222807 " 1 1 �f ._ 2�2��'� �ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEWK � � CITY OF ST. PAUL courtca � OFFICE OF THE CITY �CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED sY COMMISSIONEQ pA� A�r�l 6� 1965 RFSOLVED� That the Conncil hereby concurs in the recommendation oP the Purchasin� Committee in aa►arding cpntract Yor Bittminons Nixtat�es to be picked tip bq �iter Dept�, trucks at � vendor•s plant during period from April l� 1965 through I�arch 31� 1966� in quantities as needed and phen required, to the B. J. PTNNIG COb�ANY in accordance with ��tq speciPications . . �"-��- therefor hereto a�.tached and the�Formal Bid #1172 0� said E. J� Pennig Co�apany for the contraat pric� oP approximatelq $12,100.00 at unit prices b3d (�later Depart�eat reserving � the right to increase quantities up to 25�)� such bid being the loper and said E. J, Fermig Company being a reasonable and relisble bidder, and the Corporat3on Cvunsel be and hereby J ' is directed to dr�e ap the proper torm cf contract t�erefor and theproper Cit9 officials herebq are authorized t� ex�ecute said contract on behal! of the City oP ;Bt.Pe�n1� Formal Bid �f1172• - APR 6 �65 COUNC�LMEN , Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish APR 6 1965 rHal ai'nd-� / Approved 19— Loss 'v Tn FavOr � Meredith -� Peters on � ' MAyOr Rosen • A SalII3t Mr. President, Vavoulis p11BLlSHED APR 10 196� ions e-ea . , DUrLICAT[TO MINT[R �'�1����� a } � CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�« NO COUNCIL RF�SOLUTION—GEtVERAL FORM ra�rEC nr COMMISSIONE� DA� Aga��--.°T-l°65 A�SOLV�D, TIs�t tba CQtt�oil hu�b� coacure in ti� r�aao�t�d�ation o� ti� P�ro�sir,� Corri.ttN ia �rdin� �ontraat !or 91t�inow Y3�ctwr�s to b� pick�d t�p b�► r1N�ter D�pt� trteeks at v�ndor�� pUint daring poriod frow April 1� 1965 thrc�wgh I�rah 31. 196�, in qt�ntitiM �� nNOkid aind whsn requir�d} to tho �. J. P�II(i C01l�A�IY in �ocordane� w�th C�y �cilioationr th�refor h�rato �ttach�d and the,.For�al Hi� M117a o� �aid �. d. p�snni� CoMpaa� !or ti� aontraet pric� of spproacise►t�lq =1�,100.00 at unit pric�s bid (wat.or D�rtssnt r�s�rvin� bh� right to inaraa� qu�atiti�■ e�p to 25�)� auoh bid bAing t.h� lo�r and said E, J,� P��i� Coe�any b�in� � rsasm�ble and r�ii.�bl� bl.dd�r� and tl� Cprparation Co��]. b� �nd h�r�by i• dirsctod to driw up th� proppr lorn� oi ca�traot thsr�tor �nd th�propor C�t� ott�cialr l�r�by ara authori�d to es�data iaid oc�ntract or� br1�1! oi th� cst� Q! �S�,Prul, �'or��. �id �l.1724 APR 6 18�5 COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish APR 6 1965 —Hatlsa�`. APProved 19— Los s , Tn Favor Meredith Petersoa /� �AyOr Rosen Ag�st Mr. President, Vavoulis 10�[ s�s