222735 ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLERK ��2►73� :f CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF HE CITY CLERK LICEPISE COI�I'?'TEE UNCIL RESO I —GENERAL FORM re�reo er April l, 1965 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOITTED: That l�censes applied for by the following persons at +,he addresses stated� be and the sar.ie are hereby granted. Land 0'Lakes C��ner�es, Inc. 22Z5 NE Kenned� Mp1sR Ice G�eam M&D ,App.13519Renewal w u 1�#z67 - ++ n a " �t. Nki.cha.el, P�nnesota Milk Plant " 1353�" n n 1g���r ' a� n n Maple �'lain Creamery Co. Maple �lain, M�nnesota Tce �ream M & D " 13576" n n 1`7�i�'�*19 a n n BaPtusch Packing �o. s67 N. Cleveland Focds MPDW " 13589° _ " " 8v#449-.456 u +� n �Kemp's Ice Cream Co., Inc. � R.oyalston Ave. Mpls. Ice Cream r7&.D " 13607n 2v#355^�6 " n n Foremost Dairzes, Inc. 1?8 IIniversity SE Ice Cream M&D " �3'730n n M l S. _ p— 6V��0�l-+5' n u n Nat�onal Butter Co. 2225 Terr3�torial Rd. Foods MP17W " Z375�" - " n Armour & Co. 2231N Terr�torial Rd. " " 13847" Ruesell Creamery Co,, Inc. 1929 S, th M �s. �� " n 5 p_ Ice CreaM M&D 13889 �� 2��697_8 n n �� �riental Dairg Prod+acts Co., Inc„ 180Z-3 Olson Hwy. Cottage Cheese Di.st.13588n u Mpls. .lV�1214 App." " Ben Mirsky 175 �• 7th Grocery " (3;�n Qfncent 0. �fones 1019 Edgerton " " 677Rene�ra.1 � „ G`1�garette r� " � Joseph Bar.lbusch 1�7Er Wabash� �arber n 695n Carl V. Johnson I365 Arcade Vend.I�ach.£,oca. " 70;" n � n ��gar�tte �� ,� n � �R.�T�eY'.2M n n n " ������ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ; CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO L���T� �I,,�,,�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RES�reo er Anr�.l 1� 1965 COMMISSIONEe DATF Contd. Page� 2 Jerome & Clifford. Nelson 1219 Arcade Butcher App.711Renewal CarZ Schmalzbauer 820 E. 7th Gas Sta.-3P " 713" '► " . C�n.P,ep.Garage " " °' n n Vend.Mach.Loca. '� '� n Marv�n Lerol � 571 �. 7th Beaaty Shc�p " 715" Fred Hagerstrom �Fi.restone Ti.re & Rubber Co. n . is3 w. 5th Vend.Macr.Loca. " 7?2n �.St. Pau:L School of Beauty 441 St. Peter " " 725�� " �Carr_e1�.an Beaut� Salon, Inc. 445 Cedar " " 733" " �rthur G.� Murrav 374 Wabasha � - " " 735" Rellogg–Robert St. Corp. 316 Robert Vend.Mach.Loca. �' 748" St. Mar�e News Co„� Inc. �6 �.. 5tn Orig.Conta�ner " 757n n C�garette n n tt - Uniformed Fire Fighters of St. Pau1 �21 Sta. �� 860 Ashland Vend.I�'�ach.Loca."760" "n°�Sta. �10 754 Randolph � Vend.Mach.Loca. A . " pA 765 nnn'�ta.�14 91 N. Snelling n n 7�gn nn nsta. �17 . 12.26 Payne ° n 769�� Sta.#18 681 IInivers�ty n �� ��n n ti asta.'�19 a n a � 2530 Ed�e c�m�e " " ��n Sta. 20' 2179 IIn�versity " �� 772n Sanitary Farm �Koppers Co., Inc, 1000,N. Hamline " �� 784n Joseph �. Rauscher 935 N. Dale 2�d.Hd.Dlr.Gen." 7$7p u n �� ' n Orig.�onta�ner " " Q �1e�a.rette tt n n Arnold E, Tessmer ��Tfctor Paskvan 108? Pasne �end.Mach.I,oca,. �� 795n � E�'zC� 909 Selby �� n „ �25 �idwest Spring Mfg. Co, 906 N, Dale . Vend.M�ch.Loca. " g2gn COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approve� 19— Loss Tn F'8VOr Meredith Peterson , MAyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iont e•a� � ���'�35 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK J � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LI C�NSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED QY Apz-i1 l, 1965 COMMISSIONE� DAT� Contd. Page 3 Jos�ph Franc?s 2038 Ford Pkwy. Barber �pp.838Renewal Coca Cola �St. �ater�.ne College 20Q4 Randolph �end.Mach.Loca. " 839" Roger M. Larson & Aarloz�a R�.chardson 1397 St.Clair Restatzrant '� 841" David E. Vadnais 1428 Pacific Gas Sta. 6P " 84S" n " Gen.Garage " " " Janet Bilski 1832 St. G'lair 1V#1533�F7-orist)" 848" �� " Flox�ist �� 84ott Fred J. Robinsoa 480 Wabasha Pawnbroker " 861" 7Up �St. �a,therine Colle�e 2004 Ra.ndolph 4end.Ma.ch.T..oca. '� 864° �endall �Specialty Mfg.Co. 2356 IIn�vers�ty " '� $76" Clar� 0�.1 & Ref3�ning Corp. 20i W. 7th Gas �ta. 4P " 890" . u " Cigarette " " u White Bear Floral Shop 3�50: x��. 61 White Bear Lake Flor�st-N." 897" n , " 2��1535-6 .Wpp,n n IICIT Corp. 6th fl.NW Nat. Bank Bldg. �igarette " 901" Shoppers Trlorld, Inc. 1441 E. hfagnolia Florist-P]. " 902." nopher Rambler, Inc. 78'� E. 7�h 2nd.Hd.Mtr.Veh.D1r.903 " - 79� E. 7th D1r.Rep.Ga.rage App.904n 7Up �Concordia College 275 N. Synd�czte gend.Mach.I�oca. n n " �Charip�.on Chev. Co. 171 IIniversity '� �� 918n " �Cons_o13.d.ated Printing Lnk Co. �31 N. Griggs " � Qlq�� APR 1 �fi� APR 1 1965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas NaYs APR 1 1965 Dalglish Holland Approve 19— Loss ` Tn Fsvo1' Meredith Peterson l, ) , MByOr ���gainst osen � � ��� :.�'°�'�. � �UBU�H�o APR 3 1� . �