222651 ORIOIHAL�TO CiTr CLlRK • ' ' .` . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO_ ������ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIlE ' ` �COUNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM , � �RESENTED EY ,-- COMMISSIONE _ " �� DAT� WHEREA� on March 16, 1965, the Honorable George J. Vavoulis sen� a telegram to the Senators and Representatives from Minnesota in Congress assembled, which telegram read as follows: "Americaf s future and confirming symbol of a free and democratic society can only be maintained by all Americans being able to exercise their inalienable right to vote. ''I respectfully urge yo� to let Americans know that the citizens of �aint Faul and Mi'nnesota demand that the right to vote shall be- guaranteed." now, therefore, be it RE�OLVED� That the Council of the Gity of Saint Paul� on behalf of inembers of the Co�.ncil and the citizens of tl�e City of Saint Faul concur in the tenor and import of said telegram and urge that Congressional action be taken to strengthen the Constitutional guarantees to all citizens; and be it FtTRTHEE� RF�OLVED� That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to send certified copie�s of this Resolution to �enators Walter F. Mondale and k�.igene J. McCarthy� and to Representatives Joseph Karth, Clark McGregor, Odin Langen, � Albert Qtzie� Ancher Nelsen� John Blatnik� Donald Fraser and Alec Olson. FQ APPROVED � �sst.. Corporatian C anse! MNtt 2 5 19� COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �AR �" '� ��� Holland � Approved 19— Loss � �`�%/��--, , Tn Favor Metedith � n,.. MA�OY -�— o?hd ✓cCg �n-- As��t Actid9 Mr. President, �a�oviis—�L�e YSa � � '� i�UBLISHED ��R 2 7 996� �o� �� DilPCICAT[TO~rRIHT[R , ����_A� ` ' �� , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �i� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��� NO ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORN! rRESENTED tY COMMISSIONEe DATF i�THEREAS� on March 16, 1965� tho HonQrable George J: Vavoulis sent a t�legra,m to th� Senators and Representatives from Minnesota �.n Cangress �.ssembled� wh3,c�. �e],egram read as �ollows� "�merica' s future and co.nfirming symbol. ofi a free and democr$tic saciety can o�.l.y �e maintained by a11 .Americans be�.ng able to exereise their inalienable riglat �o vot�e. "� xesp�ctgully v.rge you to let Amaricans know �hat the citizens of Saia�.t l�a�t�, anci I�i9.nnQSOta der�a�ad �h�.t . - the righ� to vote shal�. be guaran�eed." now� th�r�ft���� '�e 3t � R�SOLY�U� That the Council of tl�e �ity oF Saint Paul� on b�half of �emfi�exs of �he Cc►�,tncil, and the c3.tizens oF �he C�.ty of Saint pau�. aoncur i,r� tY�e tenor and import of sai.d telegram and urge tha�G �on�res�ional actian be �aken tc� streng�hen the �Qnstit�t�,ona1 gu.arantess �o all c3.ti.zen�; and be �.t FQ�i�HER RL�SO�,�tFDf 7,'Y:�t the City �lerk is hereby authori�ed ax�.d direc�ed to sond cert�.�ied copies of �his Resolution to Sen�tors Wa3ter �. i�ondale and �u.gene J. McCarthy� a�d to Represen�atives �osepk� Karth Clark McGregor� Odin Langen� Albar� Quie� Ancher Nelsens �'ohn B�atnik; l�onald Fraser and Alee Olson. �AR 2 51965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �pR 2 51965 Holland Approv� 19— Loss �� Tn Favor Meredith Peterson U MAyOt V A Bg�gt ��€n— Mr�-,�r�es�iden , io�s e-ss ' s`.,'.r'��. ���� ' ". �� f , ��z.'-'' - ~ _ �• - � ,,< . s� �,.. _ w ' ,'' , '' - . - ` - ' �, � v � A L 'v - ' . .� = ' _. .. _ , . .. _ , r! ` � " . ` .� �' _ , . ., _ � � �.- ., " • • `_ ` ' "? � � • . - � , ` - .. ' ' '. ' = � � .. , . . � . � . � , �' ,�_. '^ ` ' � _ ' y. - . `i ' ,' ` ._J ' .' S ` ` � ; ; r � _ ` _S `, ,}� -. -- ' � - /i e _ • • ' _ � -+ _ •-Y • ` .'_` _ ./ , •L' ' � - ' , , •• ' . • ,. ;i� '�y . . - �` -�- `{_ . ' f '• ' " .! � ' . �. . - � t . _ . ' - ' " � � ', ' '�,.� � , . . ` ' , ' .�= r '• ' � ' . • , s • ,.+ y . � I {�• ~ \• - ' .t .. •' ' . . •_ ` -c F . . �• t - , ' - ' * : � �_' - . • � .'t ,� . ` ' ' .4 ._ �. ' . 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I�da1e � _.'}� ,� � . �. . . . .. : _ , �. . ` -`: - ,� . -� _ -� ` - � -ilni'Ced �te�tes �BetZator ,. - - _ - , ' , _ _' _ _ " , '" , _ '' . - � " Senate-OrPf�.ce•�u3�+d�i6 �' • ."�-.'. . _ - � = . � ; , ,- . : � '� . .. - � � �ash�gto�a,-D. .C•_ . , _ _, _ , � • - . - . ,- . , � : _� _ - . � _ t , . . -, , _- i � - , . � _ � , ' . �� � - � .. , � . � :I�ax� 8i.r i -__ � ; . - , - , -, - . - " " _ • . � � � ':,. � �. - � -. . ` ' " ; . , ' � � -- � - . : . . -- _ _ _ � � : Et�alosed �s e�.certif'�:e _ opy: o�f �:� olution ci� the 8t���Paul Ci�r - � . � ,_ . ' - � . -C.AUipci7. tu'g�Clg•th�'���y. l�t;Ame�s }s�qow-tl�£ tY�e'c�ti.zezt� o� . - . -_ :� °- . �'.Se�#.t� Pau1 and M7xlneso iemaud '�1� xight to rvote a.b�7.1�'�'�: - - . •,• -- _ ' - � g1�ax'a�►t,eec� a�7. . � .- _ . - - '�.' _ _�, , ' _._ _ -_'-.� .� � ,. ... n- . '� _; _ _ -_ _ ' _ - - ' z ;,�. � ; . -` - _ , Very ti-u7,y 'yQUrs i , . . � , , _ . � ' .,� - . . ..,-,�, , L ' .-� � �. =�'. �-4 `,. � , .. ..� ' --.. City Clerk _ ` ` �- � � - � • . � �_ ,ry ' _ 'a o �/� ' -• T , . ; t•' `� • ` ' .� . ' • , � � ~ - •? ` ' I -. . '' .• �$� 9eli4,t�•i' "'i'.. �� - ' T � - . - . �,r �- .` � �4 ._. • . � , __ . _r ' .� r . ' '_,�. ' -_ n '" � . ._ T _-- � ., � ` + � . Y . ' ' ` ' � - `." �Senators Walter.F. .P'iondale arx�`Eugene� J,.McCarthy, � - � � _ � :. ~ . - . �°; ' SRepr.esentatives� Joseph Karth, Clarlc McGregor, Odin' Langen, 'Albext Quie, � ". � _ t� - ` � � Arich,er Nelsen, Jol�-Blatnik,'Donald FraseT and Alec Olson._ ". _ _ �-. � . � '_ - - - � - . � _:,� . , � - :' � ., - �• i • . -'. ` ." , _ - - - • • _ ° " , ' � . - - _ � � �- �.;a -- ' -.'� . :.; � _ . _ - � : , ,- _ � e ' ' t,- . - . � .. . - , _ ' ,_ ; '- ,- ` : � ,., • . ',. . _. � _ ' . ' � .: ' •' - ``- ' - -. - •ti�.- P=.` . � _ ' , '� .�-- .- ' - . . . _ _ • _ . ' � � , _ _ • '._ �`f " - ' . „ -, -� .. -' : . . = - �.� ., . -_ ... _ -. � � ' . - �. . - ,:: x . �_ : - _ - _ : . . � . , . _ . - . . - • . - ' ' � . � . .� - ` ' _, . . ; `_- . , . _ , - .� - _`.• , n 4 , .J _ � .. � ' - ` � + e ' � . . , - . . . . . • - . - � _ - �. � : , _ � _ . , . � - - r r � � . � � �. , : . -, - , . . , t_ . - - - . : � . � _. _ ` , • , � 2�.� � OQIN LANGEN 1519 Lorrawoart�OFFlCe B!. 7TH DISTRICT,MINNESOTA r TELEPHONE:CAPITOL 49121 Exr�Sla+2185 COMMITTEEs � APPROPRIATIONS �o�gre�� o� t�je �t�ite� �tate;� HOME:KENNmY.MINN. �ou�e of �ie�re�etttati�e� �ECUTIVE3ECREfARY AUDREY HAGEN �a�jit�gtOri,�.(�. March 29, 1965 Nlr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr. City Clerk City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear N1r. Gerber: Thank you for your courtesy in forward- ing me a copy of the resolution of the St. Paul City Council urging that the right to vote be guaranteed to all citizens. I am plessed that you have forwarded this concern registered by the Council in behalf of the citizens of St. Paul. With best personal regards, S n yours, r V � / 0 N LANGE Member of Co ess OL:c� DONALD M. FRASER FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Sn+D�srw�cr.M�rwfieaiq WfoCOMMITTEEa: 492 HWS6OFFIGE BUIIJ71N0 $TAT6 DEPARTMElII'OROANIZATION � CA 48121.�.4�58 �or�gre�� o� t�je �t�fteb �ta�te� �Faa��aN Or�nu+a DALE MAGIVER INTERNAT�OtUL OftGAN�zATiONB �nMiN�ern�nve�ssisr�e�r �ou�e of �te�re�entatibe� �r+o Mw�sr+ra �as�jfrtgto�,�.(�. 20515 March 30, 1965 Mr: Robert B. Gerber, Jr. City Clerk . City of St. Pau1 386 City xall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Gerber: Tha.nk you very much for your letter of Ma,rch 25th enclosing a copy of the resolution of the St. Pa,u1 City Council concerning the voting rights of all Americans. I am. very pleased to knaw of this action by the City CoU.ncil and T appreciate your sending me a copy of the resolution. With best wishes. S' erely, Dona,ld M. F`raser /xNCHER NELSE[�I COMMITTEES: HUTCHINSON�MINtg50TA INTERSTAT6ANDFOREIGNCOMM6RCS DIBTRIGT OF COWMBIA • 2o Diarix�cr Courmes, BROWN R� NICOLLET (�or�gre�� o� t�je �r�f teb �ta�te� OFFICE: CARVER NOBLES ROOM 1539 COTTONWOOD PIPESTONE LANGWORTti HOUSE OFFICE B�cc. FARIBAULT ROCK T�EpHOnl6s CA 4-8121,Ex7.2472 JACKSON SCOTT �ou�e of �e�re�entatibe� LeSUEUR SIBLEY McLEOD WASECA ����l���Y��f �• �Lli� MARTIN WATONWAN J �� March 30, 1965 Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr. City Clerk Office of the City Clerk City of Saint Paul Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Gc�rber: Thank you for providing me with a copy of the resolution enacted by the St. Paul City Council urging that Congressional action be taken to stren�then the Constitution to insure that the right to vote shall be guarantePd all Americans. I am pleased to have this expression from the Council as well as the telegram from Mayor Vavoulis. I am sure the over�ahelmin� majority of Armericans believe deeply that the basic, Constitutional right to vote without re�ard to race, color, creed or sex must be guaranteed to all citizens of this country. I share that view. The task at hand is more fully insuring the right to vote without doing basic violence to exist- ing Constitutional provisions nor impairing state and local voting controls where these are fairly admittistered. Please express my gratitude to the Council and Mayor Vavoulis for their willingness to speak out upon this fundamental question, and assure them of my interest and concern in such voting rights legislation as will do the job--insuring all Americans the right to the ballot without regard to the color of their skin. Sincerely yo rs, ��� � . � Ancher Nelsen, M. C. � lj � HARRY RLOOD BYRD.VA.�CHAIRMAN �� RUSSELI.B.LONG,LA. JOHN J.WILLIAMS,DEL. 6EORGE A.SMATHERS.FLA.� FRANK CARLSON,KANS. CLINTON P.ANDER30N�N.MIX. WALLACE F.BENNEPi.UTAH PAUL H.DOU�LAS.ILL.. CARL T.CURTIS.NEBR. .ALBERT GORE,TENN. THRUSTON B.MORTON,KY. HERMAN E.TALMADGE�QA. EVERETi MCKINLEY DIRKSEN.ILLs �Cr���e� ,��cxf e� ,�er�af e EUGENE J.MCCARTHY.MINN. VANCE HARTKE,IND. �.w.pui.eRiaHr,�RK. COMMI'ITEE ON FINANCE A6RAHAM RIBICOFF.COMI. ELIZABETH B.SPRIN6ER.CHIEF CLERK March 30, 1965 Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr. City Clerk, City of Saint Paul . 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � Dear Mr. Gerber: I appreciate having a copy of the resolution of the St. Paul City Council in support of voting rights legislation. _ The President' s message, I believe, has set 'the course for immediate action with reference to voter registration. I think the proposal for federal reg- istrars comes very late. In 1960, I supported an amendment which was defeated. This amendment provided for federal registration. Again in 1963, I co-sponsored legislation which was re- jected as a part of the civil rights bill and which also provided for federal registration. I shall certainly support the strongest possible measures, as I believe the federal gov- ernment has primary responsibility to protect the voting rights of the people of the country, not only in federal elections but in state and local elections as well. I also believe we should give some thought to procedures whereby the authority of � J.. • Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr. March 30, 1965 page 2 the federal government can be more readily and - effectively exercised when the basic rights of Americans are denied or withheld, either by extra-legal forms or by local police or military authorities. Third, I believe, and do hope in view of Selma and other recent incidents, that the Senate of the United States will change its . rules so as to permit an end to debate by majority vote. I think all of these things are necessary as conditions to insuring indi- vidual rights and liberties of Americans. With best wishes. . Sincerely yours, Euge J. c arthy � EJM:aw JOSEPH E KARTH • toxxmee ox 1rx Dissa�tt,Mixxesor� SCIENLE AND ASTRONAUTICS � J2G CANNON OfFlCE BOILWHG SOBCOldYliTEB ON • ���" �ottgreg� of t�je �ttfteb �tate� NASA OVERSIGHT 7�ou�,�0� �e„�E�,e���tt�e� cxen�wu+.swcabdmee an a�t �r � SPACE SCIENCES AND �agljington,�.f�. 20515 �PLICATIONS April 2, 1g65 . Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr. City Clerk City of St. Pa.ul 386 Cit3. xa11. St. Paul, Nlinnesota 55102 Deax Mr. Gerber: Tha.nk you for your thoughtfl�lness in sending me a copy of the resolution of the St. Pa,ul City Cauncil, dema.nding that the right to vote sha.11 be guaranteed all Americans. Sincerely yours, h E. Kart JEK:eb r �'�--Z b �I CLARK MACGREGOR � COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY THir�Disnucr.Mna+esor� ' � DISTRICT OFFICE: WA3HIN6TON OFFICE: 120 U.S.CAU�E • 996 CAM�ION OPPIGE BUILDINCi 1� P �,}(.��, �Ay P MIlWEAPOLim.MINNESOTA PFfGNE�225-2871 �Co�gre�� o� t�je �i�V� pf��K�V� PHONE�894-2179 ADMIMSTRATIVEA9516TAHT: '�DU�4 O� �`�`E�G+`���V`� OIBTRICTREPREmQl�AT1VE DAVID N.KROfaSENCa ROBERT A.McCANN • �as'�jfngtori,�.�. 20515 April 9, 1965 Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr. Office of the City Clerk • City of Saint Paul Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Gerber: � Thank you for your recent letter on voting rights legis- lation aad the eaclosure. As a member of the House Judiciary Co�ittee, I am par- ticularly concerned that we take the aecessary stepe, in accordance with the provisions of the U. S. Coastitution, to promptly and ef- fectively guaraatee the right of every qualified American voter to register and cast his ballot, and to have that ballot counted, in all elections regardless of his race, color, or creed. Whether this legislation is the bill I introduced some time ago, whether it is the modified Administration recommendations, whether it is all or part of the legislstioa introduced by other Congresamea, or whether it is a combination of the faregoing ia aow being determiaed by the House Judiciary Camnittee. I trust that a Constitutionally proper legislative end-produc� will be pro- duced shortly. Siacerely, ;����.�e /�� Congressmaa Clark MacGr CM:sk Encl. A:WIWS fiOBERTSON�VA:�CHAIRMAN JOHN SPARKMAN�ALAr WALLACE F.BENNFTT�tJTAH PAUL H.OOUGLAB.ILLt JOHN G.TOWER.TEX� WIWAM PROXMIRE.WISt 6TROM THURMOND�B.0 HARRISON A.WILLIAMS�JRe�N.J: BOURK6 B.HICKENI.00PER�IOWA r EDMUND 3.MU3KIE,MAINE ��,��e� ,��af e� .�er�caf e EDWARD V.LON6,MO. MAURINE B.NEUBERGER,OREO. THOMAS J.MC INTYRE�N.H: WALTER F.MONDALE,MINN. � COMMI7TEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY MATTHEW HALE�CHIEF OR STAFF ' April 7, 1g65 Mr. Robert B. Gerber� Jr. City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St . Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Gerber; Thank you very much for sending me a copy of the resolution of the St. Paul City Council urging my support for Congressional action to guarantee the right to vote to all citizens . Would you please convey to Mayor Vavoulis and the distinguished members of the City Council my appreciation for their support in this matter. As you know, I have co-sponsored the Voting Rights Act of 1g65, and intend to work to improve that legislation so that the 15th Amendment guarantee of voting rights will be real and effective for all our citizens, whatever race or color. Very truly yours, . WALTER F. MONDALE ALBERT H.QUIE courR�es: 1SpD1ETRICT,MINN660TA DAKOTA MOWER DODGE OLMSTED FILLMORE RICE COMMITTEES: FREEBORN 8TEF1E � A6RICULTURE �or�gre�� of t�je �rrite� �ta:te� 6OODHUE WABASHA EDUCATION AND LABOR HOUSTON WINONA �ouge of �e�re�etttatibeg � �a��jf�gton.�. Q�. April 13, 1965 Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr. City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Gerber: Thank you for your letter of March 25 and the enclosed resolution of the City Council concerning the strengthening of constitutional guarantees to all citizens of the right to vote. I have long felt the need for voting rights legis- lation, and it is for that reasoa that I introduced my own bill some time ago, along with a number of my Republican colleagues, in order to emphasize the urgency for strong voting rights legislation. The House Judiciary Subcomnittee is now consider- ing voting rights legislation, and I am hopeful that a strong bill will be reported at an early date for action on the Floor and pasaed at aa early date. I will be working hard for such an a�compliahment. ' ia erely your T H. QUIE Member of Congress AHQ/mm , .y ' ,} t ' For release Wednesday, March 31, 1965 Congressman Clark MacGregor 336 Cannon Office Building VOTING RIGHTS: HOW BEST Washington, D. C. 20515 TO GUARANTEE THEM The most vital problem before the Congress of the United States today ia the question of new voting rights legislation. The legislative effort this year began on February 8. On that day a number of Republicans in the Rouse of Representatives introduced legielation, The bill now has some 30 sponsors, of which I am one. This legislative approach would build on the 1957, 1960, and 1964 Civil Rights Acts. The legislation would give to the Executive Branch of the United States government, the power to take the initiative in setting in motion the pro- cedure £or regiatering peraons who allege that they have been denied the right to vote in any case where a Federal Court is alow to act or negligent in the conduct of its responaibilities. � The bill would require the court to promptly take a poeition; with the right to vote justice delayed is truly �ustice denied. We would provide that where a court finda that 50 or more qualified citizena in a voting district have been denied the right to vote, the Federal Court muat find that a pattern or practice of discrimination exisCs. Having found auch pattesm or practice, the court must appoint one or more federal registrars to register citizens similarly situated within the area who have been denied the right to vote. If the court fails to make the finding or fails to appoint registrars within 40 days, the PresidenC shall do so if he receivea certified statementa under oath from 50 qualified citizens in the area that they have been denied the right to vote. Thereafter, the Federal registrars shall receive applications and reg- ister qualified citizens within the area. Any applicant who has a sixth grade educaCion shall be deemed to have complied with all literacy, education, knowledge or intelligence requirements. Registrars should also diaregard any poll tax re- quirements. Federal registrars would have the duty of overseefng any elections in the affected area. If local voting officials refuse to permit persons to vote who have been registered by the federal registrars, these persons would be held in contempt of court. On March 17, the Administration bill was final�.y presented to the Congress. This legislation is predicated exclueively on the 15th Amendment. That Amendment provides that "the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account VOTING RIGHTS: flOW BEST TO GUARANTEE THEM March 31, 1965 - Page �2 of race (or) colo� .�." The Congress, in Section 2 of Amendment 15, is apecifi- cally empowered to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. The Adminiatratioa bill, unlike the bills that were introduced in Feb- ruary, would bypass the courta completely in ite initial application. Also, unlike the earlier legislation, it would not cover discrimination throughout the country but would apply only to selected a.reas, primarily in the Deep South. The Congress ia now dealing with the following queationa raiaed by the Administration's bill: 1. Whether the bi11 is appropriate legislation to implement the 15th Amendment and whether a etate can be barred from uaing, as a test for qualificatione for voting, a proper literacy examination. The Supreme Court held generally, as late ae 1959, that literacy tests were proper. 2. Whether the basic assumption can be used that a coinci- dence of low registration or voting and the use of voCer tests proves that there has been discrimination because of race. 3. Whether the burden of constitutionality can be placed on a state to show that it has not discriminated for a past period o£ up to 10 years, rath�$ than continuing to re- quire the Justice Department to prove that it has in fact discriminated, These queations are aow before both the House and the Se�ate. I am satisfied that we will promptly resolve theae questions and approve an effective voter registration bill which will not violate any provision of the Constitution, either the 15th Amendment or those parts of the Conatitution which leave to the atates the right to establish voter qualifications. - 30 -