222859 . ,ORIGINAL TO CITY CLLRK ��.iJ"i�'r,i`%��� �'� CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa o`��'�y� �'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. ' COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED EY � COMMISSIONEQ DA� WHEREAS, on March 19, 1965, a fire occurred at the ' Heavy Equipment Building at the Municipal �sphalt Plant Yards damaging the building a.n.d contents "as well as heavy equipment stored therein; and ''WHEREAS, the City carries a fire insurance policy on said building and �ontents as well as a Heavy Equipment Floater Policy; and WHEREAS, the representatives of the insuran�e companies involved have secured estimates on repairs aceeptable to the respective companies which will reimburse the City for repairs made to the heavy equipment and contents of the building but will not pay the entire repair of the building which was insured to a maximum sum of $8�500.00 and the estimated tota� building repair costs are approximately �13,500.00; and � WHEREAS� the roof� walls� and doors of said building have been damaged, the interior is open to the elements� the equipment stored therein may be damaged or lost and the building is presently unusable and� therefore, in need of immediate repair and the hea�ry equipment is needed immediately for the _ pending construction season; now, �herefore� be it RESOLVED� That by reason of the aforesaid fire and ' damage to the building and contents and the need for immediate � repairs to both the equipment and building, the Council determines that an emergency exists within the contemplation � of Section 291 of the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul •� and that failure to a�t .promptly will work in�ury to the City; � ° and be it 1. FIIRTHER RESOLVED� That the proper City officials are � authorized to accept draft�tendered in payment of the various ,� losses and in the appropriate case to endorse said draft in payment to the eopayee; and be it 0 � ' FURTH�R RESOLVED� That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to accept the amount tendered by COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� Dalglish ' Holland �� � Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson �ByOr A►g81I1St Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis - - - lons aas �GINAL TO CITY CLERK ;� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL ND t ,� i �� " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTEO EY COMM I551 O N EQ DATE � Page 2. tY�e fire insurance eompany as payment of the full policy limits and that he be further authorized to expend the sum of approximately �5,000.00 to complete the necessary emergency repairs to the building.without the necessity of adver�ising for competitive bids and to eontraet with a responsible contractor for the immediate repair of the aforesaid building. APR 8 � COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish APR 8 ��., p roved 19_ Loss � Tn Favor Meredith , / Peterson �� Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis _ PUBLISHED ApR 10 1965 - ions e-as �"� � ��ry�;�