222884 .. � .�22��4 :'r,. . � ORIGI�y TO CIT7 CLHRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f��C�OUNCIL RESOLUTIO GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY � COMMISSIONE DA� V � , WI�REAS, an emergency has arisen and is so declared ��� herein by tY�e Co�ncil, under Charter Section 206, by reason � of the flooding of the Mississippi River; and WHEREAS, unprecedented hig,h water conditions on �he Mississippi River are threatening to inflict damagea upon public and private property whieh may be estima.ted in millions of dollars, all property located within the City of Saint Paul and lying ad�acent �o the Mississippi River; and . WI�REAS, said flood conditions constitute a sudden and �expected emergeney; and WHEREAS, funds necessa�y to enable �he City of Saint Paul �o �ake the prope� steps to prevent such threat of damage to publie and private property are not available; now, tl�erefore, be it RE�OLVED, �hat the Mayor and the City Comptroller are hereby authorized to borrow a sum not �o exaeed Three Hundred Thousarid Dollars ($300,000.00� and to exea�te and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promisaory note payable to such par�y or partiea, bearing interes� a� a rate not to exeeed five per cent (5�) per annum, said note �o be payable one year from date of exeeution thereof; and be it FURTHSR RE�OLVED, That the f'�nds so borrowed be credited to tY�e Emerger�cy Mississippi Flood �'und, Aetivity Code 0285, all of , the said fund to be expended for the purpose of protecting properties from da.mage by flooding; and be it F�7RTHER RESOLVED, that a eertain resolution approved by this Council on April �, 1965, designated as �ouricil File No. 222875, is hereby reacinded. FO �►PPROVED . sst. Corp r tion Counsel.^ � � ' APR 13 �65 , , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays • Dalglish - APR 13 �9� Holland Ap rove 19— Loss � Favor 4 Meredith � Peterson � CO�RSIG'NE ; �Yor Rosen Aga�st CITY 0 TROLLER Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED APR � 7 1yb� � �o� �z y . y � � DUrL�:ATC TO MtINT[R 2228$4 � " CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /RESENTED�Y�t COMMISSIONE� DATF WHEREAS, an emergeney has ariaen and is �o dealared herein by the Counail, under Charter Seation 206, by rea�on of the flooding of the Miasie$ippi River; and WHEREAS, unprecedented high water conditions on the Miasiss�.ppi River are threatening to inflict clamages upon public and pr3vate property which may be eatima.ted in millions of dollars, all property located within the City of �aint Paul an� lying ad�acent to the N13asigsippi River; and WHEREAS, $aid flood conditione constitute a ��zdden and unexpected emergeney; and WHERBAS, fund8 necessary to ena.ble the City of 3aint Paul to take the proper step� to prevent auah threat of damage to publle and private property are not available; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor and the City Comptroller are hereby authorized to borrow a sum not to exaeed Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promisoory note payable to duch party or partiea, bearing interest at a rate not to exQeed five per cent (5;6) pes annum, said note to be payable one year from date of execution thereof� and be it FURTAER AE30LVED, That the funds so borrowed be creciited to the Emergeney Mi�a�.s$ippi Flood Fund, Aativity Cod� 0285, a�.1 of the said fund to be expended for the purpose of protecting properties from damage by flood�ngj and be it FURTI�R RESOLYED, that a certain �eaolution approved by this Council on April 9, 1965, designatecl as Counail File No. 222875, is hereby resainded. APR 13 �9� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish aPR 13 � Holland �. Approv� 19— Loss Tn Favo2' Meredith ' Peterson ���t COUNTERSIGNED: Mayor Rosen CI1'Y f�MPTRALLE Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� a�