222699 �. . O�tIGINAL TO CITY CLLRK 22�s�g � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO r�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U IL S LUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY p�� B?arch 30, 1965 COMMISSIONE RESOLVID, That .the Council hereby concurs in the award of the Coritract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials� tools and equi�ment, also • all services necessary_ to install Chain Link Fences around St. paul �'7ater Department Storage S Reservoir Structures (hicCarron Low 5ervice Tank, McKnight Road SYater Standpipe and �tillwater Elevated Steel Tank) to Ai00RHEAD FENCE DIVISION, �4200RIiEAD MACHINERY Fc BOIL-ER .- � - t--- COMPFNY in accardance with City �lans and specifications therefor hereto attached 2nd � the Formal Bid #f1196 of said Moorhead Fence Division, Rioorhead Machinery & Boiler Company for the contract price of $2933.00, such bid being the lowest and said Moorhead Fence _ .,� Division, Moorhead I�.acHinery & Boiler C�mpany being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to dra�v up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul* - Formal Bicl �#1196. • � ,-� � ` MAR 3 019fi� • COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays Dalglish NfAR 3 019�� Holland r- Approved 19— Los s � ,�L� Tn Favor ` �-- Meredith \ l Pete'rso� U �C¢%� MaYor A gainst �R nq;.+ .;�E..`�.°L;�a���(���iia,���.� Mr._Vi�ce President ERosen) ' io� aaa PUBUSHED aPR � �� Df►LICAT[TO rlIINT[R � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NCI��� `, OFFfCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RF-,SOLUTION--GENERAL FORM COM�MISSONF+ DA� ���h �t �� R�B�LS�D� �ha� th� Councfl hrr�b� concur� in ths a�w'arti oi th�t Contraa� C�it�e t�lr��or and he�b� �rds cantraet to� t�iehi� s11 �bairs ���ri�ls, toq�s and eqai�s��, •l�o �1J. Mraiao� �sa��y t• i�r�a11 t�in L��k I��s aroq�sd St. Paal �et�r D�p�rta�nt �tora�e R�iar�►oir 8tr�cturoa (1icCa�rr�n I,�r Sarv�.tx Tatak, 1�c8aisht Ro�d 1Ki�ter �ta�tdpip� and still�'t�r �J.anat�d Sts�l �'#nk? tt► MQ{RHEAD F�NCB DI'VYSI0�1� 1000diHl�AD YA�iYt�AY h Hf>IL�R COii�ANY i� accardano� w3th City �lana a�d spacific�t�c�s th�rsto� hsreto att�ch�d a�d the �'ox�al Bid 1�1196 0! said Yaorh,aid l�e�►pa Divi�itm� Y�orh�ad lichita�r� � BbiUs Cc�an� �os th� coeatr�ct �r3c� o� $2S��,Od, s�ch bi.d b�is� the I�rsact sad suid ltoorh�ad �'� Divisicf�, 1�oorh�ad Ilqe��,in�t�y i� Bo31er Cqtpatry 3�3�lg s x�es�aon�b�.e �a�►d r��i�bl� biddar �nd th� Coroaratiqn, CQUnsQ].�b� and �reby i� dir�ct�d to dr�x �p th� prop�r �or� �! �cgtract th�l�r�fox, ami th� proper �3tp offic�.aas h�r�by ar1 �uthc�ri:�d to ��cufi� a�id cont��c� oi► laehal! oi the C3��r ot $afnt ��t;l.. �'or�al. Bid �I196. MAR 3 � 1965 COIINCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— . Yeas Nays . Dalglish MAR 3 01965 Holland � Approv�l 19— Loss �_jn Favor Meredith son Mayor ._Res;:— �gBinBt °I►�r:President, `Vavoulis.;� - °-„ - ' ��Ra�^�; _ � �-- 10I[ iq