222881 . .�, �22��� �•� ORIGIl�lAL TO CITY CLHWK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RES UTION-GENERAL FORM ' �RESENTED EY � COMMISSIONE DAT� In the matter of improving SHORT LI1� ROAD from St. Clair Avenue to -- ' Jefferson Avenue by grading, paving and curbing the roadbed and the ad�acent � intersecting alleys and streets; by constructing sewer asid storm water drain- a,�e facilities; and by doing all other work necessary and incidental to cam- plete said improve,ment un.der Preliminary Order C.F. 21�+726, approved September 17, 1963. ; . In the matter of improving SflEPARD ROAD from. Otto Avenue to I.S. 35E � by constructing embankment and gradir� of roadbed; by constructing storm water drainage facilities; by constructing retaining wall and structural - plate culverts; by seeding and�or sodding slopes and by doing a11 other - work necessary and incidental to complete said improvement under Prel�iminary Order C.F. 2084�+9, approved August 3, 1962. RESOLVED, That the pla.ns and specifications for the above named improve- ment as su'tam3.tted by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same are hereby approved; and be it � � � - � FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be ancl. he is hereby directed to advertise for l�ids on said improvement. � . , . /V�_ APR 9 � COiJNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays APR 9 �965 Dalglish Holland pp ov 19� Los s Favor Meredith � Peterson � MAyOr A gainst Rosen - Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBLISHED APR 1 � 19�� �o� �� • . ,. DUr�AT[TO MINTLR ������ �d�J U CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM n��,�c rr COMMISSIONE� DA� Tn thi �,�►t�ir c�t �oYir�g � Ll� � t�rcaa �. �ir ,�in�e �o J�'�r+�oAa Awat� 'b�► �a�iag�, p�►�riaS e�ndl Qt�bi� titr� x�lb�d, � tb4� +�aa�t i�ta�t'G�.� ��y�► �md ��,'�et�3 hY co�x�t3� se�x+ � �toz�a M+�teF dxain-� ag� !`�a31i#►�sir; +psd bJ' Awin�& a1�. ot�r trorlc =�RSS�* �rd in,c�d+�at�1 t►�i cc�a# � �1.d �a�t m�er �re],�.inarr c�cd� C,�. 23,h'�6o +�oind � �.?s 1963• . In �h�t sa�,t�r coc i�x�o�►i�ag � � �."rt�a Ot�o ,A� te I.p. �� b�►' o�n�ru�atf�g �t � g�Ln� bf r�d3 bY ac�tstr�tin� M�c�t �tat� �i.a�� t�loili'tiud� b�r �as'r.rua�i:r� rdti�3ai� ��.1 � ��ra�'E�1. l�te! c'�,i�rz�t�f �►' �i�g !�/�r �� +M!Z,op!s !au�i bY �+03� �.�._oth�r r� r�.s� �ma i�eci�t.�1. t.o co:gl�t�e :.sa i�r,per��. �r ord�r G.*. ��9, � � 3, �• �Q'�ip�, � #,h� pl�n� �, �r�cii�t�tivnr tox t�e abo�rli ��i� i�v�s-• a�a�t #�s tt�.t'�1 bJ► th� C4�e�Ntliic�z�r Of P+��f� �i'o�lcs b� � 'Gh� rare � hs�1b�' �� � b� it � �Lii�fs `�t � �Clk�ir� A�t be �nd I� is ht�b�` di.x�ct�d tc� �i� tc� bidi �u sa3� S�*qv�,t, . (�r� ` b� ?� � � � � � `, APR 9 1'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,. Dalglish APR 9 �9�5 Hollaad Approv� 19— Loss Tn FBVOr Meredith Peterson MAyOr Rosen 'V S�St Mr. President, Vavoulis iox aa