222741 .� ORIG NAL TO CITY CLERK �, CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF F3FSOLVID, That the following water mains have been approned by the Board of Water Commissioners for installation subject to the concurrence . by the City Council: Fsast Sixth Street From Birmingham Street to Hazelwood Street. , Wabasha Street (Ramp E) ' From Commercial to Water Street, Water from Ramp E to Starkey, and Starkey, Water to Fillmore. Sherman Street From the end of the present main Southeaster],y approximately 35 feet. . , APR 1 1�65 `'�- — COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas DaIglish NayB APR 1 ��� Holland � Approve 19— �ss �� Tn Favor ��y�hc� _ Peterson � Mayor A gainst _D�u � ���p�Y�`���:���� PUBLISN�D APR 9 f�6 esident (Rosen) ion� e-sa �' �2�'�41 DUPLICATE TO rRINTER .y CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RFSOLYFD, That the fol].o�aing w�t�r nda3na har� been appro�d by � Bo�;rd of W��ter Co�ia�sione�s for inats�.latidn aub3eat to the cuncurrenae b�r t.l�s City Cov,ncilt �mt �ixth Str�et Fro� Birminghz�a S�Graet �o �.a�I�r'c�od Strest. S�T�b�aha 3treet (R�p �) Fra� Co�raial t.o Water Str�et� Ws��er fro� Raxp � to St�rkey, and Starkey, Wat,er to 1�`l.�ors. 5hernan Street �'rc� t.he end. o� the pr�se�nt �.n southe�sterly appzroa3.a��i� 35 feet. � A���. 1�65 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish ��� � �9� Holland / Approved 19— Loss -. 7� In Favor OI 1T1 Peterson O Mayor ��� A gainst �.�3'4;l.�e91�2I2�'.y.e�'d�VO.l'1�1� Mr.Vice President (Rosen) ionz a-a2