Conditioning Dear Susan: We aze writing to submit our costs associated with providing temporary conditioning for elevators seven and eight. As you are aware, we installed two Carrier through the wall air conditioning units to satisfy the elevator inspectors requirement to cool the space before the base building • systems were in place. Our cost to provide this work is $2,095. Please find the attached back up. Please contact us at 941-7010 with any questions. Sincerely, �.�1 /��•--J Chad T. Nelson Project Manager enclosure • METROPOLITAN MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 7340 Washington Avenue South • Eden Praicie, Minnesoca 55344-3582 • Phone: (612) 941-7010 • Fax: (612) 941-9118 �oo ���.� • Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Sheet Metal Elevator 7 E� 8 Temporary Conditioning SHQP HRS FIELa HRS MAT'L R� EQUIP QUAN. ITEM Ea. ToL Ea_ Tot Ea. Tot Subs 2 Carrier A/C Units 2.00 4 780.00 1560 TOTALS = 0 4.0 1,560 0 Shop Hours Field Hours Material Tax Suhs Bond hrs 0 4.0 $ 38.22 38.22 Total 0 153 1,560 1�9 0 27 Total Costs 1,822 Markup % 273 i 7otal: 2,095 L.J iI�IETROPOLITAY iIYIECHANICAL COYTRdCT0R5, IvC. 734U �Vuhington A�enue South • Edtn PraiT�e, �linnewca �S:�k�-:58? • Phona: �b l2? 4-41- OlU • c.tr. �eL' 1 9�±t-9113