222707 ���u t , k�^;�.,�,. . �"_ . 222'�0'� . i ORIGIHAL TO CITr CLlRK y _ � � CITY OF ST. PAUL fOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED 6Y -"� - � March 30 1965 COMMISSIONE DA � • WHEREAS, The following SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS having met all of the pro- visioas of Chapter 220 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul and having made the proper application for a SIDEWALR CONTRACTOI�S LICENSE, it is hereby _. - � ' RESOLVED, That the said SIDEWALR CONTRACTORS upon providing a bond and the payment of the Fifty Dollars ($50.00) license fee, �,are�� hereby granted a license authorizing them to engage in the business of SIDEWALR CONTRACTOR - in the City of St. Paul for the year 1965. ,� . . . Manfred Anderson Asphalt Driveway Co.lInc. Bor-Son Const.� Inc. �- _ � _ � A1 Ericksen•_t �F.- - _ _ _ �- I .. _' } y 1'1�� � -�, ._._.. _ - - _ . -`�` Gilbert & Roch�Inc.- - � ` "��---- ° � , Hiawatha Cement Co.� Inc. Krey Construction:: Co. t�4 A — Langer Construction Co. L. W. Roe Construction , � ' Jesco,Inc. . , Rraus-Anderson of St. Paul 1 J. S. Sweitzer & Sons Mq� 3 01965 E. J. Pennig Construction Co. COIJNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas , Nays IHAR 3 0 1965 Dalglish Holland � App�'ove 19� Loss � � � � Tn FAVOI' Meredith ,J ���� Mayor .rcLCiavia� A $81IlSt �•---��u ��� �.:�.�'��s5�;,������:� r Mr. Vice President (Rosen) PUBLISHED qpR � '�� ions e-a9 -� . , . ��� d �� OUrLICAT[TO MINTtR , CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCa NO � OFFtCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � fRESENTED tT COMMISSION�w��� DA*F 1�atah 3�Di 1��1 a �� T�e folloxi�a �IDiWALyC CO�TRACTO� tunria= nat all of Lh� pro� tiiaions of C�tsr 220 of tta L�gislatiw Cods of th� City of �t: la�l �n�d tuvi� �ads t�e �re�s a�licatio� �or a �IB�1AI� E;O��A�CTO� LIG�� it ia 6�r�by ' �$OLVSD� Tb�►t th� said SI�TAIx 401��CT0�8 �a �►rovidis� a bowd an�l tt� �a�at of t� lift� �ollan (�50.00) li+��� FN, iare:, i�r�b� �ru�ted a licam�e authoritcin� tha to ��� i� th� bnsic�e�r of SIplWAI.L CO'NT't�CTO� ia ttza City of St. laai for tba �nar 19bS. �fanfrsd And�rsoa , . . . ,As�bait T)riv�+►ay Co�., I�c� �Ol'"�OW �/L♦ ZII6'i A1 =rick�� . 6ilb�rt � �oah In�. ffiavatlu Cta�at �o� I�a� Trs�r Cv�aatruatioa►z Co� ba�r �tructiaa Co� L�. N. �w Conrtructio� J���o Ioc. Xrans-Anabs�soa of �t. tau]. ' J. �. S�+�its�L� ic SoDf S. J. H�i� Coatseestion Co. MAR 3 01955 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays � ��� 3 O ���� Dalglish , Holland f Approved 19— ! Loss �- Fn Favor Meredith /� �cerson— • 1, / Mayor -,R.�es � ASainst �Fii�f�'suic,?nt'A�!av,oii��.� L! .k�.,....�....:.� Mr. Vice President (P.osen) l0][ �-0!