222761 T 22�"���. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK .,' CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�ENC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED QY � COMMISSIONE �s DA� RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 418.11, Minnesota Statutes 1941, and upon delivery to the Corporation Counsel of a release approved by him, St. Paul Transit Co. be paid $582.97 , out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund in full payment of damages sustained in an accident on December 7, 1964, with Craig Ealw�i�~. � Frye, policema�n, while 3,n the performance of his of£icial duties. RM APp� � st. oration Co nse� APR 2 ��� COLTNCILIvIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish APR 2 1965 Holland pproved 19— Los s Favor Meredith ` Peterson _ , V Mayor Q gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis �U.�USHED APR �� �� ion� e-sa ' DUrLICATC TO rItINT[R ���I'��� .• CITY OF 5�. P�AU�. courvca �' OFFICE C�F TI-IE �ITY ��ERK FlLE NO. COUNCIL RE��L!lTION—G��IERAL FORM ' �RESENYED�Y COMMISSIONE� DATF _ RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 418.11, Minnesota Statutes 1941, s�nd upon delivery to the Corporation Counael of s release appraved by him, St. Paul Transit Co. be paid �58�.97 out of the Judg�cnt and Cowpro�aise Ih�nd in full paye�ent of daaagea seistained in s�n accid�►t on Dece�ber 7, 1864, with Craig Ed�in Frye, policesian, while in the perforxance of hia official duties. ' APR 2 1965 COUNCILIVIEN A�opted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Daiglish APR 2 �9� Holland Approved 19_ Loss _.I�a g'�v�� Meredith —_ Peterson (� � MAyOr —'cy�.�1 gaiI1S� Ro W en Mr. President, Vavoulis IOM A�R