222662 ORIGIIjAL TO CITY CLHRK �I� C�';����vd OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� o�� % OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE In the matter of improving MOUNDS PARK LOOKOUT from Wilson Street to Short Street bq grading, paving and curbing; by constructing and reconstruct- ing sidewalk; by reconstructing the street returns; by constructing and re- constructing storm water drainage facilities; by constructing parking areas; bq grading, placing topsoil and seeding the site; and by doing all other work that is necessary and incidental to complete this improvement, under Preliminary Order C.F. 220666 approved November 13, 1964 Resolved, That the plans and specifications for the above named im- provement, as submitted by the Commissioner o� Public �lorks, be and the same are hereby approved and be it further Resolved, That the Eurchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. � �AR 2 51965 ��%'� COLJNCILIvIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas NayS 5 �g65 Dalglish �AR 2 Holland � Approved 19_ Loss � � Tn Favor �v �� Meredith D�– � f�Cting MAyor ` A gainst a�,� . �QS��� . �Pres dent, �svo�is. PUBLISHED ,o� �, MAR 2 719� DU►LI�TC TO rA1NTlR �����/, ��H CITY OF ST. PAUL F1�NCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ' rRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONEt I�lilten �Al1lt1 DATF In tha uttar of i�pro�ring N401(D� PAR1C IA� fxow �ff.laan �trsat to �hort �traat by grading, pa�ing and carbfng; by construa�ing and reoanstruct- ing �id�Walk; by r�consCructing th� ctr�et rtturna; by eonstrncCing and re- COA�tilbCtfA�, stor� vater drairu�� Facilities; bq constru�ting parkiag ars�s; bq Er�ding; 'placfn� topsoil,and ,aaeding the site; and b� doing all oth�r vork tihat i� nacas�aryr �ad 3ncidential to caspl�t4 this i�prove�snt, �tnd�r Prmli�inarq Ordar C.�. 220666 appiov�d Mo�r�abar 13, 1964 Aesolvatl, Thst' tha�plan� and spa�ific�tions for the abo�i� sa�d ia+ prov�aent, as subuitted b�r tha �owaiasionar cE Publi� 'fiorke, ba and tha � � ��e are her�tiy aPProv�d �ad be it fnrther �eso].w�d. Tlaat th� PnrchasiA� A,��nt b� �►nd hs is bareby dirscted to adv►ertise for bids on this i�grovesant. ' . , � . , , • ' � • � . , ' � �� . � � ' , ` � � � � r . ' t� r' � . � ��" � , �� ��' y . ,� . 3� �� �� � w� t , . � � . � �IAR 2 51965 COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �pR 2 51965 Holland Appro��1 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson (� � MByor �assn '4 8'ainst . Pres' eat;Vavoulis-1 1on� eas