222774 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK n����/1 '� CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCi� � `� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF . RE�OLVED� That the Coun.cil of the C3ty of Saint Paul hereby approves: "A BILL FOR AN A�CT RELATING TO THE REIJTAL OR LEASE OF �I TY AND COIINTY OFFICE� STORAGE� AND VEHICL� �ARKING SPACE BY THE COIINTY OF RAMSEY AND THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL; AMENDING MINNESOTA STATUTES 1961� SECTION 380•25•" - and recommends the same to the Ramsey Coun.ty Senate and House dele gat ion s. FOR PRO D' � '..2�=----A�a � Counse� � APR 2 1965 COUNCILIvIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish APR 2 19�5 Holland rove 19— Loss � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson ' �( MBYOr �1_Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ..f PUBLISHED APR 10 19� ions �a DbrLICAT[TO rRINT[R �/.���4 � CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa F� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORt�! rRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DATF �OV�D� That the �o�un.�i�. o� th� City of Sa3.nt Paul here'by ��pproa��� ` � "A BIT,� PbR At� A��' R�LA�'��4 Z'0 TH� R�'AL OR ��A,S$ 0�' CI'�' �I�1D �:Q'ClI�'Y OF�'ICL ►�3'4RAQrP� A�PD fi�ffii�C��$ � �'�NQ ��A�$ Bx T�iE �fJ�7N� 4F �$Y AND � C�T� 0�' �3.AIH�.' P'�,UL3 �I��J��(� MT��d�A 3�A���S �961! �BC�'�4� 380.�5.� a.nd recomrr�end� the s�me to the Rai��ey �ounty Sena�Ge and �iqus� `� de�egation�. ApR 2 1965 COUNCILIuIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish qPR 2 1965 Holland :� Approv� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson �yOr Rosen �g�st Mr. President, Vavoulis ions a�s , . . . ����� . J � CI7'Y BILL NO.. 63 March 26, 1965 � � •- A IlILL FOR AN ACT • FELATING TO THE RENTAL OR TIEASE OF C�ITY AND COUNTY OFFICE� STOREIGE, AND VEiiICLE PARKING SPACE BY THE COUIdTY OF RAI✓�SEY AND THE CITY OF SAIi�iT PAUL; AI�IEND- � ING I�III�idESOTA STATUTES 1961, SECTION 380.25. � BE IT EtdACTED 3Y THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF 'r1INNESOTA: Section l. Minneaota Statutes 1961, Soction 380.25 , is amended to read: 380.25 (LEASE OF CITY liND COUI�TY OFFICES.) Aa�-courit�-i.A_this_stata c�hich a�o�-has=-o�-hcnaa��op-m�y�-haueT-a-pe�u]�atiac�-c�-mcrr�-than-aa5344a-�nd �thichY_ta�tha�-�ith_an}-cit}-�zithia-sucb-ccu�t�q-ha�-a-}oiat-acuuthous�-�nd cit}-ball�-thv-cxponzc-o£-wk►icA-is-shaner�-�pcaop�3c��ata�y�-b3�-c�ah-scur��t3�-ar�� cit�, Ramsey county and the city of Sain-� Paul each sha11 have the power and authority to rent or lease, togothep-wi�b-s�ek-e�.��, quarters for city arid county offices , storage space and space for vehicle parki.ng outside of the • courthouse and city hall, and the rental charged for the quarters, storage space and space for vehicle parking shall he paid by the county and city in th� same proportion as the expenses of maintenance of- the courthouse and city hall =�re paid by the city and county. I�e-pa�e-�,epe-�l�aA-$��SA-pep-��}�aape-�oa�-pe�-a�Ax�a � s�a��-be-pa��-ep-}�s��nec�;-a��-€e�-e���-s�el�-sgaee-ae��ta��}�-�se�-�ep-e���se ��npeses 3-aa�-ae-eb��.ga��ep-�ep-a��e�a-��e�s3-2�6FRA�6��F3g;-ep-1�6�a3.1�S-zha��.-�r�a$t� a��-cipe��s�a�sas-be-i��ex�pe�. The leases r�ay be of any reasonable duration and . may contain such reasonable terms, conditions , representations and agreemen�s as to rentals, alterations, remodeling, maintenance, repairs and otherwise as ma� be appropriate or necessary. Prior to constructioa, the city and the cour.ty . shall have tha power and authority to agreo to lease space for such purposes fcr a term conmencing unon substantial completion of constructior,. o - � Se�. 2. Z7iis ac� shall take effect upon its approval by the b oard of �' county commissioners of Ramsey County, and upon compliance with 1�",innesota Statutes 1961, Section 645.021.