222683 ..'1' - � -. , ,I,A,__.,.1. _'1;" 1 ` — „" `w ♦ .x' _ ' . .i ' �. �:! 1- ' . 1 _ ' _ ' +ix�R,_sA• � , } ' � '+��j +� .. 9� _ .r Il: � r ' i" _ ' ' _ � ' � _ ` i y�. - _ -' .• , w ' . . ' � . ' - ��.��� � -� �+FI�lAL ORDER � . COUNGHII� FIL� Na _ B� . , - � . File No. - �-675Q � In the Matter of �oa�txu��i�I3 �bl�.� �e�x` iri H(37�' AVEN�J� �'z'� �'eater�z Ave�niu� to Cum'i�er�an� S�reet. - _ . f � µ �M r 1 < under Prelimina,ry Order �� approved Oe`�p1DeZ� �� 1��F ' Intermediary Order approved � A public heaxing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all peraons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, a,nd� having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ;. RESO'LVED, By the Council of the Gity of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement ta be made by the said City is �umberland Street to �cu�t�t�#,�publ3,a sewer �.n H0� AV'EN'U� �a� We�fiQx�n; A`v�n�e �to 8��ier�-5����.. , � , � _ . ._ , - - - -- - - � , - - ; : . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FUR,THE1�,; That the Commisaioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and ' _ directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the praper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- . ° ceed with the maldng of said improvement in accordance therewith. - �COUNCII,MEN • Adopted by the Counci R .��: _� �Yea,s . . ..�. .. Na.ys ' �� ' iDalgaish 9-lolland (�r Approve � L"oss = f r� / � � - - . - OVlereditt� b � � ��{��p'�ET�6t5 o N Favor —�2oseft- � � ���ing Mayor �.�..;�� •s•• �...;.a:::;•r.:;;: �:Ee:.t��!�:�E�:f�::::°sE:�':::::� Against Mr. Vic� �resident (Rosenj ����� �R '� '� 6-68 2M 8 a� R-1 , .. , a� � z.� The order to construct a sewer on HOYT AVENUE from Western Avenue to Cumberland Street, should be amended to readi CONSTRUCT A PUBLIC SEWER IN HOYT AVENUE FROM WESTERN AVENUE TO A POINT 100' EAST OF THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF CUMBERLAND STREET. � � � `� , " r � /��'� r . , OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC 6U ORKS ' ������ REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ������ February 4, 1965 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre— li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 220329 approved_ October 13, 1964 relative to constructing a public sewer . in AOYT AVENUE from Western Avenue to Cumberland Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: , 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� 2,210.80 '�a >>a � 1°� �� � �� F,� �'' � � G �„ a 2. A plan� profile or sketch of said im �o�9e���fi� to attach a n ma ��' � ���� d de a part hereof, ,9�5,� � ��V�o , ����ZZ � 3, Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works "4, Improvement is asked for upon petition ✓ r ` � � Commi ssi oner of Public Works r . �=�y ,'`� � r . ' w " V , � ' St. Paul, 1VIinnSeptember 29s 64 - - ---------------19-------- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the fullowing improvement to be made: . __._____To__extend_.the__existin�__ sewer on Cumberland - ---�------------------------------------------------------------------- • -------- •------------------------ ------------------------------- • --------------------�--------------------------------------------=---------------------St. Ave. from ---�-80�--So.--H-°-yt-------------------------------------�E. Ave. to-------------HQYt--------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------�. Ave. NANIE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland �r�, R �dwin M. Ware's Cumberland �l' � Edwi n M. 1Ja re's Cumberl and° � _ ��a��e Green ' 891 �� �h ��I� �� �►.�� �1y _`�� .� . •— �c. `rv �, � ' `'� ' d', " � � r , � ,'�,p�, � l� _-�;t� �Lt,G� I I I � Y� � '► 1;' 4'r' � '.�` " .' 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INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION �, \ � ', TOt ' Grege Beckett , FROM: Jack OesLauriers • i DATE: March 31, 19b5 I � Reference is made to the order to construct public sewer in Hoyt Avenue �from Western Avenue to Cumberland Street. . ' � As youlrecall, the City Council upon the recommendation of this Department cut the order back to read "Construct public sewer \ in Hoyt Avenue f�om Western Avenue to 100� east of Cumberland � � Street.�� In consideration of the information supplied to us by � Mr. Bell about the Green property ac�oss the street, and the orientation of the plumbing in the Green home, it will be desirable _ to have the Council reconsider their action of March 30, and �escind � their order of that date and pass the order to construct a sewer � ` in Hoyt from Western to Cumberland. , ' ,---���1J �� . - �.� . JDf ba • ' ' - � � ; . . To The Members of the City Council , , . Above you will note an office memorandum addressed to myself from Mr. John DesLauriers, Sewer Engineer, in which ha requests that the order to construct public sewer in HOYT AVENUE from Western to Cumberland be passed as originally suggested by his Departmento As you will remember, this order was amended at the Council , hearing held on March 30, to read "Construct a public sewer in HOYT AVENUE from Western Avenue to 100' east of Cumberland Street. Apparently, the property owners have discovered that because of the location of the plumbing in one particular parcel of property, it would be undesirable to construct this sewer in this manner, and it is the engineering recommendation that the Council reconsider their action of last Tuesday and pass the order as originally written. That is "CONSTRUCT PUBLIC SEWER IN HOYT AVENUE FROM WESTERN AVENUE TO CUt46ERLAND STREET." Thank you for your consideration in this mattero � . You"rs truly9 p,y��� b . . � � � - " �� . �-� � .�`' re e kett � ' Lo a Improvement Engin��' "' b GB/ba • '- . . .' �`� J� _ U - .-'��:.—i-- c _ :_� r. - =-- --- _-_ - - .-- - --� - --r---- ° _ �t_r_� _ - -=- -°I' - .;•. - . r. 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