06-225� Presented by cirv RESOLUTION Council File # �� � z 2 � Green Sheet #3029451 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �3 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Library Director be changed from that set 2 forth in Grade 032 to that set forth in Grade 035 of the Employee Group 17, Non-Represented City 3 Managers Salary Schedule, and be FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 5 following its passage and approval. Yeas� ays � Absent II Requested by Office of Human Resources Harris Helgen Thune Adopted by Council: Date ✓ ✓ � ,� E �,M✓K.�T a By: Form Appr ved F�ervi �s � By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� �/'�lGt�i ///i�,�GSd2 Approved by M�or Date J�� l3 BY �l�f^— `---�-� Fortn B Form sy: �.., , -- �j l� - a2S Gs,— DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIATED 3029451 Iiuman Resources 2/16/06 GREEN SHEET No.: CONTACT PERSOA & PHONE: . w'i'F mITC4LmATE Angie Nalezny, 266-6515 i Dsrnar�rrr nuc n�� s ctn cour�cu. MUST BE ON COUPICII. AGENDA BY (DAT� ASS[GIVED 2 CITY A1T08NEY cm' ct.EnR 1`NMBER FOR ROUTIYG 3FNqN��pLSERVDIR F[NFu`ICfALSERV/ACCfG ORDER 4MAYOR(ORASST.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_l (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) wcrio� �QuFSrEV: Approval of a resolution changing the rate of pay for the Library Director class from Grade 032 to Grade 035, of the Non-Represented City Managers, Employee Group 17. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejat (R) PERSOMAI, SERVICE CO[VTRACTS MUST A[VSWER TEiE FOLLOWING QUESiTONS: � 1. HasihispersoNfirtneverwodcedunderaconhactforihisdepaim�ent? PLA1ViVING COMMISSRON Yu No _CB �OMMI'I7'EE ' 2. Has tha persorJfirm ever 6een a city employee? .CMCSERVICECOMMISSION Yes No 3. Does tfiis persoc✓6im possess a sldll not nortnally possessed by any curtent ciry empioyee? _ Yes No � . 4. Is this persodfinn a targeted veudoR - Yes No " Explain ail yes answers on separate Sheet and attaCh to green Sheet INI77ATING PROBLEM� ISSUE, OYPORT[JNTTY (Wha� What, When� Where, Why�: IYl LOO1 the Library Direcfor posirion was placed in the unclassified service and the grade remained in Grade 032 of the Non-Represented Managers. Recently', an external study of Library Director positions throughout the state revealed that the compensation was on the lower end ;of other comparable library system directors in the metro area. This may limit the City's ability to successfully. recruit, hire, and retain qualified candidates and Human Resources recommends raising the rate of pay to Grade 035,in order to bring the compensation more in line with other comparable positions. nnvnvTncES u� ArrxovEn: Equitable compensation commensurate with the level of duties and responsibilities of the position will be established. 4 visanvnnTncES � nrrxovEU: None. Funds for the increase are available within the Saint Paul Public Library Agency's budget. nisanv�TacES � xor arrxovEn: Equitabie compensation will not be established potentially limiting the City's ability to successfully recruit, hire, and retain qualified candidates. TOTAI, AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: Approximate total salary increase=S6,000/year COST/REVEN[7E BUDGETED: FI7NDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: � y e � ,-„ y ;. �-=>, F��vcrai, irrFOxMaTiorr: ��r.ai� RECEIUED � � � n�-y� �m. �� ,� ;.� o�� FE6. 2 8 2006 �..� _. '. �_ . � MAYOR'S OFFICE ��� �' ;:�����_���=�� �"����� `�� ,nt F?es�;e '7n n.n :SYfik^� e`,� G:�Shared�SYSTEMS.DEVEIAPMENY.SECT[ON\Org. Design\Consulqnt-�eneric\Templares\Greensheetdoc �� k� � �.:�1�i� , � �� •. � .�.�• BeIow are corred ronfings for the sixmostfrequent 4ypes of documents: CONTRACTS (ass�mmes authorized, bndget e�sts) 1. Oatside Agency 2. DepartmentDirector 3. Cily Attomey , 4. Mayor/Assist�t (for confracts ov� $25,000) 5. H�an Rights (for con�acts over $50,000) ' 6. , Office of Financiat Services; Accoimtmg ADIvIIL�7ISIRA'EIVE ORDERS (Budget Revision) 1. AdivityManagerorDepartmentAccoimtant 2. Depar�entDirecior ' 3. Qffice ofFinancial Services Director a, c;cy ct�x 5. Office of Financial S�vices - Accounting COIINCII. RESOLUTION (amend bndgets/accept grants) 1. DepazlmentDirector 2. Office ofEin�ciai Services Director 3-'CifyAUomey ' • 4. Mayor%Assist�t ' 5. City CoimcH 6. Office of Financial Services - Accounting COIINCII, RES�LiJTION (aIl others �d Ordinances) � 1. ,DepaztrnentDirector 2,, ,CitqAttomey ' �3, IvlaYor�Assista°t� ' a. c�y e�� , ADMII�II.SIRATIVE ORDII2S (alI others) EXECI7TIVE ORDER 1. DepartmentDrzector 1.,DepazhnentD'uectoa 2. City l+ttorney 2. City Aitorney 3. Office of Financial Servioes D'uector 3,' Magor/Assista�' 4. City Clerk , 4. , Ci,ty Clerk TOTAL NUMBER �OF SIGNATURE PAGES � � � � � � � � ` Indicate, tfie # of pages on wLich signamres are required ancl papeiclip or tiag eaeh of these pages. ACTIONREQUESTID Descn'be what the projecUrequest sceks to accomplish in either c6conological order or order,of importance, wluchever is most appropriete for the isme. Do not write complete �s�6tences. Begm' eae� item in your Iist wiQi�a'veib. �� RECOMtvI�,'AIDATIONS � � � � � � � Complete if the issue m question Las been presented before suy body, publie or privafe. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: Tlris inYormation wili be nsed to determme the city's liab�lity for workers compensation claims, t�ces and proper civ�7 ' servicehumgmles. � � � �� . � � INiTFA�IGPROBLIIv�ISSUE , � , " � � � � Explain'the situatioa or conditions tliat created a need for yrnu project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budgetproceil�se required by Faw/charter or whether there aze specific ways in which tbe City of Saint Paql and its citizens.will benefiEfrom 8ils projecVaction., I}ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effecfs or major changes to eaosting or past procuses might this projecUrequest pioduce if it is passed, (e.g., haffie detays, noise; tmc incteaces or assessments)7 To whom7 WhenY For hocv 1ong7 ' DISADVANTAGES 1F NOT APPROVED ' A!hat wi11 be the negative consequences �the ptomised action is nof appruved? Inability to deliqer service7 Cantmue � high traffic, noise, accident�zate? Loss of revenue2 .' ' � � � � � . FINANCIAL Il�SPACT � , � �, , � � � � � + � Althoug6 you must tailor 4he information you provide here W the issae you are, add;essing in general yon must answer � Lwo qnestions: How muc6 is it going m cost? WhQis,�GomS S� Pa3'� ,- '�� � � � � r � ��-�zS Attachment to Green Sheet External Salary Data for Comparable Library Positions