222791 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBWIC �i ,q� /�"N� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � `i `� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO rscErrsE co��r� CO IL RESOLUTIO =GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY � April 6, ].965 C�MMISSI�NE OA� WHEREAS: The Red Cab �o,, Inc. dba Ye11ow Cab has made Application H-13327 for license to operate one (1} automobile as a ta.xicab upon the streets of the �ity of saint Paul, described as follows= Taxi.ca.bNo. �alce Serial - Insurance 35 Plymouth 2801173052 Employerst Liability �ssurance Corp. Polic� No. �C 289677, �pirin� 12:01 A.M. ST February 8� 1966 WHEREAS; Said applicant has filed. a copy of the insurance policy� �rith the �ity of Saint Pa�]. and said �plicy has been a�proved. as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED; That license to opera-�e said automobile as a ta�dcab upon the streets of , the City of Saint Paul, be and the same is hereby granted to the Red �ab Co., � Inc. dba Yelloza �ab. 302 Ryan Ave. � �� APR 6 19�i COLJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish APR 6 � ���-� I oved 19— Los s `0 Tn Favor d Meredith Peterson � MAyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis P.UBLISHED APR �� ���� IOM 6fi2