222766 � ������ ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � x ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF TI-IE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES UTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED CY � _ COM M I551 ON E DATF _ RESOL�TED� That the �Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby � approves: "A BILL FOR AI� A�T RELATING TO TSE �ITY OF SAINT PAUL; AIITSORIZIIVG TSE ISSIIAN�E OF BOIdDS TO PROVI�E �TJNDS FOR TFiE PLANNING� AQC�UISITION OF SITES� FOR THE CONSTRIICTION OF B[TILDINGS_,OR STRU�TURES THEREON� FOR THE �EQIII�ING TAEREOF� F'OR �ARRYING OUT A �OM�REHEN�IVE CITY RECREATION PROGRAM� AN� ENABLING THE CITY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FEDERAL F�TND6 WHICH MAY BECOME AVAILABLE." and recommends the same to the Ramsey �ounty Senate and House delegations. FORM ApPROVED � .! . sst. Cor� ation unsef ., � APR 2 �5 COLTNCILIv�N Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays ��D � ��� Dalglish « Holland prove 19_ Loss Tn Favor � Meredith � Peters on �AyOr /�Ag81I13t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis _ _ - ion� e.sa �g��� APR 7.0 � DUrUCATC TO MINT[R �/ f/��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa `�'•'' '� �"' ^ p��F NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DA� 1�OL�Dy That the Council o�' the �ity oF 8a3,nt Paui heretiy �ppTO�►e�s "A BILI� FOR A�i AC� 1�A��'a �'0 � G�� D�' SAI�T pAU�3 AIITH�RZ���t�r �H� TS6t7A�C� QF BO�U3 �'0 P'ROYIUE �ETI(3� �OR �8� PL14�T�a� �CQtT�ST�'ION 4�' �IT&S .P�Oa � CON$�'C�O�' QF B[T�,DZ&C#S OR S�TCT�TR�S �R$0� �+OFi �'SF LQIIfP`g'�Af�r :�'H$RBO�' F�OR CAFi�i�1�TQr OIIT A COI�R�EUS�L �Ig'Y R�CRLA2�0� P'�4Q�M� AZ(D �tA�,�NQr � C�� �'0 �� AD�AI�.'A(�f� �P' F�D� PUI�'DS �IC� MA3� BT�COM� �.T�A�LABL�." and r�co��nds the sa.�e to th� R�ms�3► �Caunty Senate �nd Hous� delegations. APR 2 1965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish qpR � ��7 Holland Approved 19— Loss Favor Meredith Peterson /� _ �y�r Rosen �,Ag�st Mr. Presideut, Vavoulis ion[ e-a: • , ������ :y . � 3_24_(,5 ���y Bill No. G � • A BILL FOR AN ACT � RELATIVG TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE , PLANNING, AC�JISITION OF SITES, FOR '''HE CONSTRt7CTI0N OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTG'tt�S THEREON� " FOR THE EQUIPPING THEREOF, FOR CARRYIIVG OUT A COMPREHENSIVE CITY RECREATION PROGRAM� AND ENABLIIVG THE CITY �0 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FEDERAL FtTNDS WHICH MAY BECOME AVAILABLE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINIYESO�A: Section 1. For the purpose of prbviding funds for the planning, acquisition of sites, for the construction of buildings or structures thereon, for the equ�ping thereof, for carrying out a comprehensive city rec.reation program, the governing body of the city of Saint Paul is authorized by resolution to provide for the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of the • city of Saint Paul in accordance with the provisions cf Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 475, as amended, in an amount not to exceed $3,000?000. Such bonds may be issued a nd sold without a vote of the electorate and shall not be included in the net debt of the city for the purpose of any charter or other ' statutory debt limitation, and the taxes for the payment of , the bonds and the interest rate thereon shall not be subject to any statutory or charter limitation. Sec. 2. For the foregoing purposes� the city of Saint Paul is hereby authorized and permitted to enter into agreements with the federal government or any agency thereof, or with the state of Minnesota or any department or agency thereof, so as to make available to the city of Saint Paul for any o� the purposes set • forth in Section 1 of this act federal funds which may become available by virtue o� enact�e�t of federal legislation 1 r :� r � 3=24-65 Bill No. • authorizing cooperative federal and munieipal programs or federal, state and municipal programs permitting of sharing of the costs in carrying out the aforementioned purposes specified in Section 1 of this act. . Sec. 3. This act shall become effective only after its approval by a ma jority of the governing body of the city of Saint Paul and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section b45.021. � � 2