222770 r• . , - � ` .� � ' - ' ' � ' ; ... F � �, 7� CITY �����o ORIGINAL TO CITYrCLE11K ` -` � � '� � OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO �• � � b ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '�!k.��'i', f. �` , ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �,r,.t � �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DATF �• " �,..�� _F . , , �, RESOI�V�D� The �ouncil of the City of �aint Paul hereby • � i .; � , approvesj: � '' � . � '"A BILL FOR AN A�T RELATING TO THE ��ITY OF SAINT PAUL� AUTHORIZING THE I�SUAN�CE �F BON� TO �ROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE P'LANNING� A�CQIIISITION OF SITE�� FOR THE �CON�TRUCTI�N OF BUILDINGS OR �TRII�CTURF� THEREON� FOR THE EQUIPPING THERE�SF� FOR CARRYING ON A �OA�REHEN�IVE REF�TSE INCINERATION AND DIS�OSAI, FROGRAM� AND ENABLING THE CITY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FEDERAL FUND� WHI�CH MAy BE AVAILABLE FQR �ARRYING OIIT SII�i �ROGRAM." and recommends the same to the Ra.m9ey County �enate and House delegations. � ' � -l:..r.- _ � � FO APPROVE� � 0 Asst. Cor ration ounsel - APR 2 1965 COLJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' Dalglish APR 2 �a�67� • Holland pp ove 19— Loss , Tn Favor � �-• Meredith "' Pete rs on M8'yOr ' ' �.Against Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis - ,o� 6.a, . PUBLISHED APR 10 1�� DUrLICAT[TO rRINT[R .�, �' CITY OF ST. PAUL couKCa ����� ��� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DATF R�30LN3�D� �ie Ccnlnaii o� the ���� ot� �ai�� P�.ul hereby appro�es� "A $�T� 1�� I�N ��� �L�.q'iN4 �'0 � CI�X' OF BAIHT �'AD'L� AI)'�O�IZ��'(� �i� T�StTA�'CE ��` BO�DS �0 PRO�/xn� Ff�'�S ��i �HE P��G. �:CQIII���It�A �F �T� FOR 7� COxSTF�tTG�TCil� �F ��D�A(� 0� 3�T�3'Q�� �IIBR�Ol� F�O� T$� $Q�LT�PP�1�� �H�i$�'� F�0$ �AR�`YIN4 4Z( A t'AMP�&�f3I9E R�1�[J8� I�1(�iI�iTIOIt" Ai'iD �T3P�0�3AI, FF�OGrRAM A�D ��BZ��Qr TEE CI'rY T4 '�,'AKE AIa�TAt�!'AQrL QF' �'D�T, 1��5 WIiSCH M4Y BF� AY�LA�3L$ PbR �ARR3�IHf� E�J� �II� F'�Ot�RAM." and recommend� th� �a�e to the Ramss y Caunty S�e��te �r�.d �ous� , d�leg�.tions. APR 2 1965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish APR 2 �� Holland� Approved 19— Loss Tjn Favor Meredith Peterson �y�r �gsinst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ioas e-� i � } �����o `C- _� , 3-22-65 (R) City Bill No. �6 � A BILL FOR AN ACT RELATING TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, AUTHORIZTNG THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE PLANNING, ACQ�JISITION OF SITES, FOR THE CONSTRUCTIOIV OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES THEREON, ��JR THF �'QUIPPING THEREOF� FOR CARRYING ON A COMPREHEIVSIVE REFUSE INCINERATION AND DISPOSAL PROC�RAM� ANA ENABLING THE CITY TO �AKE ADVANTAGE OF FEDERAL FUNDS WHICH PlAY BE AVAILABLE FOR CARRYING OUT SUCH �ROGRAM. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section l. For the purpose of providing funds for tY�e planning, acquisition of sites, for the construction of buildings or structures thereon, for the equipping thereof� for carrying on a comprehensive refuse incineration and disposal program, and enabling the city to take advantage of federal funds available for such program� the governing body of the city of Saint Paul is authorized by resolution to provide for the issuance and � sale of general obligation bonds of the city of Saint Paul in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1g61, ' Chapter 475, as amended., in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000. such bonds may be issued and sold without a vote of the electorate and shall not be included in the net debt of the city for the purpose of any charter or other statutory debt limitation, and the taxes for the payment of the bonds and the interest rate .thereon shall not be subject to any statutory or charter limitation. Sec. 2. The authorization for the issuance and sale of bonds by the city of Saint Paul he�in provided is for the purpose of permitting sa�d city to take advantage of federal funds which . may be available whenever federal legislation has been passed so • as to permit municipalities to participate under a cooperative refuse incineration and disposal program or programs contemplated � r' h J�" ./'�_� ' ' 3-22-65 (R) No. 56 • by provisions of federal law� and to permit the city to Y participate in any other cooperative federal and municip�7� program or federal, s�ate, and municipal programs for the t ' carrying o�t of the aforesaid purposes. Sec. 3. This act shall become effective only after �.ts approval by a ma�ority of the governing body of tk�e city� of Saint Paul and upon compliance with the provjsi.ons of Minnesota � Statutes, Section 645.021, � � i � 2 •