06-224Council File # � �0 � 2 ��l
Green Sheet (�a. $�1
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1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approved and ratifies the attached
2 January 1, 2006 through December 31, 200'7 Labor Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Dislrict
3 L.odge 77, Intemational Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFIrCIO.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date ��_ ljj� ,S� o ?pd�v
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
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Appmvedb a o Date ��./�-�L- l`�/ 2oct�
By: � �Iti.���
EIuma eso i�ces
Form Appr�by City,Q#teq�ey,
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Form App�d May o Sub ' sion to Council
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DepartmenUoTficelcouncil: Date In'itiated:
,,,, -�,��,�,,,� o,.�,R-� Green Sheet NO: 3029870
CoMact Person & Phone:
Jason Schmidt
Must Be on Council Agenda by
Total # of SignaW re Pages _(Ciip All Locatlons for SignaWre)
Haman Resoarces � � —q-��
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Resolution approving the attached 7anuary 1, 2006 through December 31, 2007 Labor Ageement between the City of Saint Paul and
District Lodge No. 77, Intemational Associafion of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO.
dations: Appro�e (A) a Reject (R):
Plannitg Commission
CIB Committee
CiNI Senice Commission
1. Has this perswJfirm e�er worlced under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this persorJfirm e�er been a ciry employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firtn pqssess a skill not `wfmally possessed by any
curtent city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answe`s on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
InNiating Problem, Issues, Opportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The Labor Agreement with District Lodge t3o. 77, Intemational Associarion of Machinists and Aerospace Wockers, AFL-CIO has
expired. The City of Saint Paul is required to negofiate with [he bargaining unit. .
Advantages IfApproved:
An agreement reached through good faith bazgaining will be in place tluough December 31, 2007.
DisadvanWges If Approved:
Disadvan Wges If Not Approved:
The City would be required to re-open negotiatious with this bargaining unit. This would strain relations with the unit and could lead
to a possible strke.
ioql Amount of
Funding Source:
Financial information:
AcCrvity Number.
as��,,,°,6 �r�m.�so%^� ,
3�.�� � � ����
CosHRevenue Budgeted:
Maroh 1, 2006 10:44 AM Page 1
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Lodge 77
2006-2007 Collective Bargaining Agreement
Below is a summary of the changes in the collective bazgaining agreement between the City of
Saint Paul and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Dishict Lodge
Duration: January 1, 2006 - Decembet 31, 2007
January 1, 2006 (closest pay period) 2.50%
January 1, 2007 (closest pay period) 2.50%
Health Insurance:
The insurance contribution increases follow the same pattern as previously negotiated
agreements with other bargaining units for 2006-2007.
The 2005 single contribution per month plus '70% of the average increase in the
single premium of all plans for 2006. For 2006 only, employees participating in
either of the two low-cost plans shall receive an addirional $7.26 per month
toward the cost of the two low-cost plans, or the full cost of the two plans,
whichever is less.
70% of the average premium of all plans.
The 2006 single conh per month plus 70% of the average increase in the
single premium of all plans for 2006. For 2007 only, employees participating in
either of the two low-cost plans shall receive an addifional $8.33 per month
toward the cost of the two low-cost plans, or the full cost of the two plans,
whichever is less.
70% of the average premium of a11 plans.
Tools / Clothin�
For 2007 only, the automatic escalator for tool and shoe allowances will not apply, so long as the
City participates in making contributions to the IAM Pension Fund in 2007.
Sick Leave•
Effecdve October 1, 2007 (or the closest pay period), the sick leave accrual rate will be reduced
from 15 days per year to 14 days per yeaz.
Work Assi�ments•
New Article 6.3 relating to the intent of the employer regazding work assignments.
Pension / Deferred Comnensation:
Pension contribution of $0.20 per hour to the IAM Pension Fund for all employees, up to forty
(40) hours per week, so long as such contributions are allowed under Miunesota Statutes
effecrive January 1, 2007. If such contributions are not allowed, the City will pay a deferred
compensation match of $200 for 2006 and $200 for 2007 (payable as $400 in 2007.)
Vacation & Holidavs:
Vacation accrual based on employment date rather than hours worked.
New severance schedule reducing years of service requirement at various steps, but wntinuing
sick leaue balance requirements.
Implement on�yeaz probarion for all new employees.
Other LanguaQe ChanEes:
New Article 12.4 relating to vehicle insurance. Employees will be required to maintain insurance
in amounts of at least the minimum allowed by law.
Other language changes (Recognition, Mileage) were of a housekeeping nature for clarificarion
and cleanup.
Costs: 2006 2007
Wages $56,877 $58,026
Health Ins. $23,027 actual unkuown
Total $79,904 actual unknown
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JANUARY 1, 20Q6-- DEGEMB�R 31; ZU07 � �
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1 Recognition .............................................................................................................1
2 Definitions ......................................................................:....................................... 1
3 Maintenance of Standazds ....................................................................................... 2
4 Check Off ................................................................................................................ 2
5 Union Rights ........................................................................................................... 3
6 Management Rights ................................................
7 Discipiine ................................................................
8 Hours, Overtime Pay ...............................................
9 Tool Insurance and Clothing ...................................
10 Jury Duty .................................................................
............................ 3
............................ 3
............................ 4
............................ 5
............................ 6
I 1 Legal Services ......................................................................................................... 7
12 City Mileage ........................................................................................................... 7
13 Active Empioyee Insurance .................................................................................... 8
14 Retiree Insurance .................................................................................................. 10
15 Holidays ................................................................................................................ i2
16 Vacation ......................................................................
17 Grievance Procedures .................................................
18 Savings Ciause ............................................................
19 Severance Pay .............................................................
20 Wage Schedule ...........................................................
........................... 12
........................... 13
........................... 16
........................... 16
........................... 19
21 Strikes, Lockouts, Work Interference ................................................................... 19
22 Sick Leave ............................................................................................................. 20
23 Maternity Leave ...........................:........................................................................ 20
24 Layoff and Bumping ............................................................................................. 20
25 Pension / Deferred Compensation ........................................................................ 21
26 Duration and Effective Date ................................................................................. 23
AppendixA .........................................
................................................... A 1
This AGREEMENT has been entered into between the City of Saint Paul, hereafter
refened to as the EMPLOYER, and Distdct Lodge #77, International Associafion of Machinists
and Aerospace Workers AFL-CIO, hereafter referred to as the UNION. This AGREEMENT has
as its purposes, the promotion of hazmonious relations between the EMPLOYER and the
UNION, the establishment of an equitable and peaceful procedure for the resolution of
differences and the establishment of rates of pay, benefits, hours of work, and other conditions of
empioyment. The parties hereto pledge that they shall pursue the above objectives in full
compliance with the requirements of the Public Employment Labor Relafions Act of the State of
Minnesota of 1984, as amended.
1.1 The EMPLOYER recoen;�es the ITNION as the sole and exclusive bazgaining
agent for the purposes of establishing wages, benefits, hours and other conditions
of employment for all of its employees as outiined in the certification by the State
of Miuuesota, Bureau of Mediafion Services, dated August 15,1973, in case No.
74-PR-77-A, and as set forth below:
Ail regular, probationary, and provisionat vehicle and equipment maintenance
personnel who are employed by the City of St. Paul or who have their "terms and
conditions of employmenY' established by the goveiving body of the City of St.
Paul in the classifications of Auto Body Repairer, Communications Technician
Helper, Equipment Repairer, Fire Buildings Repairer, Fire Equipment
Servicer, Machinist, Marina-Mechanic, Mechanic-Welder, Parts Runner,
Safety Equipment Design and Maintenance Worker, Tooi Maker - Water
Utility, Traffic Maintenance Worker, Vehicle Maintenance Worker (Heavy),
Vehicle Mechanic, Vehicle Mechanic (Heavy Truck & Equipment), Vehicle
Mechanic Leadworker, Vehicle Mechanic Trainee, Welder and Welder
Leadworker, excluding supervisory, confidential, temporary, emergency and
employees exclusively represented by other labor or empioyee organizations.
1.2 The parties agree that any new classifications which are an expansion of the
• above bazgaining unit or which derive from the classifications set forth in this
agreement shall be recognized as a part of this bazgaining unit, and the parties
shall take all steps required under the Public Employment Relations Act to
accomplish said objective.
21 Collecrive Bargaining: The EMPLOYER will bargain collecfively with the
iJNION with respect to rates of pay, hours and conditions pertauung to
employment for all of the employees in the unit herein before set forth.
2.2 Discrimination: The EMPLOYER will not interfere with, restrain or coerce the
employees covered by this AGREEMENT because of inembership in or activity
on behalf of the ITNION. The EMPLOYER will not discruninate in respect to
hire, tenure of employment or any term or condifion of employment against any
employee covered by this AGREEMENT because of inembership in or activity on
behalf of the UNION, nor will it discourage or attempt to discourage membership
in the UNION, or attempt to encourage membership in another Union.
2.3 This AGREEMENT shall designate and define benefits with the exception of
pension benefits that shall be granted to the employees by the EMPLOYER. If
• subsequent to this AGREEMENT, any governing body passes a provision which
shall create a cost benefit for an employee in this unit, the cost of such benefit •
shall be paid by the employee until such time as the responsibility of the cost is
subsequently negotiated. This provision sha11 not compel either party to reopen
negofiations during the course of an eausting contract.
3.1 The parties agree that all condifions of employment relating to wages, hours of
work, overtune, differentials, vacations, and a11 other general worldng conditions
shall be maintained at not less than the higfiest uiiuimum standard as set forth in
the Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint Paul, (Resolufion No. 3250) and the
Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation at the time of the signing of
this AGREEMENT, and the conditions of emplayment shall be improved
wherever specific provisions for improvement ate made elsewhere in this
4.1 Dues: The EMPLOYER agrees to deduct the LTNION membership dues once
each month from the pay of those employees who individually request in writing •
that such deductions be made. The amounts to be deducted shall be certified to
the EMI'LOYER by a representative of the iJNION and the aggregate deductions
of all empioyees shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to the
representative by the first of the succeeding month after such deductions are made
or as soon thereafter as is possible.
4.2 Fairshare: Any present or future employee who is not a UNION member shall
be required to contribute a fair shaze fee for services rendered by the LJNION.
i3pon notification by the UNION, the EMPLOYER shall check off said fee from
the earnings of the employee and transmit the same to the iJNION. In no instance
shall the required conhibution exceed a prorata share of the specific expenses
incurred for services rendered by the representative in relationship to negotiations
and adnuuistration of grievance procedures. This provision shall remain
operative only so long as specifically provided by Minnesota law and as otherwise
4.3 The iJNION will indemnify, defend and hoid the EMPLOYER harmless against
any claims and all suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the
EMPLOYER, its officers or employees, as a resuit of any acfion taken or not
taken by the EMPLOYER under the provisions of this section.
5.1 The ITNION may designate employees within the bazgainitig unit to serve as
LTnion Stewards.
5.2 The iTriION shall furuish the EIvII'LOYER and appropriate department heads
with a list of Stewazds and altemates, and shall, as soon as possible, notify said
appropriate City officials in writing of any changes thereto. Only those who aze
Stewazds shall be recognized by the EMPLOYER for the purpose of ineetings.
6.1 The ITNION recognizes the right of the EMPLOYER to operate and manage its
affairs in all respects in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of
appropriate authorities. The rights and authority which the EMPLOYER has not
officially abridged, delegated, or modified by this AGREEMENT are retained by
6.2 A public employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent
• mauagerial policy, which include, but are not limited to, such areas of discretion
or policy as the functions and programs of the EMPLOYER, its overall budget,
utilization of tectmology, and organizational structure and selection and direction
and number o£personnel.
63 It is the intent of the EMPLOYER to assign work according to the needs o£ the
department, the exigencies of circuxnstances, and the expertise and availability of
employees. Nothing in this Asticle shall be construed to inhibit the EMPLOYER'S
inherent managerial right to assign, select, and/or direct employees in any capacity.
7.1 The EMPLOYER will discipline ernployees for just cause only. Discipline will
be in the form of:
a) Oral reprimand;
b) Written reprimand;
c) Suspension;
d) Rednction;
e) Discharge.
• 7.2 Empioyees and the UNION will receive copies of wriffen reprimands and notices
of suspension and discharge.
73 Aischazges will be preceded by a five (5) day preliminary suspension without pay.
During said period, the employee and/or i7NION may request, and shall be
entitled to a meeting with the Employer Representative who initiated the
suspension with intent to discharge. During said five (5) day period, the
EMPLOYER may affirm the suspension and dischazge in accordance with the
grievance procedures of this bargaining agreement or may modify, or withdraw
8.1 Hours of Empioyment: The assigned normal work day shall be eight (8) hours
' excluding one-half (.5) hour for lunch in any twenty-four hour period and forty
(40) hours in any seven-day period. (For employees on a shift basis, Yhis shall be
conshued to mean an average of forty (40) hours a week.) The normal work week
shall consist of five (5) consecutive normal work days.
8.2 Notwithstanding Article 8.1, a Department Head and the IJrIION may mutually
agree in writing to establish a normal work day of ten (10) consecurive hours,
excluding a tluriy (30) minute lunch period, and a normal work week of four (4)
consecutive work days in a seven (7) calendar day period.
A Deparhnent Head may unilaterally cease a ten (10) hour work day, four (4) day
work week with five (5) worldng days notice to the UNION if such a schedule
does not meet the operating needs of the affected Deparhnent.
8.3 Call in-Pay: When an employee is called to wozk helshe shall reccive two (2)
hours' pay if not put to work. If he/she is called to work and commences work,
he/she shall be guazanteed £our (4) hours pay. These provisions, however, shall
not be effective when work is unable to proceed because of adverse weather
8.4 Overtime: Tune on the payroll in excess of the normal hours set forth above
shall be "overtime work" and shall be done only by order of the head of the
Overtime will be assigned based on a rotating opporhxniry preset by class
seniority among all eligible personnel in the affected division having the sldlls
necessary for the job. In the begiuning of each calendar year, the rotation for
overtime opportunities will begin with the most senior employees. The individual
may accept or decline. The next oppoL�tunity for overtitne will go to the next
person on the list who may accept or decline. This will continue until the end of
the list is reached and will again start over with the most senior person.
. � i i
• If an employee is bypassed for overtime to which he/she would have been entitled, the
employee will have the opportunity, whenever possible but subject to supervisory
approval, to make up the overtime before the end of the next payroll period, at a time
convenient to the employee.
The EMPLOYER reserves the right to deviate from the aforementioned process in
emergencies or in such situafions where followiug such process would be
detrimental to the operation of the affected unit. Class seniority shall be the
determin;ng factor in shift assignment, however, the EMPLOYER will not be
required to accept the most senior bidder or to assign the least senior employee
when considering such factors as the durarion of assignment and the productivity
needs of the affected unit. Qualifications will be determined by the EMPLOYER
based on requirements of the job, actual job performance and Civil Service
8.5 An employee shall be recompensed for work done in excess of the normal hours
by being granted compensatory time on a time-and-one-half basis or by being
paid on a tim�and-one half basis for such overtime work. The basis on which
such overtin�e shall be paid shall be determined solely by the EMPLOYER.
9.1 The EMPLOYER will provide five (5) changes of coveralls or five (5) changes of shirts
and pants per week. The Department shall substitute coveralls for shirts and pants and
vice versa at the employee's request. Employees may request such substitution no more
than two (2) times within a calendar yeaz.
9.2 Employees in the following ciassifications: Vehicle Maintenance Worker (Heavy),
Marina-Mechanic, Weider, Mechanio-Welder, Equipment Repairer, Vehicle Mechanic,
Auto Body Repairer, Vehicle Mechanic Leadworker, Safety Equipment Design and
Maintenance Warker and Vehicle Mechanic (Heavy Truck & Equipment), shall receive a
Tool and Shoe Allowance in the following manner.
9.2(A) For 2006 and 2007, employees designated in section 9.2 must be on the
payroll as of January 1 of each year in order to receive a Tool and Shoe
allowance of $500.00. Employees not on the payroll as of January i of
each yeaz will receive no aliowance until the following January 1.
Empioyees holding the classification of Communications Technician
Helper shall receive a Tool and Shoe allowance of $250.00. Employees
not on Yhe payroll as of 7aauary 1 of each year will receive no allowance
• until the following 7anuary 1.
9.2(B) Employees need to keep an accurate,.up-to-date inventory of tools kept at •
the worksite. In the event that the entire tool set is stolen or if the worksite
itself is damaged and the tools are not salvageabie, the EMPLOYER
agrees to replace the tools, in excess of $475.00, that aze listed on the
inventory previous to the date of the event. Initiating and updating the
inventory is to be done on the employee's own time. .
93 Article 93 shall only apply to those employees not holding a designated title in 9.2
9.3(A) For each yeaz of the contract the EMPLOYER agrees to pay $100.00
toward a safery shoe allowance for each employee who is a member of
this unit as of January 1 of each yeaz. Employees not on the payroll as of
January 1 of each year will receive no allowance until the following
January 1.
9.4 Effective January 1, 2003, the size of tool allowance and safety shoe
reimbursements shall increase on the first day of each year of the contract by the
same pezcentage amount as the general increase.
4.4(1) For 20Q7 only, the tool allowance and safety shoe reimbursements shall
not increase and shall remain at 2006 amounts if the requirements of •
Article 25.1 in its entirety aze met by January 1, 2007.
9.4(2) For 2007 only, if the provisions of Article 25.1 in its entirety aze not met
by January 1, 2007, the tool allowance and safety show reimbursements
shall increase according to Article 9.4 above.
10.1 Any employee who is required during his/her regular working hours to appear in court as
a juror or wimess except as a witness in his/her own behalf against the City, shall be paid
his(her regular pay while he/she is so engaged, provided however, that any fees that the
employee may receive from the court for such service shall be paid to the City and be
deposited with the City. Any employee who is scheduled to work a shift, other than the
normal daytime shift, shail be rescheduled to work the normal daytime shift during such
time as he/she is required to appear in court as a juror or witness.
11.1 Except in cases of malfeasance in office or willful or wanton neglect of duty, or
indifference to rights of others, the EMPLOYER shall defend, save harmless and
indemnify an employee against tort claim or demand whether groundless or otherwise
arising out of alleged acts or omission occurring in the performance or scope of the
employee's duties.
11.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 11.1, the EMPLOYER shall not be required to
defend or indemnify any employee against personal liability, or damages, costs or
expense (a) resuiting from a claim, suit, verdict, fmding, determivation or judgment that
the employee has conunitted an intentional tort or torts, including but not limited to
slander, libel and/or other defamatory harms; ar(b) arising out of cross claims,
counterclauns, affirmafive defenses, andlor separate actions brought against such
employee in response to or resulting from claims, allegations, demands or actions
(whether or not lifigation was actually commenced) brought, made or instituted by such
11.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 11.1 or 11.2, the EMPLOYER may at its sole
discretion defend an employee against allegations, claims, demands or acrions wholly or
in part based on or arising out of claimed intentional torts, and in such cases, the
• employee consents to the extent lawfully permitted to such representation without regard
to actual or potential conflicts of interest.
11.4 Each employee, within twenty (20) days after receiving notice of (1) a tort claim or
demand, action, suit or proceeding against l�im/her, and (2) a judgment, verdict, finding
or deternunation, either of which arises out of alleged or found acts or omissions
occui•ring in the performance or scope of the employee's duties, shall notify the City by
giving written norice thereof to the City Clerk.
12.1 Automo6ile Reimbursement Authorized: Pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul
Admiiustrative Code, as atnended, pertaining to reimbursement of City officers and
employees for the use of their automobiles in the performance of their duties, the
following provisions are adopted.
12.2 Method of Computa�on: To be eligible for such zeimbursement, all officers and
employees must receive written authorizarion from the Department Head. When an
employee is required to use his/her personal automobile to conduct authorized City
business, the City shall reimburse the employee at the then current Federal IR.S mileage
• reimbursement rate on the most direct route.
ARTICLE 12 - CITY MII,EAGE (Continued)
12.3 The City will provide pazking at a location and manner of the employer's choice within a •
reasonable distance of the work site for City employees who aze required to have their
personal car available for Ciry business. Such parking will be provided only for the days
the employee is required to have Ius/her own personal car available.
12.4 The Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations goveining the procedures for automobile
reimbursement, which regulations and rules shall contain the requirement that employees
maintain automobile liability insurance in amounts of at least the ininimums required by
the state of Minnesota.
13.1 The insurance plans, premiums for coverages and benefits contained in the insurance
plans offered by the EMPLOYER shall be solely controlled by the contracts negotiated
by the EMPLOYER and ffie benefit providers. The EMPLOYER will attempt to prevent
any changes in the benefits offered by the benefit providers. However, the employees
selecting the offered plans agree to accept any changes in benefits which a specific
provider implements, The EMPI,OYER's Cafeteria Plan Documenf and IRS rules and
regulations shall govern the EMPLOYER provided health and welfare benefit program.
13.2 For the purpose of ttus Article, full-time employment is defined as appearing on the •
payroll an auerage of at least thirty-two (32) hotus per week for the immediately
preceding twelve (12) month period ending June 30th.
Three-quarter time employment is defined as appearing on the payroll an average of at
least twenty-six (26) hours per week but less than thirty-two (32) hours per week for the
irnmediately preceding twelve (12) month period ending June 30th.
Half-time employment is defined as appearing on the payroll an average of at least
twenty (20) hours per week but less than twenty-six (26) hours per week for the
innmediately preceding twelve (12) month period ending June 30th.
The above dete��ninafioa sha11 exclu8e periods of layoff and approved unpaid Ieave of
absence when the employee retums to the same posirion and employment condition.
The EMPLOYER shall determiue the time status of a new or changed position based on
the above definitions as to full-time, three-quarter or half-time employment.
133 Effective for the January 1, 2006 insurance premiums, for each eligible employee
covered by this agreement who is empioyed full-time and who selects single health
insurance coverage provided by the EMPLOYER, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute
the amount of the 2005 single contribution per month plus 70% of the average increase to •
the singie premium of all plans for 2006. For 2006 only, the Employer agrees to provide
an additional $7.26 per month for employees who select either of the two (2) lowest cost
v�,-a a y
• plans, or the cost of the two (2) lowest cost plans, whichever is less. For three-quarter
time employees the EMPLOYER's contribution shall be thre�quarters of the full-time
contribution. For half-time employees the EMPLOYER's contribufion shall be one-half
of the fu11-time contribution.
Effective for the January l, 2006 insurance premiums, for each eligible employee
covered by this agreement who is employed full-tune and who selects family health
insurance coverage pmvided by the EMPLOI'ER, the EMPLOYER will contribute 70%
of the average premium of all plans per month. For three-quarter time employees the
EMPLOYER's contribution of family health caze coverage shall be adjusted to tYiree-
quarters of the full-time contribution. For half-time employees the EMPLOYER's
contribution of family health caze coverage shall be adjusted to one-half of the full-rime
13.4 Effective for the January 1, 2007 insuzance premiums, for each eligible employee
covered by this agreexnent who is employed full-tune and who selects single employee
health insurance coverage provided by the EMPLOYER, the EMPLOYER agrees to
contribute the atnount of the 2006 single contribution per month plus 70% of the average
increase to the single prexniuxn of a11 plans for 2007. For 2007 only, the Employer agrees
to provide an addifional $833 per month for employees who select either of the two (2)
lowest cost pians, or the cost of the two (2) lowest wst plans, whichever is less. For
• three-quarter rime employees the EMPLOYER's contribution shall be three-quarters of
the full-time contribution. For half-rime employees the Employer's contribution shall be
one-haif of the full-time contribution.
Effective for the January l, 2007 insurance premiums, for each eligible employee
covered by this agreement who is employed full-time and who selects family health
insurance coverage provided by the EMPLOYER, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute
70% of the average premium of all plans per month. For three-quarter time employees
the EMPLOYER's contribution of family health care coverage shall be adjusted to an
amount equal to 75% of the contdbution for the full-time employees per month. For half-
tnne employees the EMPLOYER's contribution of family health care coverage shall be
adjusted to an amount equal to 50% of the contribution for the full-time employees per
13.5 All benefit eligible employees (i.e. 40 hrs/pay period or more), regazdless of the nuxnber
of average hours worked must select at least single coverage hospital-medical insurance
and empioyee life insurance in an amount of $5000.
For 2006 and 2007, the City agrees to conhibute the cost of $S,OOO.00 life insurance
subject to the following criteria:
c� �ay
13.5(1) For 2007, the City shall contribute the cost of $20,000 life insurance only •
if the conditions of Article 25.1 aze not met by January 1, 2007. If the
conditions of Article 25.1 are met by January 1, 2007, the City will
continue to contribute the cost of $5,000 life insurance.
13.6 The insurance benefits provided under this Article shall not apply to temporary or
provisional employees.
14.1 Full-time eligible employees must meet the following conditions at the time of retirement
in order to be eligible for the EMPLOYER conhibution towazd the hospital-medical
insurance program offered by the EMPLOYER.
14.1(1) Aave completed at least twenty (20) yeazs of full time consecutive service
with the City of Saint Paul or after fifteen (15) years of consecutive
service for employees who become disabled and are eligible for a
disability pension from a retirement fund to which the City of Saint Paul
has contributed. Employment with Independent School District No. 625
will not be counted towazd the service requirement for employees hired •
after July 1, 1997 toward years of service for retiree health eligibility.
Be receiving a pension from a retirement fund to which the City of Saint
Paul has contdbuted.
14.2 Employees who were hired prior to 7uly 1, 1975 and who, at the time of retirement, meet
the eliability requirements set forth in Article 14.1.1, the EMPLOYER agrees to
contribute, for the life of the retiree, the following:
The full cost of the least expensive single premium for hospital-medical insurance offered
by the EMPLOYER.
• 143 Employees who were hired on or after July 1, 1975, and who, at the time of retirement,
meet the eligibility requirements set forth in Article 14.1.1, or after fifteen (15) yeats of
consecufive service for employees who become disabled and are eligible for a disability
pension from a retirement fund to which the City of Saint Paul has contributed, the
EMPLOYER will provide, for the life of the retiree, the full premium cost of the least
expensive single health iusurance coverage provided by the EMPLOYER at the time the
employee retires. The City's contribution level shall remain constant, except that such
conhibution level shall be refigured at the full cost of the least expensive premium
offered by the ENII'LOYER at the time the retiree reaches age 65, if such date is after the
date of retirement.
For employees hired on or after January 1, 2004, and who, at the time of retirement, meet
the eligibility requirements set forth in Article 14.1.1, or after fifteen (15) years of
consecutive service for employees who become disabled and aze eligible for a disability
pension from a retirement fund to which the City of Saint Paul has conhibuted, the
EMPLOYER will provide, a masunum of $300.00 per month for retiree health insurance.
For employees who retire and do not meet the requirements in 14.1 through 14.3 above at
the time of their retirement, the EMPLOYER will discontinue providing any health
insurance contributions upon their retirement.
• 14.4 Employees who retire, but who do not meet the eligibility requirements set forth in
14.1.1, may purchase single or family health insurance coverage through the
EMPLOYER's insurance program. The total cost of such insurance coverage shall be
paid by the retiree.
14.5 A retiree's parficipation in the City's health instuance plan must be continuous. The
retiree must be participating in a City health insurance plan at the time of retirement. If a
retiree chooses not to participate at the time of his/her retirement or if a retiree
discontinues his/her participation at a later date, such retiree will not be eligible for any
future participation or for any EMPLOYER contribution.
14.6 In the event of the death of a retiree who is participafing in the City's health insurance
program, the surviving spouse or dependent of the deceased may continue to participate
in the City's health insurance plan at hi s/her own cost. Eligibility to continue to
participate shail terxninate when such spouse or dependent remarries or becomes eligible
for group heaith insurance through any empioyer.
15.1 Holidays recognized and observed. The following days shall be recognized and observed
as paid holidays:
New Yeaz's Day
Martin Luther King Day
Presidents' Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
L,abor Day
Veterans' Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thaaksgiving
Christmas Day
Eligible employees shall receive pay for each of the holidays listed above, on which they
perform no work. On holidays that the employee does perform work, the employee will
be compensated at time and one-half for the hours worked, in addition to the holiday pay.
Whenever any of tfie holidays listed above sfiall fatl on Saturday, the preceding Friday
shall be observed as the holiday. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on
Sunday, the succeeding Monday shall be observed as the holiday.
15.2 Eligibility Requirements: In order to be eligible for a holiday with pay, an employee
must be employed as of the date of the holiday and have paid hours on the payroll for that
pay period. The amount of holiday time earned shall be based upon the number of non-
holiday hours paid to the employee during that pay period. Paid hours shall inciude hours
actually worked, vacation time, compensatory time, paid leave and sick leave.
16.1 In each calendar year, each full-time employee shall be granted vacation according to the
following schedule. For purposes of tYris article, qualifying years of service shall be
determined by years of service based on each employee's employment date. Ttus shall
apply to both part-time and full time employees:
Years of Service
Less than 8 years
After 8 years thru 15 years
After 15 yeazs and thereafter
Vacation Granted
17 days
22 days
27 days
Employees who work less than fu11-time shail be granted vacafion on a pro rata basis.
The head of the department may pernut an employee to cany over into the following
vacation yeaz up to one hundred twenty (120) hours of vacation.
ARTICLE 16 - VACATION (Continued)
. 16.4 The above provisions ofvacation shall be subject to ttie Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates
of Compensation, Secrion I, Subdivision H, unless the contract provisions direcfly contlict with
the Salary Plan. In such cases, the language of the contract shall supercede/replace the
conflicting language of the Salary Plan.
16.5 If an employee has an accumulation of sick leave credits in excess of one hundred and
eighty (80) days, he/she may convert any part of such excess to vacation at the rate of
one-half day's vacation for each day of sick leave credit.
16.6 The masimum number of days' vacation altowed by the conversion of sick leave credits
shall be no more than five (5) days in any one (1) year so that the maYUnum vacation
time which may be taken in any one (1) year shaii be forty-five (45) days including the
regulaz vacation period.
17.1 The EMPLOYER shall recognize stewazds selected in accordance with UNION rules and
regulations as the grievance representative of the bazgaining unit. The LTNION shall
notify the EMPLOYER in writing of the names of the Stewazds and of their successors
when so named.
• 17.2 It is recognized and accepted by the EMPLOYER and the LINION that the processing of
grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the
employees and shall therefore be accomplished during working hours only when
consistent with such employee duties and responsibilities. The stewazd involved and a
grieving employee shall suffer no loss in pay when a grievance is processed during
working hours, provided, the stewazd and the employee have notified and received the
approval of their supervisor to be absent to process a grievance and that such absence
would not be detrimental to the work programs of the EMPLOYER.
173 The procedure established by tius Article shall be the sole and exclusive procedure for the
processing of grievances, which are defined as an alleged violarion of the terms and
conditions of this AGREEMENT.
Grievances shall be resolved in conformance with the foilowing procedure:
Step 1. Upon the occurrence of an alleged viola$on of this AGREEMENT, the
employee involved shall attempt to resolve the matter on an informal basis
with the employee's supervisor. If the matter is not resolved to the
employee's satisfacfion by the informal discussion it may be reduced to
writing and referred to Step 2 by the iTNION. The written grievance shall
set forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the
alleged section(s) of the AGREEMENT violated, and the relief requested.
Any alleged viola6on of the AGREEMENT not reduced to writing by the
• LTNION within seven (7) calendar days of the first occurrence of the event
giving rise to the grievance or within the use of reasonable diligence
V � y ���
should have had lmowledge of the fust occurrence of the event giving rise •
to the grievance, shall be considered waived.
Step 2. Within seven (� calendaz days after receiving the written grievance a
designated Employer Supervisor shall meet with the Union Stewazd and
attempt to resolve the grievance. If, as a result of this meeting, the
grievance remains unresolved, the EMPLOYER shall reply in turiting to
the LTNION within seven ('� calendar days following this meeting. The
iTNION may refer the grievance in writing to Step 3 within seven ('n
calendar days following receipt of the EMI'LOYER' S written answer.
Any grievance not referred in writing by the IJNION within seven (7)
calendaz days following receipt of the EMPLOYER'S answer shali be
considered waived.
Step 3. Within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of a grievance referred
from Step 2 a designated Employer supervisor shall meet with the Union
Business Manager or his/her designated representative and attempt to
resolve the grievance. Witrun seven (7) calendar days following this
meeting the EMF'LOYER shall reply in writing to the IJNION stating the
EMPLOYER'S answer concemiug the grievance. If, as a result of the
written response the grievance remains unresolved, tke I TNION may refer
the grievance to Step 4. Any grievattce not referred to in writing by the •
UNION to Step 4 within seven (7) calendaz days following receipt of the
EMPLOYER'S answer shall be considered waived.
Optional Mediation Step
If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 3, either the LTNION
or the EMPLOYER may, within ten (10) calendaz days, request mediation. If the
parties agree that the grievance is suitable for mediation, the parties shall submit a
joint request to the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services for the assignment of
a mediator. Grievance mediation shall be completed within tlurty (30) days of the
2. Crrievance mediation is an optionai and voluntary part of the grievance resolution
process. It is a supplemettt to, not a substitute for, grievance arbitration. When
grievance mediation is invoked, the contractual time limit for moving the
grievance to azbitration shall be delayed for the period of inediation.
3. The grievance mediation process shall be informal. Rules of evidence shall not
apply, and no record shall be made of the proceeding. Both sides sha11 be
provided ample opportuniry to present the evidence and argument to support their
case. The mediator may meet with the parties in joint session or in separate �
d� aa y
• 4. At the request of both parties, the mediator may issue an orai recommendafion far
settlement. Either party may request that the mediator assess how an arbitrator
might rule in this case.
5. The grievant shall be present at the grievance mediation proceeding. If the
grievance is resolved, the grievant shall sign a statement agreeing to accept the
outcome. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the outcome shall not be
6. If the grievance is not resolved and is subsequently moved to arbitration, such
proceeding shall be de novo. Nothing said or done by the parties or the mediator
during grievance mediation with respect to their positions concerning resolution
or offers of settlement may be used or referred to during azbitration.
Step 4. If the grievance remains unresolved, the UNION may within seven (7)
calendaz days after the response of the EMPLOYER in Step 3, by written
norice to the EMPLOYER, request arbitration of the grievance. The
arbitration proceedings sha11 be conducted by an arbitrator to be selected
by mutual agreement of the EMPLOYER and the iJNION within seven
(7) calendar days after notice has been given. If the parties fail to
• mutuaily agree upon an azbitrator within the said seven (7) day period,
either pariy may request the Public Employment Relation Board to submit
a panel of five (5) azbitrators. Both the EMPLOYER and the LTNION
shall have the right to shike two (2) names from the panel. The UNION
shall strike the first (lst) name; the EMPLOYER shall then strike one (1)
name. The process will be repeated and the remaining person shall be the
17.4 The azbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract
from the provisions of this AGREEMENT. The arbitrator shall consider and decide oniy
the specific issue submitted in writing by the EMPLOYER and the IINION and shall
have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. The arbitrator
shall be without power to make decisions conirary to or inconsistent with or modifying or
varying in any way the application of laws, rules, or regulations having the force and
effect of law. The azbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30)
days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever
be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be based solely on
the azbitrator's interpretafion or application of the express terms of this AGREEMENT
and to the facts of the grievance presented. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final
and binding on the EMPLOYER, the iJNION, and the employees.
0 6 aa�
17,5 The fees and expenses for the azbitrator's services and proceedings shail be borne equatly •
by the EMPLOYER and the iJNION, provided that each party shall be responsible for
compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either pariy desires a verbatim
record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for
the record.
17.6 The time limits in each step of this procedure may be extended by mutual agreement of
the EMPLOYER and the iJNION.
18.1 This AGREEMENT is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of Minnesota,
and the City of St. Paul. In the event any provision of this. AGREEMENT shall hold to
be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from who final judgment or
decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provision shall be voided.
All other pmvisions shall continue in full force and effect.
19.1 General: The Employer shall provide three (3) severance pay plans as set forth in this •
Articie. Tfie manner of paytnent of such severance pay shall be made in accordance with
the provisions of City Ordinance No. 11490. This severance pay program shall be
subject to and governed by the provisions of City Ordinance No. 11490 except in those
cases where the specific provisions of this article conflict with said ordinance and in such
cases, the provisions of this article shall control.
19.2 Eligibility: An employee may, in any event, and upon meeting the qualifications of this
article or Ciry Ordinance No. ll490, as amended by City Ordinance No. 16303, Section 1,
Section 6, draw severance pay. However, an election by an employee to draw severance
pay under either this article or the ordinance shatl constitute a bar to receiving severauce
pay from the other. Employees appointed prior to July 1, 1989, to a title covered by this
agreement wfio meet tiie qualifications as defined in Severance Pay Plan Z or PIan 3,
may elect to draw severance pay from either Plan 2 or Plan 3. Employees hired on or
after July 1, 1989 shall be covered by the provisions of Plan 3. To be eligible for the
severance pay program, an employee must meet the following requirements:
193 Planl: Plan 1 is the severance pay plan described in Ordinance No. 11490, as amended
by Ordinance No. 16303.
19.4 Plan 2: In addifion to the eligibility requirements set forth in 19.2, an employee must •
meet the following requirements to receive a benefit under Plan 2:
Ob aa y
• 19.4(1) The employee must be 58 yeazs of age or older or must be eligible for
pension under the "rule of 90" provisions of the Public Employees
Retirement Association (PERA).
19.4(2) The employee must be voluntarily separated from City employment or
have been subj ect to sepazation by lay-off or compulsory retirement.
Those employees who are dischazged for cause, miswnduct, inefficiency,
incompetency, or any other disciplinary reason are not eligible for the City
Severance Pay progam. For the purpose of this severance prograsn, a
death of an employee shall be considered as sepazation of employment,
and if the employee would have met all of the requirements set forth
above, at the time of his/her death, payment of the severance pay may be
made to the employee's estate or spouse. For the purposes of this
severance program, a transfer from the City of Saint Paul employment to
Independent School District No. 625 employment is not considered a
sepazation o£ employment, and such transferee shall not be eligible for the
City severance program.
19.4(3) The employee must haue at least ten (10) yeazs of service under the
classified or unclassified Civil Service at the time of sepazation.
Employment with Independent School Dishict No. 625 will not be
• counted towazd the service requirement for employees hired after July 1,
19.4(4) The exnployee must file a waiver of reemployment with the Director of
Human Resources, which will cleazly indicate that by requesting
severance pay, the employee waives all claims to reinstatement or
reemployment (of any type), with the City.
19.4(5) The employee must have accumulated a minimum of sixty (60) days of
sick leave credits at the time of his/her sepazation from service.
19.4(6) If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets the
eligibility requirements set forth above, he/she wili be granted severance
pay in an amount equal to one-half of the daily rate of pay for the position
heid by the employee on the date of separation for each day of accrued
sick leave subject to a maximum of 200 accnxed sick leave days subject to
a maximum of $6,500.00.
19.5 Plan 3. In addition to the eligibility requirements set forth in 19.2, an employee must
meet the following requirements to receive a benefit under Plan 3:
• 19.5(1) The employee must be 58 yeazs of age or oider or must be eligible for
pension under the "rule of 90" provisions of the Public Employees
Retirement Associarion (PERA).
06 aay
19.5(2) The employee must be voluntarily sepazated from City employment or •
have been subject to separation, lay-off or compulsory refirement. Those
employees who aze dischazged for cause, misconduct, inefficiency,
incompetency, or any other disciplinary reason are not eligible for the City
severance pay program. For the purpose of this severance program, a
death of an employae shall be considered as sepazation of employment,
and if the employee would haue met all of the requirements set forth
above, at the time of his/her death, payment of the severance pay may be
made to the employee's estate or spouse.
19.5(3) The employee must file a waiver of reemployment with the Director of
Human Resources, which will cleazly indicate that by requesting
severance pay, the employee waives ali clauns to reinstatement or
reemployment (of any type), with the City.
19.5(4) The employee must have an accumulated balance of at least eighty (80)
days of sick leave credits at the time of his/her sepazation from service.
To qualify for $10,000, the employee must have an accumulated balance
of at least one hundred (100) days of sick leave credits at the time of
his/her sepazation from service.
19.5(5) If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets the •
eligibiliry requirements set forth above, he/she will be gtanted severance
pay in an amount equal to one-half of the daily rate of pay for the position
held by the employee on the date of separation for each day of accrued
sick leave subject to a maximum of as shown below based on the number
of yeazs of service with the City.
Years of Service
with the City Maximum
At Least Severance PaY
15 $ 5,000
17 $ 5,500
19 $ 6,000
21 $ 6,500
23 $ 7,000
25 $10,000
19.6 For any employee who is eligible to receive severance from the Ciry under this Article,
the City will contribute 105% of the full amount of their severance payment to a Post-
Employment Health Plan in lieu of any cash payment to the employee.
20.1 The wage schedule for purposes of this contract shall be Appendix A, attached hereto.
20.2 The Vehicle Mechanic Leadworker rate will be $1.02 per hour higher than the Vehicle
Mechanic rate.
20.3 The Welder I,eadworker rate will be $.29 per hour higher than the Welder rate.
20.4 Employer shall avoid, whenever possible, working an employee on an out-of-class
assignment for a prolonged period of time. Any employee working an out-of-class
assignment for a period in excess of fifteen (15) consecutive working days during a yeaz
shall receive the rate of pay for the out-of-class assignment in a higher classification not
later than the sixteenth (16th) day of such assignment. For purposes of this Article, an
out-of-class assignment is defined as an assignment of an employee to perform, on a full-
time basis, all of the significant duties and responsibilities of a position different from the
employee's regulaz position, and which is in a classification higher than the classification
held by such employee. The rate of pay for an approved out-of-class assignment shall be
the same rate the employee would receive if such empioyee received a regular
appointment to the higher classification.
20.5 Effective 7anuary 1, 2007, newly hired employees of this bargaining unit sha11 serve a
• one (1) year probation period for all classifications within the bargaining unit. Tlus
article shall supersede any conflicting language found in the Civil Service Rules andlor
Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion. Probation periods relating to layoffs,
bumping, and promo6ons shall be six (6) months in dura6on.
21.1 The LTNION and the EMPLOYER agree that there shall be no strikes, work stoppages,
slow-downs, sitdown, stay-in, or other concerted interference with the EMPLOYER' S
business or affairs by any of the said IINION and/or the members thereof, and there shall
be no bannering during the existence of this AGI2EEMENT without first using all
possible means of peaceful settlement or any controversy which may arise. Employees
engaging in same shall be liabie for disciplinary acfion.
22.1 Sick Leave With Pay: During any period in which an employee is absent from work on
sick leave with pay, the employee shall not be eaiployed or engaged in any occupation
for compensafion outside of his regular city employment. Viola6on of the provision of
this paragraph by any employee shall be grounds for suspension or dischazge. Sick leave
shall accumulate at the rate of .0576 of a working hour for each full hour on the payroll,
excluding overtime. Effective October 1, 2007, or closest pay period, members of the
bargauring unit shall accumulate sick leave at a rate of .0539 of a worldng hour for each
full hour on the payroll, excluding overtime,
22.2 In the case of a serious illness or disability of an employee's child, the EMPLOYER shall
grant leave of absence in accordance with State Legislation. Such leave shall be
deducted from the employee's accumulated sick leave credits. If the employee has no
accumulated sick leave credits, such leave shall be granted without pay.
223 In the case of a serious illness or disability of an employee's dependent, pazent or
household member, other than a child, the head of the department shall grant leaue with
pay in order for the employee to care for or make arraugements for the caze of such
disabled persons. Such leave shall be drawn from the employee's accumulated sick leave
credits. Use of such sick leave shall be limited to foriy (40) hours per incident.
23.1 Maternity Leave: Matemity is defined as the physical state of pregnancy of an
employee, commencing eight (8) months before the estimated date of childbirth, as
detemuned by a physician, and ending siY (6) months after the date of such birth. In the
event of an employee's pregnancy, the employee may apply for leave without pay at any
time during the period stated above and the EMPLOYER may approve such leave at its
option, and such leave may be no longer than one (1) year.
24.1 As of the effective date of this AGREEMENT, all Vehicle Mechanics and Vehicle
Mechanics (Heavy Truck & Equipment) in all Depattments other than Fire and Police
shall be considered Vehicle Mechanics (Heavy Truck & Equipment). Further, Vehicle
Mechanic (Heavy Truck & Equipment) class seniority shall be based on all continuous
time served in regular or probationary status as a Vehicle Mechanic and Vehicle
Mechanic (Heavy Truck & Equipment) since the last date of appointment to either class.
• 24.2 For purposes of layoff the Employer shall determine the location and number of
employees to lay off. Upon the effective date of layoff, a Vehicle Mechanic (Heavy
Truck & Equipment), Vehicle Maintenance Worker {Heavy) and Welder may bump the
least senior Vehicle Mechanic (Heavy Truck and Equipment), Vehicle Maintenance
Worker (Heavy), and Weider, respectively, Cityv✓ide, excluding the Police and Fire
Departments and Independent School District No. 625.
An employee exercising a bump across Depaztment lines shall serve up to six (6) months
probation in the Depazhnent to which he/she bumps. An employee who does not pass
probation shall be laid off: The provisions ofthis secfion shall not be subject to Article
17 (Grievance Procedure).
243 In the event that the EMPLOYER merges gazage operations, the seniority lists of the
affected classes for those merged operations only shall be merged.
25.1 Effecrive January 1, 2007, the EMI'LOYER agrees to become a contributing employer to
the I.A.M. National Pension Fund on behalf of all barganung unit members, subject to the
following conditions:
• 25.1(A) The EMPLOYER contributions must be allowable under ail applicable
Minnesota Statutes effecrive January 1, 2007, including but not lunited to
Minnesota Statutes, Section 356.24, and such contributions shall not
subject the EMPLOYER to any fixrther liabilities beyond the amount
stated in Article 25.1. If the EMPLOYER contributions are not allowable
under all applicable Minnesota Statutes effective January 1, 2007, Article
25.1 in its entirety shali be null and void.
25.1(B) The EMPLOYER shatl contribute to the I.A.M. National Pension Fund,
National Pension Plan for each hour or portion thereof for which
employees in all job classifications covered by this Agreement aze entitled
to receive pay under this Agreement as follows:
$0.20 per hour, effective January 1, 2007 ar closest pay period.
25.1(C) The EMPLOYER shall continue contributions based on a forty (40) hour
work week while an employee is off work due to vacation, holiday,
compensatory time, and/or sick leave. The EMPLOYER contribution
shall also be paid for non-work periods when an employee is receiving
Workers Compensation for a maximuxn of ninety (90) days.
o� aa�
25.1(D) The EMPLOYER conhibution shall not be paid for hours attributed to .
leave no paq, or any other type of leave not specifically idenrified in
Article 25.1(C) above.
25.1(E) Contribufions for new, probationary, part-time, and full rime employees
shall be payable from the first day of employment. No contributions shall
be made for temporary employees.
25.1(F) The IJNION and the EMPLOYER agree to be bound by, and hereby
assent to, the Trust Agreement, dated May 1, 1960, as amettded, creating
the I.A.M. National Pension Fund and the Plan rules adopted by the
Trustees of the I.A.M. National Pension Fund in establishing and
administering the foregoing Plan pursuant to the said Trust Agreement, as
currenfly in effect and as the Trust and Plan may be amended from time to
25.1(G) The iTNION and the EMPLOYER acl�owledge that the Trustees of the
I.A.M. National Pension Fund may terminate the participation of the
employees and the EMPLOYER in the Plan if the successor collective
bazgaining agreement £ails to renew the provisions of this Article, or
reduces the conh rate.
25.1(I� This Article contains the entire agreement between the iJNION and the •
EMPLOYER regazding pension contributions under this Plan and any
contrary provisions of this Agreement shall be void.
25.2 If the condirions of Article 25.1(A) above are not met by January 1, 2007, Article 25.1
shall be void in its entirety, and employees with at least one (1) yeaz of service will be
eligible for a$200.00 deferred compensation match by the Employer subject to the
criteria listed below. Tlus match shall continue during each year of this agreement
25.2(1) Eligibility and 'unplementation:
a. For initial match, employees must have been employed for a
minimum of oIle (1) year.
b. Employees must be a member of the bazgaining unit for a
minimum of one (1) year.
c. Employees must have made their complete conhibutions by
December 31 of the previous calendar year.
d. City matches will be made by April 1 of the following year.
e. Employees must be on the payroll as of the date of deferred
compensation match.
f. If an employee takes a leave of absence to serve as a full-time
union officiai, time served in such capacity, up to siac years, will be
counted towazd the yeazs of service requirement. •
o� daSF
g. Employees separated for cause from the bargaining unit are
• specifically excluded from the Employer match. a
25.2(2} If the provisions of Article 251 are not met by Tanuary 1, 2007, the CITY
shall match $200 ui 2006 and �200 in 2007, subject to the criteria listed
�. The uutiai CITY match will be made for the 2007 calendar year.
The initial CITY match will be $400.00, payable according to the
�eligibility requirements Iisted in Article 25.2(A) above.
b. In each successive year, the CITY match will be $200.00.
c. To receive the uutial$400.00 match for the 2007 calendaz year, the
employee must have made a coniribution of up to $400.00 by
December 31, 2007.
d. In each successive year, tlie employee must make a contribution of
up to $200.00.
26.1 The EMPLOYER and the tTNION acknowledge thaY during the meeting and negotiating
which resulted in this AGREBMENT, each had the right and oppoitlanity to make
proposals with respect to any subject conceming the terms and condifions of
• empioyment. The agreemenfs and understandings reached by the parties after the •
exercise of tlus right aze fully and compietely set forth in this AGREEMENT. Any and
ail prior agreements, resolutions, practices, policies or rules or regulations regarding the
terms and conditions of employment to the extent they aze inconsistent with this
ACzREEMENT are hereby superseded. In those areas where Civil Service Rules are not
inconsistent with this AGREEMENT the Civil Service Rules shall continue to be in
26.2 Except as herein provided, this AGREEMENT shall be efFective as of the date it is
executed by the parties and shall continue in full force and effect throu� Decem6er 31,
2007 and therea$er until modified or amended by mutual agreement of the parties.
Either party desiring to amend, or modify this AGREENIENT shall notify the other in
writing so as to comply with the provisions of the Puhiic Employment Labor Relations
Act of 1984.
Any retroactivity shatl be owed only to employees who continue to be employed by the
City at the time this Collective Bargaining Agreement is signed by the UNION.
263 This constitutes a tentative agreement between the parties which will be recommended by
the Director of Human Resources, but is subject to the approval of the Aduulustration of
the City, the City Council and is also subject to ratification by the LTNION.
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on Schmi t ate
Labor Relations Man
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Steven Barre Date
Labor Relations
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Julie Anderson Date
Business Representafive
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The Wage increases agreed to by the Union and Employer are: a rivo and one-half percent (2.50%)
across the board increase as of January l, 2006 (or closest pay period), and a two and one-half percent
(2.50%) across the board increase as of 7anuary 1, 2007 (or closest pay period). The wage rates and
salary ranges for classifications in this unit ate shown below:
Auto Body Repairer
Mechanic Welder
Safety Equipment Design & Ivlaint. Wkr.
Toolmaker Water Utility
Vehicle Mechanic
Vehicle Mechanic (Hvy Tr & Ec�
Vehicle Mechanic Leadworker
Welder Leadworker
Equipment Repairer
Fire Building Repairer
Fire Equipment Servicer
Marina Mechanic
Traffic Mtnc Worker prior to 7/i/91
Traffic Mtuc Worker after 7/1/91
Vehicle Mtnc Worker (Hvy) prior to 7/il94
Vehicle Mtnc Worker (Hvy) after 7/1/91
6 mo. Start 6 mo.
APPENDIX A (Continued)
Vehicle Mechanic Trainee
2000 hours 60% of the Vehicle mechanic base rate
1000 hours 65% of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate
1000 hours 70% of the Mechanic base rate
1000 hours 75% of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate
1000 hours 80% of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate
1000 hours 85% of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate
1000 hours 90% of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate
Parts Runner
Comm Tech Helper
Ol/Ot/06 � Ol/Ol/07
Start 6 mo. 1 vr. Start 6 mo. 1
$12.99 $13.95
$14.11 $14.45
$15.15 I $1331 $14.30 $15.53
$15.15 $14.46 $14.81 $15.53
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MACHINISTS, District Lodge #77
The City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "Cit}�') and Machinists, District Lodge #77
(hereinafter "Union'� agree to the terms of the following Memorandum of Agreement
(hereinafter "MOA").
The City and Union have actively engaged in a mutually beneficial exchange of
information and ideas on a"meet and confer" basis at Labor-Management Committee for
Health Insurance (hereinafter "LMCHI") meetings.
For 2006, the LMCHI recommended the elimination of one traditional heaith insurance
plan and the adoption of a high deductible plan. The LMCHPs recommendation does not
equate to a selection ofbenefits, the selection ofplans to be offered in subsequent years,
nor sha11 in any way be construed as a form of negotiation.
Since the parties have not been able to reach agreement regarding the impact of this
• recommendation on the contract language for single health insurance staring, "the
average increase to the single insurance premium of all plans for 2006," and the contract
language for family health insurance stating, "the average premium of all plans per
month," the parties agree that the LMCHI's recommendation to continue the four current
plans plus adopt a High Deductible Plan, will mean that the averaging language in the
contracts will not include the premium for the High Deductible Plan. This intexpretation
shall apply for the length of the 2006-2007 collective bargaining agreement.
The parties also agree that the High Deductible Plan will not be considered one of the
"two low-cost plans" which receive additional contributions for single health insurance.
Although the Parties have now agreed to the dollar amount of the Employer contributions
for the length of the current collective bargaining agreement, the Parties have not
presenfly agreed upon an adjustment to the formula for the City's contribution to health
insurance. However, the parties agree that the adjustments to the formula for the City's
conhibution for health insurance will be subject to bargaining for the successor to the
existing collective bargaining agreement. The parties further agree that neither the
existence nor the terms of this MOA shall create or consritute the presumption that the
Union has accepted the continuation of the current percentage of City health insurance
contribution beyond the cunent collective bargaining ageement. Neither party has
conceded an advantage in future bargaining to the other regarding the negotiation of
future City contributions to health insurance.
06 a,ay
The Union agrees to waive any and all rights to file a grievance or court action regazding
this change in health insurance plans or the aggregate value of the benefits provided by
the heakth insurance plans recommended by the LMCHI for 2006 health insurance.
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Date Julie Anderson Date
Labor Relations Manager
The City's contribution for 2006 and 2007 shall be:
2006 Sinele
High Deductible:
2007 Sinele
High Deductible:
2006 Familv
All plans:
2007 Familv
All plans:
Business Representative
$331.75 (Plus $70.00/mth into PEHP prorated monthiy for
participating months, to be paid annually in the following calendar
year — within 60 days)
$361.61 (Plus $76.25/mth into PEHP prorated monthly for
participating months, to be paid annually in the following calendaz
year — within 60 days)
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This Memorandum of Agreement (hereinafter "MOA'� is entered into by the City of
Saint Paul (hereinafter "City�') and the International Association of Machinists District
I,odge #77 (hereinafter "Union") for the purpose of defvung Union member's retiree
health insurance benefits effective January 1, 2006, if a new collective bargaining
agreement is not reached prior to January 1, 2006.
The City and Union agree to the following:
1. This MOU is necessary due to changes in City offered health insurance plans
for 2006.
2. The Union is part of a coalition of unions on a Labor Management Committee
making recommendations regarding the shucture of the City offered health
insurance plans.
3. The Tentative Agreement on Consensus recommended adding a High
Deductible Plan.
4. The premium of the High Deductible Plan is significantly less than other
Health Plans offered by the City.
5. The language of Articie 14.2 & 14.3 of the collective bargaining agreement
provides that employees hired prior to January 1, 2004, who are eligible for
retiree health insurance, shall receive the fuil cost of the least expensive single
premiuxn offered by the City.
6. The Consensus agreement of the Labor-Management Committee would
negatively impact members of the bargaining unit who retire under the terms
of the current collective bargaining agreement because the least expensive
premium will now be that of the High Deductible ($331.75 per month),
effective January 1, 2006.
7. In order to hold employees harmless, the City and Union agree that the
language of Article 14.2 & 14.3 shall refer to the $500 Deductible Plan and its
premium of $409.49 per month.
8. This MOA will remain in place for the duration of the 2006-2007 collective
bargaining agreement.
9. This MOA sets no precedent.
son Sc t
Labor Relations Manager
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Julie Anderson
Business Representative
• Date: _�����l�/.JG, Date: - aa O,�i
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This Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (Employer) and the District
Lodge No. 77 Internarional Associarion of Machinists and Aerospace Workers AFL-CIO (LTnion)
for the purpose of enabling the City and the Union to mutually agree to provide a uniform
reimbursement for Keith Owens, Welder, Saint Paul Regional Water Services, in lieu of any
laundry service as provided for in the current bargaining unit agreement.
The City and the Union agree to amend the 2006-2007 collective bargaining agreement as
The employer agrees that Keith Owens, Welder, Saint Paul Regional Water Services shall be
provided a uniform allowance on a reimbursement basis. The Employer will provide one hundred
seventy-five dollars ($175.00) each year to purchase uniform clothing as required by the
Employer. This uniform allowance is provided in lieu of Article 9.1 of the bargaimng unit
This Agreement shall not be incoxporated into future collective bargaining agreements unless
specificaliy agree�. � b�both parties.
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� � Date a-aa -o!o
Julie Anderson
Business Representative
District Lodge 77, IAMAW
Labor Relations Specialist