222703 ORII`�iINAL TO CITY CLHWK � � 222��3 . � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO J FFICE O E CITY CLERK IL ON—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED QY COMMISSIONE DATF S WHE�EAS, an inadvertent error appears in a Resolution, being Council File No. 222367, directing a warrant in �he amount of �75 .00 to be paid to William .M. Killeen, Treasurer of Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, said Resolution ahould have provided for payment of thia amount to E� d�Fitzgerald, Q1erk of �he Distriat Court of Ramsey County; now, therefore be it RESOI,VED, That said Couneil File is herewith amended �o direct that a warrant be drawn in the amount of $75 .00 payable to E. J. Fitzgerald, C1erk of the Distriet Court, for the party or parties en�itled thereto. . � , � �O � / " F�? ' P P 0 ED -, .. � O O i� � ' ���- .� .��� sst. Co . tion Ca�nsel �� -� �� � fl E. J. F1TZGERALD CIERK ulalHiCT L:OUR7 RAMSEY S,QUNTY,,�AIN ( I.fJ. �� c1�K/"`' MAR30 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland � Appr ve �� 19— Loss V Tn FaVOr � Meredith e te rs on �f �y�r � ,� 6��td _. R A gainst ' ° '•a�:�"'r'��f,;;.�� S�� Mrs 3Yic�Pzesident (Ros� PUBLISHED �P� � ��� iont aes DUry,ICATC TO rRINT[R ������3 , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIO�NCIL NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORt�! ►RESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DAT� WHEREAS, an inadver'�ent error appeara in a Reaolution, being Cotxncil F13e No. 222367, directing a warrant in the amount of $75.00 to be paid to Wil7.iam M. K�.11een, Trea�urer of Rameey County; and , WHERE,AS, said Resolution should have provided for payme�t of thie amount t4 E. J. Fitzgerald, C1erk of the Dietriat Court of Ramsey C�unty; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That eaid Council. File i� herewi�h amended �o direct that a warrant be drawn in the amount of $75.00 payable to E. J. Fitzgerald, Clerk of �he DiatriQt Court, for the party or parties entitled thereto. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �AR 3 0196�5 9_ Yeas Nays �lglish Approved �AR 3 0196� 19— Holland Loss � Tn Favor Meredith Mayor ��_ �gainst ��-Presid{em,���;Yo�3i:s'� °�E::�?i;•�. ..::�:::c�;:::e::R ��r v��e4President (Ros^n) lOM' 6-6!