222836 l ��� ` � �.,. 4 COUN ILE N0. ���'° INTERMEDIARY ORDER � -- . , $y � - � ' File No. 16716 � � In the Matter of � ry....�,�.�.�n - _J •' �.V��_� � _ - �� � . �a.u� � - � • _ � . _4� 1 � . . . ��1".\7 � ^ �+ r . - ! „ . �' ' , � .��: -_ ' , t ` f � . �-_ � . ' ` �><.. Opening, widening and extending A1tLINGTON AVENUE from Sqlvan Street to Jacicson '�'''�- �� Street by condemning and taking the following�described parcels of lands: � �° �}��, `�•� ,�_, :_. - - 'F " �--�'-'-,._„-.,......ri �---; � � - - -.,..�:��-.:r t,.,+�...� _, . . All that portion of Blocic H, Soo Line Plat Number 2, lying southerly of a straight line commencing at a point on the west line of said Blocic H, 1.26 feet north of the southwest corner of said Block H, extending thence in an easterly direction to a point on the east line of said B1oc�c H, 2.85 feet northwesterly of the southeast corner of said Blocic A. � All those portions of Lots 8 thru 16, inclusive, all in Block 12, Gurney Park, lying southerly of a straight line commencing �at a point on the east lirie of Block B, goo Line Plat Number 2, 6.18 feet northwestex].y of the southeast corner of said Blocl� B, extending thence in an easterly direction to a goint on the east line of Lot 8, 8.37 feet north of the southeas�t corner o� said Lot 8. All those portions of Lots 8 thru 17, inclusi�e, all in Block 13, Gurney Park, lying southerly of a straight line coumnencing �at a point on the west line of Lot 17, 9.19 feet north of the southwest corner of said Lot 17, extending thence in an easterly direction to a point on the east line of Lot 8, 12.83 feet north of � the southeast corner of said Lot 8. fF� � ' ; �All of those portiona�of LoCe 2 thru 11, inclusive, all in Block 14, Gurney Parlc, , ' lying southerly of a straight line coamnencing Nat a point on the west line of , , � , Lot 11, 13.66 feet north of the southwest corner of said Lot 11; extending thence < , .; in� an easterly direction to a point on the east line of Lot 2, 17.30 feet north ~� �� � ,' ��of the soutlieast corner of said Lot 2, � • 3 - � , , . , , ;� Also by condemning and taking an easement for street purposes on and across all � L those portions of Blocks E and B, in Soo .Line `Plat Number 2, and vacated Gurney ' .-�-�=�Street all as described below:•�. Co�nencing at �the southwest corner_of_ B1ock E, __ � _ � thence 2.85 feet northweaterly on the weat line of said Blocic E, thence easterly , ,,' on a straight 11ne to a point on the east Iine4of Blocic B, 6.18 feet northweaterly , of the southeast corner of said Bloclt B, thenc'e southeasterly to the southeasC . corner of said Block B, thence westerly to the� point of beginning. Also condemning and taking an easement in the �land neceasary for slopes, cuts and . fills and temporary construction easements, all including the right of re�oval of lateral support from subject land or remainder� thereof occasioned by construction work both within and beyond or outside of the street boundary lines for the grad- � ing and paving of ARLINGTON AVENUE from Rice Street to Jacicson Street; as well ae � condemning and acquiring the right which� shall� be in the nature of an easement to establish the grade a1d to alter Che existing grade in said Arlington Avenue, which condemnation and acquisition shall include the� taking of all right, claim, or interest of abutting property ownera in any 'gr"ade heretofore existing in said Ar].ington Avenue; and providing therefor� and authorizing. the establishment of grade and change of existing grade in accordance with Drawing No. 939, paving drawer 12, dated November 19, 1964, on file in� the Department of Public Worlcs; an� further, providing therefor# and suthorizing, where appropriate, awards to compen- sate abutting owners for al�: taking or damaging of private property resulting to subject properties and incorporating all such compensation to which an abutting owner may be or become entitled; if any, into a single award with respect to each parcel of abutting property. , .. � �� - I ing and paving of ARLINGTON AVENUE fram Rice Street to Jacicaon Street; as�well as condemning an� acquiring the right which shall�be in Che nature of an easement to establish the grade a1d to alter the existing grade in said Arlington Avenue, which condemnation and acquisition shall include thertaking of all right, claim, or interest of abutting property owners in any grade heretofore existing in said Arlington Avenue�; and providing therefor� and suthorizing the establishment of grade and change of existing grade in accordance with Drawing No. 939, paving drawer 12, dated November 19, 1964, on file inpthe Department of Public Worlcs; an�3 ' further, providing therefor� and authorizing, where appropriate, awards to compen- sate abutting owners for all taking or daa�aging of private property resulting to subject properties and incorporating al.l such compensation to which an abutting owner may be or become entitled, if any, into a single award with respect to each parcel of abutting property, '