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� 4 - .,. �.' � � _ ' .„- � „ � � " a] -� i , r� j ti ' i � '�� ' ,. . r. � �.�,:. �.- 1 �, . '; , � �'- # • 1 Y � ���� ..^ - r _> R " _ ,� � CITY `OF ST.�PAUL ,, I COUNCIL FILE . . � B . - Resolution Ratifying and Confirming= � y . � , � F Condemnation and Awards of Damages F'ile No.� ' and Assessment Therefor '� In the matter of � . � � ,,, Q,an�n;, wid�z�in�, a:1 e:;ctenc�in� �ceo:.d ;�� �: ,, � �, eC fr�7 o po�nz n7pYO::I�,�L•ely 150 feet �«e�� o,:, tlir� ctiec� l�nn o� Jnc'.:son S�r�et to 5ible;� ;35:�o�C U� corid^�n�n; erid ta::in�, t►n cr.�e�.e:�t tor bifilict}�.y pu_poscc on and acro3s �L-:3Q ta1lo�:i.� p�..c�ls oL land, cll 3n til�n CiCy ��� Sainr P�ul, Couni:y oi Ra,�sey �7d SL'aCe of flir�e�oL-a, tn ;��;.: Lot �, ��,�t�_�r,3 �t:l?_tao. 35 o:.cep� tl:e ;tortlic*esLerly 20' t17fl�cof �easured at ristzt un�le� l:o ths norrh- - �;�8����y i�i,� �� �::�.� �.:�c: s. ' 1�I2 0= L•l�ct pc��� oi vecr�terl 5�occ�nd St.rc�� Lcunded by t�o rollotiiir,�z cesc�ibQd line.;; Ue�innin� at t;.e T;or�fleasterly e�rner of Filocic 39, St. Pzul Pro�cr; tl:�:�cc in n ��rest�rl� di�ection nlon� tlzfl ilortherly lfn� of ;;cic! k�ko�i: 39 u di��ance'� of 22.3' Co u painti; tlienca in �� e,3st�rly diree�:ioy �ak3n� an an;l� ��.� .;5°-11' i��itfi tu3 afore*;�nt�o�nd nortn3�Iy line of s�bd �lcs�l: 39 t� c•!:�tnncc of 9� ret:� r.�•�re ar ).asa �a a ;�r.in� on tnc� s�u�Eis�esterly lino o� Jaci:son 5tYeeL•; tlz�nce southeac�erly rtlun�; tlya �ou�lzca��taL1� aitln o� Jac�son Street e dfs4anec or 31 fect irorc� or i��so �� t:>>� fr.�e ai v:aYl�oL th� subc:;� und�r tlic� elevatQd u�prc�:ch� L•rc�c�;� Ca �h� Un2on �e��t; tzience �nut•Itt�;�rCerty �l.on�; tt�� ��co o�: r,�Yid Fi�ll d clfstancc� Qr 53 r�n� e:,�re oi l�cs ea �he ;�c��tne wlzere th�� norLh lin� �� s�eid I:loc�c 39 Facr�r+c;ecl ir� an ��,;,terlq cir�c�it>n in�rr��cL•� ti;e �d�� �f s�id ���all; th^nce we:::e:l� along said n�rtt•;c�riy 3ino of GA�CS $14CIC 39 proc;ze���d ra disCan�o of 32 �aet rzo:Q or lo�s to the P a . painC �i b:�;ir�iy:ttyt,. ._.t: 1�' ' All t;;aL• ��.:rt �i' I3.lk ?,d, �4:. i'r.:cil F`r��t:r.r. , r�rid t e �'ublic Leven b�uri�;�ecl bp tl1Q �.-,-... .�..�- �_._. � ; follo;Ji���; c;��scz�:tLed li.nc�: � ""-" 1 f y'.4.Y, .5 � �; 13c�,ir,nin�, at a pain� on thc ccutt�t•��^�e•r!.y l:�nc �L- S�1�lnj Strc�,t, 5.547 �r.:��� • ,,; ��, aeutllrr..� o� n eo;�crQL•a no��+���iiC ic� ta� ooutiz���s�crly ��iae o; Sibloy 5tr�et, said nonu�:�c�nti i?!1xI{1F1�; Che ea���rl;� corn��:: of- ln::d acci�;si.�c3'by tiie ci:�enci�� �a ti����3o:,�t Urtice } �� �''r, �ficl Cu�t���}hnusa: bui�,�lin;; �t St. Y�u2, tlinr�. ; �i�enc� jouth �►�r°-�5' 34" I,lest 1�.C44 L•t. to , . ';; � ; '. ' `'`a ��oinL �iri n Ii��•ti �►.7� feeY aerL-i���:,e�t�rly �ros;. �he c�:a�er lir.b of s�ytitr tirctck, �a�!d 4.75 ., feo� �;�i��� rces�+r.��r3 c�t r.i�i�t r�nt�ics Co the c;:ntcer �l.inn o� el�e s;�c�r tTtlr_� L';1C' i�allowin� �� caur�e� cnd dx�ccr�cc,: Snuth 3f�°-35' 30'' �iAst 5�:5 fe�t; �outh 3c3�-�2° 3Q" l.ec� GG feat; . �'''�+., 3ovtili 40o�1r1� ���'� t:;ent �4 £�at; 5oi�L'n 43�-06' ll:�yt 22 2'2et. ScS��11 G�°-13� tJe:;L 6�.24 tcet a,, to �3 t�olfiti iri �:�,�± ro��hEa:�Cer��t oid3 ai Jrzc?-;svn 5Creet, �aid pb�:�� );�i��; 3.7'S' S 45°-46' �� 1 �20" E �i: a conc�'c:r.c r.,n�:�nenC •in tEn �or�l�������r].� sl.d� o� .I�.r.i:�an :;:i�et, s�icl n�r�u�n�rit { � � a1�,rl,ln� �b3 r,c;.^,?;�rl.y cornnr o; Ch:� la:�d or.capied 1�yltize a.;t^_7slo� to tez� �os� O�iice �snd Ctzc�o-.i.��uo�� Uaildin� at St. f:�ul, i9ir,r.�ssn�n.; th�`nr� �outh�ast-Q41y sl.�n; tk�c� nt�rtli- easCe�ly 11r.� c•� .�i.^.�:';iOtl ��re^t to �:i�e far.� af �;all of h,n� sub��:y lSTt:'?T s��� a't�v�lt�d e.��ret�c�� er�;�1--r.: t.o tUQ iJnion f?e��t; .�id f��s vP ��r�ll hein� G�.1 �::�t S 45'�-l.''i' 7_t7" c O� C11C.' C:'�:t�-'Citl; �'ai.�G�I7�?', �`i'.? 3CEltiTI%!riJ C�7'I7^i bi L�l^ Z7,:1� A�CS3h�y'� hy ��:? t':it�j?f :�:1"1 ti0 5:11(3 �.`OG� �1;���CC ':^� Ci'..1:�YG:::j.C��Sn L��I'�iC��fl,�� t.`i1��7=0 ,1�f);1? �:P�•3 o�'.,toa3.1 r1�0i�1 ��l^ 1'•��CL'�4�J�erly 1Ln� o� .1„c;��o7 ::,.r�.�L• �o �Ite s�;�;.1�s,•�ti=:oz`I;r li;e c; �'ib.ley S�r�e�; s��r; i,,ice c�i t::11 �4ZZd4�u {:1:�? �Ol�.i„T].l�f� C:�11T'GC: a1i)CI f�1:7�G�.flCCS: �.`}1!:,S'i:i��l Ctll'`!G}3 tp L�Zn ZC°il i.'�t�.l :2 l:i:.(�:1.U6 O� 793.G"9 x���� r�.lcn_ c-. cu�v�� wii�:;e ��n;��nt- r�:s�ea rti �;�;�lc± of 90°-14' 3U" t;�it�z t1�� r�zth- � r'CtGt:C'.�.'!� li:i v o� ..Y?.CICJt�T.I StiC�?� ��:3:Otla�.� t�1C1 J�4'�t^oOC1 S`�COL oi)'J?dQ'�T f3^i!a:Y :�1C L�'1.':Jc'3�.::�Ca tracl:� P:c, ;_�,� Il;i3on Der�o� L4t u cii�;:an�� c�lor,�, t:;� eu;�vq o� 193.61 fe�.� �ic;n ti;e� �a3d t�oY�he��:;te�iy la.ne eL .7t�cl;cc�t� :;trc�L; C�eiic�3 rtto;�� � t�n�ei�t to s�_id C�i�•✓� a:�r ;i dic�Cr,nce o£ 47.�G tcc�L-; �:iic�;ice �v �►7a ri;t7t for u diLtc,»c� oi 2C�' a.lon� a lin� r,alci:�;� a.� an�lc " � o�. 1�^-�2' 1�" ca�i:h L•hn 1�sL ��nCloriccl tr�t��rsnt Co � p�ninC� �aid �o9.t1� bain;; L•t►e c��rner of S'��a rf t!all o� Gctid sub�:�y and tl�a �:auet��;e�teLly �lir,e a� �i51�� 5����eh.; nc�z�ce nottir,a��tcriy dlr�n2i tl�c cou�hc:ee�:erYy liria c,f Sible}r S�r�+?t �or n d:�����ca o� 5y.3 £eot Go tlie �5ti•Ln4 0:: be�inn�.n�. A].so, condemning and ta}cing a temporary easament for �construction purposes � - on the folloiving d�.:scY�ib�d parcel of land: that part of Lots g and 9,' Auditor's Subdivision P1o. 35 lyir.g southeast of a line commencing at,a point on the easter].y line, of said Lot 8, 3 feet from the most easterly corner thereof, I � thence westerly 90.55 fee't to a point on the westerly line of said Lot g, ' 2.50 f::et from the northwest corner of said T,ot 9, and lying northwest of , a �.ine 20 feet southeasterl.y of•and parallel 'to the northwest line of said d �.� 9. i ' � i • � . �'j':,. :,;a � � � ... • �� � :7 _ - '_ . 3.., , � . � - , ' .� ,+..'.,:.. ._ . e��'�` h . . , �..— .- " , h 4 ,, .� .� Y.' s`�' � . . ' .� ,r • ' : . � •� : . . � ' . CIT,X OF ST. PAUL �• � ' + Report of Commissioner of Finance ` ; ` ����* . -� � �� � on Condemnation of Lands # File No. , � �� In the inatter of � ���� . .� �- C;eni:�;, wi�cnir,73, a:1 �xt+�nclin� '�o�c+:�d S�.Ync►� F�-c:� o po�?nt t!�prc::lC�CeI�► 150 ieeC - F ��G'3� C�1: �Z1Q Cdc�C� linQ O� .11C�:S0;1 `J'�lOC3� t0 J'J.L�ZC`j �j��CCti UJ COCI�Jc-.n2n; �I7C� tA����; £171 tc�e�.e:�t tor hi�,3�c:a� pv_�oacs en �nd acro3s L-�ac� folLas:i,.� p�.cels oL land, all in tlic City of Spin� P�ul, Cou�t:y o� Ra.�sey�u:�cl SL•a�� of f•iinr.c�ot:.�i� C�� c�3.�: L�L- �, ���?yi_�,nrg ' ,.�1� I?o. 35 e::cepe Cl:e ;1or�St�TesS:erly 2Q� tl�o��os Qen.ured at ris,zt rz:��;Ze� Co �he _norCh- � iaeaL-eL iY. Ii:t� o� sWid L�L' 9. �� lal2 0= ti�-�at pa-r� oi vccatcd �r�c�nd S9�rcn�. L�un4e�a my t�o �011o�1In� Cescribad lines; a`Q be�innin; at t.Q Tdorti:easterly cort�er oi uloc;c 39, ;,�. Pzul Pro,er; tiz�nce in a �acst�rly direc�ion alonB ttze i�ortherly lin,^: af J�,.�d B1ocI: 39 a� diataneo of 22.�' L'o � point; then�a in c;� �as*arly slir^_ct�3o� csakino an an;;le ��t 3S°-11' taft?1 tii� aforFr�neion^d no:Ch��ly line ot said �locic 3� u._cl•t.^.tnnc�� .of 9f3 fec:L nrarc or l.csa ��a a ,�c:int on th� �ou4hs,�sCerly line o� 3aci:�on StreeL�; �lience �southeacterly rzlnn�; �ho �ot�ML•hw�sterly cide o* Jackaon 5treet a dfs4a�ico or 31 £e�C 1r.or� or i�::�a �:a rl��s fr.se oi r�:all ?o;: tl�e �ubc:�� und�r tlic� eleva�fld ctp�roucli trr�c�:H L•o Ch� Unx�n Ae�c�L•; tihenc� �r,uL•iz�;�FeeN�2y �lon� tl�e fzco oi r,nid w�il a df�Lnnco of 53 r".c:nt e:ore o•r l;�cs to �he ;,oinC tai►eice t�h� n�r�h lfn� o� se�id �:ldc►� 39 ey:eer�c;ed i.r� an ��,,,t�rlq dir�ctic�ri in'�e�rs^cL-e ti:e tar_?� �f s;:id ���al.1; tih�nce taer.;:e:ly alo�g sa3d riorCl,Lriy 1'inc� of GAicI B1�CIC 39 produ��:d u disCancfl of 32 ��ot n:o,Q or locs to the � ._ �; poic,� o:: t��;in�7sr�t;. ��. • .. AlI t�;t.lt H:..rt r�i' Blk ?,G, 5�:. P�:tsl F't'orcr, t�nd GE��o l�uhlic Lev�e b�ur:�ed 6q tl�a � follo;ai���; c:��scr:i�:eci 3.inc�..-...,�. .�-._'�-�---T.—...�-- I E•L�1t��, 1n` r� 1 S � f e�n �+ •� . n r r �` ar � D��,inninr; at a �o�n� on t.�c c�uti�s_,:l�.r).q line Of 5_ulo,� Str�_t, .,.,47 fc:� t �i •,i 1:�; ocutlieri;� o� n eoncrQ�o T90i71�,nI1t i7 tl�•� ooat;h4!�s�crly� sioa o£ �ibley Street, said r�onu:�e�nt m:�rkir�� �h�: �,�terl�r cornc:� of lc�:�d c�cMi��icd' f�;r ti�� e::t�nci�ri L'o tl�� �'oat Uft-ice � � ��r, nnd Cu�ta;��h�usa� t�ui�.�l�.rt,^, ae St. �.'t.tal, iti.nti. ; tl,enca routh 44°-35' 30" ctiest 10.C44 L•t. to � , a�� � ', `'`a �,ain� ir� a li.�•� 4.75 f�ct norL-i��:;c5lez`ly €r�ta t13c� cs� ter lirn ar s,��ttr trc�ek, �uid 4.75 ., fee� t;eii7� r!e�sur?�r� A� ri�;ht anflfcg �o tl��e centcar Iin� oz L•iie s�ur Cr��'�c tize ::hllokaina ��� ';� c�ur�eG cr,cl d3����tii�e�: Sauth 3h�-35' 3C�" t.'�eG 53:5 ii�ne; �outh 38�-22° 30" 1:ca� G� fe�t; �°' �; � �cuGt1 400�lr1' �0" t�e.,t 4�F f.�e�; �ctit'n 1:3°-�16' 111st 22� Y�aC; Sci;z�h 4�°-13' 1J��� 65.24 feet �,.. Co m ��olfi� zn 4�:� r,orLh�a�ter:y GXCI3 os J�ec!:sbn SCreet, �aid pr�i:�t l;i�; 3.75' S �5°-46' ( S �2��� F. b�; FT COiIC:�'t:CG? L�Gi:CII:2G'Tl� �11 1:�;f] ��or�h•_���:C•:Z j1 u:�.G�t O� .1EZC�CliG�C1 :::l'GC��:g 611.�� ��5nu�e�t + � � ira.rt:In� tl�.� rc;.�L�;crl� cornar o� t�z:� la:�d or.c�ip3ed by tiie ast�:�aloai to ti�� �osti 4�iice �]rid Cii„��,•i:���uc� i�aild�.t�� ra,t 5t. I:4u1, f�linn,3:i�t�.; tia�stc� Gouthc�st�r2}� �l,�n�; �k}u ri�irt��y. Pasterl.y 11r� c�� ,.���l.ron a��reet to il�r_ fc�.�� of t�;�ll of rh�n stab��,y un�l�r s:h�;.� u"t���f�L•ed e.���e�c:.� tr�;���r., �_o tl�Q iJninn ne��:l-; e�id C��� oF ���11� Eofn� 6Q.1 i`::�t ;i 4���_l,ri' 7_U" i: of tih� r:�rti--e�tc r��,,lcin�-; ��+� s^1L•'���zl� corn^_r o� Lt�c �,�z�d a�cu�3e3 hj t,zn e:ct�:�t•t:�� tio S:11C3 �4u�'s U��jC� �^.CI� v',I.^,rCi.'.�:C'.19C �'I:I�,Cj�il,�j t�l^_T!_�J �1�.Q;7.� f:lLr� O� Sti3� 1 tY0i:2 ��l^ i'���C��l�?�1.'"a�eriy Iirie o: ,?iiri�aCJil �:�r���L• �q ti:Itih sb:�C��S,•�s�e:I�► li.,� �; SiE�lc� St±'�e�; s�!if) �t��� cii t.�;ll FOLLp4J�3 {:i:.'. �OL�J�'ll�^ C�7]I'GG .1i1C1 f11��L`�^...ICCS� �El'? :i11�ICilY'!C'3 t0 itln �Cit S.f�t�.l :1 l:�l'ilUS O� 793.4:,9 f��a� airr��_; c cu�v� w[io:;e ��n:,,,nt. r,�^.ke� t�.ri en;;l� oF 90°-1�1' 3U" �;�it;z t>>� �;hrliz- C:.?Gt:C�r1� li:i� O� �O.C�C3�*_] S�:iC'.�?t t.F:rO�I��l.7 ��2�': .j�1GtC.,OI'1 �`�G'�J� ui)�??v�'�! 17^:�::'� ft7C fll?Jt3E:S'�Ca I. trar_l:a 1:r C���� tJ»ion 8��;�0� ic�r u ci•i�::an�� AZGC7` �:;�c� curvc: a� 193.61 fcr-�t �rcm ti:�l �aid rior�l�e�:;Cerly 19.n� oL ,Jucl:GOn 5trc��; tl�hnc.3 �tlo���; � �c.n�t:�t to s�id c�i�•�L iar a dictr,nce o£ 47.�G LcaL'; �.iic:;icE to kl7e ri�I�t for � u3Ltt,i�cc� ox 2�' alr�n; a lfn:� rnlci�; a� �n�le o�. t�^-w2' 1�" �a�i:h tho 14sL mcntioned L•�3Y�r;rsnt Co s p�int� said poi.r�ti �JO�t�� ttie c��r:►er oi �a�e rf t�ull o:. Gnid sub�c�y and �ha 6cuehsrQ�tcLly line o£ Sibiej StreaC; rl�ence no�th-,r�t�t;eriy �Ir�7g the courl�c:y�R�:erly �ine of �ible� S�re+:t ior a diUt;aw�z of 57.3 feot to tihe k5oint; d;: be�3nnin�. � A�.so, condemriing and takirig a te:nporary easemen't for construction purposes on t��b follo���ing d•�scribc:d parcel of land: �:hat part of Lots g and 9, Audi'tor�s Su�idivision PIo. 35 lyir.g southeast of a line commencing at a point on the easterl�y line of said Lot �, 3 �'eet from the mostleasterly` corner thereof, �Lhence weaterly 90.55 feet to a point on the westerly line of said Lot 9, ' 2.50 f�:et fro;n the northwest corner of said �ot 9, and lying northwest of a ].ino 20 f'ee�t sou�heasterl.� of�and parallel to the northwest line of said �t 9. � i