222700 222'�GO , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO- ` � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL S LUTI —GEN RAL FORM �RESENTED RY �,Ch 24, 1�5 COMMISSIONE DATF � RESOLVID, That the Council hereby approves the award: of the Contra�t Co�unittee therefor and hereby awaxds contract for furnishing a13 la,bor, ma.terials, equipment and services necessary for or reasona,bly incidental to the Repsa,cement of existing door a,nd frame and plaster repair at the Ford. Brarich Library, 197�+ Ford Paxkway, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to GI�PiASTONE Il�'ROVII�NT COMPANY in accordance with City plan and specifications therefor hereto atta.ched and the Forma.l Bid #1161 of said G].a.dstone Improvement Company for the contract price of $5�+7.00, such bid � being the lowest a.nd sa3d Gla.dstone Improvement Compan�y be3:ng a reasona,ble and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is di.rected to draw up the praper form of contract therefor, and -t�e proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contra,ct on beha,lf of the City of Saint Paul. Forma,l Bid #1161. � . �AR 3 p 1965 COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas NaYs MAR 3 0196� Dalglish � Holland � Approved 19— � Loss Tn Favor � — Meredith , I —��'°� v ACtlld� Mayor A gainst o�t sen ��a;�;;.��� �-��:::: ::.::�::.��.e.�.�;���! ,P4�BLISHED APR S 196� ��,,'Q�President (�Roeen� �^ DUrL10�AT6 TO MtINT[R ' CITY OF ST. P�4UL FOENCIL NO � OFFtCE OF TI-{E �tZY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLIITION--G�NERi4L FORtvI nt��o tr o�,F �s�'eh 2�+, 3965 COMMISSIONE� R�or�D, Tha,t th� eouna3�1 her�sby �gprove� t.he aw�,xa. t�P the ca�n.traat co�i.ttee therefor arld h�er�by a�rard.s con�raat �or �urni�h3ng a11 la,bor, �terials, equipmsnt �na. ser�ri.ees neaeseazy t`or or r�as�,b],y 3ncidenta,l. to � Repl.a.eemant of eaigting doox end fraz� end p3aster rep�,ir �,t the Ford Bran�h �.brax�y, 1g7� �'ord. P�,rk�a�Y, Saint Paul, Mtnn,esot.�. t.� QI�O� I1�i0�P1�T (�O�Y in acc4x'dance �rith , City p3.a.0 �nd speai�3catioas therefor hereto attaa�ed and th� �'ot�..l Bid �1161 af' sa9.d a]�a.�.stor�e I�row�nt Camparpr �or the contr�.ct pr3.c4 0� �52a7.00, su�ch bid baing the lawest �.nd ea,3,d al.�to�e I�rcrr�aant Cot�a�y be3�ng �, r�aa�e.ble �nd re11.�,ble bidder, �nd. the Cor�aor�.�iaai f3ounael be and heraby ie dtrectec�. to dr� u,� the ptbper �orat oP contr�,et tb.�sre�or, and th� pn�per City o�Y3cia].s hereby are authorized to exeaute ga.td �ontr�at bn beha,]� o� the City of Sa3nt Pa,ul. �'or�al Bid �1161. MAR 3 01965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �AR 3 p 1965 Dalglish Holland � Approv�l 19— Los s Tn F'av�r- Meredith F2eEe�-oe— MAyOr �5�_ �gains�t �.�7'ce.iE.iesic���::��,'S:pI?�ge.�� Mr•Yace President (Rosen) iobc a�