222746 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLE11K t• ►• • CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�NC�� ����46 � �f ;�., OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO • COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���ESENTED EY � OMMISSIONE DAT� �W�iEREAS� the Housing a.n.d Redevelopment A�thority of tY�e City of Saint Paul has heretofore sequired property in the City of Saint Paul �ander tY�e "Downto�rn. IIrban Renewal Area Pro�ect Minnesota R-20" ; and . �1I3EREAS� pursuant to State Statute such proper�y so - acquired is declared to be public property� and as such� exempt from all taxes and speQial assessments of the Gity� Courity� State a.nd any other politieal subdivision thereof� and taxes heretofore levied and properly payable in the year 1965� are sub�e�t to �abatement; and WI3EREAS� said"Housiag a.nd Redevelopment Authoritp� by Resolution No. 65-1/27-3 resolved to ma.ke eer�ain payments in lieu of taxes� in an amount not to�exceed twenty per cent (20;�) of the annual gross earnings in rentals fr�m all improved properties �.equired by the Authority� and not to egceed forty -per cent (4EY,�) of the annual gross earnings in rentals from � acquired property operated as parking� lots; r�ow� �herefo� be it RESOLVED� That the Housing an.d Redevelopment �uthority Commissioners and their staff be commended on their decision to make payments in lieu of abated 1965 general prop�rty taxes� and be it FURTHER RESOZVED� That the City ac�ept the resolution of the Authoritp on this matter as the basis of a mutual agreement and understa.nd3ng among interested parties. ' 1 . F � a � • rpora on Couns I .. qPR 1 �96� COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish APR 1 1965 Holland � Approve 19— Loss j Tn Favor w Meredith ' Peterson � ��� MByOr , A gainst �� , �:"l:�::':���GE^�a;'v,� � �izi...��.�°�.'._;� PUBUSHED APR 3 19� . Vice Presic�ent Rosen lOM 6�64 , +DUP(.ICATE TO rRINT[R ,- . .�' CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�uKCa NO ������ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORAA /RESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DAT� WSERF�i�, the Housing nnd Rsd��elopffient Authori�y of the City ot' �dint Pau� haa h��etofors aaquired proper�y in the Gity of S�int P�tul und�r the "Downtown IIrban R�nexal Area� Pro��ot Minn�aota R-�0"; �nd WHEREAS pursuant to Stat� 9t�tut� auah property so acquir�d i� �declared to bs public propsrty, and a�� aueh� eg��pt from �11 tazea and specisl a��e�sm�nts of the City� � County� Stat� snci any o�h�r political �ubdivia3on thersol� and taze: h�retofore l�vied and properly payabl� in th� y�ar 1965� are sub�eat to �b�etdaent; and WHEREAB, said Houai�� aad Red�v�tlopffient Authority� by � Reaolution No. 65-1/2�-� r�solv�d to nak• a�rtain p�ym�atffi in lieu of taxea� in aa �oun,t not to{ e�coe�d twan�y per aent (20;�) oi' �hs �nnual groaa •arnings in r�ntal� iro� all 3�pr�v�d prop�rtie� aaqui�ed by th� Authority� and not to �=a��d for�y per c�nt (�+O�b) oi' th� annual gsosa earn�.n.ga in r�ntala t'rond acc�ulred prop�rty opsrat�d as parkinQ lot�; now, th�reforq be it i�E30LVEA� �ha�� th� Honaing and R�d�v�lopm�nt Authvr3ty Co�im:ion�r� and their �ta�ft' b• �o��nd�d on thAir d�Qiaion �o a�k� p��n�: in li�u of aba��d 19G� gAn�raZ propsrty ta�cea; ar�d bs it A'T�iTHER RE30L�TED� �hat the Ci�y aeaept the resolution ot' ths Authority on thi� aatt�r �a the basia of a mutual agre�ent aind und�ra�andin� �on� �.nterested partiA�. APR 1 1965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglis6 ' - �P'R 1 �5 Holland ApproV�1 19— / Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � �yOY A gainSt D ?°'iCUJC� ��s!,�..��v��.n�...s.�wv��r�� 9 �.�6SLU.���y:�aQDiu1L�., Mr. Vice Presid�nt (I:osen) IoM E-6! �.. . . � � � , ���� . � 4b� ' 0 F F I C E 0 �� � . C: 0 R P 0 R A T I 0 [d C 0 U id S E L �r0: �,ir. Robsrt B. (�rbe�, Jr. DATE:�ebruaxy ].� 19s5 C�.�y ��.erk Your letter of J�nua�� 19� , __ _• c o n ce r n i n g �ar�t�,s�.p.���e�n ; n��_��e-�e�a#.� Au�horit�r Commiasioner� and �t��.���h�_�ar�and_de�.s3�oz�-- � to make pa:vmen�G�in�l�u..s�#'_���sL1�5 �p.�n�ra� �e��es �._�e��#.QT��d�b�_B��_grea. --__�.__. --- has been received. Mr. ]�ona.ld Hanson ._ �_._.___ of this office has been assigned to the matter, and you may direct future inquiries concerning the same directly to him. STEPHEN L. t�IAXti�1�LL Corporation Counse.l i � • Roliert B. Gerber, Jr. ��`�tT '',� Albert B. Olson City Clerk�nd � � Cozcncid Recorder Co�r�,miasioner of Registration � . +� _ .• . � - ° ,,• . OFFICE OF THE CIT7 CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL , BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesotc� 55i0� Jan. 29, 1965. . Stephen L. Ma�ae11, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The Council requests that yau prepare a resolutian commending the Housing Authority Commissioners and Staff on their considerable work and �udgment in arriving at a decision to ma,ke p�yments in lieu of abated 1965 general property taxes in the Dawntoura IIrban Renewal Area, and further accepting the resolution of the Authority on this matter as the basis of a mutual agreement among interested parties. Very truly yours, G `� AO�hp City Clerk � Oj•� � ' ��/ ,� �p�►`, � ti . 6,' ,�4� �� 2 � � 8 , c��' 9�o O _' , —�`� ���' � �� `� � ' , � . . � � . O�� 6 � �22 _,�� .r„ "- �� .,` '��, . . , /' � .�-.. � CITY OF SAINT PA .L�,...� Y ��. , {. . �_�---- __ ____: - . Capital of Minneso+a -� ____ .-.�,. . � ..�"`' -^^s'�-" � i , � DEPARTMENT O � �._R�, ��� ND�,�I�,���R TI� ` _,.N BLIC BUILDINGS _ �.-_ ��,, � _ ����� ` I _ __-� -�~ .I I I I — _ InC 1 .. r*� 1�/, � .��--- � �'�'��J �` � �v'' , _ �` 5 5��2 �.. � �V � � �� - _ _ F - ;�41C��L�:'��.�;-;O�S.�S �� ,: t` '� ;��.T -��� � � II�� ou�t _. ��y COMMISSIONER{ ;,�, �d�'�` " _ �\ r�l � 1�e 1���� - '� - - .Y '�` � ` �:�� . � -- - - - - �-=-�^��,�_ ^•_,�„�,�,P�i.l.L„1 P, L. L E I E R '' . �� 'i _ . -. - �\ �� ' �'` . .> Depu4y Commissioner „� _ :i � � �►' `ti� \ e `m��', a �'z � .<�, . �' t'I` � � rr ��-= , �S'� - -r- .a -r January 29, 1965.� r. Stephen Maxwell Corporation Counsel St. Paul, Minne s ota Dear Mr. Maxwell: Attached is a certified copy of Resolution No. 65-1/27-3 adopted by the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelop- ment A.uthority, authorizing payments in lieu of abated 1965 general property taxes in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project. As directed in this morning's Counci.l session, your office is to draft a resolution of commendation to the Housing and Re- development Authority for their action. Sincerely, �� ���i�-1� s-�Q/ Frank L, Loss � Commissioner se atta ch. �'. I .N c�,� . �,�i t . '��,� ' I ��� ��65�� � � �� �PN����;�� S� b ' _„x,t1aQ n � �a�r. ��. � .��' 6 � o � ��� � - } ��u���� A�a RE�E���o�������� ����a���� o � �� � � � a� Ta�E t�nr 4F ��i��r �'�u�, ��R��ESO�� .�� � � � S5 EAST FIFTH STREET � ' J ' F January 28, i965 SAINT PAUI, MINN. 55101 ;.�� �� 223-5218 � � O y � � HAROID x MORL►.RTY , CMnUr�oe 8. WARNER SNtPPEE EUGBdE R. LI�AIEERT Ea�cv1(v� Oi�Mor �ATR%CK J. TOWLE 10HN W, GriEENMAN HARRY P. STRONG 1R. JAlAcS J. DhIGISSN FRMlK L. Ld55 �onorable Frank L. Loss Commiasioner City Hall, a�ad Court Souse Saint Panl, Minnesoca ' Desr �cm�m.issioner Loss: Find enclo�ed a certif�.ed co�y of kesolu�ion No. 65�1J27�3 adopted by the Ca�mimissioncrs of th.e Housin.� and Rsdev�lopn�c�r.t Authority oF tYae Citq of Saint PauY, Minnesota authorizing pay-m�ntE in lieu of abate.c� 1965 general property ta�es 3.� the Downtcr�n Urba� Renewal Praject in the �taunt of 2(�: af gro3s amival rentals on all �roved groper�ie� airl 40°l. of grose annual rental3 on all parking lote acquired by the Authority. The increa�ed percentage om parking lote �s�d tha deeerminstton to usake s� in lieu payment as to rentals eErned by th� Authority on ali properties ac�uired in 1965 upon which 1965 taxes wi11 be paid, should incxe8ae the $mou�t of Che in liru pgyuient over �he Authority's original eatimate and ac�ordingZy reduce tti� 1965 tax revenue loaa. Very truly youra, �,+ , � � �.►�. �.�.�v.�ri��r(l.. �. 1 � A. Warmer Sbippee Executive Director � En�c. ,.�.. ,. �...=� �...,�ni�+�✓�+�+�tw�.�•w}rery,,...t..++.r--.�+-.i+y��+--►~'�.'�"��,�....,s•e�wr.r►.ry....�......+r.-+.r-�v..^�.r�..�w.�r.....ww: .. ....�.... -. .M,..`'F....r.....,..j.-����r.-.�.,.,.....�,.�..,1�; ... . _ � . .. _. .' ,, a , ��� Au 'C . , '! • � � G-7 10/20/60 , CERTIFICATE OF S�CP.L°.CARY T$e undersigned hereby certifies, as follo4rs: (I) Tha� he is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of tha Housin� and Redevelopment Authoritq of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota� herein called the "Local Public Agency1° and the keeper of the records of � the Local Public Ageacy; (2) That the attached RESOLIITION N0. 65-1 L27-3 �.$ 8 C1'L12 &I1CZ COY'T@C� copy O� tYIG' ,�OSO�fitinn a„thoriz�nr�Ray_ment in lieu of exempt 1965 General Proper Ta.xes - Minn. R-20 as executed on the �7t day of Ta??La� , 19 65 ; , (3) The aeal atfixed below consritutas �he official aeal of the Local 1'ublic Agency and this Certiticate is hereby executed under auch official sea1; (4) Thar the undQraigned �s duly authorized to e�cecute this Certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto seC his hand this 27th day of Januarv , Z9 65 . � � � � f .� r� :���f�l.I�� . �. �d��� � Secre�ary �/ ( S E AL ) . 'r� . . � . f • I � ti � � � ` • .+ �. ! . • R E S 0 L U T I 0 N N 0. 65-1/27-:� � I . + ' RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT TO ' j � THE TREASURER, COUNPY OF RAMSL'Y� OF i ' CERTAIN MONIES RECEIVED FROM OPERATION � OF PROPERTIES IN DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL ' � AREA PROJECT MINN. R-20, IN LI�iT OF � • ', .. � EXEMP'r 1965 GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES ' a WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.575, Subdivision 1, the property of Che Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City ' of Saint Paul, Minnesota is declared to be public property used for essential public ' and governmental purposes, and such property and the Authority are exempt from•all taxes and special assessments of the city, the county, the state or any political subdivision thereof during such period that obligations issued by the Authority . pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.411 through 462.711, to assist in ' financing the development of a project are outstanding and federal contribution to such project continue; and � . � WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.411 to 462.711, the Authorit.y has undertaken the development of a project designated • as the "Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project Minn. R-20", a duly adopted Redevelopment � Plan for said Project, now being in effect, and for which Project a Loan and Capital Grant Con�ract, between the Authority and the United Seates of America, was entered ; into on August 31, 1964, whereby the United States of America will make loans to the Authority upon notes, bonds or other obligations of the Authority or guarantee ' ' payment of such obligations issued with respect to the Project in an amount not to exceed $18,02�2,127, and a capital grant to the Pro,ject in an amount not to exceed ' $11,603,763.00; and . • WHEREAS, the Authority has undertaken the development of the Downtown Urban � Renewal Area, Project Minn. R-20 and has issued its obligations in the amount of $10,500,000 to date therefor, and did after date of November 1, 1964 and before , � January 5, 1965, acquire certain property in the Project Area located in the City � • of Saint Paul, the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota; and , , WHEREAS, the property so acquired is exempt from general property taxes pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.575, Subdivision 1 and other applicable , law, and general property taxes paqable in 1965 are subject to abatement; and � WHEREAS, the Authority will manage and 'operate certain acquired properties � in the Project. to provide for an orderly relocation of the occupants thereof and _ , until such time as the property is required for redevelopment, and desires upon , abatement of general property taxes payable in I965 as to the heretofore acquired real property, to make reasonable payments, from rental and operating income in the year 1965, in lieu of said taxes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Hqusing and Redevelopment Authority . . of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota that upon abatement of 1965 general property _ • taxes on exempt property in the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project Minn. R-20, , ' . payment shall be made to the Treasurer, Ramsey County, Minnesota, by the Authority � ' .-j from rental and operating •incomes earned b.y the Authority in lieu of abated�general = property taxes in an amount not to exceed twenty (20%) per centum of annual gross ' • earnings and rentals from all improved propex�ies acquired by the Authority and not . . , to exceed forty (40%) per centum of annual gross earnings and rentals from acquired � _ . properties operated as parking lo�s.� � , _ - � . . - _ � � . ... _ - - ' . � - • , - - � , - . ` . - � _ t� 1 . � ' � , . . . i ' • � � • :. - , • r- - - ' .1- �- �--- __--- �- --°- --�.c•- - � ___- - - � ----- --- - - -