222736 ORIGII�IAL TO CITY CLlRK ���'�36 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED DY /;� COMMISSIONE DATF — RESOI,VED� That the Cot�ncil of the City of Saint Paul �oncurs in the reeommendation of the Commissioner of Parks and Reereation and Public Buildings to en�er an agreement with Frank J. Gruber, 3289 Emmert Street, in the City of Saint Paul� for the privilege of the sale of novelties and operation of electrically driven children�s rides at the Como Park picnie groiands durir�g the park season cf 1965; and that said Frank J. Gruber shall pay for the privileges granted the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) � papable in four (4) equal installmer�ts of 2wo Hundred Dollars (�200.00) eaeh� to provide a pu�lic liability a.nd property damage policy� whieh policy shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel; arid be it FIIRTHER RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel be authorized and direeted to draw an agreement therefor and that the proper City officials be and hereby are authorized and directed to egeeu�e the sa.me on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. , � ; � Ep • Corpor�a#ron Counsel APR 1 1965 . COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council -�� 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish APR 1 1965 Holland � Approve _ __. 19— Loss Tn FaVOr , Meredith Peterson U ��j�{� �yOr A gainst Rns�+�.�� ......... ��D �� � � �`����'e�+'N'avo��F;� Mr. Vice President (lt�sen) loM E-64 DU�LIC�►T[TO rRINTtR ��2►��6 �' CITY OF ST. PAUL couKCa � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fRESENTEO �Y COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul conaura ia th� reaomm�ndation of �he Coramissioner oP Parka and Re�re�tion �id Pub11a Bvilding� to enter an agr��ent with Frank J. {3ruber, 3289 E��rt 3treet, in the City of Saint Paul� for the privilege oP the sale of aovelties incl operation of •laetri�ally driven childr�n� s rides at the Como Park picnic grounda dur�.ng the park seaaon d 19653 �nd �ha� �aid Frank J. Q�rub�r aha►11 pa�y �'or the privileges granted the awn ot' Eight Hundrad Dollar� ($800.00) payable. in four (�+) eq�aal install��r�t � of Txo Hundred Dollar� (��00�00) each� to provide � puflio liability and propeFty 8a�ag• policy� whiQh poliay �hall b• �pprove�. by the Co�por��ion Counsel; and be it FIIRTHER RE30�VED� Thnt the Corpora�ion Eounasl be authorized a.nd di�ected to draw an agreement �herefor �nd that the prop�r City ot`fia341s bs and her�by a.re �uthorised and direat�d to exeaute �he �a►me on beha].� of th� City of S�int Paul. AP R 1 19fi� COUNCILIV�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �jPR, 1 19v� Holland Approv� - --- 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Petersoa �y�r �_ ���gainst � •���::::::::::�E�€��•.•,:�.:..'�: Mr. Vice President (Rosen) loM 68!