06-212Return copyto:jao Public Works Tech. Services 1000 City Hall Annea LUTION Council File # t� ' Z� Z Green Sheet # 3029678 PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 0 Committee: Date 3l BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the City of St. Paul, as documented in Public Works Technical Services, Vacation File Number 17-2005, the public property hereinafter described is hereby vacated of its interest as street right-of-way: Olive Street from the north line of Grove Street to the south line 6 of Thirteenth Street and the alley in Block 3, Patterson's Addition. 7 8 This vacation sha11 be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1981, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: That an easement shall be retained in Olive Street on behalf of Xcel Energy-Gas Division for access and maintenance of its existing facilities. That an easement sha11 be retained on behalf of St. Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) to access and maintain its existing facilities, conditions of the easement are outlined in the SPWRS standard easement provisions dated 2(8l2002. That an easement shall be retained on behalf of Xcel Electric to maintain its existing _ facilities, specifically the east 10 feet and the west 10 feet of that part of Olive Street lying south of the south line of Thirteenth Street and north of the north line of Grove Street. That fire apparatus access shall be retained by the City of St. Paul, Department of Fire and Safety along the east half of Olive Street from the north line of Grove Sireet to 200 feet north. That an easement sha11 be retained in Olive Street on behalf of District Energy of St. Paul for access and maintenance of its existing facilities. That an easement shall be retained in Olive Street on behalf of the City of St. Paul, Department of Public Works for access and maintenance of its existing sewer facilities. 2 oc�-ztZ 3 That, at the direction of the City of St. Paul, Department of Public Works, the petitioners, 4 their successors and assigns shall be responsibie for all costs and expenses for the 5 reconstruction of both ends of Olive Street, to the satisfaction of said Public Works, this 6 shall include, but not be limited to, street pavement, gutter, sidewalk and boulevazd. The 7 four street lights on Olive will need to be removed by Public Works Maintenance when the 8 street is vacated, contact the General Foreman for Public Works Lighting and Signal � 10 11 12 13 14 15 Maintenance. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Department of: Public Works : / /1 //� Director Adopted by Council_ Date��c� !� �ODti Adoption Certified y Council Secretary By:_.�js/A � 'vD Approved by � r: D By: _ Form I� � by City far Submission to Counci] 4.`[ ( ' '�' a . � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � P1/1/ – Public Wocks ContaM Person & Phone: Juan Odiz 26fr88C4 Must Be on Council Agenda by /�CDUNGi� uy FEd= Z ContraMType: RE-RESOLU1lON Date Initiated: 16FE6-06 � , Assign Number For Routing Order tJ�4 ' Z � Z Green Sheet NO: 3029678 Ueparbnenf SentTOPerson — In , itiaVDa�te 0 ,Public Works Yteal Fspte 1000 CHA I(yK� ✓ 1 CStvAttomev I CStvAtfo �/7-G 2 iPubGc Works bGc Wodcs Director �� Z/'ab 3 or's Office ' Ma oNAssi 4 oundl Ci onndl 5 ICitv Clerk Citv Clerk I 6 public Works � eal Esfate 3000 CHA Total # MSignature Pages �_ (Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Vacate Olive Street between Grove and 13th, and the alley in Block 3, Patterson's Addition. itlations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Piannirg Commission CIB Committee Ciul Senice Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm e�er wwked under a coMract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn eeer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cur�ent ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separste sheetand altach to green sheet Inkiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): In order to properly expand and secure the area azound the SPPD Headquarters and the Ramsey Co Law Enforcement Center, a request to vacate a street and alley has been made. Advantages HApproved: The azea can be secured better. Disadvantages IfApproved: None foteseen. �a ;;_ ���: ������ r'� _� l � . .:e�; ? `a �?�"�et� Disadvantages NNotApproved: The azea will not be as secure as desired by Ramsey County and the SPPD. �e9 4� r :"4 d � i..� � ° F � � 'G � Transaction: Fundinp Source: Activity Number. ��� S I_2008 Financial Information: Since the City is the petitioner, [he normal processing fees aze waived. (Explain) � � �� + ^�^�^n^,art�"�, `�Yr't r? �:�,.,. CosllRevenue Budgeted: ContracSS Must Mswer the Following Febnrary 90, 2006 10:13 AM Page 1 Q(a 2l 2� , r �. ��, 12—t4—o5;13:a6 ;pWest t e�iJf:; ' . . . . . . -. ' . . . ��.• . . . . To: Reply to Vacation Inquiry Fite #17-2005 Fu # 65� 714 6674 # i/ 3 L�ls•Lt Juan Ortiz ��m: ���L 51 'To,� F2tr^' }�',�2 City of St. Paul . � �a. ! : � � • :: = .: _., Estate Division 266-8850 Phone # � l � � �Lt ���a 266-8855 F�#l„�/ -7��i_�SfS�, � ❑ ❑ We have no objections to this vacation. We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORM IS TO VACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY ONLY : Vacate Olive Street from Grove Street to 13` Street and Woodwazd Avenue from Olive to 124.5 East. �21k7�S � ���5 9,� T� 1 �{�J L tt 1�+� � 1�C�- � 1' 7= L� i ►J "rk� '���6�.� &�Elk- � -�-� � � Signed � � �2-/ -��/ Date 2 � Juan Ortiz Re 12/14/2D05 New StreeC Vacation Inqwry , � g , ..n,.n�,__ ____ __ _.�_ e __._�_ _ .� . _. _, _.___�__ _ �. ... _w Page 1; O �' d' I � From: Tom Beach To: Ortiz, Juan Date: 12/14/0512:5631 PM Subject: Re: 12/14/2005 New Street Vacation Inquiry LIEP has no objections ta the proposd vacations. Tom Beach LIEP 8 East 4th Street Suite 200 Saint Paul, MN 55101 651-266-9086(phone) 651-266-9124 (fax) tom.beach@ci.stpaul.mn.us (email) »> Juan Ortiz 12/14(05 11:04 AM »> ROW Vacation File Number 17-20051Vacate Olive St and Wodward Avl Please refer to the attached files for a map and reply form - Questions, E-mail me- THANKS! Juan�Ortiz �Re 12/14/2005 New Street Vacation Inquiry ��� � � � �� � � � � � �� �� � � � P�e 1 � V lX ��� � From: Jody Martinez To: Ortiz, Juan Date: 12/14/05 11:5828 AM Subject: Re: 12/14/2005 New Street Vacation Inquiry Parks and Recreation has no objection to this vacation as there are no known existing or proposed Parks in the vicinity. Jody Martinez Parks and Recreation Design 8 Construction Manager Ph: 651-266-6424 Fax: 651-292-7405 »> Juan Ortiz 12/14/2005 11:04 AM »> ROW Vacation File Number 17-20051Vacate Olive St and Wodward Avl Please refer to the attached files for a map and reply form - Questions, E-mail me- THANKS! D(��2�1 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #17-2005 We have no obiections to this vacation To: .Tll8II�1't1Z�Fram: NA\�lE CityofSt.Paul YourDzp±orUtiiin Real Estate Division Phone# 266-8850 Pbone# F�a 266-8855 F�� We will approve this vacation, subiect to the followin� conditions: For the foliowing reasons, we cannot annrove this vacation: THIS FORM IS TO YACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY DNLY: Vacate Olive StreeY from Grove Street to 13'�' Street and Woodward Avenue from Olive to 124.5 East. ���r ' V �- Signed !a- j� os Date .� � � 2 Feb. 6. 2006 1:52PM Comcast Rep{y to Vacation tnquiry File #17-2005 No.0289 P. 3 p� ��l2- JuaA OCHzI Fn°m: NAME CityofStPaul+ YourDeptorUtiliry T0: 266-8855 I F�' °` Fox q Wa have no obiections to this vscation We wi11 spprpve this vacation, eubject to the followins conditions: For the followinQ ressons, we cannot a�rove tl�s vacation: THI RM O VA STRE Rl'GH F WA N�Y • Vacate Olive Street from Grove Street to 13`� Street and Woodward Avenua from Olive to 124.5 East. s��,� 2 �z /p( naca � � � z Feb. 6. 2006' 1:52PM ''Comcast a i• No. 0289�. P. 5 I ,� � a � ^ � N ��'O �� Si9 a W N� � W N S .�-� � , , W D�e n N � � ��� � � X� I X D �oe�eg o"s",�� �, I �s'� � +' � & I r ��.F.. __� / ' R - � � r' i � 2�_ � � ° �� 1 -�� ��¢— J � a g ly/ F ~ + N i-- -�-°-- � ,�v' sts � �p�-''s��oe° �.._ �P"ooa � � � I 'g �� � ( � ; I : { � � ,. - �_� - _--��� ppp �� , � � ; � � 2s � I x do I r _ J �� j� i � I d l__ `l r "[�+ ��� I � ' j p � q � l0 7`�� i � 2 I � � �� �° � ��' � x � i i I / ��1��� � •' �9_ `` � \ . '\ Im � � iS 3ntlo � 11 y � C � ` \� 1 L _ � ^ V �'_ ' � I �� � �� € ��i ��5 � � w � ' � � � OIO 1 � � M � 3� , _� 3 Y p�( �4 Z .att � � ,. h N "�� .EES ^ �� ''- or-- N 1S 3Nld � � � �� ,ZE ao � 0 w o , 1oY Y x ao = I ^ x wo I. Q . O \ � L �_ 4j Dec, lg. 2005 1:59PM Xcel Energy Rice St. 3rd Fl Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #17-2005 We have ao obiecrions to this vacation To: Fax k � .j118i! �TLIZ I From: \AME Ciry of St. Paul � Yous• Depc or Urilin 266-8850 Phoae# 266-8855 F�" We will avprove this vacation, subiect to the following conditions: For the followin� reasons, we cannot apvrove this vacarion: THIS FORMIS TO YACATE STREET RIG�IT OF WAYONLY: Vacate Olive Street from Grove Street to 13`� Street and Woodward Avenue from Olive to 124.5 East. D (� ��'! 2- . � � RESPQNSE BY XCEL ENERGY GAS: Gas fscilities are present in ihe subject right-of-way of Olive Street. An easemenf will be required in the proposed vacation of Olive Street to protect the rights of Xcet Energy. There are no gas facilities in the subject right-of-way of Woodward Avenue_ Xcel Enargy has no objection to the proposed vacation of Woodward Avenue. %��� „�- E�'r� Si ed Nick J. Boosalis, PE � Xcel Energy - Gas Division 651-22&2317 1�-I 9ios Date No. 3211 P. 1 2 p (� -2-I 2- Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #17-2005 We have no obiections to this vacation To: Phone # Fax # Juan orti.z � �m: '�':.�� City of St Paul Yoar I3ept or tititiry Estate Division 266-8850 Phonen 266-8855 I F� # We will a�prove this vacation. subiect to the followine conditions: For the followine reasons, we cannot aDnrove tlus vacafion: THIS FORMIS TO YACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY ONLY : Vacate Olive Street from Grove Street to 13�` Street and Woodward �venue from Olive to 124.5 East. . � � The standazd Board of Water Commi ssioners easement, whose conditions are described m the attached February 8, 2002 Standard Easement Provisions, shall be retained over those vacated areas that contain water main. , � S � � 5 Signed Date I.'� ou�y�a Standard Easement Provisions Board of Water Con�issioners Revision date: Febzuary 8, ?A�2 That a permanent utiliry easement shail be retained on, over, under and across the vacated area on behalf of the Board of VJater Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul to reserve the right of the Boazd to maintain and operate any water facility in or upon said easement and to enter upon said easement, or any portion thereof, at any rime and from time to time, for the purposes of future conshuction, reconstruction, inspection, maintenance or repair of the sazne, or any part thereof. Said utility easement shall be subject to the foliowing requirements: a. No buildings, structures, trees or any temporary structure, material storage, fixture, or any other objects which may prohibit normal access to water facilities for maintenance purposes will be pernutted within the easement area. b. Improvements in or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit the Boazd from exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written permission from Saint Paul Regional Water Services with the understanding that the restoration and costs of such improvements shall be the sole responsibility of the petitioner, its successors and assigns in the event the Boazd exercises its reserved easement rights. c. Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed or damaged as a result of Saint Paul Regional Water Services operaUOns, all removal, repiacement or modification costs shall be borne solely by the petitioner. d. No change from the exisfing grade within the easement area shail be pernutted without written permission from Saint Paul Regional Water Services. e. No change in surfacing within the easement area shall be pernutted without written permission from Saint Paul Regonal Water Services. f. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend, and save harmless the Board of Water Commissioners of the Ciry of Saint Paul, its officers, agents, employees, and servants from all suits, actions or claims wtrich shall arise from any injuries or dainages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, water main, or connection in said reserved easement, arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of the peritioner, its employees, agents or, business invitees. V:\ENGINEERING\AGREEMENTS UNIT\VACAiION PETITIONS\STANDARD RESPONSES\�EMENT PROVISIONS 02-08-02.DOC p(���1 � To: Juan Ortiz 1 From- Repty to Vacation fnquiry c�cyofst.Pa,� _:�;:�t .. t�� �_: _ File #17-2005 Real Estate Division Phone# 2,((-gg5� Phone# F�u 266-8855 F�# We have no obiections to this vacation We will approve this vacation, subject to the following condifions: For the following reasons, we cannot aporove this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO YACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY ONLY: Vacate Olive Street from Grove Street to 13`� Street and Woodward Avenue &om Olive to 124.5 East. �. ��LaCJ TJ�L o>'C- /11��1v�.r� C ff� o � �'onc� .� �n �/6� ��� _ � � � F.t.e. ��i9�<r�7c�J' ��'e.J'.f ltGon.� j/G��' p,2�1... G2 fic,(�u �� �U°'lLi�'-y�w /JLce��icq . �r iS lj!'G1n�c e. P G✓ .�',� pi �—� f�-✓��C �. .��. >,, � G>acz��q��P ` .9U� �ae.r �.c� ��iJ� / ����C ,�� �'ua�e.a:� poL�.�_:�. /Ja2,l�. l r �ra�•. /Lr� Cu...�^-�` If�2e�%( ,fis.� , s � ^✓ �� Signed �.-.� 6J,J� �,� c/�`�; la-�y� �S Date 2 Q(��Ol� PAC� E Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #17-2005 To: Juan Ortiz From: /�i�Y? t- (,' LDM4 City of St. Paul x �;o����;� ��T Estate Division �� 266-8850 phone#���,33C 266-8855 F ��loi.2. �7 S We have no obiections to this vacation Phone # Fac # We will apnrove trus vacation. subiect to the followine conditions: For the followina reasons. we cannot annrove this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO VACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAYONLY: Vacate Olive Street from Grove Street to 13�' Street and Woodward Avenue from Olive to 124.5 East. 7 . �� � That an easement be reserved in favor of Northern States Power Company d/b/a Xcel Energy, said easement described as follows: The east 10 feet and the west 10 feet of that part of Olive Street lying South of the south {ine of 13 Street; and North of the north line of Grove Street. � Signed � `G� �-D'v� Date 2 o(� -�I � Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #17-2005 We have no obiections to this vacation ro: Juan Ortiz F�om: City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phone# 266-8850 Pbone# F�a 266-8855 F�# We will approve this vacation, subject to the followin� conditions: For the followin� reasons, we cannot avprove this vacation: THIS FORM IS TO VACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY ONLY: Vacate Olive Street from Grove Street to 13`" SUeet and Woodward Avenue from Olive to 124.5' East. The petitioners, their successors and assigns, shall be responsible for all costs and expenses far the reconstruction of both ends of Olive Street at 13th and Cnove Streets, to the satisfaction of the Deparhnent of Public Works, which shall include, but not be limited to, sireet,pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, and boulevard. There are four (4) Street lights on Olive that will need to be removed when the street is vacated. Public Works Maintenance will bill for the removal work. Please contact John McNamara, General Foreman, PW Lighting— Signal Maintenance (651- 487-7209) Applicant should be aware of presence of a number of public utilities that will require relocation if buildings are anticipated for proposed vacated area. There are sewers in Olive, so existing Easements and Maintenance access must remain. ,r.�u- 6�2�Z�Jl� Signed �� Date Colleen Paavola City of St. Paul 2666304 266-8855 � 0 ❑ 2 I I Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #17-2005 To: Phone n Fax n Juan From [����'1� Ciry of St Paul z i_{; _,- Estate Division T ��� 266-8850 phone# j�b 57 266-8855 F�� 2 Z • 4� VJe have no obiections to this vacation We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO VACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY ONLY: Vacate Olive Street from Grove Street to 13'" Street and Woodward Avenue from Olive to 124.5 East. G��r►�1�G��rw 1 z•t5-vS -� AA-ADA-EEO Employer '� � �� t � � Interdepartmental Memorand�m. C1TY OF SAII�'I' PAUL DATE: � �I� " O J To: i> L u, jf �av� �.�?`'� -�oo,�' (DFSTRIC PLANNER) 0 RE: Vacation Request No. 7 'ZOo S� a �� '_ The attached vacation request was received by fhe Plazuung D'vision on review and return comments or recommendations to me by , so thai I may prepaze the Divisions recommendations. ZONING SECTION: Is this vacation proposal also tied io a rezoning or ��ariance request? YES NO If yes, explain below: STAFF COMMENTS OR RECOMMENDATTONS: RurnMw�eKd arr�va�� . ����s� ti �. �5.�; Planners are to return the reviewed vacation request to Allan Torstenson ��� % (Z6�i�g Manager). �� , �� _� {�" - Donna, Penny, and �ucy, Real Estate has changed their form to not request a specific date for return af the information from PED. That is why 1 have not filled in that line on the cover sheeE 1 attach to the vacation request that gets circulated to you. Please con#inue to turn these around asap as vou have in the past. Department of Publie Works Technical Services /Real Estate 1000 City Hall Annex Saint Paul, MN 55102 C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kelly, Mayor November 9. 2005 To the Honorable Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul ������ Phane: (612) 266-8850 Fctz: (612) 266-8855 The City of Saint Paul hereby petitions to vacate its interest an the following street right-of-way : Olive Street from Grove Street to 13th Street and Woodward Avenue from Olive to 124.25' west. This vacation is part of the plans to further develop tt�e Ramsey County Law Enforcement Center and St. Paul Police Depardnent Headquarters (Griffin Buiiding) sites. CITY O AINT PAUL BY �`�� Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) /� / rH y� � The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, this /' 7 day of IVnuE/r/�e7v ,�p S, �C v ♦ City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota. au�ta �. o�ar�z NOtARY PUBLIC- I�1A;Nc�OTA �cqy CIIN?1t:SSiOiV EXplRES.��. Mayor of the Department of Public Works Technical Services /Real Estate 1000 City Hall Annex Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kelly, Mayor November 9, 2005 To the Honorable Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul b(� ��-I 2� Phone: (612) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8855 Ramsey County has interest in property abutting a portion of the following right-of-way being petitioned for vacation : Olive Street from Grove Street to 13th Street and Woodwazd Avenue from Olive to 124.25' west. This vacation is part of the plans to further develop the Ramsey County Law Enforcement Center and St. Paul Police Department Headquarters (Griffin Building) sites. Ramsey County hereby consents to the vacation of the above-mentioned right-of-way. RAMS OUNTY, MINNESOTA BY � �o`-'� :�" a P.e��l.- i�/I n � 0_��2.. IYs: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, this day of , by , the and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. Notary Public U (� -2�! �- Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: All Counc�7 Members From: Bruce EngeIbrekt (c/o 7uan Ortiz) Public Works Technical Services Rea] Estate 1000 City Hall Annex Date: Febniary 9, 2006 RE: Public Works Vacation �11e No.17-2005 (Vacate Street & Alley) I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on Mareh 1", 2006 to consider the petition of the City of St. Paul. This petition is to vacate Olive Street between Grove and 13"' Streets and vacate the alley in Block 3, Patterson's Addition. The purpose of this vacation is to e�and and secure the St. Paul Police Headquarters (Griffin Build'mg) and the Ramsey County Law Enforcement sites. This property is located 'm City Council District 2, Plannmg District 11 . (200517hr.date)