222819 � ORIG�L TO C�fY CLERK � • D���� ,n �. �_�� CITY OF ST. PAUL � FOENCIL NO �` �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED CY , � COM M I551 O N E DAT� t t ' WHEREA�, the Detention and �orrections Authority " � of the �ity of Saint Pau1 and the County� of Ramsey at its , meeting on March 22� 1965 adopted the following resolution: "WHEREAS� �hapter 556� Minnesota Session Laws for • 1963 provides for Amendments to prev3.ous laws establishing the Detention and Workhouse Facility �ommission and all the respon�ibilities pertinent thereto� and "WHEREAS� Section 2 and 3 of said �Chapter 556 of Session Laws 1963, provide in substance the delegation of all authority previously invested' in the Detention and Workhouse Facility �ommission �to the Detention and �orrections Authority which includes expenditures of - an.y remaining funds of said �Commission accruing by whatever me2.n.s including the proceeds from the sale , of unneeded land and buildings� and � t ° "WHEREAS� These funds may be ',used for any expansion or construction of new facilities ,under the �urisdiction . of said Authority� ! � ' _ o "NOW� THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the �Detention � and �orrections Authority of the City of St� Paul and � :+ the County of Ramsey is effectuating the responsibilities a embodied in �Chapter 556; La�rs of 1963 by expending � remaining funds and t�iose accruing by virtue of sale of � unused �and and buildings for the �present expansion and � � � remode�.ling of Boys `Totem Town or� any future building � program connected w3.tl�i facilitiespunder its jurisdiction� � � keeping in -mind the"one restriction on the use of these � funds as set forth in. Section 2 of said Chapter� �Such proceeds shall not be used in�connection with ordinary operation or maintenance of such facility or facilit�es� ; � � E "BE IT �JRTHER RESOLVED� That the City Council for COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9._ k Yeas Nays � Dalglish � `Holland i Approved 19— Loss � Tn FavOx' Meredith � . " - - ; Mayor Peterson , Ag"diIlst f Rosen _ Mr. President, Uavoulis � � , lOM 6-69 � i l . � � !� ORIGIH.�L TO CITY CLHRK �`' ' % CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO d�' � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��ESENTED SY j COMMISSIONEQ DAT� ` Page 2. � � the City of �t. Paul and- the Courity Board of Commissioners for the County of Ramsey concur with the intent of this resolution adopted by the Detention and Correcti ons � Authority�.�and provide authority �to their respective disbur,sing officers to honor claims and other instruments charged to the fund and submitted. by its chief administrative officer." � , and ; . r � WHEREA�, the Board of Coun.ty Commissioners of Ramsey County� at their meeting on March 29� 1965� concurred in and approved the action of the Detention and Corrections Authority� . � ' Now� Therefore� be it ; F RESOLVED, That the Gouncil of the �City of saint Paul hereby concurs in and approv,es the foregoing action of the Detention and Corrections Authority. F f � .- . F .. � � � . F . � I f ` r i - - 1 • { � i - COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci�PR 7 1965 19— � Yeas Nays � , Dalglish . QPR "1 � „_,+__a / ` Approve 19— �oxxaua � Loss � Tn FAV02' � ^ i Meredith � Peterson �7 k 9Qt��, MaYor A gainst ; �-�ea� �i�s...i�''�.���.n::�::�ieEl �' - - Mr: vice President (xosea) � P�BLISHED ��[� �� � ions e-sa � t � i y GU�LICAT6 TO rRINTlR � : CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�NCIL NO �� � • � � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /RESENTED tY . COMMISSIONER DA� . WiH� th� 1�tenticn and Corr�etions ,dtitharlty o� th� Cit�r o�' Sa�.nt P+�ul �n.d the Count��r o� li,�seq at its ffie�eting on Mareh 22f 196� adopt�d the tollowing �e�olutions "W��s Ghap�er 556, �4inn�sota g���ion Law� for 1963 p�dv�.d�� fb� Araend�ent� �Go pret�.aua Zatx� �stablishing ' the �.1etention a.nd. Workhouse P�c3.13ty �o��,g�ion apd all th� respor��ibi�.itie� pertinen.� thereto� and "W8� 8eation 2 and 3 oF �aid Ch�pter 5�6 0�' S���ion Laws �.963� provid� �.n sub�tan�� the d��.egat�.on of a1.1 authoritq prepiouely �nv��ted in th� �etentian , and Workhcr��� Facil3.t� Co�iasion �o the Det�ation ar�1 Correet�.on� �.i�hor��y wrhi�h includes ��cpendi�ur�� of any rs�sini.ng �'und� of s�.�d. �on�.ss�on sccru3.nng by wh�.tever �ean� inalud3:ng �Gh� prviceed�� 1'ron, th� sale of' unneeded land and buildg.ri,g�� snd " . °�WH�A�� ��e funds �.y be u��d #`or any e�pan�ion or cona�ruat3on oP n,�x taail.iti,e� under the �uri�d�ction ot' said Authority, ' M�W� �R�4A� B$ fiT R�30L�D �h�t the Detention and Cor�eQtian� Aut�ori�y of t�e C��y of �t. Psui and the Coun.ty o�' R�s�y i� •ff���u�.t�.n the re�ponsib�.lities ��bodi�d 3rt �iap��r 5�6, Laws o� 19�3 bY eapen�ing �r��ain,ing �.inds �.nd tho�e ac�xuing by virtue o� �a1.Q ot' unu�ed .�an.d �nd bu�ldin�� �o� th� pr��ent •apansion and re�ode�.ting of Boys �ot�a 3'oWn or any f'uture buildir�g progr� oonnect�d with fa��lities und�r i�� 3uri�diction� ge�ping i.n ffiind th� one r��triation on the use o� �h��e ' f'unds �� �et �'or�h 3n ��a�ion 2 0�' aaid Chapter� �`3ueh proce�d� sha�.� not be used in� eonn�ction with ordinary op�ration or �aintenance of suah #'�cil.ity or fa�ili����� ; �'B� IT FURTHER RESOLq�A� Th�t the City Council for COUNCILIu�N Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approve� 19— Loss Tn FAVOI' Meredith Peterson �yOr Rosen A ga�t Mr. President, Vavoulis io�t e-as DUrLlG/1T[TO rRINT[R � / � ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�KCa NO� ���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tRESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DATF P'�ge 2. th� City of St. gaul an.d the County Hoard of Co�isaion,er� for th� County of l�a���y conc:ur with th� intent of this r��ol�tion adopt�d by �he D�tention �nd Corr�ati ons Authority� and prov�d� authori�y to �h�ir r��p�ctiv� di�bursing oPficers to honor elai�s and other �nstruffients oh�rg�d ta th� �'und �d sub�aitted by its �hiet' �dmin3.strativ� off ic�r.�' e.nd WH��� �h� �osrd. oP Cc3unty �o�3�sion�rs ot �ams�y Countyy at their �e�ting on I�rch 29, 1965� c�or�curred in s�n,d �pprov�d the actian oF tl�� Detention a.nd CoFr�ctions �uthority� Xo�rd Th�r��or�� b� it R�OLY�D� That �he Cou,nci�. of the City of gaint P�ul h�reby aoncurs in �nd approv�� th� forsgoing action of th� Deter�tiQn s�n.d Corr�ation� Au�,hor3�y. Ap R '7 � COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish APR '7 1965 ��, / Approveci 19— �� Loss J Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � MAyOr A gainst �� iei:�r:���sf ek1'44'.''r�.a�•:•°��'� w ��� Mr. Vi�e President (Rosen) ion� e-es