222717 rr 4 V ����� • ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO- Llc�tsE C��tTTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCI ESOLUTION ENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY March 30� 1965 COMMISSIONE DAT� _ RESQLVID; That App�ication J-633 for the transfer of On sale Liquor I�icense No. 6655, expir!ng January 31� 1966, issued to Lucille St.Marie at 719 North Dale Street� " be and the same is her�by transferred to J. J. White, Inc. at the same address. On Sale Liquor Establishment TRANSFER (Licensees} Informally approved. by �ouncil Maxch 11, 1965 . B. of H. Conditional MAR 3 01�65 COLTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �g flp � � ��CC� Dalglish cr,.�� `-o Holland Approve 19— Loss � � Tn Favor G Meredith �J -�� ACtI�� Mayor ��. A gainat � a::��:;:..,:;:o�,...�a,:�. PUBLISHED APR � 1�� .�'w��.����.��Y�$4. '�. Mf. Viae Preside,nt (Rosen) iont �s 31�,�,d , 7�!'0 ��- � S�a � � � z27/ � _ ; . - br��i� Cd�� ?°-. G�TY `OF ST. P�1UL ,���� APPLICATIC�N FOR "C�N SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE ' . Application No. _ ._.._..._._ J. J. WFIITE, INC. • IVameof Applicant..........._.__.__._._._.__.�_.._._._... _...._...._.._. ........... .............._.........._.........._....__._...... Age........_._._.....__......_..._.....__.._..._ Residence Address....._._....719�..No. .Dale Street, St. Paul, Minnesota � � ` ............................_.......... Telephone No............_..._....__.....__...__........_..._ Are you a citizen of the United States?...._._......._....Corporation..._____.._....._.:_ _ _...._.._..__.__...._..___._._....._......................_._...__ � , Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similax nature? ..............._...._........_....._............---............__..I�Ia._..._.__._..._..._...._......._...__.___..._......_.-�---_._---�-�---___._.----�-- Whenand where'?......................._...._.~.-........._..._.__..._._......_._.._.__.__...............---.._.._....._............_.._...._....._.._.._..._..._.._._.._..______.- _ If corporation, give name and • J. J. �+IFiITE� 1NC. general purpose of corporation...._...._...._...__._...__._..._........._..._._.__..._._._..___...._.._._...._._. ._. .__..___�.._.Qn�r.a�.iaza_..�,�..an.._Q,�aSa.l,e�Ret:aa.l. .��,.9,uor_..E�t�blishment__....__._..._..__.__.._.._...__. .__v Whenincorporated Y....._..._..._....M��h__..9...,,..._�,2.6.1.._.__.._..__..................._.....__.....-•-�---�---.._...._...........__ __.._._..__..._........�__........._._ If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quaiters for club members?....._...._._"r...__._...___._._...�...._.........._.___ .� How many members?....._........-.---.._..._..._.._....._._.-�.._..---___.._... + - Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name;and address of general manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . .� John J. White, President and General .Manager, 679 Hoyt Avenue, St.Paul, Minnesota ` _........_....__._...._..._................._..............._....__._...._...._....__.............._..._ _ _.._...._._..__._ -______.__._._..... ..... ._------__._........_..._.....___.............._..__ Frank White, Vice President, 1 6l��Charles Avenue, St. Paul, NXi.nnesota ....................._........................................_...._...._._._...._..__.._._._...._...�._....._.._.____........._.._......_..._......................_........._..-•-----�--�----_.....__._...__.__.................__---- .......................E�r.elyn...C.....White�...Sec.Treasurer, 679 �Toyt. Avenue,..St. .P_aul, .Minnesota.�W�. . .` .Y �_�� . t . . ' - - - .. ..............._..._.................................._...._...._....----__...._.._...._._ __.. ...�.._...._....._._.__...._.____..__..__..._----._.........._..........................._ r Names and addresses of Stockholders: .John J. _Tnlhi.te 679 Fioyt Avenue, St.Paul, Minnesota � .t..._...._..__.._._...._....__.�___...__....._.�..............................._...._.....--�-�--..._...._..._.-�---.._...............___....._....__.._...............___— ..___._.........._..------�--.._.____.........__.�_._..._..� ..............._._.......-�-�-�---�--... ........._. , ..___. ...._.._.� .....___..._...._..._...................__...._... � '; Give name of surety company which�will write bond; if known_....................._...._...._....`...._..........:...__...____....._.__............._......._...._...._ � Number ' ` Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward ' 719 �No. Dale St. � SW corner� Va,n Buren and Minnehaha �Streets . . . . � -. . .. _ . , How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?...._....._.....�:..blocks _ _ _ _ How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?.................:..._4..blocks ' � � , � ..�........�..�...�.L.:.�.........�.�...........��....�...�...............�..�..«�.�� C How many feet from closest public or paxochial grade oi• high school (measured along streets) ?._......�:..blocks ; „_........____.._ Nameof closest school....._......_.St..A�nes._.._..__._....__.._....._......................_........_............_........_............_..._...._.._..._.__..._...._.:.._r..__.___ ' ''�. = -. How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?........................0 ommercial. � ' � :` � : . .. ........._......___._.._.._.._...._.._;...._..._.__....._.____..._ - . r,,� - . , - �: Oi� what floor loc ted?.................First floor._................._....__........._..._.........._..............._.........�:...:.........-•---_....._.._..._..:.._:�......_....._................___ � - Are premises�ed by you or leased?...B.e..in.g _.......... leased � purchase� �ve name of owner_._.........._.-......._..�..._...._.........._...._........._ Ifa restaurant give seating capacity?................._...8D........_....._....---........ . .._._.............._........_......_........_..........__.._..._....._-.-_'..--:'...=_...............___.�_ - = � Ifhotel, seating capacity of main dining room?......_..--__........._.........._..__..............�.._............_.._..._..__.......:.._..._..__......�::...................._._..._, �,: J. J. WFIITE INC. � � ' �•,,, ,,�, , � " Give trade narrie----------------�---- ---�--------------i------------ �-------------------------------------•--------�-�-----------•----------------•-----------------------�--�----.._---------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: (The inlormation above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?..........._.�bone._. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)....____...._..._........_. � Give names and addresses of three business references:..___._.._._...___.._.....__. .__._....._....._...._.........._........__....._.........._....._.._....._ Ma.rtin J. Z en .Attorney at.LawL 61�1 University Avenue, St.Paul, Minnesota � 1.._.............._....._..._..._.................�......� ......_.........._..__.........._...._..........._...._..__..__..._._ 2,....._.___._.J�mes.�J.....McCarter,.,18,�2 ir7ellesley Avenue_,__St.Paul,� rlinnesota� ... .. ........._......._..........._. 3..---......_..western.._State__Bank,_.66 Universit�,Av���.e.�....�ta....�'.�.ul,.._�n�sa:�a._._._._...._--.---........._ . _. _. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE- APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OI+' THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: SE� OTHER SIDE �